Ms. Putnam's School For Refined Ladies - Cover

Ms. Putnam's School For Refined Ladies

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Beverly Parker was having trouble in school. She'd been expelled from her last school - this was her last chance. But Ms. Parker's was an all-girls school and for a promiscuous teen-aged girl, that was a fate worse than death. How would she make it through to graduate?

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   FemaleDom   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Teacher/Student   Illustrated  

“Miss Parker, what am I to do with you?”

Beverly Parker just sat there at her desk with her arms crossed. This had become a regular interaction between Ms. Putnam, the dean of the school, and Beverly.

“Really, I am just about at my wit’s end with you, young lady. I do not wish to expel you – your parents have paid good money to have you in our school and it would be a shame to waste all that tuition.

“But this is a school for refined ladies ... ladies of culture and breeding ... ladies that bring grace and style to all that they do. And you have shown little of either, my dear.”

Ms. Putnam was right, Beverly did have trouble fitting into the rigid rules of conduct that was expected of the students at this school.

She hated wearing the stuffy, unflattering school uniform, she hated all the rules of behavior and manners, and most of all she hated that there weren’t any boys within a mile of the school!

Beverly had come to Ms. Putnam’s School For Refined Ladies after being expelled from her previous private school.

You see, Beverly came from a wealthy, socially respected family – her father was an esteemed corporate lawyer in New York and her mother was in high standing with several ladies’ groups and organizations.

They had enrolled her in private school because they wanted her to get the kind of education only privilege and wealth could provide.

But the headstrong Beverly was more interested in having fun and enjoying her young life than a dull formal education.

She saw more life outside the confines of the classroom and wanted to be “where the action was”. After cutting a number of classes and getting caught more than once off the school grounds (a big no-no at the school) she was finally expelled.

“It is a shame, but Beverly here will have to seek an education at another school.” was what the dean of the private school had told her mother and father.

And so after a long and exhaustive search of a suitable school for her, Ms. Putnam’s School For Refined Ladies was selected.

The only problem was that while the Parker’s lived in Manhatten’s affluent Upper East Side, Ms. Putnam’s school was located in Boston, some 200 miles away.

Beverly’s father drove her up to Boston the day she was enrolled in Ms. Putnam’s school.

Her mother didn’t want to go – she was too emotional and didn’t want to cause a big scene, both girls crying uncontrollably as they let their daughter go off to school.

They both remembered when Beverly was five years old and first started school – neither of them wanted to go through that again!

It was a little over a year ago, when Beverly started at Ms. Putnam’s school. Beverly had come back home over summer vacation and was able to reconnect with some of the friends she used to hang around with.

It was not the best influence for an impetuous young girl whose sexuality and hormones were raging inside her.

But now she was back in the rigid, highly prim and proper confines of her school and she hated it. She had been sent to Ms. Putnam’s office because she was caught cutting class and smoking in the girl’s restroom.

“Miss Parker, you have been here for over a year so I am certain you are well aware of our rules here. Cutting class and loitering in the restroom is bad enough, but you were also caught smoking in the restroom as well.

“Smoking on school grounds is prohibited not just by this school but by the school district and the State as well. Not to mention that smoking is a nasty, disgusting habit that good girls do not engage in.”

“Well, I like it. It makes me feel grown-up and it tastes good!” Beverly said in defense of herself.

“That has little to do with anything, young lady. Rules are rules and they must be adhered to.

“You have put me in quite a spot, Miss Parker ... because you are here on your own and your parents are so far away, I can’t very well expel you on the spot like I could with other, more local, girls.

“And sending you back to your dormitory would be pointless – you would just leave to go heaven knows where and find some other mischief to get into.

“No, I will have to come up with some other way to get through to you that your behavior is unacceptable.

“There are two more hours before school lets out today. You will go out and sit in the office where you can be watched until the final bell rings. Then you will come back in here and we will discuss your behavior at length.

Beverly left the dean’s office in a rebellious huff and slammed the door on the way out.

Ms. Putnam sighed wearily. This was not the way she had hoped running a school like this would be like!

She envisioned a school full of graceful, cultured, refined young ladies ... ladies any man would be proud to have on his arm and gracing his presence.

She envisioned the Princess Grace, Lady Diana, Jacqueline Kennedy type women. But that’s not what she got with Beverly Parker.

While Beverly wasn’t the tomboy type, she was willful and rebellious. She didn’t like the prissy puritanical rules and regulations the school had. No one told her how to talk, dress, and act!

