Quantum Mind Slave - Cover

Quantum Mind Slave

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Chapter 7

Tim scheduled the surgery on Rachel for a weekday between semesters. He asked Carl to come over early on the appointed day to play anesthesiologist. Rachel and Ken showed up shortly after. They brought a bag of loose, comfortable clothes for Rachel to wear after the surgery.

“One last time,” said Tim to Rachel, “are you sure you want this? Not only will I have full control of your body, but I’ll have access to your thoughts and memories as well. You’ll have no privacy from me.”

“I’m a good girl,” whispered Rachel. “I have no dark secrets.”

Several hours later, Rachel lay in bed in the “recovery room,” i.e., Tim’s dining room.

“I don’t feel any different,” croaked Rachel when she woke from the anesthesia.

“It’ll take a couple of days for the modules to decode your spinal signals and I’ll be able to control you.”

Ken had agreed to sleep on Tim’s couch and help take care of Rachel until Tim gained full control of her.

A week later, Tim woke in the morning feeling disoriented. He looked around. He was still lying in his own bed in his bedroom, but he was also lying in a hospital bed in his dining room. He sat up feeling queasy. He wasn’t feeling ill, but realized his unease came from the fact that he was in a female body. His breasts weighed heavy on his chest, and his vulva and vagina buzzed uncomfortably as if demanding sexual release from years of celibacy. She carefully stood and, holding onto the side rails of the bed, took a few cautious steps.

“Rachel!” gasped Ken as he rubbed his eyes and stood. “You’re walking!”

“Yeah,” said Rachel. “I’m walking.”

Oh fuck, thought Rachel. He really is controlling my body.

“Yeah,” said Rachel. “I’m controlling your body.”

“You’re controlling my body, Rachel?” said Ken in confusion.

“No,” said Rachel. “I’m talking to Rachel inside her head.”

“You’re Tim?” said Ken. “I’m talking to Tim, not Rachel?”

“That’s correct,” said Rachel. “I’m Tim controlling Rachel’s body and talking through her.”

Oh, God! thought Rachel.

Rachel took a deep breath and stepped away from the bed. The urine and fecal collection bags taped to her legs felt binding and uncomfortable.

“Excuse me for a bit, Ken,” said Rachel and she headed toward the makeshift examination and surgical room.

Rachel sat on the examination table and lifted her hospital gown up, revealing her genitalia to herself. She then removed the collection bags and removed the catheter from her urethra. Tim then reached down to examine herself. Rachel gasped as he touched his clitoris for the first time, sending tingles through his body.

He’s going to rape me, thought Rachel.

“Nobody is going to rape you,” said Rachel as Tim lay in his bed in his bedroom.

You can hear my thoughts, thought Rachel.

“Yes,” said Rachel. “I told you I’d be able to. Give me a few minutes to get dressed and I’ll come to you.”

Tim got up, got dressed quickly and joined herself in the examination room. He closed the door and stood in shock. From one side of the room, Tim stared at himself. From the other side of the room, Tim stared at herself.

Now, you’re going to rape me, thought Rachel, right?

“Not yet,” said Tim. “Maybe later.”

Oh God! thought Rachel.

“I’m joking!” said Tim. “I’m not gonna rape you!”

Did I make a mistake? thought Rachel.

“I don’t know,” said Tim. “Did you? I can take the chips out again and you’ll be back no worse than you were. Is that what you want?”

I don’t know, thought Rachel.

Rachel removed her hospital gown and took the gray sweatpants and sweatshirt from her bag and put them on.

He’s watching me get dressed, thought Rachel. The pervert!

“Rachel!” said Tim. “I told you this would be awkward. Maybe I should remove the module from your body. Or find someone else to control you.”

Tim left the room and joined Ken in the living room.

No, thought Rachel. Just give me some time to get used to this. Can I even talk for myself?

“Not really. You can as much as you could before,” said Rachel. “But I have much better control over you.”

“How’s she doing?” asked Ken.

“She’s having difficulty accepting me controlling her body,” said Tim. “But otherwise, the procedure seems to have worked as expected. I have full control of her body and I can hear her thoughts.”

I’m hungry, thought Rachel.

“I know,” said Rachel. “I can feel that you’re hungry. I’ll get some lunch ready in a minute.”

Okay, thought Rachel.

“Rachel is hungry,” said Tim. “I’ll fix something for lunch.”

