A Valentine's Story - Cover

A Valentine's Story

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A sequel to "Jingle Belles", it's Valentine's Day at the office. Once again there's a party that gets amorous, this time at the boss's house. And the new office girl is at this party, but is shocked at all the erotic activities!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

I should have seen it coming. I mean the signs were all there, the giggling of the girls that suddenly stopped as I walked in. The offers to bring me a cup of coffee or a pastry for no reason, the little grin when I accepted. Looking back, I should have known something was afoot.

It all began, I guess, back a couple months ago at the company Christmas party. We’d had a pretty good year and to show my appreciation to my staff, I decided to shut the office down after lunch so we could have a little party.

The girls in the office – Angelina, Jill, and Kelly – were more than happy to take care of the preparations and so on the last working day before Christmas, we closed the door, pulled the shades and the party got started. I had a couple last minute papers to finish so I let the rest of the office start without me and concentrated on getting these loose ends wrapped up. But the girls would have none of it!

Apparently the other guys in the office – Robert and Tom – had gone online and gotten the big game on Tom’s tablet, and their focus was locked on that, ignoring the girls and the party. So they came to me and decided that I needed to join them in the festivities.

Well, I am not one to ignore a beautiful woman and I had three of them all wanting my attention. And so these lovelies convinced me that work was over and it was time to party!

Now I am not sure how we got around to it, even to this day, but somehow we began getting more and more “in the giving spirit” and before I knew it, I was face to face with three gorgeous and scantily-clad young ladies!

All this may sound like a sexual harassment suit in the making, but you have to understand my staff. We are all very close and more like a family than a company. I mean when one person in the office is sick, they can count on visits from the rest of us. We have barbeques and other functions together regularly, we know each other’s kids ... it’s really quite nice. So after the initial shock of seeing these girls so willing and eager, I fell right in line. I may be their boss, but I am also a man!

The party was a huge success, at least from me and the girls points of view! I don’t know how Bob and Tom felt, especially after learning that while they were watching the game, there was another sport happening right in the next room! And this one was participatory, not just a watched game!

Of course it wouldn’t have mattered to Bob, he was happily married and wouldn’t have jumped in anyway, but Tom ... he missed a golden opportunity!

Now it was approaching Valentine’s Day and the girls all had approached me a few days ago with a request that we decorate the office in Valentines hearts and such. Well, as long as the work gets done and we don’t scare off the clients, I don’t really care too much how the place is decorated. Besides, I know that my staff remembers this is first and foremost a place of business, so I trusted that their decorations and other arrangements would be appropriate.

The girls did another bang up job and the office soon looked festive but professional, and they even set out a bowl of “Sweethearts” little heart-shaped sugar candies for the customers. Our receptionist decorated her desk like a kissing booth and the whole office looked great.

Because business had been so good, I’d hired another girl for the new receptionist position I’d had to create to take some of the pressure off the other girls. This new girl Diane was a welcome addition to our team, quickly and easily falling into the routine and philosophy of our office.

This particular year, February 14th fell on a Saturday so instead of an “office party” I offered to host the party in my home.

I knew that because it was the weekend that there was most likely going to be something more potent than Kool-Aid punch at the party, unlike at Christmas time, and this way I could maintain a bit of control for our team should the party get the better of them. It wouldn’t pay to have one of my insurance agents get in a car accident driving intoxicated!

So Saturday came around and the time for the party approached. I had everything ready and had just put some more ice in the freezer for drinks when the doorbell rang. I went to the door and opened it. It was Angelina.

“Hi Angelina, come on in! Can I take your coat?” I asked.

“Hi Jim! Thank you,” she said. As I removed her coat I saw she was wearing a very becoming little red cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. The dress was appetizingly short and she looked very appetizing in it.

“You look amazing,” I said as I took her into the living room.

“Thank you, Jim. It’s Valentine’s so I wanted to wear something red that would make your heart jump!” she said teasingly.

“Well, you did that. Excuse me while I put your coat in the other room and get my defibrillator out!” I joked. Angelina giggled and sat down on the sofa. I was back in a flash and went into the kitchen to get her started on a drink. I had no more got it back to her when the doorbell rang again.

