A New Job, A New Life - Cover

A New Job, A New Life

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Charlene was applying for a new job - her first job ever. Her husband died five years ago and the money he left her had run out. But Charlene had no idea who she would be working for or what the job entailed...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Charlene managed to walk somewhat gracefully into the restaurant, although her kees were still a bit weak from the near orgasm she’d had on the way over. The three of them found a table in a quiet corner and sat down. Charlene had never been to this particular establishment and as they sat there waiting to place their orders, she took a good look around.

It was a well-decorated and quaint place, not real large, with several tables of varying sizes and shapes scattered around the room, all of which had white tablecloths on them that practically reached the floor. This is one of the features that Mr. Wiseman enjoyed in this restaurant.

After the waiter had come and taken their order, Charlene asked to be excused, As she left to go to the ladies room, Amy decided to go with her.

“Amy! I can’t believe you set me up like this!” she said, playfully hitting her fellow officeworker.

“Don’t blame me! Mr. Wiseman wanted me to play along. If I didn’t, I’d be the one wearing that thing ... or worse!” Amy said, rubbing her arm, “Besides, you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy the ride over here!”

“Yeah, I did,” she admitted with a big grin, “Especially when you began playing with my tits. I love having my tits fondled and you were really turning me on!” she admitted, blushing a bit.

“Well, I don’t know what Mr. Wiseman has in mind, but you can be pretty sure you aren’t done yet!” Amy said.

“Oh no! You mean there’s more?” Charlene asked incredulously.

“Oh, sweetie, Mr. Wiseman hasn’t even started with you yet! I don’t know what his plans for today are, but your training has only just begun. You will have many days when you’ll wonder how many times you can cum before passing out!” Amy said giggling.

“Mr. Wiseman is quite the sex fiend isn’t he?” Charlene said.

“Well, if you mean he has a high sex drive, you are right. But he is a good man, he treats us very well and isn’t a pig about his needs and desires. And he sure makes certain our sexual needs are satisfied.

“I don’t know what your sex life was like before coming here, but mine was pretty sad. I hadn’t had a relationship or even sex for over a year before Mr. Wiseman hired me. Now, I get it as much as I want – and sometimes more!” Amy giggled at the thought.

“I haven’t had anything since ... since Phillip passed away nearly five years ago,” Charlene said sadly.

FIVE YEARS?” Amy said, leaning up against the counter in shock. “You mean you haven’t ... with anyone?”

“No. After Phillip I didn’t want to ... I loved him and couldn’t bear the thought if replacing him with someone else. And then, I dunno, it just didn’t seem like that big a deal later on,” Charlene said, looking down.

“Did you at least have a ‘bedtime buddy’?” Amy asked wide-eyed.

“You mean a vibrator or something? No. That would only have made matters worse by making me want it.”

“Damn. Well no more worries about that anymore. Mr. Wiseman will make sure you keep in practice, you can be sure of that!” Amy said. “Speaking of that, we’d better get back there before he comes looking for us. Mr. Wiseman wouldn’t think twice about coming in here and paddling both our asses right here in public!” Amy warned.

“Yeah, I suppose so,” Charlene agreed. The two girls headed back to the table where Mr. Wiseman had been wondering what they had been up to.

“There you two are. I was beginning to get worried that I had gotten stood up!” he said with a smile, as he stood up when they got to the table.

“Stand you up? No chance of that, Sir!” Amy said, giving him a big kiss on the cheek before sitting down.

“So, what were you two little busybodies talking about for so long?” he asked.

“You, of course, Sir,” Amy said, batting her eyes innocently at him.

“Mmm hmmm...” he said skeptically. “Well, we have a few minutes before our lunch will be ready, I think. Perhaps we should find a way to pass the time?” With that, he hit the second button on the remote again and instantly the vibrator responded, beginning its buzzing torment of Charlene’s still wet pussy once more.

