She Challenged Me - Cover

She Challenged Me

by Brookell

Copyright© 2021 by Brookell

Erotica Sex Story: My boyfriend's sister challenged me to a game of Strip Chess!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   First   Oral Sex   .

I advanced my King’s Pawn two ranks, a standard opening. She looked at me briefly. We had never played each other before so neither of us had any idea how good, or bad, a player we were. She matched my move, our pawns looked at each other. I remembered an old computer game, Battle Chess, where the pieces would make threatening motions when face to face. Ruefully, this was an ordinary, although lovely, chess set.

The pieces were wood and carved in phenomenal detail. It also looked old yet in wonderful condition. It didn’t show much use even though it had been set up for a game every time I saw it in this room. Normally, when I came in here with her brother, we headed for the pool table or the gaming console. This was the first time she invited me in here for a game of any sort.

I thought we were just killing time until her brother got home. I didn’t know her well; I’d only been dating her brother a few months and she’s a year older and was away at Uni until the beginning of this month. I was surprised when she invited me for a game, but I figured it was a good way to get to know her a little. Her brother didn’t talk much about her, but then I don’t talk much about my family either. I’d met his parents a couple of times, but we weren’t serious, more hanging out than anything.

The game progressed and I caught her in a simple fake-mate after only ten moves. I wasn’t sure how focused she was on the game, but I was expecting more for some reason. She had this intense look that I thought meant she would play a tighter game. No worries, as I said we were just killing time, or at least I was killing time. We were the only ones in the house. Their parents were at work, Nathan was running an errand that wasn’t supposed to take too long. Becky set up her pieces for another go, so I followed suit.

She was white this time and opened with the Queen’s Gambit, which I followed mainly to see how she handled it. I’m not some chess guru, but it’s one of those games I do enjoy. I get trounced regularly by my brother so I have managed to learn a few things. He got good at it while recovering from a broken ankle last summer and board games were about all he could do for eight weeks! We don’t play as often as we did last summer, but we do still play — and he almost always kills me at Chess. I beat him at Go and Othello. Like I said, lots of board games, aka ‘bored’ games when you are recuperating. I even busted him watching an episode of The Bachelor once, that’s how bored he was!

This game was much closer than the last, she put me on the defensive several times, but seemed to have trouble finishing. I captured a few of her pieces and finally put her on defense and closed the game out. She played much better defense than offense, but the outcome felt inevitable. I had a pretty good feel for her style of play.

“Let’s make it interesting,” Becky said, not looking at my face.

“How so?”

She looked up with a grin, “Something we do at college, a variant called ‘Strip Chess’”

“What?” I was surprised, but not shocked. I’d heard of strip poker and a couple of other games with ‘strip’ dropped in front of them. Often by a guy who thought it was an easy way to see naked girls. I think if someone at an all-guy poker game suggested ‘strip poker’, he would probably get his man-card taken away in public while at least one of the other guys at the table privately thought it would be fun. Just my opinion!

Becky continued, “It’s simple, other than pawns, whenever one of us captures a major piece, you have to discard an article of clothing of the other’s choosing. Are you game?”

I thought for a minute that maybe Becky knew more about me than I knew about her. ‘Are you game?’ is a question between Nathan and me which has become the semi-equivalent of ‘I double-dog-dare you!’ It’s usually for the various videogames we play, but we’ve used it for any number of things. It wasn’t as mindless as maybe with kids, when those words automatically meant someone was about to do something stupid. So I thought about it and said, “Won’t Nate be home soon?”

“So, the idea of one of us being naked in front of the other doesn’t bother you, but getting caught by my brother does? Interesting! I think I forgot to give you a message, Nathan had to go downtown for his errand. He’s going to be a lot longer than expected.”

I laughed, “Forgot? Why do I think that’s not totally accurate?”

She grinned and looked down at the chessboard again, “So, are you game?”

I had a pretty good gauge on her play, so I was confident. I was also wearing a lot more clothing. A tee-shirt with sleeves under a Kobe basketball jersey, shorts, bra, panties, socks, and tennies. I have quite a bit to lose before I would be naked.

As for seeing her sans clothing, that wasn’t a big deal. I’d seen many girls naked in the locker room. While I sometimes compared my body to theirs, it was more a quantitative examination than qualitative. I know I did it a lot as a freshman waiting for certain body parts to change. Thankfully, they did and now I stack up well against just about anyone, well except for Julie Dryman! I mean she was a D-cup at sixteen! Who could compete with that!

I started setting up the white pieces and saw her smirking as she set up black.

“Since you beat me two games, I should ask for a handicap.”

My turn to smirk, “I don’t think so.”

“Okay, so I’ll give you one anyway.” She took off her tee-shirt. I did my best to cover my surprise and for a moment I thought maybe she had sandbagged me, but her play in that second game, especially the defense wasn’t sandbagging, no freaking way! She fought that losing hand well. Of course, I had to look at her. I hadn’t thought about just how pretty she was.

Becky wasn’t a classic beauty, her brown hair with some auburn highlights hung to her shoulders with soft curls. She was shorter than me, with an oval face that had interesting planes and a sharp nose. It was an expressive face, more than I realized during our games. While she wasn’t as built as Julie Dryman, she was a solid C-cup being supported by a thin bra, her dark aureoles visible through the bra cups. She sat straight up during my brief examination. I didn’t find her overly distracting, but the very idea was a little disconcerting. However, I was committed and I rarely back down from a challenge and Becky was certainly challenging.

I made the first move, and I was surprised when she ignored her pawns and moved out a knight. It was a much more aggressive move than earlier and generally a foolish move for most players. The pawns are used to control the board to allow the stronger pieces to project their power to different parts of the board, usually focused on the board center.