“I can do that,” said Ken. “I don’t know what it’s like to perform surgery, but I imagine you and Carl must be tired from the surgery. Just show me where you keep everything.”

Rachel came out of the examination room and sat on the sofa.

“Rachel!” said Ken. “How are you feeling?”

Well enough, thought Rachel.

“Well enough,” said Rachel.

“You can talk!” said Ken.

“No,” said Rachel. “I’m Tim. I just spoke what Rachel thought.”

“I see,” said Ken. “This could get confusing.”

“Yeah,” said Tim and Rachel together in stereo. “It could.”

“Okay,” said Ken. “Let me get lunch ready and we can all talk while we eat.”

Eating lunch, Ken looked at Rachel. “Rachel, can you see me?”

Rachel looked at Ken. Yes, she thought.

“Yes,” said Rachel. “And I can see you, too,” she added.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” said Ken.

“Rachel can see you,” said Rachel. “And I, Tim, can see you with Rachel’s eyes too,” added Rachel.

“I see,” said Ken.

The four of them spent the rest of the day just Homering out on the sofa watching TV as Tim spoke for Rachel whenever she wanted to say something.

Afterward, Carl left and went home.

“You’re welcome to stay on the sofa again, Ken,” said Tim.

“Thanks,” said Ken. “But I gotta go to work tomorrow. You have my name on your phone if problems develop.”

Tim took a shower after Ken left. Then Rachel took a shower. She slowly soaped herself down, her breasts, her underarms, and her crotch, again slowly fondling herself down there.

I know you want to fuck me, thought Rachel. Just get it over with, okay?

“I’m just not used to having a female body,” said Rachel and went into bed in the makeshift “recovery room.”

“I’ll turn the second bedroom into a proper bedroom for you in a couple of days,” said Rachel.

You’re really not going to take advantage of the hot girl you control the body of? thought Rachel.

“Not unless you want me to,” said Rachel.

Of course not! thought Rachel. You’re not my type.

“No, of course I’m not,” said Rachel. “I’m not a chad with six sixes.”

What does that mean?! thought Rachel.

“Nothing,” said Rachel. “Forget it.”

Memories of that day flooded into Tim’s mind. Ashley, Chad, Ebony, Emily, Hannah, Monica, Stephanie, Tyrone, and Wendy. The dive off the big rock. The guy Rachel had the hots for really was named Chad. Shit!

Tim suddenly jumped out of bed, ran to the bedroom, and puked his dinner into the toilet. He fell back as memories of sucking on various cocks flooded his consciousness.

“You?” gasped Rachel. “You slept with the whole varsity football team in high school?!”

Yeah, thought Rachel. So?

“That’s eleven guys in the course of one year!” said Rachel.

So? thought Rachel. How many total women have you slept with?

“That would be a grand total of...” said Rachel. “zero.”

It’s not my fault you’re a loser, thought Rachel.

“Loser?” said Rachel. “Who just went through medical school and is gonna become a doctor? Maybe I should commit suicide after all. Just jump out a window. No way you can stop me from doing it...”

God! No! thought Rachel. Would you really kill me?

“No,” said Rachel. “I won’t kill you.

I’m sorry! thought Rachel. I shouldn’t have thought that. I won’t think any bad thoughts about you again. Okay? Please don’t kill me!

“I won’t kill you, Rachel,” said Rachel. “But guys don’t have it as easy as women. A woman can go out and get just about any guy to sleep with her, except maybe a few totally devoted husbands and religious fanatics. But a guy can’t just flirt with a woman and expect her to jump into bed with him just because he flashes some skin at her.”

Sure he can, thought Rachel.

“Yeah,” said Rachel. “Only if he’s a footbowl player, or got a ripped body, or got an 8 inch cock. The hot guys all have five or six girlfriends, while us normal guys are invisible to women. And then you girls complain there’s not enough guys to go around.”

Well, maybe, thought Rachel. But, look, you’re in shape, and you’re about to become a doctor. So you’re gonna be a hot guy.

“Because I’ll have bucks?” said Rachel. “You’re saying women are all gold diggers?”

No, thought Rachel. That’s not what I’m saying.

“Yeah, it is,” said Rachel. “Good night, Rachel.”

A girl just wants the guy to make more than her so she has a good life. And if they break up, he has to pay alimony to her, not the other way around.

