Riley Takes a Year Out - Cover

Riley Takes a Year Out

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Tomboy decided to take a year out from her education and spend it in Ibiza

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism  

I woke just after ten, it was hot and I could hear the noise of people walking by. I had intended to do a bit of shopping but it was too late for that, not that it was urgent. After a shower and the rest of my daily morning bathroom routine I decided that I just had time to go and get some breakfast and be back for noon to meet Jason.

I seriously considered wearing just my trainers but in the end I put on just my diagonally cut skirt. Grabbing my purse I left my room.

“Buenos días Pedro.” I said as I walked through reception and out onto the street the twisted the waist of my skirt so that my slit was on display. I walked along the street to a cafe that I had seen before but not gone in, and sat at a table outside.

A girl about my age came over and asked me what I wanted. I watched her write my order on her pad with a smile on her face. The smile was still there and her eyes were on my tits when she brought me my coffee and full English breakfast. I was celebrating because I was sure that it was going to be a great day.

When I was finished I sat back on my chair, made sure that my slit and clit were visible and waited for the girl to come and get the money. I watched her eyes to see if she looked towards my pussy and I was pleased when I saw that she did. In fact she stopped and looked for a few seconds before picking the money up.

I left and went back to the hotel where I had another shower, cleaned my teeth and brushed my hair, Then I dug out my only pair of heel (not very high), put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. Tweaking my nipples I was pleased to watch them get hard so I got hold of my clit with a finger and thumb and pulled and twisted that. I gasped as a bolt of pleasure went from my clit to my nipples and my clit felt like it was growing.

Happy with the way I looked I left everything but my shoes and the key in my room and went downstairs to find Pedro, Catalina and some new guests who looked a little shocked to see a naked girl coming down the stairs.

Two guys watched me as I walked over to Catalina and gave her my key as I asked her if she had seen Jason.

“Relax Riley,” Catalina said, “he’ll be here.”

Then she continued quietly saying,

“You are making those boys happy.”

I turned to look at them, and yes, they were smiling but that couldn’t be said for one of the girls with them. She looked daggers at me.

“She’s only jealous because she’s fat.” Catalina whispered causing me to giggle.

Then Jason walked in and over to us.

“Hi ladies, are you ready Riley?”

“I am.” I replied as I linked my arm round his which he had offered.

“I thought that we’d walk there Riley, it’s only about a kilometre.” Jason said as we turned a corner.

“Oh, okay then.” I replied then as we were passing a huge motorcycle he said,

“Only joking, I hope you don’t mind going on the back of this, something throbbing between your legs.”

I looked at him and grinned as he passed me one of the helmets that were on the back of the bike. I put it on then waited as Jason got on and waited fro me to climb on. If the two young men passing had looked they would have caught a quick flash of all of my pussy as I lifted me leg over.

“Hold on tight.” Jason said as the machine burst into life and pulled away.

I tried to imagine what I looked like but I instantly knew that it was right what they said about something big and throbbing between your legs, wow, if it was a long journey I might just have cum.

It wasn’t a long journey and soon Jason stopped outside some big gates and we watched them open. Once there was a gap big enough Jason sped through it and into a huge garage. As I climbed off I looked around and saw a people carrier and an open top Jeep. Handing Jason the helmet he said,

“Lets meet the others before I give you the tour.”

I followed Jason to the pool where I saw five totally naked girls lounging around or in the pool.

“Ladies, this is Riley, a potential new member of the team.”

Jason then introduced, Ruby, Amber, Emma, Lizzy and Petra who said that she was pleased that I had decided to come. I noted that none of the other girls had tits much bigger than mine.

“Okay ladies, I’m just going to give Riley the guided tour then she is all yours so don’t say anything negative to her and don’t forget that we have that party tonight.”

“There’s nothing negative to say Jason.” Amber said.

As Jason led me into the villa I had quick look around outside, it was big enough for four of mum and dad’s house and garden.

The inside was huge as well, so open and modern and the kitchen was much bigger than our lounge back home. Then it was up the wide, open staircase where he took me into bedroom after bedroom each with a huge bed and their own en-suite with walk-in shower, and a corner bath. Each of the first five bedrooms looked lived in with makeup and other girly things on the counter. I saw dildos and vibrators in three of the rooms.

The next bedroom was the same as the other ones that I’d seen so far except that this one didn’t look lived in.

“This will be your room if you decide to join us Riley.”

I was gobsmacked, you could hold a party in that room. Taking my hand to bring me back to earth, Jason led me to another similar bedroom.

“This is the spare room.” He said just letting me look inside from the door. Then continued as we walked to the next door,

“And this is my bedroom.” Jason said as he opened the door and walked in.

It was bigger than the other rooms and the bed was much bigger than the others.

“You could hold a party on that bed.” I said.

“It has been known.” Jason replied and I immediately got an image in my brain of Jason and all of the girls making out with one another on that bed.

“Or an orgy.” I added.

Jason smiled at me but said nothing.

Going back downstairs Jason led me outside and to a workout room with half a dozen machines ... There were huge glass doors on the front that were open. People using the machines would be able to look out to the pool.

“Oh, that door over there leads to a sauna.” Jason said pointing to a door in the corner of the workout room.

“I’ve never been in a sauna.” I replied.

“Well join us and you can have as many saunas as you want Riley, there’s a massage table over by the pool, we can get a masseur in anytime that you want and he’s great at giving happy endings, so the girls tell me.”

I’d never heard of ‘happy endings’ in the context of massages but when Jason said that the girls said the masseur was great I guessed what he meant.

