A Fantasy For A Friend - Cover

A Fantasy For A Friend

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A reader of erotic stories longs to belong to a Master. She has a writer friend who invites her to come for a visit. A visit that will change her life!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

She had been a fan of my writing for years. She loved all my stories, but she was particularly fond of my BDSM stories, and would oftentimes be the first to comment on them.

Leah and I “met” online through the story site I wrote for. She had put up a few poems and stories herself and we collaborated on a couple as well. Through our writing back and forth we got to know each other and developed a close friendship. But while my girl and I lived in Alaska, she lived on the East Coast someplace so email was about the only way to communicate.

In her emails, she felt as if she might be submissive and by the way she wrote – short emails that were more like notes than letters – I could tell she was shy and somewhat introverted. She didn’t like to get involved in the “drama” that usually accompanies the chatrooms and forums of the story site we belonged to and while she had many friends, she only really spoke with a handful. I could easily see the submissive in her. She would always refer to me as Sir even when I told her that she could call me by name – she said that Sir fit me and it was respectful, which I’ll admit, I kind of liked!

When we weren’t talking about stories and such, our conversations would often be about where we lived. She was eager to learn about Alaska and soaked up everything I said about it. More than once she told me how she would love to see Alaska someday. A lot of the people I talked with said the same thing, but Leah seemed genuinely fascinated with life up here.

But Alaska is a big-ticket destination – it takes money to come to Alaska, to shop up here, and to leave again. So it usually stays on the bucket list for most people. And it did for Leah too for a long time. She’d listen to me talk about it, then she’d dream about it at night.

When she wasn’t dreaming about Alaska, she confessed to dreaming about being a submissive and serving a Dominant or a Master. She was far too shy to look for one close by and could only fantasize about what it would be like to kneel at his feet and serve him – doing anything and everything he asked in order to please him.

Leah would ask me from time to time about BDSM ... she asked me how I became a Master, how my girl liked being my submissive, and if the things in my story were things I really did or if it was just imagination. I admitted a few things were in my head but most of the emotions and feelings in my stories were very real. Which only fed her desire to serve and her night-time dreams of belonging to a Master herself.

One day I received an email from her and in it, she said that her work had temporarily closed down because COVID had hit hard where she lived. I had been watching things develop on the TV myself so I was aware of all the confusion and worry. I was concerned for her as well – like I said we’d grown pretty close, all three of us. Alaska because of its location, hadn’t experienced COVID yet (eventually we would though) and so all the news was very strange.

Leah told me that her work had laid her off because of this. She hadn’t been outright fired, but there was just no one going to work because of fears of getting sick. So she’d had to move back in with her parents because she couldn’t afford her apartment with no income.

I told her that we hadn’t had any cases yet of COVID and that Canada had issued a travel ban so no one except commercial truck traffic could go through Canada to get here. We hadn’t started the quarantine thing quite yet since we hadn’t had any cases of COVID, so that wasn’t a worry. She commented on how lucky we were to not have this problem. Which gave me a delightfully wicked idea...

I talked things over with my girl before I said anything and once we talked things out we found we were both agreeable to my idea. And that’s when I approached Leah to see what she thought.


You and I have become very good friends over the years and I know you feel close to my Linda too. You and I have talked about our stories and our lives. And we have talked at length many times about BDSM. You have told me that you feel you are a submissive and how you would like someday to find a Master to serve.

Now your work has temporarily laid you off so you don’t have a job to go to anymore. So I’m going to ask you if you would like to take a little vacation from all the COVID craziness and come to Alaska. You would get a chance to see this place you have always dreamed about and you would get a chance to serve a real Master – another and maybe even more important dream. But it’s up to you. Let me know your decision as soon as you can.

Master Jonathan

That was the email I wrote her. I hit the send button with no idea what the response would be. Leah and I were good friends, sure, on the computer – how would that relate to an in-person friendship, and would she even be interested in taking it that far?

She had sent me a few pictures of her over the years – mostly just “bit shots” a pic of her face, a couple other, more “intimate” pics when she was feeling playful. But nothing that showed me her full body. And she had never seen my picture – to her, I was this mystery man that made her nights exciting, but that she couldn’t pick out of a crowd. I could be standing right behind her in a supermarket line and she’d never know!

I wondered if this opportunity would be enough to draw a shy quiet girl out of her shell and take a chance to grab something she claims has always been a fantasy of hers. I just didn’t know...

