Cuckqueened! - Cover


by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: Susan disrespected her Master by pretending to be sick so he wouldn't have sex with her... then she masturbated to get herself off. Now she is forced to watch as Master brings home another woman to fuck in front of her!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   BDSM   MaleDom   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   .

naked woman masturbates as she watches man fucking another woman

She hurried to finish cleaning the house. He had given her a specific number of chores to accomplish and she wanted to get them done. She was already in trouble and didn’t want to make things worse!

The upstairs bedroom was nearly done, but she still had set the proper mood for his return. She made the bed with the red silk sheets she knew he loved, she lit a pair of candles and some incense, she dimmed the lights, and placed the pillows just so. She watched the clock, and noticed that they were probably on their way back soon.

Susan couldn’t help but think of her Master, her one true love, out with another woman, dining at a nice restaurant. Sure she had messed up, and she knew that she should be punished, but this – this was just too much!

“Slut, you have really screwed up this time!” her Master had said, “First off you tell me that you don’t want to have sex because you had a tough day at work. Then later that night, I find you in the bathroom ‘taking a shower’ and masturbating because you watched a movie with your favorite actor!”

Susan remembered her Master’s anger at her breaking one of his main house rules. He made her kneel in front of him and explain herself, but there was little she could say to talk her way out of it. She had been caught dead to rights – she didn’t think he would come home early to check on her, and he walked right in just as she came!

Now he was out with that ... that other woman! He had told her that she had been sent to him from a temporary employment agency because his old secretary had quit after she had gotten pregnant to stay home and take care of the baby.

Susan liked his old secretary, she was married, older, and no threat to her. But this new woman was a threat – from the way he described her, Master found her quite attractive and now that he was on a date with her, Susan knew it was more than just a work meeting!

She was so jealous, but at the same time her heart beat with excited anticipation. Master had not allowed her to orgasm for a week leading up to this “date”. He had teased her, both physically and mentally, and he had brought her close to orgasm a few times. But he warned her not to cum and now her mind raced through the week of tense denial and her pent-up frustration.

And tonight, before he left for his “date”, he made her shove a large butt plug into her ass to keep her hole filled. Susan tried to concentrate on her chores. She rushed to complete the romantic setting in the bedroom, champagne on ice and two glasses.

Only two ... one for her Master, and one for ... her. The very thought sparked fires of jealousy filling her heart and her soul. Yet those fires made her wetter than she’d ever been in her entire life.

Susan’s pussy was drenched even now, and her nipples were hard as pebbles, as she thought of her Master out with “her”! How they are enjoying some nice food, a nice meal in a fine dining establishment. Laughing, chatting, probably flirting and touching each other’s hands, maybe more...

She helped dress her Master for this date earlier in the evening, despite the hurt that came with seeing him out with another instead of her. She helped him bathe, laid out his clothes, and ensured that it would be a night of romance for he and this other woman.

Her mind was filled with these recollections, as she received the text simply saying “We’re on our way home”. She knew it wouldn’t be long now. He was bringing her home with him. To THEIR home!

She wondered if she would be able to stand this, the reality of it, right here in their home, right there in THEIR bed, the one she and Master make love in. Tonight it would be for her Master, and her! Another woman would be enjoying her Master, feeling what she was supposed to feel, his cock, his tongue...

Part of her wanted to stop it, wanted to stop it before it started, but this was a punishment. This was how her Master wanted to punish her and teach her not to break his rules.

She remembered his words; “So you aren’t well enough to fuck your Master but you can fuck yourself? You prefer that dildo to my cock?” She had hurt him, choosing a toy over his sweet cock. Yes, she deserved what she was getting, she admitted that, but could she go through with it?

With the house in order and prepared for her Master’s arrival, it was time for her to finish her own preparations. He had told her to be naked, save only for her collar and ball-gag. He instructed her to be in position next to his chair when he got home.

And so she dutifully set about the task. She had already bathed and shaved her pussy – he wanted her clean and smooth at all times. She had put on her makeup ... dark slutty eyeshadow, a hint of blush, and deep red lipstick.