“So there’s no pay gap?” said Rachel.

Of course there is! thought Rachel. _

“But you won’t date a man who makes less than you,” said Rachel. “You all want your men to make more than you do? Hypocrisy much?”

That’s not fair, Tim! thought Rachel. We women just want financial security from our men.

“So, what about, ‘equality’?” said Rachel. “The strong independent woman bit?”

Good night, Tim, thought Rachel.

The next day, Tim slept late as he liked to do when he had nothing to do.

Hey! thought Rachel. It must be after eight! Wake up!

“I like to sleep late on my day off,” said Rachel.

I don’t, thought Rachel.

Tim rolled over and went back to sleep for another hour before getting out of bed.

About time! thought Rachel.

Tim started to prepare breakfast of bacon and eggs.

Are you just going to leave me here? thought Rachel.

Rachel got out of bed and put her gray sweatpants and sweatshirt on, then came out and sat at the dining table as Tim placed their plates on the table.

If I’m gonna live with you, thought Rachel, can we go to my place and get the rest of my clothes?

“Sure,” said Tim. “But you don’t have to live with me. You can go back home if you want.”

Tim and Rachel took turns eating.

You can’t control both of us at the same time? thought Rachel.

“It’s not easy,” said Tim. “Controlling two bodies at the same time is like patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time.”

Oh, thought Rachel.

“I’ll try,” said Tim. He and Rachel picked up their forks, scooped up some eggs, and put the forks in their mouths in perfect slow lockstep.

We can’t eat like that in public, thought Rachel. People are going to think we’re freaks!

“I know,” said Tim. “When I was the dog, it was easy to walk together in sync. But controlling our two human bodies separately will take some practice and coordination on my part.”

Then how will it work if you control my body but we don’t live together and you have to control your body, too? thought Rachel.

“I don’t know,” said Tim. “You want to live with me, then? Like I said, I’ll make that second bedroom into a real bedroom for you.”

Just admit it, Tim, thought Rachel. I’m your God damned slave. It’s just like you said. You control my body. You control everything I say for Christ sake!

“Yeah,” said Tim. “I can take the chip out and put you back the way you were if that’s what you want.”

Fuck, no! thought Rachel. I can walk around! I can eat! I can talk! Even if it’s really you doing these things and my head is just along for the ride. Shit! I don’t know what I want.

“Okay,” said Tim. “Let me know when you decide.”

Can we go somewhere and do something, Tim? thought Rachel.

“Well, I like to stay home on my day off, but where do you want to go?” said Tim.

I don’t know, thought Rachel. Get my clothes, then go to the mall maybe.

“I hate malls,” said Tim, “but okay.”

After they finished eating, Tim and Rachel drove to Ken’s place to get Rachel’s clothes.

Ken welcomed them inside and asked Rachel how everything is working out so far.

Can’t complain, thought Rachel.

“Can’t complain,” said Rachel.

“But that’s Tim echoing what Rachel is thinking, right?” said Ken. “How do I know that’s really what Rachel is thinking?”

Tim shrugged. “I guess you don’t.”

Now, that’s scary, thought Rachel.

Ken laughed and showed them to Rachel’s room. It looked like a hospital room.

A lot of her clothes were ultra sexy –– halter tops, sheer tops, hot pants, leggings laced up both sides, knotted tops, strapless bras, thongs, string bikinis.

Most of those are from my high school days, thought Rachel. None of them will fit me any more.

“You were a real 304 back then,” said Tim.

What’s a 304? thought Rachel.

“You don’t want to know,” said Tim.

They took her loose-fitting clothes, and left the rest.

Back in the car, Rachel thought, To the mall now?

“Okay,” said Tim.

Parking at the mall, they walked through the parking lot in perfect lockstep, even swinging their arms, flexing their fingers and blinking in sync.

As they entered the mall, people started looking at them oddly, even though they were dressed perfectly normally.

Let’s go in that store, thought Rachel.

“Sure,” said Tim.

Looking at clothes proved to be a little more awkward than expected. Tim had to stand perfectly still while Rachel told him where among the racks to walk her and what for her to look at. She selected a variety of halter tops, tube tops, leggings, thongs, and whatnot. Taking her selections into the girl’s changing area was even more awkward.

Don’t tell me you don’t like looking at all the naked women changing clothes, thought Rachel.

“I don’t mind if you don’t mind,” whispered Rachel.

