Call Girl Confessions - Cover

Call Girl Confessions

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Part 3 – Miko’s Story

Fiction Sex Story: Part 3 – Miko’s Story - This story chronicles the life of four women, all in the sex trade. It tells in their own words how they got started and what brought them into the sex trade world.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   BDSM   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

Miko Lee; an Oriental hotel girl; 25 years old, five foot four inches tall, with long black hair and brown eyes.

My story begins, oddly enough, far away from the streets I now call home. You see, I’m a Vietnamese-American, my mother being Vietnamese and my father was an American serviceman during the Vietnam War. My father was sent over there just a few months before the end of the war.

While over there he met my mother, a young girl at the time, in a village his platoon freed from the Viet Cong. He and my mother fell in love and, in a move that was frowned on by both governments, they had relations and my mother got pregnant with me. I was born in Vietnam and on April 30th, 1975 my father, mother, and I were part of the evacuation of Saigon just before it fell to the North Vietnamese.

We were brought back to America where my mother and father got married, making us all “official” Americans. However, that was not the end of our problems. The Vietnam War was not a popular one and being half Vietnamese at that time was not easy on a child. I was called “VC” and “war baby” and “commie” all the time, although only one of those names was actually true.

I was ridiculed, picked on, shamed, and humiliated regularly. But the War had even more devastating effects on my father. After serving his country proudly and voluntarily, he came back to a country that hated him. The abuse and ridicule that I suffered was nothing to what he had to endure.

He eventually took his own life as a result, leaving my mother to raise me as best she could. But she had her own troubles. Working as a washing woman in a small Oriental laundry, she didn’t make much money at all. Many times we went hungry because we didn’t have money for food. She worked herself to death in that job, trying to feed me and keep a roof over our heads.

I was 12 years old when my mother died, leaving me to fend for myself or die in the streets. I did whatever I could to survive. Much of what I did I am not proud of, but I had little choice. Finally, I resorted to prostitution as a way to get money for food.

The first time I sold my body I was just 16 years old. I was walking down the street trying to figure out how I was going to eat that day, when a woman pulled into a parking spot right in front of a dry cleaner shop. She was just going in to get her clothes and then leave again. But as I walked by her car, I noticed her purse was on the front seat. And the door was unlocked!

Opportunity had presented itself. A quick glance around, and I snatched the purse and took off running. I wasn’t quick enough though, and the woman came out and screamed at me. A police officer heard her and chased me down catching me as I tried to climb a chain link fence after throwing the purse over it.

He put me in handcuffs and sat me in the back of the patrol car while he returned the purse to the woman. For some strange reason, she didn’t want to press charges – maybe it was because she didn’t need the hassle of going to court, and the associated problems that brings, I don’t know. But because of that, the officer came back to the car and as we drove he talked to me.

“So what is your name, young lady?” he asked.

“Miko,” I said, “Miko Lee.”

“Well Miss Miko Lee, where are your parents?”

“They are dead,” I told him. I explained my situation and he listened carefully.

“That’s awful. But you still shouldn’t have tried to steal that woman’s purse. There are other ways to get a meal. Have you tried the local soup kitchen or homeless shelter?”

“They don’t want me. I am Vietnamese and they don’t want me,” I said, looking down at my lap.

He was quiet for awhile. Then he spoke again. “Well for tonight, you are coming home with me. I will give you a good meal tonight and we will see what we can do for you after that.”

“Really? You would take me into your home and feed me, knowing that I stole a woman’s purse?” I said. I was astonished. He took me back to the station and unlocked the handcuffs.

Standing in front of me, he towered over me. “Now I have to do some paperwork and sign out before going home. It should only take a few minutes. You aren’t going to embarrass me in the stationhouse are you?” he said.

I looked up at him and shook my head no. He was cutting me a huge break and I knew it. He took me inside and I sat at his desk quiet as a churchmouse while he finished up his paperwork. Then he took me home with him and we had a good meal – the first I’d had in ages.

We talked during dinner, and I found out that my benefactor was single – having been divorced for several years. I also found out because of his job as a policeman, he hadn’t dated or had any kind of romantic relationships in a long time either. His work was his life, and home was just an interruption to it.

That night he put me to bed in his bed and he took the couch. I had a full belly and a warm, dry place to sleep in a real bed. It was more than I deserved. I lay there for about a half an hour just thinking about my life and how I had come to be in this bed. I felt terribly guilty.

“Jim?” I said, as I walked carefully up to him, laying on the couch.

“Yeah, what is it, Miko?” he said, sitting up.

I stood there looking at him ... then held out my hand without saying a word. He looked up at me quizzically and took my hand, expecting me, I think, to show him what I wanted. But he wasn’t prepared for what I wanted. I pulled him to his feet and walked him to his bedroom. I took him over to the bed and with him standing there, I undressed.

“What are you doing Miko?” he said, shocked at what he was seeing. “I can’t do this! You are too young, honey.”

“Please, Jim. You have been so kind and so nice to me. Please let me do this for you,” I said. I dropped my worn out jeans and my panties down and I stepped out of them, climbing into bed naked now. He looked at me and I stretched my arms out to him.

Jim saw that I was serious and that I really wanted him. I could tell he wanted me too. He paused for a moment more, and then he began to get undressed himself. I smiled as I saw him undressing and as he climbed into bed, I took him in my arms and kissed him.

We made love that night and it was wonderful. He was passionate and tender and I gave him as much pleasure as I knew how. He showed me how he liked it, and I did just what he said. We both came several times that night.

Once I learned that I could use my body to feed my body, I began to eat better. I didn’t have to turn too many tricks in order to eat three square meals. I had no pimp to please and no overhead to speak of. So a couple of johns a night kept me well fed. But living on the street and walking it late at night can be hazardous to one’s health so I wanted to get off them as soon as I could.

I learned from another girl that some of the hotels in the area are good customer bases for our particular line of work. So I went to a couple and checked them out for “availability”. One thing about being in the business – you can spot another working girl a mile away!

One of the hotels I checked out was being worked, so professional courtesy said I shouldn’t try to horn in on her turf. The other hotel, newer and nicer, hadn’t been staked as a claim by any of us, so I decided this would be a good base of operation. I’d give it a try and if it didn’t pan out, I could always go back to the streets.

“My” hotel catered to a lot of the businessmen, as opposed to pleasure travelers which was good – these men were there for conferences, business meetings and seminars – things that bored them usually and things from which they like to escape at the end of the day. They were away from their wives and girlfriends, and usually lonely. All services which I was uniquely qualified to assist them in!

Another advantage I found I had was surprisingly my Asian heritage. It would seem that a pretty young Asian girl was something of a delicacy here, and I was an exotic treat for these men. I started my operations one day when I saw a group of men check into the hotel all at once. I found out it was a sales conference and that all these men were from out of town.

Perfect! I went in a couple minutes after them and followed them to see what hotel rooms they took. Luck was with me, and they all took rooms in the same hallway. I mentally marked their rooms and decided I would come back later to see if any of them wanted a little company.

Later that night, I returned to the hotel and went to the hallway that my prospects had taken residence in. I knocked on a couple doors and after being turned down a couple times, I found a particularly lonely salesman. He let me in and we talked about what services I offered and the cost of them. We struck a deal and after getting paid – I always get paid up front – I got undressed and slipped into bed.

My client (we’ll call him John) liked to eat pussy ... he said it was one of his favorite things to do during sex. If the guy wanted to bury his face between my legs and sample my “sushi”, who was I to argue with him! I laid back and pulled the lips of my pussy apart, showing him the wet pink interior that was waiting for him. He licked his lips and nestled down between my thighs and went to work.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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