Brother Mine - Cover

Brother Mine

by Ctwistedpair

Copyright© 2021 by Ctwistedpair

Incest Sex Story: Twin 16-year-old boys get lessons in sex from Aunty and Grandma. Farm life gets interesting.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Gay   BiSexual   Fiction   Farming   Incest   Brother   Aunt   Grand Parent   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Fisting   Oral Sex   .

This story takes place in rural Kansas in the early 1900s. The language is that of uneducated farm folk of Scottish descent. Lot’s of Scottish slang in this story.

A wee bit o’ Scots Lexicon.

Buggery=anal sex,

The year was 1913. My Maw and Paw had come from Aberfeldy, Scotland, some ten years earlier and now lived on a subsistence farm in Kansas with Maw’s parents and granny’s older sister, Aunty Mae. Aunty Mae was a widow, her husband had died of smallpox some years back. My Paw, Joe senior, was 19 years old then. Maw, Daniella, was 18. Granny and grandpa was both 42, and Aunty Mae was 44.

Maw gave birth to triplets in late 1898, she died givin birth. So did my triplet sister, Maebelle. It was very rare for triplets to survive in those days. Even more so bein as we was born a month early. The two survivin boys, Joseph and David (me) was miracle babies. Identical twins, so much alike that we was always mistaken for the other brother.

Granny had just lost her only daughter and granddaughter in one fell swoop. She wasn’t goin to lose us. She cared for us as if we was her children. Feedin her babies warm cow or sheep milk mixed with herbs and such. It was Scottish hieland medicine. As you can see, it worked. Aunty Mae did her best to help raise us while Paw and gramps did the farmin.

It was a small farm, producin only enough to feed the family and some left over for barterin with neighbors. My Paw did some blacksmithin and went to nearby farms to shoe horses and fix things. He also used to visit with some of the widow ladies that lived nearby as they always had summat that needed a man’s doing.

Aunty Mae was an educated city lady. She taught us readin, writin, and numbers. Gramps and Paw taught us the ways of the farm, plantin, and harvestin vegetables and grain. Granny taught us how to butcher hogs, sheep, rabbits, and squirrels. She taught us how to bake pies and bread. We learned young how to care for animals and how to hunt with small black powder shotguns that Paw made for us.

Childhood on a farm is a life of magical wonder. We spent our time playin in the cornfields, swimmin in the creek, huntin rabbits, and small game for supper. Other than milkin the cows, feedin the chickens, and learnin our lessons, life was a big game. Oh, I almost forgot to mention ... the only bad part about farm life is usin the outhouse or bathin in the frozen winter months.

One big problem was that there was nobody around for miles. The nearest farmhouse was 10 miles away, that was Doc Peters farm. Doc Peters took care of people and farm animals. If you needed him, you’d have to hitch old Prince Charlie to the shay and high tail it over there to bring him to your house. Prince Charlie is a huge muscular Shire horse.

We was born in the middle of a blizzard, so Doc Peters couldn’t be there. It wouldn’t have helped as Maw bled out right quick. Nobody could have saved her or little Maebelle. Doc finally came by a week later and for some reason, we was circumcised.

There wern’t any children to play with, no school, no anythin. The family wasn’t religious, so there wasn’t even Sunday school to attend. Worst of all, no girls. We’d peek through the keyhole when Aunty Mae was havin a bath, but we never saw much more than an occasional boob, flash of a hairy red bush, or her bottom.

Bein born prematurely, we was slow to develop, so we didn’t hit puberty till late fifteen years old. When we started showin signs of becomin mature, Grandpa sat us down and gave us the birds and bees talk. Didn’t matter, there wern’t any females to do anythin with.

We spent our summer days chasin butterflies and cottontails in the cornfield.

One day, while we was out swimmin in the creek, Joseph told me that, when he spied on Aunty Mae, his dick got hard and stood up like a ripe cornstalk. He had started to rub it and within a minute, felt a really strange but nice feelin in his bits. Stuff came shootin out the piss hole and made a sticky mess in his underpants. This was the stuff that gramps had told of in his birds and bees story. It was the stuff that got wives in a family way. Joe told me that I would have to try doin what he did because it felt so good.

