Office Blackmail - Cover

Office Blackmail

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 3

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Two girls in Accounting have been discovered stealing from the company. Their boss, an intimidating black man with a healthy sexual appetite, gives them a choice - a lengthy prison sentence or be his sex slaves. A tough choice for them both...

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Blackmail   BiSexual   Fiction   Crime   Workplace   Sharing   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Illustrated  

Lisa spent the rest of that night in a sexual high; very turned on but because of Mr. Roberts warning, unable to do anything about it. She finally was able to go to bed and sleep with the aid of some sleeping pills.

She spent Sunday trying to put the whole matter out of her mind. She did some neglected household chores, then went for a long drive and basically tried to stay busy. But thoughts of him and what he was doing to her still intruded from time to time and she felt the tingle of desire in her pussy more than a few times that day. But she struggled through it.

Monday morning finally arrived and Lisa got up early that morning. She wanted to make sure she was dressed and made up especially attractively today. She had been a “good girl” all weekend and she wanted to please Mr. Roberts with her appearance as well. She wanted that reward he had spoken of! She took great care in picking out what she hoped would be a pleasing outfit, she put her makeup on flawlessly, and made sure her hair was perfect. She didn’t want there to be a single thing wrong or out of place. She drove to work and before she entered the office itself, stopped by for one final check in the ladies’ room. As she stepped into the office, she walked slowly to her desk. She noticed that Amy’s desk was cleared of everything and all of Amy’s personal effects were in a box on the floor by her desk.

Lisa sat down at her desk, from which she could see Amy’s old desk. She tried hard to concentrate on her work that day, still wanting very much to do a good job. But seeing Amy’s vacant desk brought thoughts of what Mr. Roberts had told her the previous Saturday. She wondered what was happening with her fellow co-worker and accomplice. Just before lunch, Mr. Roberts called her into his office. Lisa jumped at the chance to see him and hurried in to see what he needed from her. Her heart raced as she stood in front of his closed door, straightening her dress and fluffing her hair a bit. She softly knocked and heard his “Come in.” from behind the heavy door.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Roberts?”

“Yes, Miss Reynolds. Please come in and close the door.” Lisa came in and approached is desk. “Please have a seat.”

Lisa sat down in the chair he indicated, making sure he could see her well. She had worn a rather tight mid-thigh length pencil skirt with a seductive slit partway up one side. She had a white semi-sheer blouse with a large opening in the front that revealed her smallish bust and under it a white push-up shelf bra to make it appear fuller.

Knowing that everyone in the office was at lunch, Mr. Roberts dropped the formalities.

“So have you been a good girl, slut?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, lowering her eyes.

“I am pleased. I am also very impressed with your looks today, my slut. You are looking particularly fetching today. Is this for me?”

“Yes, sir. I am glad you like it.”

“Well, the reason I called you in here is to tell you about Amy. I am sure you noticed her desk has been cleaned out.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well the police came to see her Sunday and she has been arrested and is sitting in jail at this moment. Her first hearing will be tomorrow where she will be formally charged with stealing from me. Then it will go to court and the trial will begin. After speaking to my attorney, he has assured me that with the documented evidence we have, she will most likely get a lengthy sentence - he said it’s a pretty airtight case.”

A tear started down Lisa’s cheek and she began visibly trembling at the news. “Do not cry for her, she had the same choices as you. She simply did not take advantage of the opportunity. Now she must suffer the consequences.”

“Yes sir,” Lisa sniffed.

“Your participation in this scheme is between you and me. The police know nothing of your involvement nor will they as long as you stick to your side of the agreement. You still have a job here and you have no fear of legal proceedings as long as you continue to cooperate as you have been.”

“Thank you, sir. May I ask a question?”

“What is it?”

“What about Amy’s mother? She said that she was the only one who could take care of her. What will happen to her?”

“My dear, sweet slut ... I am not a beast. I have taken steps to provide for her care in a senior center. I have discussed with the center getting her some financial aid and she will live in the senior center until Amy gets out of prison. There is no sense in her needlessly suffering simply because her daughter was foolish.”

“Oh thank you, sir! That was so kind of you!” Lisa said happy for that bit of news.

“Anyway, once Amy is formally charged with the crime and her trial date has been set, I will begin looking for a replacement for her. You will be tasked in bringing her replacement, whoever it may be, up to speed with Amy’s job and responsibilities.”