The game wasn’t going the way I expected. I thought she would play more defensively, which seemed to be her strong point. Instead, she was playing a form of blitz chess, trying to get all her pieces rapidly in the game regardless of how dangerous it was.

I captured one of her knights and she stood. “What should I take off?”

I looked and for the first time realized she wasn’t dressed in much. She was barefoot and in shorts. The only other item of clothing was her light green bra. She only had three pieces of clothing and was about to lose one of them. Something in me was tempted to have her take off her bra, but I chickened out and told her to lose the shorts.

She grinned like she knew what I was thinking. She slowly stripped off her shorts. She was wearing a pair of boy shorts matching her bra. A lacey green set that set off her skin tone wonderfully. ‘Wonderfully?’ I almost shook my head at my thoughts. She tossed her shorts over by her top and she sat back down across from me. She sat very upright, her chest thrust out, casting a shadow from the lighting across her side of the board.

We started playing again and her aggressive style took one of my bishops and threatened a rook. I stood waiting for her to decide as she looked me over. What hadn’t dawned on me was that having her select the clothing wasn’t an advantage for me. A while back, during a sleepover, a bunch of us tried to play strip poker. Of course, after each hand, the loser would take off the bare minimum, I mean there were socks, hair ties, and even bras pulled through tops before a single bit of skin was uncovered. In this game, there was no way to take off something innocuous like a shoe or a sock first because the choice wasn’t up to the loser of the chess piece.

She took her time and looked at me up and down. It was a little disconcerting and part of me shivered. I couldn’t quite read her expression. After a short time, she said “Shorts, if you please.”

It was a struggle getting them over my tennis shoes, I had to sit down to remove them. She watched me closely and seem to enjoy my struggles. I could feel my face heat up and I vowed to not lose any more clothing!

I sat back down, and we started again. I almost got her queen, but she sacrificed both a pawn and a rook to keep it safe. She stood again and part of me didn’t want to do it, but that would mean backing down. I had two choices: bra or panties. Both had pluses and minuses. ‘Pluses?’ Again, I was surprised at my own thoughts. What was a plus about seeing another girl’s breasts?

That being the case, I told her, “Panties, please.” The look on her face might have been disappointed, but it flashed by quickly. Then she sat down on the floor and took off those cute panties, then she stretched her legs apart and stroked them while looking at me. I caught myself looking at her legs and more. When she brought up her knees to stand back up, I realized she was trimmed, not shaved. I felt myself heating up again.

“It’s really comfy, you should try it.” She said it while running a hand across her mons. I looked away quickly, embarrassed at being caught looking at her like that. Again, my own thoughts felt weird, ’looking at her like that?’ Like what? I was trying to figure out where my head was when she sat back down.

The board was a mess, there was nothing coherent, no strategy, no tactical advantages. It was the strangest chessboard I’d ever seen. It was more like a random assortment of pieces than anything else. I waited while she contemplated her next move. I was also looking at the board to try and make some sense of it.

She moved a pawn forward one square. It opened a line to her queen from my bishop. I almost didn’t catch it myself. I studied the board very carefully and suddenly it made sense. It was the only answer to her strategy. I look up at her, she was looking at me as well.

“You aren’t playing to win!”

She gave me a wide smile, “It took you long enough to figure it out. The object to Strip Chess is to get naked, not win the game.”

“But why?”

She stood up and came around the table. Surprisingly, she slid into my lap and before putting her arms around me she unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. I had a naked woman in my arms, and I had no freaking idea what to do.

“Nate probably didn’t mention that I’m gay. He also didn’t mention to me how pretty his girlfriend is.” She put her face on my shoulder and kissed my neck.

Instinctively my arms went around her, my hands on her bare skin. If I could think straight, I would add those to a list of things I had never done before. When my hands touched her, I felt almost like a vibration running through her body. I couldn’t say anything at all. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling inside or out, all I felt was a warm body against me and her lips on my neck. I realized the vibration was within me not her. I think I moved my hands a little, feeling her smooth skin when she kissed my neck again.

Part of me was thinking that while I know I liked getting kissed on the neck, it never felt like this. It was like a shock to my body. I ran one hand up her back, her soft warm back. She shifted and straddled me, my hands now on her hips right where her hip folded. Her arms went around my neck and her face was very close to mine as she looked at me. I don’t know what she saw, but time moved in infinite slowness as she came closer. I felt like I had hours to think about what was about to happen. Do you know how slow the clock moves at the end of the school or workday? That was nothing to how slow it was moving right then.

There was an unusual scent flowing between us, one I should have recognized since it was similar to my fingers on some late nights when I would touch myself. She was not only in my lap, but she was excited and I could tell! For some reason as her lips got closer and closer, I pictured her in her bed, the lights out, the door closed and her legs clamped tightly around her hand as she brought herself to one orgasm after another.

I felt wetness on my upper thighs, I assumed it was her, but then noticed I was leaking myself. My off-kilter brain worried about the fabric of the chair for a moment. She stopped just a tiny bit away from me.

“I really, really want to kiss you. But I won’t if you don’t want me to.” Her breath was hot with a slight strawberry scent. I knew she had been drinking an energy drink, I guess it was strawberry-flavored. Again, my warped mind seemed to find lots of time to think about silly things, like the chair and her sweet breath. Something deep inside me said I should be acting differently, maybe even freaking out. I thought about Julie Dryman again. For some reason, I thought if she were sitting on my lap like this how interesting it would be to touch those large breasts of hers. As I thought that, I felt my hands move up over Becky’s stomach and stop at her breasts. When I cupped them, I felt her react and I also felt her smile. She was too close for me to see it, but I felt her smile and she relaxed slightly. Her lips moved closer and I found myself wanting time to speed back up.

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