Hostess at Ladies Night - Cover

Hostess at Ladies Night

Copyright© 2021 by Samantha Burnett

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Samantha decides to go work at an erotic club on ladies night, not realizing how demanding this experience will be, and what it will eventually lead to. Expect lots of humiliation, objectification, and eventually, a situation she cannot escape from anymore.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Foot Fetish   Leg Fetish   ENF   Prostitution   Violence  

Everything that happened that night after my daring, freaky, humiliating adventure was a bit blurred in my mind. As if it wasn’t really me. I remember how I took a hot shower after I got home, and even then it felt as if those hands were still on me. Slapping my butt, caressing my legs, even playing with my toes. It was a very confusing mix of unfamiliar excitement and deep shame, which caused me to masturbate three times that night, in my usual position, on my stomach, hand under me, until I fell asleep, completely exhausted.

The next day, surprisingly, I felt completely zen. As if a major burden just dropped off my shoulders. I was enjoying every little thing, and even though I was quite slow, I experienced everything as if my mind was really into it. It felt as if I had found a moment of inner rest.

But things didn’t stay like that for very long, as I started to become aware of what I actually did, and of what actually happened. I even became a bit paranoid. I avoided looking into people’s eyes when walking down the street, on my way to the gym, at the mall, on my way to college, afraid that they’d recognize me. I thought I recognized Gab on my way to a lecture at one point, and it freaked me out. I swear those eyes were looking for me. It felt as if people were undressing me with their eyes, and that I had “slut” written on my forehead. I was afraid that everyone knew what I had done.

Yet, a few weeks later, my mind was filled with flashes of that crazy night once again, and again I found myself getting turned on and masturbating to these twisted memories.

My paranoia decreased as I grew slightly more at ease with the idea of what I did. I wasn’t going to run into someone who’d recognize me from the club. I wasn’t suddenly going to face Missy or Gab. People around me didn’t know what I did. It was in a completely different area of the city. No one knew.

Worse yet, I even played with the idea of maybe, ever, one day, doing it again, contrary to what I promised myself. But these were ideas that entered my mind whenever I was once again masturbating to the memories of what happened, and they left my mind as soon as I was done. The memories were enough to keep me going. But they definitely did keep me going.

I wanted to not fantasize so much, or think too much about sex in the first place, as I still felt that shame deep inside of me for the memories that would inevitably come up. I even actively tried to think of normal things - the things I used to fantasize about before all of this happened. Most times though, I failed.

Then, one early Tuesday evening I was just browsing through shirts on a rack at a department store downtown after I ate some noodles for dinner at a place close to the college campus, when I heard a vaguely familiar voice aside from me.

“Wow, hey, is that you??”

I couldn’t believe my eyes as I then looked into the direction the voice came from. My mind raced, and for seconds, I couldn’t think at all as I froze to the ground, and even looked around us to see if no one was watching. It was one of the housewives who had paid for me at the club. The one I didn’t get the name from, but who had been relatively nice to me, compared to her friend. Of course, they were just playing a game then.

“You’re Crystal, right?”

She continued, as my face must have looked puzzled while I felt so very confused about how to respond.

“Oh, hi, yeah,” I then answered awkwardly, pretending I only remembered her vaguely. I gave her a polite smile.

“I thought I recognized you! I’ve actually been looking for you,” she then continued.

“Oh, have you?” I answered while trying to sound somewhat casual. I didn’t know what to think of this situation.

“Yeah, I mean I went back to the club last week, but you weren’t there, Jen told me you were sick. But I see you’re all better now.”

I couldn’t come up with anything better than just smile and nod as if she was telling the truth. I was a bit surprised hearing Jen being mentioned. It made the whole thing so real again in an instant, instead of the distant fantasy I tried to make it into this last month.

“She wouldn’t give me your number, you know, for privacy and all that, but I actually wanted to ask if you’re available Friday night for a birthday party. You know, just by the hour, a bit more chill than at the club. I actually booked Chloe, you know her, right? The petite Asian one. But if you’re available, I’ll cancel her. You know, just for the money straight in the pocket like I agreed with her. If you give me your phone number I can let you know what time and so on, OK?”