She picked up her collar, fingering it fondly and smiled as she remembered the day he gave it to her. She buckled it around her neck and lovingly placed the little heart dangle directly in front.

Susan looked in the full-length mirror in the bedroom. She was an attractive woman, five foot five inches tall with long walnut-brown hair, and warm brown eyes.

She had a nice 34C-26-32 figure too, her tits were still firm and she had sensitive nipples that Master loved to play with. Her tight ass and tight pussy still seemed to hold Master’s interest and she loved feeling him in either.

Finally it was time for her to get into position. She put her red ball-gag into her mouth and buckled it in place behind her head. Then she went over and knelt down in front of her Master’s favorite chair facing it with her legs spread and her bowed and face lowered as she had been taught.

She waited, with incredible anticipation, for their arrival. Her heart was beating faster than ever, her pussy was wetter than ever, and silently she cursed the fact that she was helpless to bring herself off, she wanted to cum SO bad. But she knew better. She would have to wait...

She could hear them approach ... heard their footsteps, and she heard laughter. Female laughter. Master was completely charming, she knew that all too well. She could only imagine the evening they had together.

She labored while her Master could have fun with another woman. While she cleaned, tidied up the place, prepared it for them. While she could not cum. While she had to kneel on the floor, butt plug in place, ball gag in place, on all fours, like an animal.

They entered, and she could hear the woman gasp. Master brought her over to his chair, and she stood before the kneeling Susan as Master spoke.

“Raise your eyes and greet our guest, slut. This is Kimberly and she is my secretary so you will get to know her well,” he commanded.

Susan raised her face to look at Kimberly for the first time. She was incredible! Kimberly was five foot seven inches tall with shoulder-length blonde hair, sea-green eyes, and a very hot 36DD-24-35 body that even made her wet looking at it!

No wonder Master was so taken with her! She wore dark evening-style eye makeup and soft red lips ... she really was quite beautiful in that tight dress that looked like it was molded on her curvaceous body.

So sexy, those big breasts, but not too big, and curvy hips, just like Master liked, he liked his woman to be full figured. Her ass was so appealing in that tight dress, and Master moved behind her now, and slowly slipped his fingers under that dress ... fingering Kimberly, making her moan as Susan knelt there helplessly watching Him play with her.

His toying with Kimberly was making her wet. With his one hand occupied down below, his other one wrapped around her and found one of her magnificent tits, slipping under the plunging neckline of her dress and cupping the warm globe of flesh, squeezing the nipple as she moaned softly.

Susan could see that Master was nuzzling Kimberly’s soft neck, kissing it, nibbling on her earlobe and touching her in so many intimate places. She knew Kimberly would soon be ready for his magnificent cock, she was so hot and Susan was so jealous. Burning with jealousy, but dripping her wetness all over the floor under her.

Finally he removed Kimberly’s panties, hiking up her dress and sitting in his chair pulling her down to sit in his lap ... the same lap that she treasured sitting in herself. He made sure she sat with her back to him and her legs were spread so Susan could clearly see her shaved pussy. Master tossed Kimberly’s panties at her, they were silky and soaked with her pussy juices.

“Now take your ball-gag off and put them in your mouth and suck on them. And move closer – I want you to watch while I finger Kimberly’s sweet juicy cunt!” he ordered. She moved closer ... closer ... until her face was so close to her that Susan could feel the heat from Kimberly’s pussy on her face and her musky aroma filled her nostrils.

Susan watched as Master parted Kimberly’s fat pink lips and plunged into her juicy depths. I listened to her moans and watched as his finger made the woman’s pussy drool and slobber. He fingered her pussy and then with a slick juice-covered finger, rubbed her swollen clit.

Kimberly giggled as Susan obediently placed her sodden panties into her mouth. They tasted different ... erotic ... sexy, but the circumstances led her to feel so humiliated, so embarrassed, Susan blushed as she shoved them into her eager and wet mouth.