“So Riley that’s the tour, come to the kitchen and I’ll get you a drink then you can go and talk to the girls. I’ll come looking for you in a couple of hours for your decision.”

I knew what that decision was going to be but I decided to not tell him wondering if I said ‘yes’ then that he would send me off on a job straight away, and I wanted to talk to the girls and enjoy the pool, and the sun.

As I walked over to the pool with a drink in my hand I just knew that I was going to really enjoy working for Jason.

“Come over here,” Ruby said patting her hand on the empty lounger next to her, tell us all about yourself and ask us anything, and I mean anything. But before we start you look like you need some sunscreen on.”

“Thanks, I didn’t put any on before I left the hotel, can I have some of that?” I replied pointing to a bottle of it.

“You just lay there Riley, we’ll take care of you.” Ruby said, turn over sweetheart.”

I did and I soon felt four hands working on my back and legs and as the hands moved up the back of my legs I instinctively spread my feet. My pussy got touched a couple of times and I couldn’t stop myself from moaning.

“Turn over Riley.” Amber said as I saw that it was Amber and Ruby that were working on me.

“You have nice breasts Riley.” Amber said as her hand started caressing the one on her side of me causing me to moan, and moan again as Ruby started working on my other tit. I swear that I would have had an orgasm if they had continued any longer but they must have sensed that and they moved down my body.

My feet dropped to each side of the lounger as Amber and Ruby started rubbing the sunscreen on my pubis and inner thighs, it was like they were teasing me, and it was working. They went round and round my pussy for ages and I was getting more and more horny.

“Please.” I finally begged and one hand started finger fucking me and the other rubbed my clit.

It didn’t take long for my butt to raise up and my body go rigid for a few seconds before it dropped and I started shaking and jerking.

“Oh my gawd,” I finally said, “that was totally awesome.”

“We weren’t trying to seduce you into joining us Riley.” Amber said.

“Don’t worry, that wonderful experience won’t influence my decision. It was the first time that two girls have done that to me.”

Amber lifted the top of my lounger so that I sat up then the questions soon started flying back and forth and the more I heard the more I liked.

I asked about the private parties that Jason had mentioned and discovered that he catered for the kinky lifestyle as well. Amber asked me if I liked being tied up, being spanked or even gang-banged. I’d sort of guessed that that was the sort of thing that Jason meant and I replied,

“I’ve never been tied up or spanked but I have been gang-banged, my first fuck was with my four best mates, all boys, and the other night I went to the room of two boys and they both fucked me.”

“Good for you Riley.” Amber said, “start as you mean to go on.”

“I’m going to get gang-banged all the time am I?”

“Not quite ALL the time Riley.” Emma replied.

“Interesting.” I replied, “it sounds like it’s a good job that I don’t get periods.”

I then had to explain the not so common side effect of my implant which they all said they were jealous of...

More question and answers went in both directions, both Petra and Lizzy going and refreshing our drinks a couple of times. We had one short break for dip in the pool and I again felt that nice feeling of the warm water rushing passed my pussy, when I mentioned it to Lizzy and Ruby who were beside me Ruby said,

“Wait until you get fucked in the water.”

Finally the talking started to slow down and Jason reappeared.

“So Riley, have you learnt enough to make a decision?”

“When do I start boss?” I asked and was almost deafened by the five girls shrieks of pleasure.

“When would you like to start Riley?”

“Well my hotel is paid up for a few more days but that’s not a problem, I could start right now, if that’s okay with you Jason.”

“Good, I was hoping that you’d say that. My girls didn’t influence you when they seduced you did they Riley? I was watching them.”

“Not at all Jason but they were good at what they did.”

“I try to train them well.”

“So are you going to teach me how to do that to a girl Jason?”

“I doubt they you need a lesson but I’ll happily give you one.”

“He’s good at that.” Lizzy said.

“Now now Lizzy don’t try to put the poor girl off she might change her mind.”

“But you are good at eating pussy Jason, you always make us cum two or three times doesn’t he girls?” Lizzy said.

“Hmm, that sounds promising.” I said.

“Okay, Okay,” Jason said, “we have all those Royal Navy officers coming over tonight and the food and drink will be arriving soon. Riley, how about you stay here and join in the fun, and if you need a bed you now have your own room. Then tomorrow we can go and get your things, does that sound okay with you?”

“Sure, what’s with the navy guys, is it a party or something? Or will it be an orgy?”

“We are the entertainment Riley,” Petra said, “we put on a show then it’s anything goes but if you want to sit that part out I’m sure that Jason won’t mind.”

“What and miss all the fun,” I replied, “there’s no ‘I’ in team so I’ll do whatever you do although I’m nowhere near as experienced as you five are.”

“A lot of it will come naturally and you will soon pick up the rest as you go along.” Jason said then continued, “that sounds like the caterers at the gate can one of you go and let them in and point them in the right direction please?”

“I’ll go.” Amber said, “come with me Riley, I’ll show you how the gate works.”

I did and when the gate opened a van drove in with a middle-aged couple in it. Neither the man nor the woman seemed surprised to be let in by two naked girls.

We all helped unload the van and put it on the tables in the big lounge then Jason ‘suggested’ that we go and get ready for the party. When we went upstairs Emma showed me a big cupboard that had lots and lots of toiletries in it. She told me that I could help myself at anytime.

Getting ready for something like a party is so much easier when you aren’t going to wear any clothes and I was ready and downstairs quite quickly. Jason was down there and he asked me to make a bucket list of things that I wanted to do.

“I’m guessing that you mean things associated with being naked?”

“Not necessarily, there a good chance that there could be things that you want to do that you wouldn’t think was possible to do naked.”

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