Snow White and the Seven Dildos - Cover

Snow White and the Seven Dildos

Copyright© 2021 by GrushaVashnadze

Chapter 3

Humor Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The story we all know and love... with a few differences...

Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Teen Siren   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Fairy Tale   High Fantasy   Humor   Magic   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   Oriental Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Facial   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Public Sex   Royalty   Transformation  

Snow White walks swiftly, escorted through the Forest by her animal friends. Tears run down her face now, as she realises the sheer horror of her situation. “The Queen wants me dead! Oh, how utterly awful! So, to the Far Kingdom must I escape. But then what? And who will take care of me now?”

She walks, and as she walks her friends bring her sustenance – berries and nuts and wild fruits – and guide her to springs of cool water where she may slake her thirst. But as darkness begins to fall, and there is no sign of reaching the other side of the Forest, let alone the Far Kingdom, she asks, “But where, O dear chums, can I spend the night? I am not like you, used to sleeping under the stars. I am a Princess, and must have a bed for the night, don’t you know?”

The animals confer briefly, chattering and hooting in heated deliberation, before leading the Princess off the main path at an angle, over a rise and down a steep incline, into a clearing with a stream running through it and, over the other side of a low footbridge, a small, thatched oak-beamed cottage.

It is dusk now, and the light is failing fast. “Who lives here?” asks the Princess. “And is it safe?” The animals seem to shrug their shoulders, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot – but Snow White’s question is answered forthwith, as the front door of the house opens, and a small light appears floating in the doorway. The light floats down the garden path towards Snow White and her friends, at about the height of the Princess’ eyes, all the while glowing with a strange magical purple hue. It stands vertically, about eight inches long and thick as Snow White’s slender wrist. As it approaches it become clear what it is.

“Oh I say!” exclaims Snow White. “It’s a Dildo! A Magic Dildo! How awfully jolly!”

The purple floating luminous Dildo throbs and pulsates with a magic internal light. It appears to bow, and then beckon. As Snow White follows, more floating shining Dildos appear at the doorway to the Cottage – seven of them in total, all colours of the rainbow, glimmering and pulsating seductively.

“Ohhh!” sighs the Princess. “I’m sure I will be very comfortable here!” She steps over the threshold into the Cottage, escorted by the Seven Dildos, and gently shuts the door behind her.

“FILL THAT FUCKING FUNDAMENT, MIRROR MINION! REAM MY ROYAL RECTUM!” screeches the Queen. She is on her hands and knees on the marble floor, her bottom pressed hard against the steamy surface of her Mirror, as she feels his invisible Magic Manhood pound mercilessly in and out of her anus. “Cum in my fucking filth-pot and tell me I am the Fairest of Them All! For Snow White is dead, her heart excised by my faithful Royal Huntsman. Now there is none to challenge me!”

“If thou wouldst have me proclaim thee Fairest in the Land, O Quimly Queen,” pants the Mirror, “then let me see thee with all my Mirrorly Milt over thy Fair Fucking Face. Thy hair may be dark, thy skin pale, thy lips rouge – and, naturally, thy Courtly Cunt and August Arsehole unsurpassed – but, what if covered in cum, O Motherfucking Majesty? Will thy cream-covered features prove a Visage Victorious or Vile, a Face Fair or Foul?”

“Then squirt your Judgment of Jizz all over my Fucking Features, my Masturbating Minion,” calls the Queen, whirling round and lifting her face in luminous anticipation, “and thou shalt surely see that Cum-Covered I am yet fairer than any in the Land. Watch thy Windowpane Wanksnot decorate me, see thy Enchanted Effluent embellish me, make me fairer still fuck-slimed than ever befoaaargh...” Her eyes shut but trembling in ecstatic expectation, she opens her mouth wide, her tongue extended and drooling, panting like a bitch on heat.

“THEN TAKE THIS, YOUR WHORISH HIGHNESS!” bellows the Mirror, as his cum squirts powerfully from his invisible member. The Queen feels the first few spurts land on her tongue, and moans in pleasure as she tastes the salty seed. Like pungent chlorinated cream, it fills her mouth until it overflows, dribbling down her chin and dripping onto her full breasts. She closes her mouth and swallows, feeling the mouthful of warm mirror-cum caress its way down her throat.

But the Mirror has not finished, of course, and continues to splatter magic gloop over the royal visage. “OH FUCK!” screams the Queen, as she feels multiple spurts of semen cover her face and hair, gluing her eyes shut, forming great rivulets down her forehead, cheeks and nose. Now glubbing and choking on the surfeit of fucksauce covering her face and filling her mouth, she screeches, “BEHOLD, MY SORCERER SERF, MY WANKING WINDOWPANE! See how fair is thy Queen when drowned in dick-juice, covered in cock-sauce, submerged in semen! Does not thy jism adorn me perfectly? Am I not the Fairest Fuck-Face in the Land?”

“Fair art thou, O Motherfucking Majesty!” proclaims the Mirror, as his cum continues to splatter over his mistress, cascading down her breasts, stomach and crotch, to form a large slippery puddle which spreads over the marble floor. “Thy hair, thy skin, thy lips, thy tits, thy cunt, yea thine arse are fairer and more fuckable than near any in the Whole Wide World. But thou art deceived, O Majesty, for Snow White liveth still! And whether pristine of face or covered with cum, she still surpasseth thee in beauty, O wretched cum-soaked Queen.”

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