Why would I mind? thought Rachel. It’s not like you’re my boyfriend and I’m jealous or anything.

Rachel rejected some of the clothes that didn’t quite fit to her satisfaction, and then wanted to shop for more.

“Hold on a second,” whispered Rachel. “I don’t have the patience for this. Pick out some clothes you want, try them on, and buy them if they fit. None of this changing your mind and trying on the whole store until you’re satisfied.”

How do you buy clothes? thought Rachel.

“I pick out a few things I like,” whispered Rachel, “try them on, buy them, then leave.”

That’s boring! thought Rachel.

“Maybe we should find a girl to volunteer to control you, then,” whispered Rachel.

No way! thought Rachel. I told you before! Being controlled by a girl would be pure hell!

They left the clothing store with their purchases, Rachel grumbling about being rushed, and Tim grumbling about taking so long.

Now for shoes! thought Rachel.

“What’s wrong with the shoes you’re wearing now?” said Tim.

They’re out of style, thought Rachel. And I can’t wear the same shoes every day. You don’t know anything about being a girl, do you?

“Nope,” said Tim. “I’ve only been a girl for less than 24 hours.”

Tim went through the same ordeal buying shoes.

Handbag, thought Rachel as they left the shoe store.

“I’m here with you,” said Tim. “You don’t need a handbag. It’s just more weight and junk to carry around with you.”

What if you’re not with me? thought Rachel.

“Fine,” said Tim. “We’ll buy a handbag. Something sturdy, lightweight, and practical.”

As they were walking through the mall to Handbags R Us, Tim said, “You’re hungry.”

Yeah, thought Rachel. I’m hungry.

“Okay,” said Tim, “Let’s find the food court.”

“Rachel!” someone called out from the crowd.

Tim and Rachel turned to see a guy and girl walking toward them. Tim felt himself suddenly getting wet down in his vagina.

Chad! thought Rachel. But who’s that girl with him? Tim felt himself getting jealous. Tim couldn’t help noticing that the guy was ripped and was wearing expensive clothes.

Tim searched Rachel’s memories.

“Hi Chad,” said Rachel.

This Chad was one of those bad boys she slept with in high school even though she knew he had a girlfriend and was also sleeping with several other girls at the same time.

“Rachel!” said Chad hugging her, making Tim feel awkward, though he hugged Chad back, “You can walk!”

Uh, thought Rachel. I don’t know what to say! Help me, Tim!

“Yeah,” said Rachel. “I found a neurosurgeon who was able to reconnect my spine by attaching a computer chip implant to my cervical vertebrae.”

“Oooh! Big words!” said Chad. “But that’s awesome! You must be her squeeze,” he said to Tim.

“Just a friend,” said Tim.

“Don’t hide it!” said Chad. “Everyone here can tell you’re into each other by the way you walk and move in lockstep.”

“Are we that obvious?” said Tim.

“Definitely obvious!” said the girl with Chad. “You got a name?”

“Tim,” said Tim.

“Lauren,” said the girl.

“Have you guys eaten yet?” said Chad.

“Well, not yet,” said Tim. “We were just headed to the food court.”

“Fuck the food court!” said Chad. “Le Restaurant Étouffant et Les Dégueulis! My treat!”

“Okay,” said Tim.

They walked through the mall to the French restaurant and were seated quickly since it was early.

“What are you having, Rachel?” said Chad.

I don’t know, thought Rachel. I love seafood, so I’m tempted to get the Bouillabaisse.

“Are you sure?” whispered Tim to Rachel.

“Is she sure of what?” asked Lauren with a puzzled expression.

Yeah, thought Rachel. I’m sure.

“Can I have the Bouillabaisse?” said Rachel.

“Of course,” said Chad. “Whatever you want, Rachel.”

“And I’m a steak man,” said Tim, “so I think I’ll have the Steak Tartare.”

“Good choice,” said Chad. “I’m getting the steak, too!”

“The Cassoulet looks good,” said Lauren. “I think I’ll try that.”

Their dinner arrived, and Tim managed to hold up Rachel’s side of the conversation by probing her memories and taking her suggested replies.

After they finished, Rachel thought, I need to pee.

“Excuse me,” said Rachel. “I need to use the ladies room.”

Lauren stood quickly. “I’ll go with you.”

