Peace of Mind - Cover

Peace of Mind

Copyright© 2021 by DB86

Chapter 2

Grace McAllister held her breath, pumping again on the leg press. Her legs and calves burned. But that was good. Exercising and exhaustion was therapy, the only way she could forget her aching heart for an hour or two.

Focusing on the next rep, she ignored the man across the room doing sit-ups on the abdominal machine with Derek. He seemed to be close to Derek and Bella. Both men had been watching her for a while and whispering.

Grace pumped her legs again, sweat trickling between her breasts. If she were honest with herself, she’d admit that Derek’s friend was easy on the eyes. He was at least six foot three, maybe taller. He was lean and rangy, muscle and bone, nothing extra.

Glancing toward him, she couldn’t help but notice how his abs rippled beneath the sweat-dampened, white T-shirt he wore. Since she’d refused to make eye contact with him, there was no way to know what color his eyes were. But he was one sexy man.

All the more reason to avoid him like the plague. A handsome man was the reason she was here now, to put the pieces of her broken heart back together.

Tears stung her eyes. Damn it! The rage at those who’d wronged her had long since waned. Now the anger was directed at herself for being so blind, so foolish and so unable to get over it.

Six months. It had been six frigging months, and still, she couldn’t even think about it without wanting to cry. The humiliation of being such a stupid, naïve, trusting idiot was too much to bear.

Her muscles protested the continued abuse, but she pressed again, lifting the heavyweights in the casing behind her. A movement caught her eye, and she stifled a groan. Derek’s friend had been convinced to make his attempt to pick her up.

Without looking at him, she didn’t give him a chance to speak. “Not interested.” There had been a time when Grace would not have thought herself capable of being so rude.

He was clearly uncomfortable. “I’m Landon. I was with Derek, in the army. He told me I should talk with you...” his voice was soft, quiet.

Grace finished another rep before answering, panting as she released the weight. “Well, you have talked with me. You can leave.”

A moment of tense silence passed before he answered, “He must have ripped your heart out.”

Startled, her gaze jerked to his. Black. His eyes were black. He had the troubled eyes of a werewolf before the change. Grace swallowed hard. “What?”

He didn’t smile. In fact, he seemed angry. “He cheated on you, didn’t he?”

Stunned, Grace tried to form a pithy reply, but words eluded her. She hadn’t talked about it with anyone, not even her brother, Steve.

His penetrating gaze held hers for several moments. Finally, she tore her gaze away, pushing again for the next rep. Exertion strained her voice as she answered. “Yeah, well, I haven’t managed to get the knives out of my back yet. So, I’d appreciate it if you’d just leave me alone to lick my wounds.”

“Understood, Ma’am. Sorry I bothered you...”

Grace cried out, her right calf muscle cramping into a tight ball and sending searing pain through her leg. She reached for it, tears once again filling her eyes.

Langdon didn’t hesitate. Grabbing the balled muscle with both hands, he squeezed and massaged until it loosened. But even before the pain eased, Grace tingled at the feel of his hands against her bare skin. Heat radiated through her, racing through her blood, waking all her senses.

After it was obvious the cramp had eased, he released her leg. She lifted her lids and found him watching her with concern.

Grace licked her dry lips. “Thanks.”

Landon swallowed, “You’re welcome.”

“I guess I’m done for the day.” Grace grabbed her towel and stood, purposely keeping the machine between them.

Derek approached the two of them and asked Landon, “Did you ask her?”

Grace looked at Derek, “I didn’t give him a chance, Derek. You know I don’t want to date anyone...”

“Date?”Derek’s voice made her jump. “What are you talking about, Grace?! My buddy Landon is going to stay in town for a while and he’s looking for a place. I told him that you could help him. I even told him you were a nice person.”

“Oh...!” Grace exclaimed and then opened her eyes with realization. “OH! So he didn’t come to pick me up ... I feel such a fool! I completely misread the situation.”

Grace looked sincerely apologetic. “Please forgive my rudeness, Landon.”

Landon gave Grace a soft smile. “It was an understandable mistake. A pretty girl like you must have a lot of guys sniffing around. Don’t beat yourself up.”

“You’re very kind to say that, Landon. Let me give you my card. You can call me this afternoon and I’ll show you some places. It’s a low season, hence renting is really cheap and there’s a lot to choose.”

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