She was talking fast, and I felt overwhelmed. I didn’t know what to answer, I was just too confused about this unexpected encounter. Sure, I had played with the idea of going back to the club, but that was only while being turned on and masturbating. But in some strange way, the idea appealed to me.

“Oh I ... have an appointment Friday,” I lied in a somewhat apologetic tone, as if I was open to the idea, but just apologizing for the schedule.

“Alright, so is Saturday good?” She immediately pushed back, and left me wondering whether she’d just reschedule the party for it.

I didn’t have time to think, and in an impulse, I answered.

“Yeah I think Saturday works...” I answered, as I was very much torn between wanting to do something like this again, and promising myself that I’d never do something like this again.

“OK great, well I’ll need to make sure she’ll be OK with Saturday too, so if you just give me your number, you can check your schedule, and I can give you the details.”

“Uh yeah, of course” I nodded, and before I knew it, I was standing there in that big department store with this woman I knew from my recent, very secret adventure, actually giving out my number for what seemed to become yet another adventure. I thought I had made up my mind on this.

“Okay great, got it. It really is true what they say, none of you shy away from a little extra cash on the side.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, and I must have had just a stupid grin on my face. Again, I didn’t deny anything she was insinuating.

She was still looking on her phone.

“Ah, I should get going. Wow, I’m so glad I ran into you again! Hope to see you soon, baby.”

And before I knew it, the woman who looked like a housewife, who was probably old enough to be my mom, gave me a quick goodbye hug, and I felt a weird tingle in my stomach when her hand even slightly caressed over my jeans wrapped butt, while she finished the hug.

“See you Saturday, don’t forget!” She sounded cheerful as she left for the exit.

My knees felt weak as I just stood there, barely realizing what just happened. Did I really just agree to ... I didn’t even know what I agreed to.

While taking the subway back to my apartment, I started to feel that same adrenaline that I felt right before I worked at the club. That mix of excitement and extreme nervousness. The mix of dirty and wrong on one hand, and an obsessive craving at the other.

It became the only thing that I thought about the rest of the night. I tried to continue watching that Netflix series I was binging, but I didn’t pay attention. I tried to study, but I didn’t absorb anything. My mind was just way too distracted.

Then suddenly, I got a text from an unknown number on my phone.

“Hey nice name, Samantha ;) Want me to call you that, or you prefer Crystal for this?”

I blushed as I read it. As if a piece of this was now entering my private life. Damn texting service, giving away my real name to anyone who had my number. Of course, I knew who it was. Even though I still didn’t even know her name.

I finally set myself to text her back after minutes.

“Prefer Crystal ;) Just realized I didn’t catch your name so far ;)”

It took seconds before I got an answer.

“I prefer it too. Hot, naughty little Crystal...?”

Again I blushed. As if that atmosphere from the club was suddenly here in my phone. It felt a bit too embarrassing to answer that. I didn’t really know what she was trying to do. I decided to just send a wink.


“Was that a yes?” I got almost instantly.

“That was a yes ;)”

“Good girl...;)”

I suddenly remembered bits of how she treated me at the club. I had blocked most of it in my mind, but now there was no escape from those memories. That almost downright belittling tone, especially from her friend. Wait. This wasn’t about THAT friend’s birthday, was it? What was her name ... Kath! Oh come on, she would have mentioned that. Besides, her friend didn’t seem too happy about seeing me back in the club. No, that was out of the question.

I kept pondering about so many things. What did that even mean, “by the hour”, as she called it? It sounded as if it was a common thing in this world of strip clubs and so on. I just imagined that she wanted to surprise her friend on her birthday, and that she wanted me to give her some sort of striptease. She knew what I was. Or well, she knew what I did at the club. So she’d be expecting more of that. Somehow, asking her about these things felt impossible. For some reason, I didn’t want to come off as being new to all this, even though it would have cleared many things up if I just asked. I didn’t. I didn’t know how to ask in a way that would make me look like something completely ignorant.