Tim wanted to ask Rachel why women always go to the restroom in groups, but didn’t dare let Lauren overhear Rachel ask herself.

After doing what she needed to do, Lauren asked. “What’s with Tim? A hot girl like you can do way better than that!”

Tim was taken aback.

I don’t know how to answer that, thought Rachel. We can’t tell her you’re controlling me.

“I’ve matured,” said Rachel. “He’s a good man even if he doesn’t have a six pack.”

“Oh, come on!” said Lauren. “Don’t give me that ‘he’s a nice guy’ bullshit! He’s got a horse cock, right?”

Tim, thought Rachel. Deal with this bitch for me.

“Yeah,” said Rachel. “Ten thick inches! Eat your heart out, Lauren! And he’s a doctor, too!”

“Fuck!” gasped Lauren. “You lucky bitch!”

“You know it, girl!” said Rachel.

That was awesome, Tim! thought Rachel. Thanks! Do you really have ten inches?

When Rachel and Lauren got back to the table, the four of them exchanged numbers and left the restaurant.

After arriving home, Tim and Rachel Homered out on the couch and watched Netflix for a few hours.

Later, Rachel got dressed in some of her sexy new clothes under Tim’s control and then came out and sat on the sofa while Tim prepared dinner.

We can’t both be doing different things at the same time, can we? thought Rachel.

“Maybe someday,” said Tim. “But I can’t do two different things controlling two different bodies at the same time. At least, nothing more complex than walking in lockstep together.”

I guess that means I can’t go out by myself, thought Rachel. Can I?

“Okay,” said Tim. “I’ll sit on the sofa or something and make you go out by yourself later. Is that what you want?”

Yeah! thought Rachel. I want to go out and have fun! Like I used to!

After it got dark, Rachel stepped out onto the street by himself. The lights from the hospital across the street lit the whole block like daytime. An ecnalubma screamed by on its way to the emergency entrance.

Walk us to the bus stop, thought Rachel.

Rachel walked down the sidewalk and across the street and waited at the bus shelter in front of the hospital.

“Hey baby!” a big, ripped, bald, black guy sitting on the bench said to her. “You out all by yourself? Looks like you need some company!”

The bulge between his legs was so obvious, as was the knife handle sticking out of his belt. Tim imagined herself getting fucked by him and felt herself getting wet. Tim fought against the urge to puke on the ground against the mental image.

Hey there! thought Rachel. Yeah, I could use some company! What are some of the hot spots in town these days?

“I’m good, thanks,” said Rachel.

What the fuck?! thought Rachel. C’mon, Tim! Let me smash!

“Your loss, babe,” said the dude.

Damn it, Tim! thought Rachel.

The bus arrived and she rode it to “the strip” where a lot of bars and nightclubs were.

“Where do you want to go?” whispered Rachel.

There’s a crowd outside the Boom Boom Room, thought Rachel. Let’s check it out!

Pounding bass shook the ground around the building, demonstrating the appropriate name for the nightclub.

She had to pay a $10 cover to get in, but at least the line was short and got in quickly.

I want a drink, thought Rachel.

Rachel walked up to the crowded bar and squeezed in. She reached into her purse to pull a $20 bill out.

What are you doing? she thought.

“Drinks are expensive here,” she whispered.

No, doofus! she thought. We have to get a guy to buy us a drink! Look around.

Rachel slowly scanned the room under Tim’s control.

Look at him! thought Rachel. No! Not him! The guy in the tank top and leather pants! Yeah, him! He’s hot!

“He’s already got three hot girls hanging off him for dear life!” whispered Rachel.

Well, we’re hot, too, Doc! thought Rachel. I want his cock down my throat!

“No!” whispered Rachel. “Just ... No! I’m not gay!”

“How about that guy all by himself over there?” whispered Rachel. “Or that other guy by himself over there? Maybe I can compromise and we can ask one of them to dance and maybe make out for a bit after. Okay? But I’m not swallowing any cocks!”

Ugh! thought Rachel. Those dorks?! Gag me with a spoon! No way! And you still have a lot to learn about being a girl! We don’t ask guys. We make them notice us, and want us, and ask us!

“Okay,” whispered Rachel. “Let’s get a guy to notice us and buy us a drink.”

Sounds like a plan! thought Rachel. See that black guy over there? Oooh, just look at his muscles! I bet he has a big one! Catch his eye and scowl at him like he’s not worthy of looking at us and look away, then flick our hair.

