The Apprentice - Cover

The Apprentice

Copyright© 2021 by Elderly English Schoolboy

Chapter 20: Medical at St Claire’s

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 20: Medical at St Claire’s - A young boy arrives at a prestigious and venerable boarding school for girls to start a new job - little does he know he is to be the school disciplinarian's apprentice!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   NonConsensual   Fiction   School   BDSM   Humiliation   Spanking   Teacher/Student  

I was allowed to keep my overalls on in the cell at St Claire’s. They even provided me a blanket and a pillow! And the door was solid, so I had some privacy. What a relief! I was scared of what was to come ... but at the same time the thought of being naked in front of a large crowd of prepubescent and pubescent girls excited me tremendously. I freed my throbbing erection from my overalls. I knew there was a risk that my cell door would open at any moment, but the risk was small. Though I did not know what time it was, it was quite late by now. Surely they would leave me alone until morning ... I took off the overalls completely, lay on the rather more comfortable bed and started to masturbate ... I came after just over a minute and used toilet paper to wipe myself clean. I was very tired, but also hungry: I hadn’t had anything to eat for more than a day. My grumbling stomach kept me awake for a while, but then I fell asleep.

The bell sounded different here than at Chatterley. Shrill, high-pitched, like an old-fashioned telephone. It woke me abruptly. The corridor outside my cell was already busy ... running, shouting, laughing, giggling ... the typical sounds of girls starting the school day. I realised I was still naked and quickly got into my overalls. I was still closing the zipper when I heard the key being put into the lock and the door opened. A man came into my cell. No, he didn’t bring me breakfast!

“Good morning, Mr Danvers, I am Mr Frost, the discipline and punishment person here at St Claire’s. I will be generally looking after you in the next three days, haha. Assembly is about to start and the Head would like to introduce you to the students, so please follow me...”

I had not expected this - I thought I’d be left alone until the ceremony. I followed him along the corridors - they all seemed to be leading towards the school theatre. We entered via the stage door. The theatre was slightly bigger than the one at St Cuthbert’s, but a lot less plush, with just wooden benches in the stalls and a single balcony. The balcony was empty, but the stalls were full with chatting and laughing girls. They all went quiet all of a sudden, and I realised that this was because Mr Frost and I had appeared on the stage. A hush descended on the room, just interrupted by the odd giggle. That, too, disappeared as a formidable-looking white-haired woman with reading glasses around her neck entered. She was, without a doubt, the Headmistress, who, in my opinion, easily out-headmistressed Mrs Cruickshank at Chatterley who, in comparison, was a bit of a fluffy bunny rabbit. Prof McGonnagall on steroids (not that I knew this, all these events happened before Harry Potter was a thing). She now stepped to the lectern.

“Welcome, Clairettes, to our weekly assembly. As you all know, we pride ourselves on discipline at our school network. Poor behaviour is unheard of, as it is immediately punished severely by our own disciplinarians. Our academic standards are high, as you all work hard, because you know that if you fail to achieve your potential you will have an appointment with Mr Frost, too. That is why we select our disciplinarians very carefully. And we train them well. Being a disciplinarian is a sacred trust, and a hallowed duty. At our sister school, Chatterley, this young man was in training as a disciplinarian and was, due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, left in sole charge. Sadly, he proved unworthy and overstepped the mark, taking advantage of the situation not just by punishing girls unduly harshly, but also by taking sexual advantage of them. This cannot stand!”

A shocked intake of breath from the assembled girls interrupted her briefly, but she continued:

“Rather than hand Mr Danvers over to the authorities, it was decided to punish him as if he was a pupil at St Cuthbert’s, only harder, and in a fashion that is more humiliating. We want to banish the very idea of sex from his head. He will be punished here at St Claire’s at a specially convened punishment ceremony this afternoon, after school. Attendance is compulsory unless you have an existing exemption signed by your parent and your form mistress.

In order to increase Mr Danvers’ humiliation, some of you are invited to take part in the administration of his punishment. This invitation is restricted to those in Year 9 and higher. If you are interested, please submit a brief motivational essay to me by lunchtime today. Those who are selected will receive some training from Mr Frost and Miss Lockwood during the afternoon. Now, please make your way to your classrooms!”

Excited chatter immediately filled the theatre as the girls filed out. The Head, still without a name as far as I was concerned, turned to me. “It’s a medical exam for you next, Mr Danvers. We want to make sure the punishment will not do you any lasting harm.”

However, Mr Frost first took me along into his own punishment suite - this was very similar to what I had used to call my own punishment suite at Chatterley - to introduce me to the school prefects and head girl. These were all sixth formers - therefore 16 or 17 years old - and wearing special prefects school uniforms, with silver inlays along the collar, gold inlays in the head girl’s case. He introduced me to all of them by name, but other than that the head girl’s name was Isabella, I cannot remember any of them.

“These five are quite experienced in helping with punishment ceremonies, both for our girls when they, on occasion, get punished by me in front of their peers, and for St Cuthbert’s boys sent here for public punishment. They will take charge of you from now on (I’ll be busy training up some girls, as you heard) - they have the school’s full confidence, and you are to obey them implicitly. Is that understood?”

I nodded.

“Isabella will now take you to see the school doctor, Dr Burnett. She will give you a full physical and assess you for punishment. You will then go back to your cell where you will get dressed for the ceremony - the overalls are very nice but not really fitting for the occasion. Isabella will then leave you to contemplate your fate and all five will collect you when the time comes. Understood?”

Again, I nodded. Isabella took my arm and led me through the corridors until we got to the sick room cum doctor’s surgery. There was not waiting room, and indeed no waiting, Isabella took me straight in to meet the doctor, a woman in her mid-forties, as well as the school nurse, Miss Jones, who was much younger, in her early twenties. Neither was particularly good looking.

“Ah, Mr Danvers,” said the doctor. “You know why you are here. I will examine you in order to determine your fitness for punishment. There are basically five grades, ranging from 5 (suitable for the harshest punishments) to 1 (suitable for only very light punishment). Both 1 and 5 are rare, most of the pupils I see are somewhere in between. So don’t get your hopes up - even if you’re a three they will be able to cause you some serious pain.”

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