Peace of Mind - Cover

Peace of Mind

Copyright© 2021 by DB86

Chapter 1

“Well, well, well, look what the wind brought to Middletown, Landon Petersen.”

Derek Hayes engulfed the tall, muscular man standing outside his door in a bear hug.

“Did your bus arrive early? I was going to pick you up at the station.”

“Yes, it did. No worries,” Landon said taking a look around.

Derek was the only one who knew what his army buddy was going through.

“Welcome to our home, Landon. Come on in, and meet my beautiful wife, Bella.”

Landon stepped inside the house. A beautiful girl wearing gym shorts and a tank top smiled at the visitor.

“Hi, I’m Bella. I finally get to meet the famous Landon Petersen, the man who saved my husband’s life.”

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Hayes,” Landon shook Bella’s hand. “It’s really kind of you to say that. Sorry I missed your wedding.”

“It’s okay, Man” said Derek. “You were deployed. Do you know? Every time I look myself in the mirror and see the huge scar on my face I wonder how come my wife doesn’t run scared?”

Bella hugged her husband’s waist and said, “You know I love you for who you are, my gentle giant.”

Bella smiled at Derek, and he kissed her lovingly. Landon looked at them with a pang of envy.

“I hope I’m not imposing,” Landon said when they broke the kiss.

“You’re not imposing at all, Bro,” Derek said with a laugh. “After all, I’m the one who talked you into coming to Middletown.”

“Thank you,” the effort to act normal was taking a toll on Landon.

“So, Landon, how long are you staying in Middletown?” Bella asked.

Landon shrugged. “I’m not sure, a while I suppose.”

The tone of Landon’s voice was light, but his eyes were empty. The effort to make small talk was wearing him out.

Derek changed the subject. “Do you want to visit our gym? We were just heading there.”

“Sure.” Suddenly all the lightness in his face, in his voice disappeared as the darkness of recollection assailed him. He was lucky not to have bled to death the day they were attacked. The red-hot metal had cauterized the wound. He kept seeing Derek’s face destroyed by a metal splinter and the bodies of his buddies scattered around him. The scenes still haunted him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. His face was pale, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

“Do you feel okay, Landon?” Bella asked him with concern. “Did you have breakfast? You look pale.”

He nodded slowly.

“I had some breakfast at the bus terminal, Mrs. Hayes. Thank you,” Landon said in a shaky voice. Truth was he had just a black coffee. He took another deep breath.

“Please, Landon, call me Bella;” she smiled at him and said, “I’ll change myself, and we’ll be ready to go.”

As soon as his wife left, Derek lowered his voice and asked full of concern, “How are you holding up, Bro?”

Landon closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he tried to relax. “I’m on medical leave for twelve weeks. They are maintaining my health benefits. I told my commander I couldn’t handle another deployment. He advised me to request a medical exam and I was diagnosed with PTSD.”

Derek moved his head up and down.

“I went through the same shit myself. Are you sleeping all right?”

Landon shook his head. He was used to waking up soaked in his own sweat.

“No, not really. I got some pills from the doctor.” Landon was not a fan of discussing his sleeping or any other issues he might have with anyone. Not even Derek.

“I still have some nightmares about what happened. They got better since I met Bella. Are you getting help?”

Landon looked embarrassed. “They gave me some pills and I saw a therapist for a while. It didn’t help. You told me about a PTSD program in Seattle.”

“Yes, that’s a good one. I went there for a while after I was discharged. I’ll drive you there.” Derek placed a big hand on Landon’s shoulder. “I’m here for you and you know it. Anything you need. I owe you my life”

“I know, Derek. Thank you. My commander said that having PTSD doesn’t necessarily mean the end of my career, but I need to seek help. He said that if I seek treatment while still in military service it will protect me from getting bad paper and being denied veterans benefits in the future.”

“Are you going to stay here with us?”

Landon looked at Derek warily. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. I prefer to have my own place, Derek. Preferably out of town. I’m not a good company lately. Especially at night.”

“Okay. I won’t push you. Whatever you need I’m your first and your last call. A good friend of ours comes to the gym in the mornings. She’s a real estate agent. She’ll help you to find the right place for you.”

At that moment, Bella returned and the three of them headed to the gym.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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