Because of the hour and the time difference between us, it wasn’t until the next morning that I would learn of her decision. I turned on my computer and the first email in my mailbox was from her. I opened it cautiously – this could be a hearty agreement or a rejection of my offer or worse. As it turned out though she was over the top with the idea but wondered how it could happen.


This is an amazing offer and I thank you for it, but what about Miss Linda? How would she feel if I showed up there? I do not want to be a problem or come between you two – you are both very dear friends to me and I don’t want to cause trouble.

Another thing, I just can’t afford such an expensive trip right now. As I told you, I am not working and had to go back home to live with Mom and Dad. Such a trip is just out of reach for me right now. I’m sorry, I really do wish I could. I think it would be a wonderful trip and experience, but it’s just not possible right now.

little one

“little one” was my pet name for her and she liked it when I called her that. I thought about it for a few minutes then wrote her back.


I have already discussed this with Miss Linda even before I asked you – I didn’t want to get your hopes up. But she is all for it and would love to have a girl she can talk to. She always tells me she doesn’t have any girlfriends she can talk girl talk to (and I am a poor substitute I’m afraid!). So you don’t have to worry about her – she’d like to have someone to take the pressure of dealing with me off her a bit!

As for the expense, we will take care of your airfare up here, you can stay here with us, and we can show you around and give you the grand tour. All we ask is that you pay your way home. So your expenses would be cut drastically. If you can find a way to pay for your part of the plane fare we will cover the rest. Does that sound easier to swallow?


This time I had written her early enough that I got a response about an hour later. She was overjoyed and a bit stunned that we would make such an offer!


That is incredibly generous of you and I can’t believe you want me to come up there to be with you and Miss Linda. But it’s an offer that I just can’t pass up – yes, I would love to come to Alaska and serve you, Sir! I would love to serve next to Miss Linda and be her “sub-sister” for a while. I’m, so excited! Please Sir, let’s talk about all the details – when, how, what – and iron things out. Oh, this is just so wonderful of both of you ... I just want to cry!

little one

And so over the next few emails, we got things organized and arranged. She was able to borrow the money from her parents to pay for her part of the plane fare and we got her reservations taken care of and her ticket bought. Since it would be early June when she got here, she wouldn’t have to worry about the cold weather, although I did advise her to bring a light jacket – it would still be chilly compared to the weather where she was at. She asked what else she should bring clothing-wise and I told her to bring some jeans her sneakers, and some long sleeve tops. And bring something for indoors too – something pleasing to a Master’s eye! She liked that part and I could almost see her blushing as she read that!

It would be two agonizingly long weeks before she would head to Alaska and during that time we talked many times about what she could see and do up here. I figured she would be eager to see as much of Alaska as she could in her short time here and so I laid out all that was possible for her to choose from.

But in her emails, I was to learn that while she was eager to see Alaska, she was even more eager to be my submissive. By her account, she had been dreaming of serving a Master since she started reading my stories. She had tried a couple of online Master’s but found them to be “players” – only interested in “cybering” and not being a proper Master at all. She knew that I was different. She had known me for several years and she knew I wasn’t a player and that I took this BDSM stuff seriously. And that was what she wanted too.

Finally, the day of her departure had arrived. Leah’s parents took her and her luggage to the airport, and after saying goodbye she boarded the plane to Alaska. I’m sure her mind was going a mile a minute wondering what was ahead – would we “click” as Master and sub? Would she be able to even do what I ask? She was fairly certain I wouldn’t ask her to do anything crazy, but she couldn’t be sure. This was a big step for a shy girl like her. She just had to trust that I was what I claimed and what my stories depicted.

Her flight would make two stops, one in Chicago and one in Seattle, each with a bit of a layover. She would have to change planes in Seattle as well. It would be a 13 hour, 45-minute flight and she was due to arrive shortly after 4:00 pm. my time. That gave her imagination plenty of time to work on her and I’m sure that there were many times during that flight she was wondering if she did the right thing. It would be my job to show her she did.

Her flight was right on time and I was there at the airport to meet her. I waited for her just outside the security checkpoint because it was as close as I was allowed to get and shortly I saw her come into the terminal building, her red-streaked black hair made picking her out of the crowd quite easy! She followed the other passengers because that was the only thing she could do. I smiled to myself seeing her look around, knowing she had no idea what she was looking for! She was standing with her back to me looking and hoping I would find her when I approached her from behind.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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