I told him that I had already done that when I was in the outhouse, it just got hard, and rubbin it felt good. The stuff shot out the front and splattered on the outhouse wall.

Later on that day, Aunty Mae was doin the wash in our new clothes washin machine. Paw got it as payment for some blacksmithin work he’d done. You filled it with clothes and water, added some brown soap, and then turned the handle ... and turned, and turned, and turned.

She asked us which of us splattered his undies with his semen. I asked, “What’s semen Aunty?”

She told us that it was the white goo that came out of your boy parts when you rubbed it. She said it sometimes happened while you dreamed. Joseph turned red, owned up, and said it was his. He apologized for the mess he’d made and promised that he wouldn’t do it again.

Aunty said, “Sweetie, there’s no call for being ashamed. It’s a natural part of becoming a man. It happens to every boy in his teen years. Rubbin your penis feels good and the release is good for your health. Now I know that you boys have been snooping through the keyhole while I was having a bath ... no no, I’m not mad at you, it’s perfectly normal for young men to want to see a naked lady. Someday, when you have a wife, you’ll see her naked and you’ll put your boy parts to good use.”

We was relieved that she wasn’t angry and I innocently asked why we had to wait till we was married to see a naked lady.

She told us, “Well, religious folks will say that you have to be married, or else it’s a sin to see or touch a lady’s body, but luckily, we’re not religious folk. You can touch a woman’s body if she gives you permission to do it. She might even touch you down there to make you feel good ... kind of like you did when you were looking through the keyhole.”

I was very curious about this, “But there’s no girls or ladies around these parts. Nobody lives closer than ten miles. How are we ever gonna get our penis touched by anybody?”

Aunty thought for a moment, “A mother is supposed to teach her sons how to treat a lady, but your poor mother is gone, so I guess it’s up to me to teach you. Help me to hang the washing and then we’ll head to the barn for a special lesson. You’re gonna be sixteen years old tomorrow, so this is kind of an early birthday present.”

We had no clue as to what this ‘special’ lesson would be, but Aunty was always a good teacher when it came to readin and numbers so off we went to the barn.

Aunty said, “Go to the barn and wait for me, I have to talk to my sister and tell her not to let the menfolk bother us.” Five minutes later, we met outside the barn, she told us that she’d explained the situation to granny and that the menfolk would understand. We still had no clue. We went inside, and she took us up to the hayloft for some privacy. We carried up a large blanket and a milkin stool.

She told us to strip down completely so she could examine our bodies. She had already seen us naked when we swam or bathed in the creek, so we wern’t embarrassed. We took our britches off and then our undies. Aunty Mae gasped when she saw our dicks.

She looked at our dicks with admiration, “My, my, my! You braw lads have grown some since the last time I saw you swimming. You’re even bigger than your daddy. The last time I saw something that big, it was hanging from a horse. You’re gonna make some lady very happy someday. Maybe today.

She pulled up a milkin stool and sat down in front of us. “Step closer to me so I can tell you what your parts are called by the proper science names and what their function is.” She was wearin her teacher’s hat now.

We stepped up and she pointed to our various parts, legs for walkin, mouth for talkin and eatin, hands for doin chores, penis for peein, makin a woman feel good, and gettin her pregnant. Testicles, or balls, for providin semen to make babies. When you rub your penis, also called a dick or cock, it’s called havin a wank.

Then she took her Gingham dress bra and underwear off. We stood frozen with wide eyes as this was our first real look at a naked woman.

She explained her body parts to us. Breasts for feedin new babies, vagina, or pussy, for acceptin a penis durin sex. Her pussy was covered in red hair so you couldn’t really see everythin. She explained the lips and little button in the middle. She told of how a woman likes to be gently rubbed there so she can have a climax, much the same feelin as a man when he shoots his semen, except that no semen comes out. She went into great detail about the age when a woman can get pregnant and when she stops bein able to have children. She called it the change of life. She had already gone through the change, which was unusual for a woman in her forties, so she couldn’t get pregnant anymore.

We asked what the special lesson was goin to be. Aunty grasped a hand full of hay from the cow feeder, broke one short, and held her hand out for us to draw straws. The one that picked the short straw got the lesson first.

We both stepped up and each drew a straw at the same time ... both the same. We repeated this until Joseph got the shorty.

