Peace of Mind - Cover

Peace of Mind

Copyright© 2021 by DB86

Chapter 15

Landon felt Scout licking his face and pushing him with a paw trying to wake him up. He realized he was having another nightmare.

The sun hadn’t come up yet. He got dressed and they headed for the mountain. He was relieved to note it was easier today than it had been before. The night sky was so pure he ached with the beauty of it.

The sun came out from behind the mountains by the time he got to the top.

He and the dog sat there, trying to erase the last traces of his bad dream. Well, who knew what Scout was thinking. He cocked his ears at the chirping of a bird or a rustle of a squirrel or rabbit, but he didn’t move from his side.

Landon still felt shaky.

What would Grace think of him? For some reason, the answer to that question was important to him.

After his father died when he was fourteen, his mother waitressed in the only coffee shop in town. Tips were rare, and they mostly lived on leftovers from his mother’s work.

Growing up Landon had been so intent on leaving his hometown that he had studied every spare minute he had. Every moment, that was, that he wasn’t helping his mother raise two younger sisters.

That reminded him. He should call his mother. He had promised to do that when he reached Middletown, but so much had happened so fast he had barely taken a breath. He punched in his mother’s number on the satellite phone he always carried with him. It was answered almost immediately.

“Hi, Mom,” Landon forced cheerfulness into his voice.

“Hey, baby boy. It’s so good to hear from you. I was worried. How is everything going? Did you meet with Derek?”

“It’s going well. Yes, I’ve met with Derek, and he helped me to get into a program for guys in my condition. People in Middletown have been very helpful. I’m living in a cabin outside town. They asked me to write a short history of the town to help pay for the rent. I might be able to send you some money soon.”

“That’s the last thing I care about,” his mother said. “I saved some of that money you sent when you were deployed. We’re fine, Landon. Josie’s husband got a job as a mechanic at the mines. Thank God, he doesn’t have to work in them.”

“What about Callie? How is she doing?”

“Honor student,” his mother said. “Says she wants to follow your path. She is thinking about trying for one of those Army ROTC scholarships, as well. Sure would be fine to have two college graduates in the family.”

Landon wasn’t so sure he wanted his younger sister to go into the army, but it wasn’t his choice to make.

“That’s great,” he said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

“When are you coming home?”

“You know there’s nothing there for me,” Landon said. Sadness ran through him like a river that had frozen up.

Except for his family, his hometown was the last place he wanted to be.

“Okay, baby. I understand. Take your time and get well. We’ll be here for you if you need us.”

“I know, Mom. I love you.”

“We all love you too, Landon. Focus on getting well. Take care of yourself and don’t worry about us, we’re doing fine.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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