Saturday was only three days away. I didn’t even know why I told her I didn’t have time Friday, but did have time Saturday, while I didn’t have anything planned for Friday in the first place. It was the confusion and doubt of that moment that tripped me up.

“Oh yeah, I’m Debra, by the way.” Suddenly I got another text from her.

Shortly after, she continued.

“Took some planning but Saturday works for my friend now!” I then got from her, suddenly giving me the feeling that I was obliged to actually come. I couldn’t possibly refuse now that they apparently even rescheduled the party because of me.

“Great!” I answered, not really knowing what else to respond with.

It took another few hours until she messaged me again.

“Would be nice if you could bring some less innocent outfits to wear than what you were wearing in the club. Although the shoes looked good, can you wear those ;)”

I read the message, and realized that of course she didn’t know that these clothes, and the shoes, were provided by the club, and that I didn’t own them. She didn’t give me much time to think before she started sending me links to some sort of lingerie catalog. I followed them one after another.

The first link was a picture of a model wearing a set consisting of black stockings, a sexy thong, and a matching bra. The girl was wearing a silver choker around her neck, and a silver belly chain with a heart figure around her waist.

“Expect a tip if you can wear the choker. So sexy :p”

The outfit for the second link was at least as exposing. Just a small, pink bikini, where the top really wasn’t more than just two triangles covering the girl’s nipples, and the bottom was a low cut thong that had laces on the hips.

Wow. So that was her taste. This was definitely less innocent than the white outfit that I wore at the club. Did I really see myself wearing that? Another link. Another combination of stockings, thong, bra, this time with a garter belt. The look she was looking for started to become pretty clear, anyway.

“I bet you already have all kinds of stuff like this, but I mean it would be nice if you could bring just some different outfits. Keeps things interesting ;)”

I doubted for a few seconds, but still that whole attitude of not admitting that I was actually new to this, caused me to simply agree to it.

“Yep I’ll bring a few nice outfits ;)”

“Mmm naughty Crystal ;)”

Again there was this way of talking. It was almost dirty talk, without being all too explicit. It was surreal to read this on my phone. From someone who was a distant memory up until a few days ago.

At the same time I figured that if I wanted to actually get outfits like that before Saturday, I’d better start ordering. I figured that if it didn’t make it in time, I could always still go to the store during the day on Saturday. So I browsed that same catalog she sent me links for, and looked for similar outfits. I even got a silver choker set like the one she showed me. The fake jewelry on the website hardly cost anything, so I just went and bought a few more things. Two pairs of shoes, just to be sure. One of the pairs must be fitting well enough. It cost me about $180, all in all.

“I could get Chloe for 200/hour, that okay with you? Already agreed 200 with the others, that’s why I ask”

I felt my heart skip a beat. This was quite a lot of money. It felt odd to realize that people would be paying me this amount of money, for ... well, entertainment. Once again it made me blush.

“Yea I charge the same, no worries”

“Great. Don’t worry, we’ll probably throw in something extra,” she then replied.

“Extras are always welcome ;)” I replied jokingly. No response after that.

The following day was stressful, because of several reasons. Sure, this one day delivery thing was convenient, but one is never sure they’ll actually live up to that promise. I was able to study at home that Friday, and I made sure to stay home all day to receive packages. It wasn’t until 3PM when suddenly the doorbell rang. 3 boxes. Fortunately, the packaging was discrete, and I just thanked the delivery guy with a friendly smile. If only he knew.

Once the door was closed and the three boxes were actually stacked in the middle of my apartment, I realized how far I was taking this. Jesus, Sam, where are you going with this? How far are you going to take this?

But once again, my excitement was stronger than my proper, decent girl mind, and I got undressed to try on one of the outfits. Garters, black seamed stockings, a matching sexy small thong and bra, a pair of very high platform sandals, similar to the ones that were provided to me at the club, and the silver choker to top it off. The fake silver jewelry added such a sexy touch. I put on the thin belly chain as well, and looked at myself in front of the mirror.

Wow. I looked like I literally belonged in one of the documentaries that got me hooked on this whole thing in the first place. And I was going to wear this in front of someone, at her house? The arrangement was already made.