Charlene gripped the edges of the table as her pussy ignited again. She closed her eyes and bit her lip to keep from making a spectacle of herself as she tried battling the vibrator for control. This time she was somewhat ready for it and she was able, just barely, to keep herself under control. She was after all in public and didn’t want to embarrass Mr. Wiseman or herself.

But control was not hers – it was his. And he was going to make sure that she knew that. “Amy, be a dear and slip under the table and see if you can do something to help Charlene here,” he said with a mischievous wink. Amy took a quick glance to make sure no one was looking, then slid quickly under the table making sure the tablecloth covered her completely.

Amy moved closer to Charlene and spread her quaking thighs. Charlene felt Amy’s hands and once she knew what Amy was going to do, she gasped aloud.

“Oh, goddd ... Mr. Wiseman ... Ohhhhhhfuuuccck!” Charlene whimpered softly. Amy began massaging her pussy and clit with her fingers even as the vibrator continued its incessant work. She used her thumbs to massage her pussy lips and rub her sensitive, engorged clit.

To encourage Amy in her efforts, Mr. Wiseman slipped the toe of his shoe under her ass and curled his toes up to play with her naked pussy as well. He heard a faint moan come up from under the table as he felt her begin to wriggle on his foot.

Amy increased her efforts to torture Charlene and he smiled seeing her struggle. Placing the remote control on the desk in front of him, and in plain view of Charlene, he began. “So what kinds of things about me did you two talk about in that bathroom, slut?” he asked.

“Nothing, Sir ... just girl talk,” she said, squirming under the combined assault.

“Oh, is that so?” he said, fingering the remote. He pushed level three and Charlene jumped, clenching her teeth as the vibe picked up the pace. Amy could hear the change as well, and she followed suit working her clit and pussy harder. She leaned forward and began lapping at Charlene’s drooling pussy while she fingered her clit with her thumb and played with the buttplug with the other hand.

Charlene was going crazy, it was all too much for her poor mind to process. Her eyes glazed over and sweat began to form on her forehead and chest, running down between her breasts as the tortured girl clung to the table just to keep from spinning off into space.

“Ohhhh, fuuucckk, Sirrr ... Pleeease ... I’m going too...” Charlene said between her gritted teeth.

“No, you won’t either. Now, what were you talking about, slut?” he repeated the question.

“You, Sirrr ... we were ... talking about you...” she said, almost in tears from the effort. He shut off the machine, indicating with his foot for Amy to stop and come back up from under the table. As soon as Amy had rejoined them, he resumed talking with Charlene.

“Now, what were you saying about me?” he asked.

“Nothing ... nothing bad, Sir, I swear! We were just commenting on how sexy you are. I promise!” Charlene gasped out.


“Yes, Sir. And we talked about ... how you have given us more sex ... than we had before we got hired here,” she panted, still trying to catch her breath.

“I see. Well Amy has told me she went for a long time before I found her. What was it a year or something like that wasn’t it, slut?” he asked Amy.

“Yes Sir, just a tad over a year,” Amy responded.

“So how long has it been for you, my little whore?” he asked Charlene.

“A ... Almost five years, Sir. Since my husband died,” she said, finally coming down to where she could talk in full sentences.

“I see. Well, I am sorry for your loss,” he said, “but now that you are working for me, you won’t need to worry about that anymore.”

“No Sir,” she said.

“No, you won’t ... our boss likes to make sure all his employees are happy and satisfied with their jobs!” Amy piped in. The two girls giggled until the waiter came with their lunch.

The three of them ate their lunches as they chatted about things outside of work. Once lunch was finished and Mr. Wiseman had paid the check, the three of them left the restaurant on their way back to work. Once again Amy took the back seat, leaving Charlene to the mercy of her lecherous boss.

“So girls, did you enjoy your lunch?” he asked.

“Yes Sir, it was very good,” Amy said from the back seat.

“Yes, it was. I’ve never been there before, it was lovely. Thank you for taking us Sir,” Charlene added.