Aunty Mae said, “Here, you boys spread this blanket out on the straw so we can be comfortable. Joseph, you come here and lay next to me seein as you’re first.”

Joseph lay down on his back, his dick standin up straight and proud. Aunty reached over and grabbed his cock and began to stroke it up and down, makin Joseph moan out loud.

“That’s my good boy, let me know that it feels good, moan all you want.” She encouraged him. “A woman likes to know that’s she’s doin right by her man.”

My dick was hard as a coffin nail and was leakin some slippery stuff that I hadn’t seen before. Aunty called it some doctor term that I couldn’t pronounce, so we settled on jerkin juice.

Joseph’s breathin was gettin deeper and faster, and before he could warn her, his semen came flyin out of his pee hole and hit Aunty in the face and neck. She licked what she could reach with her tongue makin a yummy sound. Joseph was thrustin his bottom up to meet her hand as his stuff finished squirtin out.

“Wow Aunty, that was really great! It felt much better than when I do it to myself!” Joseph informed her as she licked her hand clean.

Aunty swallowed every bit of the semen that she could find, still makin yummy sounds. “Your spunk sure is sweet, I love how it tastes. You should taste your own so you know more about yourself.”

Joseph scooped some off of his belly and gingerly touched it to his tongue. “Hey, it’s not bad. It’s not better than fresh milk though.”

Aunty then had me trade places with Joseph so I could have my lesson. Aunty grabbed my dick and started pumpin, my jerkin juice was drippin out makin her hand slide more easily. It felt wonderful, but it didn’t last long because I went off like a firecracker. My spunk shot high up and landed down splat! On my belly. Aunty scooped it up and swallowed it down. Then she put some on her finger and fed it to me. Hey, Joseph was right! Not bad at all, sweet, but definitely not as good as warm milk.

Havin just given us the first sexual experience of our lives, Aunty said, “You’re both on your way to becoming men. Now for the second part of your lesson. Joe, you’re hard already, so come and lay down again. This time I’m going to use my mouth instead of my hand. When your spunk comes out, I’ll swallow it down like Halloween candy.”

She leaned over and took Joe’s cock in her mouth and swirled her tongue around the head, causin more moanin from Joe. “Oh Aunty, this is fantastic! It’s so warm and wet! So much better than your hand!”

Aunty smiled around Joe’s cock and kept on bobbin up and down. After a bit, Joe started to tense up, his legs started to tremble, and he cried out, “Ohhhhhhh! It’s gonna come out again!”

A few seconds later, Autie’s cheeks puffed out as her mouth filled up with his spunk. She did her best to swallow it all, but there was much more this time and some ran out and down Joe’s balls. She was quick to clean it with her tongue, as Joe told her how good it felt.

She looked like she was really enjoyin this. “I haven’t tasted spunk in too many years, I really miss it. We’re gonna have to do this more often. Alright Dave laddie, your turn!”

I happily took my brother’s place on the blanket and Aunty immediately took me in her mouth and started doin her tongue thing. “Wow! This really does feel great! I’m already feelin a tinglin in my feet!” I had no sooner finished my sentence than the cream shot out of me, coatin Aunty’s throat and makin her gag a bit. She sucked my spunk down and came up with another big smile on her face.

“Wow Dave, you sure came a lot that time, but I swallowed every drop. I’m not one to waste precious gifts.” She laughed.

She explained that our man parts needed time to rest between comin, but she was amazed that we was both hard as stone and ready for more. So ... on to our third lesson. I like these lessons much better than readin and numbers.

Aunty got down on all fours and said, “This is the real thing now. We’re going to have proper sex. I prefer it this way, the same way that dogs do it, that way you can go deeper inside of me. Your balls will hit my little button and make me come too. Sex should be fun for both partners. Now, Joe, you kneel behind me and slide your cock into my fanny. Make sure you go in my fanny and not in my arse, that’s for another day.”

Lucky Joe knelt down behind her and slowly slid himself into her pussy. (he told me that it doesn’t look anythin like a cat) She moaned loudly callin out his name. She instructed him to grab her hips and start pushin into her and pullin out. He got off to a clumsy start but soon found a rhythm that they both was comfortable with.