“Yes, sir.

“Okay. now go on to lunch and forget all this depressing news. Stop by my office after work so we can talk on more pleasant things then.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you,” Lisa said, then left for lunch.

Coming back from her lunch hour, Lisa resumed her work at her desk. She looked over at Amy’s vacant desk and her thoughts drifted to her. She wondered what she was going through and if she had regretted her decision. She felt a little better knowing Amy’s mother would be taken care of, but poor Amy must be going through hell. Still Mr. Roberts was right - Amy had had the chance to avoid all the “unpleasantness” as he put it if she had just been willing to go along with what Mr. Roberts had planned. And it’s not like Lisa had turned her in or had testified against her - Lisa had not said one single thing that would have implicated Amy or made it seem it was all her fault.

So Lisa willed herself to forget about Amy and her plight. It was of her own choosing and so she alone was at fault. Besides, Mr. Roberts would be wanting a happy horny slut come this afternoon! So she pressed on with her work and looked forward to her afternoon meeting with Mr. Roberts.

Finally 5:00 came and the end of the work day! Lisa had been getting more and more excited as the last few minutes of the day ticked off and now that she could officially clock out, she rushed to the bathroom to quickly touch up her makeup. Her meeting with Mr. Roberts promised to be a thrilling one and she wanted him to be pleased with her.

Once she was satisfied that she was properly adorned, she went back to the office and to Mr. Roberts door. Like she had done at lunchtime, she softly knocked and upon being told to, entered the office.

Mr. Roberts stood up and walked around his desk as Lisa had knocked and was sitting on the edge of his desk as she entered. She walked up to him smiling and stood before him.

“I am here, Mr. Roberts, just as you asked,” she said.

“Indeed. And looking every bit as delicious too.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“As much as I like the outfit you are in, slut, it is not conducive to what I have in mind for you. Please remove it so we can get started,” he said. Without a word, she began removing her clothes. First her blouse, then her skirt. She folded the items and sat them on the edge of his desk. Then she removed her bra, allowing her breasts freedom. Then she looked at him and noting no change in his expression and not being told to stop, she finally removed her panties as well.

“I will take those from you,” he said. She handed them blushing a bit, to him. He felt the soft satiny fabric and inhaled her scent deeply before putting the garment in his pocket. Lisa stood before him now clad only in her thigh-top stockings and her heels.

“Very nice. Now then, there are a few things I wish to discuss with you before the fun begins.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That is the first item on the agenda. When we are at work or in public, I am to be referred to as Sir or Mr. Roberts as normal. However, alone like this, either after hours or in my home, I am Master. Do you understand?”

“Yes ... Master.” Lisa felt a jolt of electricity race through her pussy and up her spine at the mere mention of the name. She looked up at him as she said it, and his smile of approval made her knees weak.

“Very good. We will be working on proper language and terminology as we progress along our path. For now though, you are slut and I am Master. I have already learned of your weakness for dirty language, however I also want you using it as well. So we will be working to develop your own ‘dirty mouth’.”

“Yes, Master,” she said. Another jolt of electricity and she could feel her wetness beginning.

“Good girl. Now then, are you ready for this evening’s entertainment?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good. Have a seat in this chair.” She sat down in the sturdy wooden chair that he had indicated. It was new to the room, she had taken notice of it when she had first came in and now she would find out its purpose.

“Yesterday I stopped by the hardware store and picked up a few things for today,” he said. He opened a large drawer behind his desk and pulled out a few sections of nylon rope. “Tell me slut, have you ever done any bondage - ever been tied up during sex or anything like that?”

“No, Master.”

“Well it is an interest of mine. A pretty strong interest actually and one that I enjoy - especially when my subject is an attractive young white girl!” he said with a wicked smile. Lisa’s heart jumped and she felt a new buzz in her pussy.

“First, we will make sure you are securely bound.” He tied her arms up over her head and then back down to the top of the chair back making sure each was secure but not cutting off her circulation. Next he took her legs behind the knees and pulled her down so she was more slouched in the chair and then brought her knees closer to her chest, spreading her legs and bringing her stocking-covered ankles to the end of the chair’s arms. He tied her ankles in place there using the same care in her bindings as he did with her wrists. Another loop of rope around her legs just above the knees would assure that her long lean stems remained widespread and out of the way. With each binding, she found herself more and more restricted and strangely to her, more and more turned on. Her pussy was glistening and her clit throbbing and he hadn’t even begun! She had never experienced anything like this and her heart was racing as he continued.