Both of them looking at her. Especially Kimberly. With those big blue eyes of hers. God, Susan found her so sexy, but hated her at the same time. Then Kimberly’s giggles turned to moans as he began toying with her pussy, doing things to her that he did to Susan, making her long for his touch there as well.

He turned Kimberly so they could kiss and his hand fondled her tit, she was getting so turned on. Master had a way of teasing that would very quickly have a girl begging and whimpering pleading for him to fuck her and make her cum. Kimberly was no exception.

With that, Master and Kimberly ignored her completely and slowly made their way up the stairs. Master had commanded her to follow behind, crawling along like a dog as she watched them climb the stairs to the bedroom.

Once there, he led Kimberly over to the bed and climbed in as well. Susan stood beside the bed watching as Master crawled slowly and sensuously over the woman and up to kiss her full soft lips.

Susan knew that he was a good kisser – the best by far that she had ever known, and she burned with jealousy and desire that this woman was getting what she wanted so badly. He pressed his lips to her and knew that she was enjoying the taste of his sweet kisses even as he enjoyed hers.

Kimberly wrapped her arms around his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist. He moved his head around to kisses her neck, soft tender kisses so light you can barely feel them yet they ignite a woman’s passions like nothing else. Susan remembered those kisses, she imagined she could even feel them now. The thought made her moan slightly and the two of them looked over at her.

“It looks like she is enjoying herself!” Kimberly giggled. Susan’s face turned beet red. Red because she had been caught and red because the woman was right – Susan’s pussy was drooling!

“You’d better not be playing with that cunt, slut!” Master warned her. Susan snapped her hands up to show him that she wasn’t. She didn’t need any more trouble!

“Maybe she’ll like this!” Kimberly said rolling him off her. She moved around to position herself between his spread thighs. She knelt and leaned over and began licking his huge hard cock. She looked at Susan as she licked up and down the hard shaft and circled around the mushroom head.

Master laid back enjoying her minstrations and Kimberly licked up and down, making sure every inch of him was coated in her saliva. Kimberly moaned softly as she enjoyed his meatpole and Susan trembled.

She knew that oral sex was one of Master’s favorite things. She had spent many a happy afternoon keeling between his strong thighs with a mouthful of sweet cock, bobbing her head in blissful pleasure as her Master guided her head just the way he liked it.

But now this woman was taking her place and enjoying what she should be enjoying. Damn her mistaken lust! If she had just followed his rules, that would be her mouth sliding up and down that delicious cock!

Kimberly then caught Susan’s eye again and showed her that she could please Master every bit as much as his slut could. She slid down further and further opening her throat and taking him fully into her mouth until her nose pressed against his stomach.

His pubic hair tickled her nose, but she held him there as long as she could before coming back up gagging a bit. She took a couple deep breaths and then went back down, just far as before. She caressed his nuts as she held him deep down her throat, then when she could no longer stand it, she pulled back up, saliva streaming from her mouth. She began bobbing up and down on his cock humming as she did and he laid back moaning softly.

Kimberly enjoyed her Master’s cock for a few minutes getting him harder and bigger until finally he was ready. He pushed her off and Susan held out hope for a second she would be invited to join them. She wouldn’t even mind being part of a threesome with her, just so long as she was a part.

But that was not to be. Instead of inviting her into bed with them, he ignored her standing there. He grabbed Kimberly and pulled her onto the bed on her back and spread her legs wide, exposing her wet bald pussy. He wasted no time, diving into her dripping cunt so quickly it caused her to gasp. He shoved his tongue deep into the woman’s slit and Kimberly’s eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open.

Susan knew that reaction well. Master was an expert at making a woman crazy and he had a lot of tricks in his arsenal. Orally pleasing – and teasing – was only one of them but it was a very effective one! Many times he had brought her right to the very edge of her sanity and now this other woman was getting a sampling of his techniques as well. Susan didn’t know whether to be jealous of her now or not ... Master’s teasing can be quite unbearable at times!

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