The Broken Circle
Copyright© 2021 by P. Tango
Chapter 2
Hi again. As I said before, I was not planning to write anything, this is just an attempt to stop thinking about this particular scenario. Yes, I need an editor. No, I don’t have one ... yet. Yes, I know the chapters are quite small. I expect this story to have 5 or 6 chapters tops, and for my next story I do hope to have an editor. Perhaps in the future I will edit this story to reflect whatever new writing skills I might acquire. For now, I ask for your patience and understanding. Also, if anybody wants to provide an alternate ending, they are welcome to do so. In fact, I would be delighted to see what better, more experienced writers can do with my poor first effort.
Everything had started a few months ago, during the monthly party. The female cousins were talking during one of the breaks, and Emily had mentioned Paul’s upcoming initiation into the circle. One of the cousins said that she had no intentions of having sex with “the Tubby”. A third one started to criticize his geekiness, and from there it snowballed, all of them saying the same thing: Paul was welcome to join the circle and to have sex ... with somebody else. Somehow idle talk morphed into a certainty, and when the older relatives heard about it, it was already too late. When Paul’s turn came, none of the younger females -including his sister- would have sex with him.
The older ladies of the circle had a meeting to discuss the problem. One of their fundamental tenets was that “no means no”, so it was a given that nobody would ask the younger women to do what they didn’t want to do. So they decided, to spare him the humiliation, to exclude Paul from the circle. Using “having a normal life” as a pretext, they expected him to be hurt, but they thought that it was better than knowing that nobody wanted him sexually. It was not a perfect solution, but it would have to do. But it hadn’t.
A couple of days after Paul’s leaving, another meeting took place. John, Martha’s older brother, his wife Bridget, Kate, Martha’s younger sister, and Martha.
“So we tried to spare him the pain ... and we messed up” sighed John. The other three nodded in agreement.
“It’s not fair”, complained Martha. “I ... we had no idea of how shitty his school life was. The same for his life at home. I thought it was just normal family rivalry, not that he was being ignored by his siblings.”
“Any idea of where is he now?” asked Bridget.
“None. When he left he took all his money. His phone number is disconnected, I assume now he has another number. He’s not answering my emails either. My poor son, he could be anywhere...”
“Well, today he turns 18 and we know he left willingly” -said John- “So we can’t report him as a missing person. I assume that at some time he will get his GED since he didn’t finish school.”
“You are talking as if he will never return” commented Bridget.
“Well, if I were him I wouldn’t” stated John. He had been abroad in business, so he hadn’t attended to the previous meeting. “Of all the possible solutions, you chose the worst one”.
“But what other solution we had? asked Bridget.
“As I see it, the girls didn’t want him because he’s shy and fat. But we all know shy and fat guys manage to have girlfriends, sex and relationships all the time. Also, so what if the girls didn’t like him? In our circle we have at least four or five mature women who could have taught him to please a woman and, who knows? Perhaps if the girls saw one of you having sex with him and enjoying it, they would have been curious enough to try him. But none of you thought about it, right?”
“Well, if you put it that way ... no, we didn’t think about that” admitted Bridget.
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