“Comfortable, slut?” he asked.

“Yes, Master,” Lisa panted.

“Good,” he said. He pulled his desk chair around to right in front of her so he was sitting directly in front of her widespread legs and only inches away from her exposed and damp pussy.

“You know, my slut, you really are quite beautiful,” he said, his hand running up her leg from the ankle to her knee.

“T-thank you ... Master,” she gasped. He placed both hands on the inside of her thighs and slid them down almost to the crease where her thigh met her hip. Then he drew them back. Down her legs agonizingly close to her sex and back up. Each time he got close to her center, she drew in a breath as if holding her breath would make him touch her. Oh god, she wanted him to touch her! But each time he pulled back away again, causing Lisa to groan her disappointment.

“You know, I have been thinking about this pussy all weekend. Such a pretty, young, flower.” His index finger traced her pussy lips so lightly it was as if it were a feather. It was maddening!

“Please, Master! Please ... I’ve been good!” she whimpered. She tried humping up against the teasing finger, but to no avail. If he didn’t stop teasing her, she would surely go insane!

“Yes you have, my slut. And I did promise you a reward, didn’t I?”

“Yes! Please, Master! please!” Lisa cried.

He smiled broadly at her distress. He began by using his thumb to strum her engorged, throbbing clit and running his fingers up and down her wet slit, just inside her outer lips.

“Ohhhh yesss” she cooed as she felt him playing with her. This was what she had waited for! His fingers strummed and played with her as she began getting damper and her pussy began burning for him. Her pussy was preparing itself as her juices began flowing. His finger went from toying with her outer lips to exploring just inside her pussy lips and the entrance to her vagina. Lisa spread her legs further, hoping he would press fully into her. She had been thinking all weekend of this moment and she wanted him desperately. It had been so long since anyone touched her like this!

“Please, Master! Please don’t tease me! Please, I want you.” she whimpered, child-like in her need.

“Then tell me what you want, slut! Tell me what you want me to do to this pussy!” he goaded her.

“Anything! Anything you want, Master! Oh please!” she begged.

“Should I fuck it? Should I finger it? Maybe you want me to lick it?” he asked.

“Yes! Oh fuck, Master Please! Please, I’m begging you! Use my pussy! Anything! Oh god, Master!” she cried loudly and shook in her bonds.

He smiled smugly. He had already won the contest. She was his in every way she could be. He shoved his two middle fingers deep into her aching pussy, curling the tips up to rub her g-spot while the outer two fingers propped open her pussy. Using short, rapid strokes, he began fingering her. His other hand on her mound, massaging it and holding her down, his manipulations very quickly brought her to the edge.

“Ohhh Fuck! Oh I’m going to cum!” she wailed. He pulled his hand out of her pussy and she looked at him incredulously.

“Why did you stop, Master? I was almost there!” she cried.

“Because slut, I told you that any orgasms you get are gifts from me. Besides, I didn’t hear you ask me for permission to cum. You must always ask for permission to cum.”

“Yes Master,” she panted out of breath. “Please can we continue? please?”

“You really want to cum don’t you, slut. What will you give me in return for letting you cum?” he said, teasing her pussy again and watching her hump up trying to relieve her agonizing distress.

“Anything, Master. I’ll do anything you ask! I swear! Just please, please, please let me cum!” she said.

“I believe you, slut. Very well, if it’s a cum you want, then a cum you shall have!” he said. Thrusting his fingers in again he used the same technique as before the short rapid strokes and massaging her g-spot bringing her back to the brink of another orgasm. This time, however she was not going to do anything to spoil it!

“Oh fuck, Master I’m going to cum! Please, please may I cum, Master!” she cried out.

“You wish to cum, slut? You wish to cum for me?”

“Yes, Master! Yes, please let me cum for you! Please let your slut cum for you!” she said as she felt herself cresting her orgasm. Jus a few more strokes ... a few more...

“Then cum for me you fucking slut! Cum for me now!” he said in a deep growl as his fingers pushed her over the edge.

OHHHFUUUCCCKKK! OHHH!” she howled as her orgasm ripped through her, tearing the air from her lungs and sending her spiraling into a star-filled explosion of lights, sounds and sensations. Her body convulsed and spasmed violently as her head rocked back and forth and she muttered something unintelligible.

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