Down on the Farm - Cover

Down on the Farm

Copyright© 2021 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 2

It was about a week after I told Amber goodbye that all thoughts of Amber were driven from my head.

I’d had a hard day and about an hour after supper I’d gone to bed and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I don’t know how long I was out before I had a dream about a sexy Hollywood movie star giving me a blow job and I slowly woke thinking I’d had a wet dream only to find out it wasn’t a dream.

My cock was being sucked and even though the room was dark and I couldn’t see who it was I knew there was only one possibility. Aunt Tammy was the only female within four miles. I reached over and turned on the light and looked down to see Aunt Tammy looking up at me while sucking on me.

I was shocked at seeing her, but any thoughts of pulling away from her were overridden by the sensations I was experiencing. When she had me as hard as she wanted she rolled over on her back and said:

“Fuck me Bobby. I need it; I need it bad.”

I think I previously mentioned how hot and sexy she was so I didn’t hesitate to do what she sked. It had been awhile for me and I didn’t last long, but as soon as I came and pulled out she went back down on me. It didn’t take her long to get me into serviceable condition and then she was on her back again and looking at me expectantly.

Not one word had been spoken by either of us after her initial “Fuck me Bobby” but then who needed words to do what we were doing. I didn’t even think of Uncle Brady until after I’d pulled out of her for the second time. She must have read my mind because she said:

“Don’t worry about your uncle. When he takes his meds he is down for the night. This is our little secret okay?”

I nodded a yes and she got up and left my room. Did I feel guilty over fucking my uncle’s wife? Damn straight I did, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat if I ever got another chance.

And I did get another chance the very next night. The three of us were sitting in the living room watching TV when my uncle got up, took his meds, and then he told me goodnight. Then he and Aunt Tammy went off to bed. I finished watching the last half hour of the show and then I went to bed.

I’d only been under the covers for maybe ten minutes when the door opened and she came in. As soon as I heard the door begin to open my cock started to grow and by the time she got to the bed I was fully erect. She pulled the covers back, saw my stiffy and giggled:

“Is that for me?”

She bent and her mouth enveloped my cock. She sucked on me for a couple of minutes and then she pulled off, looked at me and asked:

“Would you eat my pussy Bobby? Please?”

“I’ve never done it. I don’t know what to do.”

“I can teach you sweetie; come on and let me show you.”

What followed was Pussy Eating 101 and it was too bad I couldn’t get college credit for it. If Aunt Tammy’s reaction was any indication I got at least a B+ for the course. But I came pretty damned close to flunking out when after having made love she asked me to do it again.

“But you’re dirty down there.”

“It won’t hurt you; trust me on that. You may even learn to like it.”

I didn’t want to; I really, really didn’t want to, but then she let me know it was the price for keeping her on my bed. I paid it. I never learned to like it, but I paid it.

During pillow talk I learned that she and my uncle had been used to making love three, four and sometimes five times a week and she hadn’t had any since Uncle Brady’s heart attack and she was climbing walls. Even though my uncle was out like a light after taking his night time meds she didn’t want to leave him alone while going into town looking up old boyfriends so I was drafted to take care of her ‘needs’ until my uncle could resume his duties. Again, I was probably an asshole for fucking my uncle’s wife, but honestly, what hormonal teenager was going to pass up pussy pushed at him?

Over the next month I was visited by Aunt Tammy on the average of three times a week as she continued to further my sexual education.

We had ben going to the VFW dances where Uncle Brady sat and watched Aunt Tammy dance with me and one or two others that she knew. One guy she danced with two or three times a night when we were there seemed to upset him. I did have to admit he had cause. The guy held her too close and his hand had slid down to her ass several times and she never pushed it away or slapped him and it upset the hell out of my uncle.

One night he started to get up and go charging out onto the floor and knowing the stress and exertion wouldn’t be good for him in his condition I grabbed him and made him sit back down. I found out later (after I had clued Aunt Tammy in on what almost happened) that the guy was an old boyfriend. In fact he was Tammy’s boyfriend when she met my uncle. I asked him why he even came to the dances knowing that the guy would most likely be there. He told me that he felt he owed it to my aunt.

“She’s cooped up in the house taking care of me and I know she needs to get out, have a little fun and get rid of some of the stress she is under.”

I couldn’t very well tell him that she didn’t need a night out dancing to get rid of stress because I was taking care of that.

