New To The 'Hood - Cover

New To The 'Hood

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Coming of Age Sex Story: Ruby is new to the school having just moved and transferred as a military brat. Not knowing her way around or anyone to help her, a boy in her class steps up to show her around. But he has other motives besides being helpful for this red-haired girl...

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   First   Oral Sex   Illustrated   .

Ruby was eighteen years old when she entered Wilson High School. Because her family had moved around a lot, she had been held back a grade by the school and was entering as a junior that year instead of a senior. It didn’t matter, she didn’t know anyone at Wilson, so she wasn’t behind any of her friends.

Wilson High School was a large school with three stories and a maze of hallways. She had arrived a couple weeks into the school year so she missed the new student orientation, which would have helped her learn how to get around and find everything. Instead, when she went to the office to sign in and get her class schedule, she only got a crude (and not real helpful) map of the school, her class schedule, and her locker assignment.

She didn’t know why she was so nervous walking through the halls of the new school to her first class. She had done this a dozen times before. One thing about being a “military brat” is you learn to adapt to new situations and new places pretty quickly. Ruby clutched her books tightly to her chest and tried to find Room 117, and her Algebra class.

When she finally found her math class, she opened the door, and was embarrassed because class had already started! “Damn!” she thought to herself. But there was nothing she could do about it, everyone was already looking at her. So she came in as quietly as she could, looking for the first available seat.

Oddly, the front few rows of desks were already filled, so she had to go back several rows to find an empty desk. She found one that was almost in the back of the class and as she went to sit down, she noticed the boy behind her watching her. But he was watching her in a very peculiar way ... she could feel his eyes boring through her as if he was looking straight into her soul.

As she looked at him, their eyes met and he grinned, a mixture of mischievousness and understanding. It was like he already knew her and they had never met. She shivered, but wasn’t sure if she should be scared or not. Actually, she felt kind of warm and her private places were tingly.

He reached out with his foot and pulled her chair back a bit, as if inviting her to sit and giving her another sly smile. Ruby looked down, blushing – something that was easy for the fair-skinned girl to do. She set her books on her desk and smiled at her classmate.

“Thank you,” she said, almost whispering. The boy nodded in response.

Ruby sat down and tried to pay attention to the instructor. She needed this math class and was supposed to take it at her last school, but just before school was about to start, they had been transferred again. Her last school had been able to get her into this class, though, it was one of the last mandatory classes she needed to take to graduate and she was fortunate to get into it.

She was also fortunate that she had only missed the first few classes. Had she been any further behind, she might not have been able to catch up. But math was one of her stronger subjects, so she didn’t feel it would be hard to fit in.

A half hour later, the bell rang dismissing the class. As the class left the room, the boy behind Ruby made it to the door before her. Gallantly, he opened the door for her, holding it as she walked through.

She turned down the hall towards her next class and took a few steps, then looked back. Standing in the hall leaning against the lockers there, was her champion. Once again Ruby felt her heart beat a little faster and her panties dampen a bit.

Ruby continued on with her day and the boy in math class became lost in the day’s rushing about. Ruby somehow made it to her other classes, asking a couple of the other kids where her next class was. She managed to get through the day with a minimum of trouble and at last the final bell rang.

She was looking forward to putting her first day at Wilson behind her! She made her way through the throngs of students, all trying to get thier things and go home as well. At last she made it to her hall locker and was putting her books away and getting her coat. She shut the locker door and was startled by the boy from math class standing there in front of her.

“Oh! You scared me!” she said. “I saw you in Algebra right?”

He didn’t say anything, he just looked at her.

“Well my name is Ruby. Ruby Willams,” she said.

Still he didn’t say anything and Ruby started getting a bit nervous. She could feel the boy’s eyes scanning her flame red hair and lingering on her huge green eyes. She shifted her books, and then his eyes dropped down to her tight little top, and rested on the deep V neckline.

Ruby wasn’t large breasted, there were other girls a lot more endowed than her in school. But she still had a respectable B cup which he was now admiring. She hadn’t thought about how revealing her outfit was when she got dressed that morning – she was in a rush and just threw on the first thing she could find.

Without a chance to unpack everything yet, her clothing choices were limited. Now his eyes were following the smooth expanse of creamy skin left visible by her open blouse ... and she had to admit, she liked how that made her feel. Down over her soft, young swells his eyes went and she followed them, breathing heavier the further down his gaze went.

Suddenly she realized that her fingers had been playing with the hem of her skirt ... without her even realizing it, she had pulled it slowly higher and higher. She had gotten lost in the dark, magnetic power of his eyes, and now ... she gasped as she felt a new set of hands taking hold of hers.