“You are welcome girls. It was nice to have such beautiful lunch companions. However, I promised you some entertainment during lunch and now that we are finished, I believe it is time for the show ... don’t you slut?” he said patting Charlene’s crotch.

“Sir, I don’t th... OHMYGOD!” Charlene cried out as her pussy ignited.

Without any warning, Mr. Wiseman had hit the button on the remote and now Charlene was squirming in her seat as the vibrator began its work once again. Charlene instinctively grabbed the sides of her seat and gripped it tightly as she pressed herself back in her seat. Amy, hearing her cry, instantly knew what was going on and she scooted forward in her seat to reach around and play with Charlene’s big breasts like earlier on the way to the restaurant.

“Lay your seat back and let Amy have some time at those big tits, slut,” he said. Charlene did as instructed, laying her seat back as far as it would go and Amy unbuttoned Charlene’s blouse pulling it apart to expose her large firm tits as Charlene moaned.

“God, you have such wonderful tits,” Amy said as she leaned forward to play with her thick, hard nipples. She bent her head down and kissed Charlene as she played with her nipples. Charlene opened her legs to allow the vibrator to work as Amy toyed with her and the two girls kissed.

Mr. Wiseman stole glances at the girls when he could. He enjoyed watching the two of them getting hotter and more impassioned. With a devilish little smirk, he bumped the vibe up to level three and Charlene tried lifting off the seat, her seatbelt the only thing that kept her in it.

“Oh my god, Sir! Ohhhh fuck! Oh please!” Charlene whimpered as she felt her pussy exploding. She writhed and twisted, trying to expel the wicked device but she couldn’t dislodge it. Meanwhile Amy, seeing her coworker’s distress, added to it by increasing her own teasing of the woman’s nipples. She began pinching harder and tugging on them, twisting them, and slapping her tits playfully.

“Ohhh, I’m gonna cum, Sir. Oh I can’t stand it, I’m gonna cum! Please Sir...” Charlene pleaded.

“No,” Mr. Wiseman said simply.

“Ohhhh ... please, Sir ... I ... can’t...” Charlene whimpered, struggling valiantly to keep control of herself.

Mr. Wiseman then reached over with his right hand and slipped it up under her all-too-short skirt and found her sopping wet pussy. He began fingering her swollen, hyper-sensitized clit with his fingers and Charlene lost her mind.

I’MMM CUMMMINNNGGG!” she screamed as her dam broke. She poured her juices out all over his fingers and the seat of the car. She stiffened like a board and clenched her teeth panting through them as her whole body quivered like she was freezing to death.

Wave after violent wave crashed over Charlene as the fireworks went off in her mind behind her tightly closed eyes. Thunderclaps rang in her ears as her accelerated heart pounded.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity the chaos cleared and she was able to open her eyes. Through her clouded mind, she began to realize they had stopped and she shook off the haze to find they had arrived at the office again.

Charlene lay there in her seat panting and trying to calm herself down. Mr. Wiseman had left the car already and Amy remained with her. After about five minutes Charlene had returned enough to talk.

“Wh ... where is Mr. Wiseman?” Charlene asked.

“Don’t worry, hon, he is already back in the office. He left me here to watch over you until you came back. As soon as you are able to, we’ll go upstairs too. Just relax a bit more,” Amy said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Charlene looked into the eyes of her more experienced coworker. Amy had moved from the back and taken her place in the driver’s seat to watch over Charlene better and now the two girls sat in the car as Charlene regained her strength.

“Tell me Amy, does Mr. Wiseman often make you cum as hard as I just did? I mean I have never felt anything like that, even with Phillip,” she said.

“Oh yeah, our boss loves to ‘edge’ us. He loves to tease and torment until you swear you will explode any second!” Amy said, smiling.

“Edge? What’s that?”

“Edging is where he brings you just to the point where you are about to cum, then he backs off a bit so you calm down just a little. Then he brings you back to the edge again. Over and over, each time you swear you will fall over, but he never lets you until he’s good and ready. It’s an art form for him!”

