A Fantasy For A Friend - Cover

A Fantasy For A Friend

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 5

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A reader of erotic stories longs to belong to a Master. She has a writer friend who invites her to come for a visit. A visit that will change her life!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

I sat there in the living room with my head in my hands. How could I have done this? I wondered. This wasn’t what BDSM was about ... at least not my BDSM. That BDSM I practiced and tried to pass on to others was a loving, caring, giving relationship, not one of intentional cruelty. This went against everything I thought I stood for!

I tried to go into the bedroom to clean up, thinking maybe that would get my mind off things but of course, that didn’t work. I saw the “scene of the crime” with all the tools I had used to commit this abomination, this corruption of everything I held BDSM to. I had to leave them as they lay, a memorial to my own shame and sorrow.

After some time, pet came out and saw me sitting on the sofa. She came over and knelt down in front of me.

“No, Linda. Don’t kneel in front of me. Not right now. I’m not Master. I am ... I don’t know what I am, but I’m not the Master Jonathan I claim to be. Not after what I did,” I said.

She sat down beside me and put her hand on my leg. “Jon, you didn’t do anything but fulfill a young girl’s dream. Leah asked you for this. She asked you to spank her and she told you she was a masochist ... she told you to make it hurt,” she said.

“But I didn’t stop at making it hurt ... I made her cum from the beating I gave her!” I said.

“Yes, you did. But think about it, for a minute. Don’t you try to make me cum too? Making a girl cum means you gave them pleasure – it doesn’t matter what form that pleasure comes in, just that she enjoyed herself.”

“But how can anyone enjoy that? How can anyone enjoy being beaten like that?” I asked.

“Jon, sweetheart, I remember asking the very same question to you a few years back. When you first told me you were into this BDSM stuff I asked you how anyone could enjoy being spanked, or tied up, or made to kneel in front of another. And didn’t you tell me that BDSM takes many forms? Doesn’t the SM part stand for sadism and masochism?” pet said.

Pet made sense and I couldn’t really argue with her. She was right ... technically. But that still didn’t make my gut feel any better.

She went into the bedroom to pick up all the things I used. I just let her go do her work. I wasn’t going in there just yet. Leah was safe in the guest room resting ... pet had done a wonderful job helping to cool her ass down and she was “comfortably resting” she said. I didn’t know how that could be, but pet was a smart girl. If she said everything was okay, I trusted her judgment.

I sat there in the living room for the rest of the evening. When it came time for bed pet came in to get me but I told her to just go to bed. I couldn’t sleep if I tried so I went in to check on Leah. She was sleeping so I brought a chair in from the dining room and sat there with her in case she needed anything. I spent the night watching over her and watching her sleep.

Pet woke me up the next morning when she got up. She came in quiet as a churchmouse and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned when I heard the door open and pet put her finger to her lips. “Shhh, it’s just me,” she whispered. “Jon, go to bed, you’ve been here all night. I’m up now and I will watch over Leah. She’ll probably be getting up soon anyway.”

So I went to bed. I doubted I could get any sleep – after all this was where it all happened yesterday. But I guess in beating myself up over it, I wore myself out because I did fall asleep – a very sound sleep too. When I woke up finally, I wasn’t alone.

“Leah! What are you doing? Do you need anything? Are you okay?” I said sitting bolt upright.

“Easy Master! It’s okay, I’m fine. Well, maybe a little tender, but nothing I can’t handle! It’s okay really. I appreciate you watching over me, but I’m fine.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay. little one I’m sorry that I was so hard on you yesterday. I should have called it off earlier. I was just trying to give you the spanking you wanted,” I said.

“You did, Master. You were one of the only people I have ever met that has taken it as far as I needed to get off. Master, can I be frank with you for a minute?”

“Yes, of course.”

She rolled over on top of me sitting on my lap and leaning forward, braced by her outstretched arms

“Master, you are one of the kindest, most caring, and considerate men I’ve ever met. And as a Master, you have no equal. You have granted me the one thing I’ve always wanted – to be a submissive to a real Master. And yesterday you gave me another gift. You gave me the spanking I wanted, the spanking I needed to feel submissive. I did wrong and I needed to be punished. And you saw to it that I was properly punished, not just a play spanking but a real spanking ... you made me cum!