He pushed her hands back until her palms were flat against the locker behind her. She kept them there as he began softly caressing her thighs. She closed her eyes and her fingers curled against the cold metal while the boy slowly lifted the edge of her skirt, taking it higher ... and higher ... until the hem of it exposed the wet spot of her white cotton panties. She moaned softly as his fingers brushed right across the damp material and she felt him brush against the sensitive lips of her young, tight pussy.

Ruby’s eyes suddenly flew open as the realization of what was happening came to her, and her skirt dropped back down. Some students were still in the hallway passing by, but the only one she saw was him. She stood there in front of him, her body unable to move, unable to get away. It was as if he was commanding her, controlling her. As if he owned her. She shivered, knowing it should be a shiver of fear ... but it wasn’t. It was pleasure. Wicked, wanton pleasure.

She stood there in the hallway, pinned between the locker and his body, burning with the heat building up inside of her. She wanted to say something, anything, but her voice caught in her throat. Which was just as well, the way she was panting, she probably wouldn’t have made much sense anyway.

Before she could find the words she was looking for, he spoke. “Come with me,” he said, and took her hand. Moving at a brisk pace, he escorted her through the hallways, dodging other students and navigating his way swiftly. Ruby quickly got totally lost, this was a part of the school she hadn’t been in before and at the pace he was keeping, she could barely keep her feet, much less remember her way!

He took her down a short, utility hallway and then stopped by a locked door. She stood there trying to catch her breath while he fished in his pocket for something. He pulled out what appeard to be a butter knife, only the handle and blade had been cut down, and a notch had been cut into the edge of the blade. He knelt down and began working the blade into the crack of the door just above the doorknob.

“I’ll have us inside in a second,” he said. And sure enough, about the time he finished his words, she heard a distinct click and the door opened for him. He stood up and took her inside.

The room was pitch black once he shut the door and Ruby stood perfectly still, not knowing where she was or what was around her. She could hear him moving around and he seemed to know what he was doing, because she didn’t hear any sounds of things being knocked over or anything. Suddenly, the lights came on and she could see where she was.

“This is the school gym storage room. I worked as an assistant to the football coach during my freshman and sophmore years here. I learned how to get in here and I come here a lot when I am cutting class. No one comes in here and I can hang out until school is over if I want,” he said, smiling wickedly.

Ruby felt her pussy dampen once again at his words. She didn’t know exactly why he had brought her here but she was pretty sure it wasn’t just to show his lockpicking skills!

He picked up a nearby stacking chair and turned it to sit down. “Come here, Ruby,” he commanded. Ruby obeyed and as if in a hypnotic trance, she walked slowly towards him. Her skirt swayed as she walked, offering him a glimpse of her panties as she got closer. He grinned and Ruby felt a shiver run through her.

When she got to his chair, he stopped her, making her stand in front of him for a minute. He ran his hands up the outside of her thighs from just above the knee slowly upwards towards her hips. He got to the tops of her stockings, just under her skirt, and she moaned.

He grinned as he looked at her. Ruby stared into his eyes, unable to look away from those smoldering dark eyes, compelling her to do all sorts of deliciously wicked things. His hands moved around to her ass and he jerked her towards him a bit closer.

His hands began to knead her soft ass cheeks and Ruby moaned again. She was having trouble keeping her balance, so she put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. He pulled her a step closer, between his spread knees so he could reach her better.

He reached up and slowly, teasingly, began to unbutton her blouse. One button after another fell victim to his deft fingers and as she was slowly revealed, her breathing increased, her heart raced, and she felt wetter and wetter.

God this guy is sooo hot! she thought to herself – one of the few thoughts she could put together by this time. One last button remained and he paused for a second before unfastening it. Ruby stood there watching him and biting her bottom lip.

After a dramatic, agonizing pause, he twisted the button loose and her blouse was completely open. He peeled the sides of her blouse open and exposed her soft creamy young breasts to his full view. He noticed that her hard nipples were still rosy red and swollen in pleasure.

He reached up and barely brushed a fingertip over her rosy nipple. She closed her eyes, arched her back, and shivered along the length of her body. As if from a distance she heard a boy’s voice comment on how she had just sent a rush of juices flowing from her pussy down her creamy thighs, but she was under the spell of her desire so nothing else really sunk in.

Seeing how heated his young prey was, he stood and picked her up, sitting her on an old gymnastic vaulting horse. She sat on the horse sideways and held onto the handles as she felt the hot, wet heat of his tongue on her soft young breasts ... breasts that no one had seen before now ... breasts that were fully on display to him now, and available for his use. She arched her back to offer him another taste of her rosy nipple, not realizing this would push her wet white panties right up tight to his sexy chest.

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