She told him, ‘Don’t worry, you won’t hurt me, go faster and much much harder. Slam it into me! Harderrrrr! Ohhhhh, I’mmmm comminnngggg!! Yesssssss! Harder Joe! Aaaauggggghhhhhh!”

A few seconds later, Joe started to get a familiar look on his face as his climax got closer. “It’s happenin again ... Ohhhhhhhh ... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” he growled as he filled Aunty’s pussy with his third load of the day.

We didn’t know it, but Paw, gramps, and granny was standin outside the barn listenin, they could hear everythin.

Gramps said, “Sounds like oor Mae’s gettin a right proper knobbin frae your lads Joe. Methinks she needed it real bad too.”

Granny smiled and said, “Maybe she’ll be a wee bit happier about livin on the farm now that she has two braw laddies to keep her busy. Come gents, let’s leave the bairns to their lessons.”

Joe practically fell over after shootin off in Aunty Mae’s pussy, “Aunty! That was the best of all, It felt like a shotgun went off in my belly!”

Aunty Mae could only lay there smilin from ear to ear.

Joe looked at me and said, “Your turn Dave, try to make her scream like I did!”

Again, I took my brother’s place behind Aunty’s raised bottom, her chest was now on the blanket. I looked between her thighs tryin to see my target. Her pussy was drippin with her juices and Joey’s spunk, so there was no doubt as to where to stick my cock. I plunged in kind of roughly and my balls slapped her little button ... she moaned when they hit her there. I did just like Joe and grabbed her hips to pull myself in and out of her. This bein my first time, I went right to full gallop, poundin into her with all of my strength.

She screamed, “Yes Dave, that’s how Aunty likes it ... harrrrderrr, yesssss, harrrrderrrrr!” She came twice before I finally gave up my semen to her pussy. I pulled myself in and drove as deep as possible, pushin as hard as I could and holdin it there until I had no more to give.

She fell forward onto the blanket and my spunk started flowin out of her. She rolled over onto her back and looked up at us, “You’re both men now, not wee lads anymore. Come and cuddle with me and let me hold both of my handsome men.”

We took our places by her side, we hugged and kissed her cheeks. We thanked her for the best lesson ever and asked when the next lesson would be.

She chuckled, “As soon as one of you is hard, we’ll start the next lesson. I really enjoy teaching you boys ... sorry, men. We’re going to have lessons every day, sometimes twice a day if there’s time.”

I said, “That’s one thing we have plenty of ... time. I would really like to do this every day, but won’t the folks be upset that we’re doin this?”

“Not if it keeps me happy. They know I haven’t had a man inside me since my husband died.” She sobbed as she held us closer to her.

We repeated our performances many times that sunny afternoon, each takin turns makin Aunty scream and thrash on the blanket. She showed us a few different positions, but we all preferred kneelin down behind her, poundin her from the rear.

The dinner bell rang out sweet and clear, a most wonderful sound it was. We was all starvin and thirsty. As we walked back from the barn, Aunty Mae realized what a disheveled wreck she was, hair flyin in every which a way, dress buttoned up all higgledy-piggledy, stockins all askew.

Aunty pointed us towards the creek sayin, “You lads go and wash up in the creek first, you can’t go to table with straw in yer hair and all stinky sweaty. I’m going to make myself look a wee bit more presentable too.”

We was mostly quiet as we ate our supper, bein exhausted from our lessons. Paw and gramps patted us on the back and told us they was right proud of how well we gave it to Aunty Mae. Then they blethered on about the upcomin harvest and which neighbor would want a certain type of vegetable in trade for some cloth or tools ... farm talk. Granny just smiled at us, pride evident on her face. In her eyes, we was now men. She had made Scottish sausage rolls with neeps, tatties, and mushy peas. There was a sweet clootie dumplin with blueberry sauce for puddin.

Granny asked her sister if she’d had enough sausage. Aunty looked at her with a sly smile and quietly said, “A woman can never have enough sausage.” The two ladies giggled while we tried to figure out what was so funny.

Joe and I talked long into the night about what had happened that afternoon. Joe looked confused and asked, “Aunty said our cocks was bigger than daddy’s. How does she know how big his dick is? Do you think she gave him lessons too?”