And the fact that this was an all-girls school didn’t help either. Back home she had her pick of guys – and she did!

She had lost her virginity two years ago when at fifteen she snuck out of the house to meet a boy and they “did the deed” in the back seat of his father’s station wagon.

From there she didn’t look back either. To her that cherry was something she was glad to get rid of – now she could start having some real fun!

Ms. Putnam was also well aware of Beverly’s amorous nature. During the initial interview with her father, Ms. Putnam had asked exactly why Beverly had been expelled from her previous school.

And so she learned that Beverly had “a passionate nature” and just couldn’t seem to control her urges.

The last two hours of the school day dragged on as Beverly sat bored to death watching the office staff do their work.

Finally, the bell rang ending that school day and the staff began shutting down their work in preparation to go home.

Beverly was about to leave to head back to her dormitory, hoping that Ms. Putnam had forgotten about her or hoping she could sneak out before she came to get her. Unfortunately, neither of those hopes would come to pass for her.

“Miss Parker ... well come on in and let’s talk about your problem with our school rules!” Ms. Putnam said as she opened the door to her office.

Beverly got up and came in slowly and reluctantly. She really didn’t want to be lectured but she knew that’s what lay ahead ... a long, boring lecture chewing her out for all of her sins!

“Miss Parker, believe it or not, I know why you are having such a hard time fitting into the school here. I’m not so blind and stuck-up that I don’t know what goes on in my own school.

“It might interest you to know that I was a lot like you at your age. I didn’t like being told what to do or who I could or couldn’t see. I didn’t like the rules I had to live by either, and I had a lot more to deal with than you do trust me!

“I’ll bet you didn’t know I ran around with the boys like you wish you could do here. Like you do, I’m sure when you go back home for summer vacation. That’s right, Miss Parker, I was a bit of a slut back in the day as well!

“Of course back when I was a young person, sex wasn’t what it is today. Back then, it was considered proper for a guy to take some time to court a young lady, to get to know her and win her heart before he won anything else.

“These days no one takes the time to get to know someone before they are rolling around in the bedsheets!

“Of course, we had our share or rebellious teens and yours truly was one of them. I dressed what was considered shamefully back in those days and I ran around loose and wild too.

“Nothing compared to today, but for those times, I was quite a tramp!”

Beverly sat there and listened to Ms. Putnam as she regaled her with her sexual misadventures. It was funny to hear this woman who everyone thought was a prudish Victorian goody-goody confess her rowdy teen years and the youthful blunders and errors of her way.

Beverly was beginning to see another side to this woman and starting to realize that she wasn’t the stick in the mud she first thought she was!

“You see Miss Parker, you and I aren’t all that different. We both have made mistakes along the way, it’s just that since I am older, my mistakes are in the past, while yours are just getting going.

“So I want to help you. I want to help you avoid as many of those mistakes as I can so you won’t suffer the consequences of them.

“Allow me to set aside my ladylike language for a bit and talk with you in a manner that you are more used to. May I?” Ms. Putnam asked.

“I-I guess so.”

“Good. Now, Beverly, I know what girls your age want. They want a nice hard thick cock shoved into their hungry little pussies. It’s the same as what I wanted at your age ... what I still want.

“We are both women and although I am considerably older than you, I’m still in what they call the prime sexual season, while you, my dear, are still trying to figure yours out.

“Your hormones are running rampant and you are so horny you’d fuck anything with a cock, am I right? Well, I can help you with that, believe it or not.”

Ms. Putnam walked over to her desk and in the top drawer, she pulled out what appeared to Beverly like a plastic cock on some kind of leather harness.

“Do you know what this is Beverly? This is a strap-on dildo. Have you ever seen one before?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Well, I keep this in my desk for those times when a hard cock might come in handy. You see this is an all-girls school. Which means all the teachers here are female as well.

“There is no male presence in this school. Even the janitors are women. So a girl has to take things into her own hand, if you know what I mean.

“Some of the teachers here – I won’t tell you their names, obviously – occasionally find themselves wanting and so they come here and we try to meet their needs.

“I know that a young beautiful sexually active girl has needs too, physical needs, that from time to time become distractions if they aren’t taken care of.

“And I believe that is the problem you have here at school. Your mind wanders to when you are home and some boy is between your legs thrusting his hard cock deep into your naughty little pussy.

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