“Hey Crystal baby. Can you be at 1645 Lincoln Street tomorrow at 3PM?”

Now everything was complete. While I was even still wearing one of the outfits that was just delivered, I texted her back, even starting to feel excited now.

“Sure, that works :) Will you be there too?”

I saw a notification that she started typing, then stopped, then started again.

“Yeah, gonna make sure her present ends up in the right hands ;) Oh can you do me a favor and act innocent again, just like last time? That would be HOT ;)”

I couldn’t help but smile awkwardly when I saw her reply. Act innocent? She thought it was an act? Well, if I was certain about one thing, it was that I’d have no problem acting innocent again.

“I can do that... ;)”

“Mmmm she’ll love it. But no innocent outfits this time pls ;)”

“I remember, don’t worry ;)”

“Sounds promising, hot little Crystal... ;)”

I didn’t know why I just would not give in to being honest with her. I just didn’t want to, something stopped me. It was almost as if I was too proud to be honest about that time in the club being my first time, and having zero experience with ‘doing things by the hour’, as she called it. I didn’t even really know what that meant.

I kept trying to picture myself doing a striptease for that woman, whoever she was, as her birthday present. The idea turned me on completely. It seemed innocent enough, at least it seemed slightly more innocent than the club, where I had been exposed immediately to so many people, and where there was that stigma of employing prostitutes all over it. Because I got that much from my infamous club night. Those girls were prostitutes.

That night, I had to distract myself heavily, or else I wouldn’t have been able to sleep. Not that sleep came easy, but at least I did sleep somewhat decently after working my ass off in the gym and drinking green tea afterwards.

After spending hours grooming myself, I finally put on my casual jeans, a pink shirt, white sneakers, my coat and a travel bag over my shoulder, and left my place in a cab at 2:30PM. I decided to travel in style. It fit the picture somehow.

I paid the cab driver as we stopped in front of an apartment building, right next to a mall, with shops on the ground floor. I got out of the car, and walked to the entrance of the building, carrying my travel bag over my shoulder. 1645. I pressed the number, and the buzzer for the door was heard soon enough, without a voice talking through the intercom. I took the stairs, and climbed up two floors, until I saw Debra’s face in the door opening further down the hallway.

“Hi,” I greeted her with a somewhat soft, low voice for some reason, with a smile on my face, as if I was on some secret mission.

“Hi, come on in,” she immediately opened the door further to let me walk into the hallway of the apartment, as if she didn’t want any one of the neighbors to see me here.

“You can go in there to change,” she said without any further small talk, as she pointed to the door on the right.

I nodded, while further down the hall, I heard voices. So it wasn’t just her and this woman. Would the other people leave once she had prepared her surprise, so to speak? But it didn’t feel as if now was the time to ask questions.

“I’ll be waiting right here,” she simply said as I opened the door to what appeared to be the master bedroom, and she just stood there in the hallway, waiting for me.

“Okay,” I answered over my shoulder, while starting to feel tense, especially now that I knew there were apparently other people.

Once inside, I put the bag down and sat on the properly made up bed, feeling my nerves clearly by then, but still, the excitement won.

I took off my sneakers and my socks, and stood up to get out of my jeans, shirt, and finally my underwear. It was a strange feeling standing there naked in the bedroom of this house where I’ve only seen a small part of the hallway and this bedroom.

Then finally, I opened the travel bag, and I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins. I put on the silky smooth, black, stereotypical looking stockings that are seen in pretty much every documentary about strip clubs, porn, or prostitution, and went on with the small, low cut black g-string, just barely covering my carefully trimmed blonde, short strip, and forming a ‘T’ in the back while the tiny pieces of fabric did not at all cover my bare butt. The bra had a very similar style, and was definitely not made for comfort. Not that I needed much support, fortunately. I was blessed with a pair of firm, full but not huge, perky breasts.