I was getting used to Aunt Tammy’s nighttime visits and I hoped it would last for a long time, but that wasn’t to be. Uncle Brady started getting his strength back and started helping out with the farm work. As he got better Aunt Tammy’s visits slowed down and then stopped and soon it was time for Bobby to go home again.

It was the week after Thanksgiving when my uncle said he could handle things so I was on the way home to celebrate Christmas with my parents.

The next school term didn’t start until January so I was at loose ends. I hit all the places where I expected to find my friends. I did find several and got invited to a few parties. At one of them I found Kim. She was alone and I asked her where her date was and she said:

“He just got here.”

I looked around and didn’t see anyone close so I asked where he was.

“Standing right in front of me.”

“Oh, right; silly me.”

We talked and caught up on things that had happened after we had stopped dating. After a moment’s thought I said:

“I’ve forgotten what we have planned for tomorrow.

“We were going dancing at the teen club.”

“The teen club?”

“Oh, that’s right; you have been gone for a while so you don’t know about it. Someone decided that kids under twenty-one could use a place where they could dance and socialize until they were legal and go to bars. They have a band and a large dance floor, but it isn’t cheap. There is a twenty dollar cover charge and while the only drinks you can get are soft drinks and they cost five dollars and there is a two drink minimum so if dancing makes you thirsty and you have more than two drinks an evening could cost in the neighborhood of forty dollars.”

“Why only forty? Two covers is forty and figure three drinks each would make it at least seventy bucks.”

“There is no cover for girls. The thinking is that the more girls that are there means the guys will flock to the place and it seems to be working. Lots of girls go there without dates knowing guys will ask them to dance and buy them drinks. They get to have a good time on the cheap and if they hook up with a guy they like they might leave with him or not. Seems to work out for almost everyone.”

I had a great time with Kim at the teen club. There were lots of old schoolmates there and we pushed a couple of tables together. Besides dancing with Kim I danced with half a dozen other girls I’d known from school. When I took Kim home I received a scorching hot kiss and a date for Saturday.

Saturday’s date was supposed to be dinner and a movie, but as we were finishing dessert Kim said “How about we skip the movie and find us a motel.”

I just smiled and said “You got it.”

Two missionaries, one doggie a couple of sixty-nines and a cowgirl that ended in a doggie and I was done. Kim seemed okay with it although she did say she would get another one out of me in the morning. And she did.

In the morning we went to the Village Inn and over pancakes and bacon Kim said “I’m not easy Bobby, but I felt the need to try and lock you in before someone else got to you.”

“Lock me in? I don’t understand.”

“When I broke up with you I said it was because I wanted to see what other guys were like? That wasn’t the real reason. The real reason was that I was starting to have feelings for you, strong feelings but I felt I was too young to get hung up on a guy so I basically bailed out on you.”

“What changed?”

“I’ve dated a dozen other guys and even gone steady with one, but not one of them even came close to making me feel like I felt for you.”

“Am I hearing that you would like for us to become a couple?”

“That is exactly what you are hearing.”

“You sure you have purged your urge to see what other guys might be like?”


“Then count me in.”

It was a Saturday night and we had been at the club for about an hour. There were several of our high school classmates there and we had shoved three tables together and Kim and I were sitting there talking to Vern Catron and Pauline French when Amber walked up to the table and asked:

“Dance with me Bobby?”

“You need to ask my date if I is okay with her.”

That got me “What the fuck is wrong with you” look from her, but she did ask Kim if it was okay. Kim looked at me, but I just shrugged my shoulders so Kim said:

“I don’t mind as long as you know you have to bring him back.”

I got up and walked out on the dance floor with Amber. A waltz was playing so I took her in my arms and we started moving around on the floor.

“Why haven’t you called me since you got back?”

“I believe I covered that in our last phone call.”

“You aren’t being fair Bobby. You got me used to a steady diet of loving and then you left. I’m a healthy girl. What was I supposed to do?”

The music stopped and I pulled Amber to the side of the dance floor and said “What you were supposed to do since you committed to be my steady was to suck it up and behave just like I had to suck it up and behave while I was away from you. And it wasn’t lost on me that it was with Ronnie Holbrook. The two of you just can’t seem to stay away from each other.”

“He is just a friend Bobby.”

“Yeah; a friend with benefits.”

“Stop that Bobby. You are my man and you know it.”

“That’s the problem Amber; I don’t know it. Every time we are apart you end up with Holbrook and to me that means he is more yours than I am. It wasn’t lost on me that when we first made love you weren’t a virgin and since Holbrook is the only guy you spent time with while I was gone that means he got your cherry. Where was that “You are my man” when that happened. No, Amber and Ronnie are more of a couple than you and I could ever be. It is a shame because once upon a time I thought you and I were forever. Silly me.”