“Yes, I can see that it is,” Charlene said, finally breathing normally again.

“When he finally does grant us release, we have built things up so much that it is always an earth-shattering experience. He never lets you just cum, there has to be explosions and fireworks.”

“So I noticed!” Charlene said, giggling.

“So, if you are feeling better, maybe we should get upstairs. We don’t want to take advantage of this recuperation thing,” Amy said.

“No, I’m okay now. Let’s get upstairs so Mr. Wiseman doesn’t worry about us,” Charlene agreed.

The girls got out of the car which was parked once again in the building’s underground parking garage and, before they went into the building, they made sure they were presentable. Charlene still had her top off and her breasts exposed, so she got re-dressed and her clothing adjusted properly. Amy too, had become a bit disheveled in the fray and she regained her composure as well. When they were ready, they went in and took the elevator up to the 4th floor to their office.

“We’re back, Sir,” they said as they appeared in the doorway of Mr. Wiseman’s office.

“Feeling better, slut?” he said to Charlene.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, I am feeling much better. I am sorry for the mess I made in your car, getting your seat all wet. I’m ready to go back to work if you wish,” she replied.

“Very good. Go ahead ... leave the door open please, and don’t worry about the car – I was going to have it cleaned anyway,” he said. The two girls went back to their desks and got back to their work.

Mr. Wiseman’s office was right next to the girls desks and he had a large picture window in his office that overlooked the girls work area. He went to the window and adjusted the blinds so he could watch them working.

This was Charlene’s first day so he wanted to keep an eye on her work and make sure she knew where things were and what to do. He also wanted to see how she reacted when he made her work “stressful”.

Charlene had to go to the file cabinet across the room to put away a file she had been working on. Mr. Wiseman saw her get up and he pushed the second button on the remote. Charlene didn’t expect him to use the remote while in the office so she was not prepared for what happened next.

“OH!” she yelped, dropping the file so she could steady herself against the wall. Mr. Wiseman smiled to himself in his office as he watched her bend over to pick up the papers, her ass unconsciously pointed in his direction and her skirt riding up to show him her bare ass and pussy from behind.

She picked up the papers and turned around to see him staring at her ass. She smiled and walked on to the filing cabinets, wiggling her ass as she walked. He decided that after work he was going to get more acquainted with that tantalizing ass of hers.

Over the course of the afternoon, Mr. Wiseman found three or four more occasions to add some excitement to Charlene’s work. Each time he caught her unprepared, and each time it took her breath away, causing her to drop some papers or lean on a handy desk or the wall. On one occasion when she was bringing him a cup of coffee, his teasing caused her to spill the coffee on the floor.

He always enjoyed seeing her on her knees picking up or cleaning up. But now that she knew what he was doing, she intentionally positioned herself so she could show him her bare ass and pussy, knowing that’s what he wanted to see.

She got a thrill knowing she was showing herself off for him and it made her pussy even wetter knowing he was enjoying her flaunting herself for his pleasure. She never knew she had this exhibitionist side to her personality, but she was thoroughly enjoying performing for him.

Charlene was enjoying her “work” so much that she didn’t realize the workday was slipping away. Before she knew it, it was nearly quitting time. She was putting her work away in her desk and getting ready to head home when Mr. Wiseman called her into the office.

“You wanted to see me, Sir?” Charlene asked.

“Yes I did, slut. Shut the door please,” he said. Charlene shut the door and walked up to his desk. He motioned for her to come around the desk and she obeyed, coming up to stand right in front of his big leather chair.

She stood there in front of Mr. Wiseman as he looked her over critically. He ogled her from head to toe, and she was relieved, when she felt her nipples harden, as he stared at her tits. He grinned. “Did you do your nipple exercises last night?”

Charlene blushed, and lowered her face. “No Sir, they just love your attention.” Then she felt his strong powerful hand on her naked thigh. She shivered slightly at his touch and even more so, when his hand began wandering upwards, leaving a trail of fire on her hot and yearning flesh.

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