I felt a blush on my cheeks as I added the fake silver jewelry to the outfit. These things were so cheap on the website where I got everything, and they really added to that dirty look that I was apparently going for, encouraged by the wishes of Debra. I attached the wide, rhinestone silver choker around my neck, and attached the thin but explicit looking silver chain belt around my waist, and adjusted it so that the heart shape was moved to be just right next to my seductively covered crotch. Finally, I added the silver bracelet in the same style.

Then, just as I slipped into the ridiculously high, platform stripper high heel sandals, almost identical to the ones I wore at the club, I heard a knock on the door, which slightly opened afterwards.

“Are you okay in there?” I heard Debra’s voice.

“Yeah, yeah, just gotta adjust my makeup a bit and then I’m done,” I answered, starting to feel a bit stressed.

“OK, well hurry up a bit please,” I got a pushy answer from her, just before she closed the door again to leave me to it. Was I taking too long?

I tried to apply my makeup quickly, which was making things even more stressful. For the makeup, similar to my outfit, I went for the dirty look again. Heavy eye liner to make my eyes look dramatically dark, highlighting my eyebrows, and pink shiny lip gloss were the magic elements that completed the picture.

Finally, I stood up to look at myself in front of the mirror attached to the door of the bedroom. I didn’t know what to think at first. It was almost as if it was just too over the top. It was just a flat out porn slut look.

Not that Debra seemed to have any doubt that I was actually a stripper, or rather a prostitute, which, as everyone knew, was what all the girls at The Stiletto were, but this would take away any doubt if there was ever such a thing.

My blonde, long wavy hair done this morning as if I was a movie star, my breasts accentuated more than held in that seductive looking bra, and my bare, flat tummy seeming to go on endless before it reached the matching, low cut tiny thong, the stockings having this strong association with everything sex, and the high heels probably even more so. While I turned slightly, I noticed how the high shoes accentuated my legs and my firm, round butt, barely covered by anything. The belly chain was drawing attention to my hips, and made it all look even more seductive, and the choker just seemed to scream ‘high class escort’.

Then finally, after a slight sigh and a weird grin in the mirror as if to tell myself “what the hell are you doing, Sam,” I opened the door, and saw Debra leaning against the wall in the hallway. Her eyes lighted up curiously when she saw me.

“Glad you got the message...” she said as her eyes glanced over my body, over my outfit, head to toe, and clearly referring to her wish for me to look less innocent.

She reached out to me, and briefly took the silver heart connecting the belly chain between fingers.

“Slutty little Crystal ... hm?” she then said, her eyes looking directly into mine, as if she was expecting an answer.

I just gave her a somewhat awkward smile, while I felt slightly conflicted inside. For a brief second, it had this atmosphere like the one in the club, which would often lean towards some form of degradation.

“Yeah,” I said, hardly believing I was already giving her answers she wanted to hear again.

After yet another glance, she just very slightly, playfully tugged at the belly chain.

“Very nice ... Come, I’ll get you the cash,” she then said, as she already started walking into the direction of where the voices were still coming from.

I walked right behind her, my heels knocking loudly on the hardwood floor in the hallway, as my nerves grew to a peak while we were walking in the direction of where the chatter came from.

When she opened the door, I looked into a space consisting of a kitchen area, a dining area and in the back there was a living room space. Two couches opposed to each other with a low coffee table in between them, and a chair all the way at the end, directly facing me. I counted 4 women sitting there, all probably somewhere in their forties. Two women sitting on the couch, looking like stereotypical butch lesbians, then a slightly older looking woman sitting in a chair at the head of the room, and looking further, I felt a slight tremble in my stocking clad legs as I then suddenly looked right into Kath’s eyes.

Kath, the woman who I had blocked from my mind ever since visiting the club. She had been treating me in such a belittling, almost downright condescending way. How could I not have predicted she was going to be here? She and Debra were close friends after all, it had seemed. Close enough to go to a club night like that together, anyway. I swear she already had this taunting look in her eyes when she noticed me in that exposing, downright slutty outfit.

They went quiet gradually as their eyes all turned into my direction, while I felt myself get embarrassed because of the extreme contrast in how I was dressed, compared to them, immediately drawing attention.