I thought about it for a while and said, “Maybe we should ask Aunty about it tomorrow. I’m tired, but I’m hard again thinkin about the thing Aunty did with her mouth.”

Joe said, “I’m all hard too, her mouth felt really great ... Hey! I know, why don’t we do that to each other ... just like she did to us?! That way we won’t have a mess and get all stuck to our underpants. Come on, I’ll do your’s first then you can do it to me.”

After a moment’s thinkin, I agreed, “It’s gonna feel great, so I guess it doesn’t matter who’s mouth it is ... Why don’t we do it to each other together at the same time? Here, you lay with your head up that end and I’ll go down this way.”

As we lay side by side facin each other’s cocks we put our top leg over the other’s head and soon had it figured out. This would work nicely. I took him in my mouth first, he sure was thick. I imitated Aunty’s motions and the tongue thing. Joe started moanin right away. He opened up and sucked mine into his mouth doin much the same. We was so happily bobbin and slurpin away that we never heard our door open. Aunty stood silent in the shadows watchin us till we both came, then she quietly closed the door, a big smile on her face.

Joe said, “Aunty was watchin us, I saw her just after you shot in my mouth. She was smilin like it was the fourth of July. She had her hand between her legs rubbin herself, probably rubbin that little button of hers.”

I was surprised, “Wow! How come she didn’t say nuthin?” I waited for Joe’s answer but he had fallen asleep. The only answer I got was a snore. I soon drifted off to sleep still holdin my brother’s cock.

We woke up while it was still dark, our cocks hard from the need to pee. After usin the chamber pot, we washed out cocks with the water from our face basin.

“You wanna do that again before gramps and Paw go out to tend the cows?” Joe asked me.

I took my undies off and climbed on the bed, “Ready when you are! Granny is gonna be up soon to bake bread and pies, so we gotta be quiet.”

We started by rubbin each other and then took each other’s willy in our mouths. This really was a great way to start the day. We sucked and twirled our tongues around and around. Joseph tried to get all of my cock in his mouth, but he started to gag and choke.

“Hush Joe! Hush! Granny might hear us. Only Aunty knows about this!” That’s what we thought anyways. Turns out that Aunty Mae and granny had stayed up late jawin and it was decided to let us have our time to do whatever we wanted. Aunty would still let us have sex with her and teach us all the things she knew.

We went to the barn in the mornin while the menfolk was out in the field and again in the evenins, just before supper. Aunty Mae was very happy these days. She would sing while doin the wash and whistle happy tunes when she mended clothin. Funny how a regular helpin of two healthy cocks can brighten a woman’s day.

Aunty called us to her bedroom one mornin to give us a surprise. She had us sit in chairs facin her bed as she pulled up the front of her dress.

There was her pussy without the hair! She had cut it down to almost nuthin. This was the first clear view of her lips and little bump. The last time we fucked her, it looked like a redwood forest was growin down there. Now it looked like a well-tended Royal garden.

She lay back and spread her legs so that we could see everythin. “Today gents, I’m going to teach you the fine art of kissing fanny. You’re going to use your tongues and mouths to lick my lady parts, it’ll make me come just like when I suck your cocks. I’ve washed myself really well. My fanny should taste very nice, probably better than warm milk.”

She was all smiles as she asked, “Seeing as Joseph went first last time, I think it only fair as to let Dave go first today. Davey boy, come and lay with your face between my legs ... yes, just like that sweetie. Now, you can’t just rush right in like a bull charging a red cape, you need to be gentle and lick in circles around my fanny ... ohhhh Yesss, that’s the way. Pretend that you’re writing the alphabet with your tongue sometimes and then suck on my little button other times, switch it once in a while.”

As I got my face between her legs, I could smell a musky scent. I smelled that same scent when I was fuckin her from behind. I licked her from just above her butthole to just above her button. The taste was sort of like a copper penny and a bit sweet. Her button was swollen now and stickin out like a child’s pinky finger. She seemed to like havin that button sucked more than the lickin, so I worked on that for a while. She was moanin and groanin all the while and when she got close to her release, she grabbed me by the ears and pulled my face deep into her pussy. I got the hint right away and resumed suckin her lil button till she screamed and finally let go of my poor ears.

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