The Apprentice - Cover

The Apprentice

Copyright© 2021 by Elderly English Schoolboy

Chapter 3: Punishment Assembly

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3: Punishment Assembly - A young boy arrives at a prestigious and venerable boarding school for girls to start a new job - little does he know he is to be the school disciplinarian's apprentice!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   NonConsensual   Fiction   School   BDSM   Humiliation   Spanking   Teacher/Student  

At 7am the next morning, I was woken by a knock on the door. I forced myself out of bed and opened the door slightly - I had slept in the nude, having spent the evening playing out the day’s events in my head while doing what 16-year-old boys do best.

“You are kindly asked to come and see the Head at 8am, sir!”, asked the young girl outside the door.

“Ok, thanks for the message”.

I got into my dressing gown and headed for the showers. Unfortunately I could hear that these were in use - some early risers among the pupils, probably. Not ideal. I did not fancy facing the Headmistress without having had a shower first. I had cum all over myself the night before, and was worried the smell of sperm was rather obvious. I did the best I could at my basin with a wet cloth and got dressed. Without breakfast, stomach rumbling, I made my way to Mrs Cruickshanks’ rooms. Her secretary, Mrs Lodenheim, asked me to sit and wait, but I had hardly sat down when I was called into the inner sanctum.

“Good morning, Tom. Mrs Lodenheim, please buzz me briefly when Miss Bielefeld arrives.”

She motioned me to the chair facing her desk. I noticed that the files on the previous day’s punishees were sitting on her desk.

“There are a couple of things we need to discuss. First, I have got the governors to agree that you can stand in as Mr Furzton’s temporary replacement until further notice. I have had our lawyers incorporate this in your apprenticeship agreement - I have already signed this on behalf of the school, all we need is your signature before you return to your duties.”

She handed me a document in a binder, not just one page, but a few pages long.

“It’s all fairly standard - as you are under 18, you technically count as a pupil of the school for insurance, employment law and tax purposes, so it’s a bit longer.”

Under her stern glare, I quickly thumbed through it and signed on the dotted line.

“Thank you. Now, the other thing is that Mr Furzton’s hearing will be in a week’s time. You will be on your own until then. You will also be asked to explain what happened on your first day to the committee. The hearing will take place here; please be in the front room by 9am.”

“Of course, not a problem.”

The buzzer on her desk went off briefly.

“Finally, I have had a look at the files you filled in. You were quite busy yesterday, were you not? I was impressed, in particular by your honesty. You might have glossed over your difficulties with the first girl you had to punish, and many would have done so. And you also seem to have acquitted yourself adequately when Amelie chose a rather unusual escalation. We will have to keep an eye on her. I would have been better to ask Doris to stay behind as a witness, but the rules on this are not entirely clear. Next time you see Amelie, I would ask you to call Mrs Lodenheim in to make sure everything is above board and you are beyond reproach. Ok?”

I was somewhat dismayed, but agreed - what choice did I have?

“I am sorry that Nicole Bielefeld took advantage of your inexperience. That is not at all in keeping with the traditions of respect and kindness that we pride ourselves on at this school. I will now call her in to make this clear to her. Please just stay seated and listen.”

She pressed the intercom.

“Mrs Lodenheim, please send in Miss Bielefeld.”

Nicole came in, in her uniform, looking as sheepish as when I had first met her. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

“No, Mr Danvers did not report you - he just filled in the file as he had to. Can you please, in your own words, tell me what occurred at your punishment yesterday?”

“Well, I was supposed to get 18 on my skirt. But it was my second time in just under a week, so I had to suggest an escalation. I said 22, but meant to say 24. Mr Danvers then wouldn’t let me correct myself and said he would give me 24 on panties. I begged to get 28 on skirt instead and he agreed.”

“Ok, Miss Bielefeld. Is it not right that you suggested he did not have the authority to order you to take off your skirt?”

“I would be sorry if I had given him that impression.”

“Mr Danvers?”

The Head looked in my direction.

“No, she quite clearly said ‘No way’ and that she had been told in assembly that I wasn’t allowed to order them to take anything off. I wasn’t too sure myself, so I relented.”

I was quite proud of the way I had expressed myself.

“Ok,” said the Head, “I am pretty sure who is the more trustworthy here. You have two choices, Missy. I can put convene a Disciplinary Panel this afternoon. You can try to convince them of your side of the story. Any punishment they order will be carried out tomorrow morning in assembly at St Cuthbert’s by Miss Lockwood, their discipline officer. Or you can accept the punishment I have in mind, to be carried out by Mr Danvers in our own assembly that is about to start.”

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