“You aren’t silly Bobby; that’s the way I feel too.”

“Too bad I can’t buy that. If you will excuse me I need to get back to my date.”

I turned and walked away as she cried “Please Bobby; please do...”When I got back to the table Kim asked me what Amber wanted.



“I’m here aren’t I?”

“You know what I’m asking.”

“I let her know she is history.”

“Good. I’m glad I don’t have to hurt her.”

Things moved along and just after the start of the year I was back in school. Kim and I were a couple and the future seemed full of promise. And then, of course, the bright future turned bleak.

I showed up at Kim’s door on Thursday to pick her up for a date. I had been really looking forward to it because I knew the date included a trip to the Star Bright Motel. Kim opened the door, asked me in and told me to have a seat on the couch. Then she hit me with it.

“I’m sorry Bobby, but I can’t see you anymore. I met a guy and I swear sparks flew between us. I’m sorry Bobby; I really am. Friends?”

I got up and left without a word.

As I walked to the truck I was wondering what it was about me that made girls want to fuck over me? Dumb thought and I realized it by the time I got home. I just wasn’t what they wanted. It was just that simple. I was what they settled for until something better came along. Although in Amber’s case in did have to wonder about that ‘something better.’

Holbrook was an obnoxious asshole. I’d never gotten along with him and several times it had come to blows. The score was three me and one him. Then the thought occurred to me that he might just be chasing after Amber to get back at me for his three losses. So what? It didn’t matter to me. All he accomplished was to show me that Amber couldn’t be trusted, but knowing that ahead of time made me wonder if I could put up with her.

Could I go back into a relationship with her knowing she would eventually cheat on me? I laughed to myself as I thought “Fuck yeah I could. Pussy was pussy and I could go with her until something better came along. I decided that the next time Amber made a play toward getting us back together I would take her up on it. Then I had to laugh at myself once again. What in the hell made me think that after my last talk with her that she would even try again.

Saturday I decided to hit he teen club and see if I could have a good time without a date.

There were at least a dozen kids there that I knew and they had pushed several tables together. Denny Abbott saw me come in and he waved me over to join them.

I took a seat and after some socializing I asked Nancy Wilde for a dance and after her I danced with Beverly Abbeg. I’d just taken Bev back to her seat when I saw Amber walk in the door. She looked around, saw the group and then she walked over and took a seat at the other end of the table. Then she saw me and I wondered what she would do. I wasn’t going to go after her, but if she made the first move I wouldn’t chase her away.

Marv Pallister asked her to dance and she got up and went out onto the floor with him. It was a waltz and even though she was out there with Marv she never took her eyes off me. When he brought her back to the table she didn’t sit down. She walked over to me and asked me to dance. I got up and we moved out onto the floor. As she moved into my arms she said:

“You don’t seem to have a date tonight.”

“I don’t.”

“I don’t either. Maybe we can pair up.”

“You sure you want that?”

“Absolutely Bobby.”

We moved to an empty table and we talked and danced until she flat out asked me to leave with her and get a motel room. I of course didn’t try and argue her out of the idea. I ended up getting room 110 at the Starlight and it wasn’t lost on me that room 110 was the room in which I last made love to Kim.

Amber was surprised that when we had gotten naked and on the bed that the first thing I did was go down on her. As many times as Amber and I had made love I had never gone down on her. It was Aunt Tammy who had gotten me into doing it. She loved it and from all indications so did Amber. I licked and sucked until she had an orgasm and then I moved up and slid in and the night got busy. The first missionary was followed by a sixty-nine which was followed by a doggie. Another sixty-nine followed by another missionary. Then we rested up and talked for a bit before she slid down and took me in her mouth which led to another doggie and I was done for the night.

From that evening on Amber and I were a couple again.

A couple of times at the teen club I had seen Kim and her new man and then suddenly she was coming in alone. I didn’t ask, but I would have bet they weren’t together anymore. I did see her once or twice looking at me with what I thought was a wistful look on her face.

Spring break came along and since I still had most of the money I’d made working for my uncle I took Amber to Panama City. We had a great time and toward the end of our stay Amber hinted that she would like a ring for her finger. She didn’t know it, but that was something I wasn’t sure would ever happen. To put it bluntly I just did not trust her. And that lack of trust played a part in the next episode of Bob and Amber.

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