Peace of Mind - Cover

Peace of Mind

Copyright© 2021 by DB86

Chapter 42

That evening there was a traffic jam on Main Street, probably the first in history.

The play was better than anyone had expected. There was hardly an empty chair.

Landon watched it with a big grin on his face.

Steve McAllister, Grace’s brother, strummed his guitar and sang a Scottish melody, “Scottish Emigrant’s Farewell”,” as the opening number.

“Fareweel, fareweel my native hame,
Thy lonely glens an’ heath-clad mountains,

The choir’s versions of “Wagon Wheels,” “The Oregon Trail,” “Oh Shenandoah” and “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” brought the audience to their feet, as did Derek’s wife, performance of “Amazing Grace” at the death of Fergus’s brother, and the state song, “Washington, my home,” at the end.

The applause was thunderous when the play ended, and even more when the cast was introduced.

Then the director called Grace to the stage. “This young woman is the heart of this event. It never would have happened without her.”

Grace looked beautiful in a short blue dress. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled.

“Thank you ... Thank you. If there’s ever been a community effort, this is it. I don’t think there’s one person in Middletown that didn’t have a part in this. The whole town put it together in seven weeks.”

People clapped and cheered again.

“However, the title of ‘heart of the event’ belongs to two people: my boyfriend, Landon Petersen, and Marcus Carter.”

Landon was pushed to the stage to take a bow. A sense of pure joy and accomplishment flooded him

Marcus Carter, who had got assigned a special seat, stood up and waved from his place.

As the applause died down, Grace went on, “I’ve been talking with the cast and we are going to keep performing the play Saturday nights,” she said.

Landon excused himself and left the stage. He was on the way out when Marcus stopped him and shook his hand. “I didn’t think it was possible,” he said. “You gave this old man life again. I want to write a book with your help. A commented edition of Fergus journals. I want you to work with me.”

Marcus sensed Landon’s hesitation and added, “I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

The dinner at Marcus’ mansion was not what Landon thought it would be. He had expected a formal event and had not looked forward to it.

There wasn’t champagne, but there was wine and beer. The menu included a large roast and roasted potatoes and grilled vegetables. But it wasn’t the food that set the mood, it was Marcus himself.

He welcomed the whole cast with enthusiasm, thanking them for coming and congratulated them for what they had accomplished in the past weeks.

When the dinner was over, Marcus stood up and tapped his glass. Silence ensued and all heads turned toward him. “It’s hard for me to admit it, but I was wrong,” he said. “I was wrong in trying to keep Middletown as it was. Fergus didn’t do that. He invited people to his settlement. He married a Native American and he was one of the first to call for statehood. He didn’t fear change. He welcomed it.”

He turned to Landon and raised his glass. “It took a brave young man to open my eyes. I want to make a toast to the person who renewed the spirit of Middletown, and brought new life to this town, to Landon Petersen.”

“Hear! Hear!”

The people in the large dining room exploded with applause.

Landon felt his face grow hot and red.

“It was a community effort,” he protested. “And Grace did much more than I did.”

“This young man invaded my office,” Marcus continued, ignoring Landon’s protests, “and very nicely bullied me and encouraged me to do what I always wanted to do even when I didn’t know it. Somehow he stirred this entire town to work together for a common goal. Nothing of this would have happened if Mr. Petersen hadn’t come to Middletown, and I, for one, am grateful.”

Everyone but Landon applauded. His face just went rosier.

“So I wanted to do something for Middletown. I want to keep Mr. Petersen here. The Mayor and I joined forces, and we want to offer him a job as curator of our brand new museum. The job comes with the cabin he is already living in. I wonder if he will accept.”

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