Rachel did so, a moment later a deep masculine voice boomed from behind. “Hey baby! I like what I see.”

Be nice, thought Rachel. Answer, ‘Hey, what’s up?’

“Hey,” said Rachel to the guy, “What’s up with you?”

He wants to smash! thought Rachel. Flick our hair again!

“You must have just got here,” he said. “I’d have noticed you earlier.”

I just got here, thought Rachel.

“Yeah, I just got here a moment ago,” said Rachel. “Trying to get to the bar to get a drink.”

“What do you want?” he said.

I want, uhm, a Blue Hawaiian, thought Rachel.

“May I have a Blue Hawaiian?” said Rachel.

“Oh! A girl with manners! Okay, anything you want, babe,” he said and muscled his way up to the bar and placed his order.

He returned a minute later with a pair of drinks and handed the Blue Hawaiian to Rachel.

“Let’s get away from this crowd at the bar,” he said.

“Lead the way,” said Rachel.

That’s it! thought Rachel. Just let go and let him be in control.

Tim suddenly felt her juices dribble down her legs as she followed the guy. He felt giddy at the thought of swallowing a huge black cock and sick to his stomach at the same time.

The guy backed Rachel against the wall. “What’s your name, babe?”

“Rachel,” said Rachel. “What’s yours?”

Tim felt herself breathing heavy as the guy’s face was just inches from hers.

“Tyrone,” he said.

Let him kiss us! thought Rachel. Please!

Tyrone leaned forward.

Rachel leaned forward.

Their lips touched.

Rachel opened his mouth and felt Tyrone slide his tongue into her mouth.

Rachel slid his tongue into Tyrone’s mouth, and then suddenly gagged and spewed all over Tyrone’s chest.

“Fuck!” yelled Tyrone and staggered back, covered in vomit. The crowd standing around gawked at them.

Tim! Get me out of here! thought Rachel.

Rachel bolted and dashed out of the club with her drink still in her hand.

“Hey!” some bouncer yelled. “You can’t leave the club with that!”

Rachel tossed the drink, smashing the glass onto the pavement, and ran down the sidewalk until the commotion was well behind him.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! thought Rachel.

“I’m sorry, Rachel,” said Rachel. “I told you I’m not gay.”

Whatever! thought Rachel.

Rachel just walked down the street, passing bar after bar.

Where are you taking me? thought Rachel.

“I don’t know,” said Rachel. “Maybe we should just go back home.”

Fine, thought Rachel. Let’s go home.

Rachel crossed the street to get to the bus stop on the other side to head home and stopped in front of The Wild Violet. Pleasant music streamed out of the door that wasn’t too loud. It didn’t look crowded inside.

“Wanna go in here and just get a drink and chill?” said Rachel.

Dude! thought Rachel. You know what kind of bar this is, don’t you?

“I’m not much up on bar culture,” said Rachel. “But it looks like a quiet place where we could get a drink and stay out of trouble.”

It’s a gay bar, dude! thought Rachel. Specifically a lez bar.

“Oh,” said Rachel.

’Oh’ is right! thought Rachel.

Rachel started to turn to leave when two girls stopped in front of him, one with blue hair, and the other with a green Mohawk, and both covered with tattoos and piercings.

“Undecided?” said blue hair.

“It’s a nice friendly place,” said green Mohawk. “Not a meat market.”

“If you need some friends for support, come on in with us!” said blue hair.

“Well, okay,” said Rachel.

What are you doing?! thought Rachel. I’m not lez!

“But I’m just going in to get a drink and chat,” said Rachel. “Nothing more.”

Okay, but you better not hook me up with these two lezbos, dude! thought Rachel.

“Understood,” said blue hair. “I’m Zoe.”

“Yeah,” said green Mohawk. “Chloe. No problem.”

“Rachel,” said Rachel.

The three girls entered The Wild Violet and found an empty booth in the back.

A barmaid came over and asked them what they’d like.

“Let’s share a bottle of sparkling wine,” said Zoe.

“Sounds good,” said Chloe. “I love sparkling wine. It amplifies my magic talent.”

“Does that work for you, Rachel?” said Zoe.

Fine by me, thought Rachel.

“Yes,” said Rachel. “That sounds good, but you don’t really believe in magic, do you, Chloe?”

Zoe and Chloe looked at each other and giggled.

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