“Master I have known you for almost ten years now and not once in all that time have you ever shown anything but the man – the Master – you are right now. No other Master on that story site or that I have ever met has been able to maintain their values like you have. You are exactly what you portray online.

“When I told my parents I was going to Alaska for a vacation they thought it was a wonderful idea and they were all for it. I didn’t tell them I was going to be staying with a BDSM Master – they don’t even know about that side of me. They just think I’m their quirky daughter – that I’m punk or goth or something. And my friends at work thought I was nuts picking Alaska for a vacation, no one there knows about my BDSM either.

“But I had no qualms at all about coming here, and in fact when you told me about it and how it would work, I was so excited I could hardly type yes! I never worried for a minute about the perils of going to see a man in person that I met online.

“As you always say, BDSM is about trust. Master, I trust you absolutely and unconditionally. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. I’ve been burned before by would-be Masters, but I never doubted your sincerity or dedication to this life. I am thrilled beyond words to be here with you and pet.”

I listened to her words and her accolades. I wasn’t sure I deserved them, but I listened. When she was finished I pulled her down and kissed her long, deep, and with all I had.

Feeling better about everything now, I got up and walked with Leah into the dining room where pet had breakfast just about ready.

“Everything okay now?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes, pet, everything is fine,” I said looking at Leah and smiling.

As we ate breakfast I looked out the window. It was a bright sunny day so I decided to take advantage of it. “It looks like a beautiful day outdoors. I think we should use such a nice day and do some sightseeing – I’d hate for you to go back home and not see anything of Alaska but the bedroom!”

“Yes, Master.”

“Now we can’t see everything, but there’s plenty to see around town here. I thought we’d see the University of Alaska Museum, then go to the Pipeline Viewpoint, maybe take a trip down the road a piece to North Pole to see Santa’s Workshop and the man himself and his reindeer, then come back and look around Pioneer Park closer to home here. That should be a good morning’s jaunt!”

“Yes Master, sounds like fun!” she said.

After breakfast, I made sure the cellphone was fully charged – I was sure Leah would want lots of pictures. Then we got dressed and left for our first destination: the University of Alaska Museum.

The UofA Museum is a pretty good-sized place with lots of displays of life in Alaska, its history, and the wildlife in the area. It took us a good two and a half hours to walk around and see everything and Leah got some postcards from the gift shop while we were there.

When we had seen all that the museum had to offer, we got back in my truck and headed for the Pipeline Viewpoint. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline stretches 800 miles from the northern edge of Alaska (the “North Slope”) to the terminal in Valdez and it passes right by Fairbanks. There is a spot just outside of town where you can actually see the pipeline above ground and there are a couple displays there as well. Leah got her picture taken under the pipeline which she thought was pretty neat and she read about the pipeline and its construction. Then we got back in the truck and headed to North Pole.

North Pole, Alaska is a small community about 15 miles southeast (believe it or not!) of Fairbanks. Home to the world-famous Santa Claus House, it has a gift shop and the jolly old elf himself in residence. Leah got her picture on his lap and a picture kissing him on his rosy red cheek (which I think he kinda liked!) and then she went to the gift shop and bought a few trinkets for herself and her family. By then it was about lunchtime, so we stopped at the Elf’s Den – a small little restaurant that serves a killer pizza!

Once we had recharged our stomachs with pizza and soda, we headed back into town to Pioneer Park. It’s Fairbanks’s answer to Disneyland and while not even in the same league as the Magic Kingdom, it has an Old Town where some of the original Fairbanks buildings have been restored and turned into little gift and souvenir shops. There’s an original paddlewheeler that used to run up and down the Chena and Tanana rivers delivering supplies and people to the villages and towns along the way. There’s an Air Museum where examples of early Alaska aircraft are on display. It’s a nice little park and it draws tourists all summer.

We got back home and while Leah went in the guest room to safely pack her treasures away for her return home I went to the computer to download the pictures we took. I had picked up a small flash drive to store them on and downloaded probably two dozen pics onto it.

I had just finished downloading the pictures and turned the phone off, putting it back on the charger when the girls came in.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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