“Hi Jim!” Becky said. Jill had just arrived and was standing behind her.

“Hi girls, C’mon in and join the party!” I said holding the door open for them. I helped them out of thier coats as well and took them into the living room. Putting their coats with Angelina’s, I went back to fix them a drink.

I brought the drinks to the girls and sat down with them. “Tom called me and said he won’t be able to make it ... he had other plans this evening,” Jill said.

“Well, I don’t think Bob is coming either, he wants to spend Valentines Day with his wife, which is understandable. So it looks like you girls have me all to yourselves!” I said, grinning broadly.

“Oooh, I like the sound of that!” Becky said, wriggling in her seat playfully. As Becky and I bantered back and forth with sexual innuendo’s, the doorbell rang once more.

It was Diane our new girl. “Hi Diane! Come on in and join the party!” I said.

“Oh, thank goodness! I thought I might have gotten the address wrong!” she said as she entered the house. I took her coat and brought her into the living room with the other girls.

“Where is Tom and Bob?” Diane asked, surprised that I was the only guy there.

“Well, Tom had other plans and Bob is home with his wife. So we have Jim here to entertain us,” Angelina said.

“Oh?” Diane said, still a bit unsure.

“Oh, don’t worry Diane ... Jim here is a very good ‘entertainer’!” Becky said, giggling.

“Yep, last Christmas, Bossman here made sure none of us girls was bored!” Jill remarked. All three girls broke out in laughter.

“Well, I do my best to be the life of the party,” I said with a sly smile. “So who needs a fresh drink?”

I took everyone’s drink orders and went into the kitchen to fix them. When I came back with a tray and everyone drink, the girls had all been talking amongst themselves.

“So, Jim ... what do you have around here for fun?” Angelina asked as I began passing out the drinks.

“Yeah, you have four very energetic girls here ... what WILL you do with us, sir?” Jill said winking. I handed her her drink and as she put it on the coffee table in front of her, I reached down and pulled her to her feet in front of me.

I knew what these girls wanted. I knew they came here hoping that this party would be like the last one. And now that it was known we would be alone, they were already getting primed and ready. I could feel the sexual tension and I could see the lust in their faces.

The only one who wasn’t feeling the electricity in the air was Diane. She wasn’t around at Christmas time and didn’t know all of us very well yet. She just sat back a bit, somewhat stunned that we played so blatantly with each other.

And while it is true that most places of business shy away from any kind of sexual conversation or innuendo, our little group enjoyed it freely. We enjoyed the wordplay, getting as close to “the line” as we could. We all knew it was in fun and we respected each other personally and professionally so it wasn’t a problem amongst ourselves.

With Jill now standing directly in front of me, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in to mem crushing her soft body against my own and holding her there as I planted a long, deep kiss on her soft, ruby lips. Jill moaned softly into my mouth, loud enough for the others to hear and closed her eyes. She melted into my arms. Yes, this girl was definitely ready for the party!

“Hey girl, save some of that for the rest of us!” Becky piped up from the couch where she was sitting. After I had set Jill’s head swimming with my kiss, I turned to the source of the voice.

“Oh, you want some of this do you?” I asked.

Becky jumped to her feet, “Damn straight I do!” she said, holding her arms out to me. A couple quick steps and she was in my arms getting a similar deep kiss. She was a bit more forward than Jill, and she reached behind me to squeeze my ass a bit. So I returned her advance by pressing my growing bulge into her crotch ... eliciting an even bigger moan than her coworker.

Then I turned to Angelina who was sitting patiently waiting her turn. She was older and a bit more mature than the other girls and I knew I had to do something different for her. So I walked casually up behind the chair she was in and standing behind her, I leaned over and kissed her softly on the neck.

I nibbled on her ear, finding out from the Christmas party, that was a hot spot for her. As I felt her sigh, I reached around her and cupped her full tits giving them a playful squeeze and digging my fingers into the supple flesh. Angelina moaned loudly and reached up to grab the back of my head. I saw her unconsciously spread her thighs as much as the chair she was on would allow.

Diane, seeing all this sat there with her mouth hanging open, shocked at the audacity of it all. She didn’t know if her coworkers were whores or her boss was a lech!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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