It's a Long Walk Back - Cover

It's a Long Walk Back

by The elliptic pencil

Copyright© 2021 by The elliptic pencil

Erotica Story: This is a bit like my "Homecoming Donations" story. I've changed the characters and headed off a little different way. But some teens get caught in a rival school prank and things go awry. This is more how the story was going to be anyway. I found an earlier version of this story and decided to finish it.

Caution: This Erotica Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   .

“Fuck this,” Alice complained. “I’m tearing my feet to pieces. I’m freezing my ass off. And we’re probably going to get caught anyway.”

“Do you think they’re following us? They have cameras. They were taking video when they let us go.” Cami scanned the area around them for, well she didn’t know how many times. Careful where she stepped, she continued to keep up with Alice.

Both girls were entirely naked and barefoot. The trail they were following was more of a game trail than a people trail. They were not completely sure where they were, but they thought they were headed towards home, more or less anyway. It was getting late and it was getting dark too.

A small crew from Riverside High had caught Alice and Cami who had been with some boys from Westside High who were trying to dislodge a wooden totem that had long been the school’s symbol for the Riverside campus’ Family of Braves. The Westside boys had all escaped, but the two girls had not.

It had been a useless venture anyway. Their intent had been to dig out the base that held the totem and tip it over, perhaps signifying what Westside hoped to do to rival Riverside in the next weekend’s big game. It was a stupid stunt. But the totem was mounted in a much bigger and heavier block of concrete than the Westside teens had anticipated. They had accomplished no more than digging down along most of two sides of the concrete and attaching a big rope to the totem when they had been discovered and fled. Then the boys had fled. Alice and Cami had not been so fortunate. Six Riverside boys and four girls had surrounded Alice and Cami.

There was some discussion of what to do with these two Westside criminals. There was little reason to turn them over to school or police authorities, even though there was a small amount of damage had been done. That would be no fun. It would be a much better plan would be to humiliate these two intruders.

Nudity. That would be humiliating for the two girls. Alice was a Junior and Cami was a Sophomore. Both of them should have known better. They should not have trusted the boys who promised them an adventure. This was some adventure all right. The Westside boys had abandoned them when everything went to Hell. Then things just got worse.

The Riverside kids had a couple of vehicles. Alice and Cami were driven to the edge of town, the undeveloped edge of town. A lot of the land here was still wild and overgrown with vegetation. There were animals there too, but probably nothing that was dangerous. Still, it was early evening. It would be dark before long. “Hope you have fun on your hike out,” one of the Riverside girls quipped. We’ll leave your clothes in the middle of the student parking at our school. You can pick up your stuff there, or you can just hike on home naked. It’s your choice.” She laughed at Cami and Alice as they hurried away from the kids and the cars before things got any worse. Some of the other teens joined in with their own taunts as the two girls hurried to get out of sight.

Not far from the gravel road, where they had been left, Cami and Alice had watched, helpless from the bushes. The Riverside kids left them there. They decided to follow a trail that seemed to more or less parallel the road they had come in on.

“It’s practically dark, Alice. I really don’t like being here.”

“Fuck. You think I like this?” She trudged on, slower as it got darker.

“Their school isn’t very far. But they’re going to be waiting for us, you know. Still, we’ve gotta get our stuff back, even if they see us again and take more pictures.” Cami walked carefully. She had an arm across her chest and trailed a hand so she could quickly hide most of her pussy.

“Fuck ‘em. I don’t want to be in any more of their pictures. Where do you suppose they’re going to post them? It must be illegal. We’re underage.”

“They’ll show up somewhere, probably anonymously. Maybe they won’t post them, just pass them around.”

“Somebody will see them. People who knows who we are, and then someone will post them, somewhere. God only knows how long we’ll be the butt of everyone’s jokes and worse. It’s going to be all over our school before you know what hit you.” Alice was silent for a moment. “OW! Fuck that hurt.” She hopped on one foot trying to see the damage to her other foot.

“Are you okay?”

“No. I’m so not fucking okay.” Then Alice stopped suddenly and listened. “What’s that noise? You know there are coyotes up here, don’t you? I don’t think coyotes attack people though.”

“Well, I don’t want to find out. Do you have any idea how far we’ve gone? I’m really getting freezing cold.”

“I don’t know. I don’t even exactly know where the fuck we are. It seems like we should have already been back to the road and we’re not, are we? I hate this. I just want to go home and take a hot shower and go to bed. I want it all to go away.”

“Yeah. Me too.” Cami stopped and went silent. “I heard that. Is that what you were talking about? What is it? It’s some kind of an animal I think.”

Alice’s voice went very soft. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It’s on that side.” She pointed to her right. “Don’t run or anything. Just walk calmly like we belong here.”

“We so do not belong.” Cami got closer, within inches of Alice. They kept moving. So did the noise that accompanied them. “Is it just one? Do you think there could be more than one?” She kept her voice low.

“If it’s a coyote, I think they hunt alone, not in packs. If we stay together and keep moving calmly, nothing’s going to happen.”

“You hope!”

“Oh fuck yes. I hope.” The girls kept moving. After a little while they heard a car, not too far away, then it was gone. “The road is ahead. That had to come from the road.” The road Alice was talking about would get them closer to Riverside High, maybe a little over a mile. Maybe? Just maybe? Without a word, the girls increased their pace along the little not-quite-a-trail. Branches scraped them. They stepped on rocks and branches and other things they couldn’t see. It was too dark to see where they stepped. They kept going. The trail bore to the left. There was too much dense vegetation to do anything except stay on the trail. Alice was in front. Cami had one hand softly on Alice’s back. Both girls felt safer if they were touching.

“Ugh!” Cami paused and for a moment her hand came off Alice. “I stepped on something, something gross. Gross and gooey.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think I want to know.” She reached out her hand again to touch Alice.

“Probably poop. Bears go poop in the woods. Is it warm?”

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