“Everyone, this is Crystal,” Debra then introduced me while we were still standing in the kitchen area, while the group was sitting in the back of the room. “We all chipped in for her, so I’m just gonna pay her and after that she’s ours for an hour.”

A few of them just nodded, as Debra would step towards the kitchen table, where there was an envelope. She opened it, and with the women watching what happened, she pulled out a few $100 bills.

“One ... two hundred, as we agreed, right?” she said.

I felt embarrassed about everyone being able to hear this.

“Mhm,” I just nodded, feeling awkward.

“Jesus, does she pee gold or something?” one of the butch women on the couch said, in sincere disbelief.

I felt pressured. It was only then that I realized I had no idea about what sort of rates were considered normal, or what was to be expected for what kind of money. All I knew was that Chloe had apparently asked for the same. I didn’t even know who Chloe was.

I saw Debra pull out yet another $100 bill.

“And this is a little something extra, so we don’t disagree. I don’t want nagging,” she said, in a tone as if she was sure that I was going to complain about things.

I took it from her quietly, as I just didn’t know anything to say to that, it was too humiliating to even think about. I heard one of the women on the couch laughing.

“Anti nag money?” the woman who had been laughing asked, not directed to anyone in particular. More giggling. “They even nag after getting 200 bucks?” she continued.

“They always want more,” Debra answered. “Isn’t that right baby,” she continued, while reaching out to my face, and giving me a condescending, small caress on my cheek with her thumb.

I was only able to smile slightly, feeling cornered, and not daring to go against her.

“Well that was pretty obvious,” the woman laughed again, as if I actually confirmed.

“She knows it, all hookers are like that.”

It didn’t even sound like Debra was playing games with me, but that she talked from experience. All hookers?

One of the women on the couch laughed.

“You guys are still really into this shit, aren’t you,” she laughed.

“Nothing like a pretty little bitch you can order around,” I then heard Kath say something for the first time today.

Without any time to process what Kath said, Debra reached out to grab my upper arm.

“Go put the money away, and then come back here, topless.”

Feeling myself blush slightly under the large amount of makeup I was wearing, I just nodded. She didn’t hold back at all, now that the payment was made, it seemed.

“Okay,” I tried to sound casually, as if none of this was a problem for me, or even out of the ordinary.

With the three bills of each $100, I walked back towards the bedroom where I had changed just minutes ago. While my nerves were growing to an all time high, I put the bills in my wallet, right before I then reached back and unclasped the bra. So this was how I was going to face them. How I was going to entertain them. Black stockings, thong, very high heels, the seductive belly chain and the silver choker. That was all that I was wearing. Bare breasts, bare tummy, bare butt, right there among these casually dressed ladies.

“OK...” I sighed at myself while I stood up straight, not so sure about this anymore. Maybe especially because there wasn’t just one person, or perhaps because of Kath being there. But by now I was too far into it. I had to do it.

With my bare breasts dancing up and down a little bit as I walked, I arrived back in the kitchen area, where I was facing Debra again, who was still in the same spot. In the background, the women were chatting again. Debra’s eyes immediately glanced at my bare breasts.

“Much better,” she said, and I didn’t understand what she meant exactly. That I was topless? That the money was taken care of now?

“See that woman in the chair near the window? Next to Kath?” she said while standing next to me, nodding into the room.

I nodded, while I looked at the woman. She was thin, had gray short hairs, visibly the older one of the group. She wore khaki pants, a blouse, and her flat brown shoe was showing from where we were standing while she had her legs crossed.

“That’s the birthday girl,” she continued. “How about you go to her, give her a little striptease, and a nice long birthday kiss,” she then suggested.

Again, I nodded, and just when I wanted to start walking towards the group, Debra gave me a soft slap on my bare butt. I think everyone heard it, as I just smiled awkwardly over my shoulder to Debra for a brief second.

They stopped chatting for a bit as I entered their circle. A low coffee table inside the narrow square, which I had to walk around. I walked right past Kath while trying to avoid eye contact with her, and towards the woman celebrating her birthday. i couldn’t believe I was topless already.

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