A New Job, A New Life - Cover

A New Job, A New Life

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Charlene was applying for a new job - her first job ever. Her husband died five years ago and the money he left her had run out. But Charlene had no idea who she would be working for or what the job entailed...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Charlene was a bit nervous about starting to her new job. But the money her husband Phillip had left her, when he died almost five years ago now, was gone. So she had few other options except to get a job. Phillip had been an investment counselor and when the stock market tanked back in ‘08, they lost a big chunk of their life savings. Phillip had just started to turn things around when he died in a car accident.

Now at the age of 35, she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to stand up to much younger competition, so when Anthony Wiseman, another independent financial advisor, called to tell her he was interested in talking to her about a job, she was happy and a little bit stunned. He called right after he received her application, and they had a very nice and pleasant talk. He asked about her work experience, finding out she had very little.

Charlene had never worked anywhere, except for her father a couple years helping out in the little stop ‘n’ shop convenience store he ran. When she met and finally married Phillip, he didn’t want her to work, telling her that it was his responsibility to bring in the money and her job was to run the house. Since her father and mother had felt the same way, it was a natural fit for her as well.

He also asked about her personal background, wanting to get to know her as a person as well to see if she would be a good fit in the office setting. Charlene instantly felt at ease with him. He had seemed to be very charming, and she liked his warm and comforting voice so much, that it surprised her when she noticed, that they had talked for nearly a full hour!

He gave her a packet with some information that gave her a quick overview of the company and a detailed description of the job duties she would be required to do. After reviewing the information, Charlene called Mr. Wiseman to ask some questions she still had, and again they had a very pleasant talk.

Time seemed to fly by whenever she was talking with him. And what was even more surprising to her is that as she listened to him, she felt a strange, yet very welcome tingling in her pussy. She could have listened to this voice forever. She couldn’t wait to meet him face to face. If he looked half as good as his voice sounded, he had to be very attractive. He told her that she was lucky to have called him, because he was seriously in need of finding someone to fill the job and he really liked her.

And so Charlene prepared for the first job interview of her life. Since she’d learned that a big part of her job would be working in the front and greeting the customers, she decided she would wear a figure-hugging stretch-knit haltertop minidress with a collar that framed the open plunging neckline and displayed her ample breasts. The dress was daringly high, yet still modest enough to be worn in public without drawing the scrutiny of the court system. She also wore her thigh top stockings and her favorite six inch stiletto-heeled CFM sandals.

Mr. Wiseman had commented that he thought she was very pretty from the picture she had enclosed with her application, so she intended to make full use of the curvy 38DD-27-36 body and beautiful face that nature had blessed her with.

Usually she tended to hide her figure and especially her big chest, unless she was looking for some male attention. It was too much of a distraction when conducting business, but now she was prepared to do whatever it took and use whatever tools she had to get this job. For the professional look, she wore a rather conservative make-up, with emphasis on her cherry-red lips, and her brown hair fell softly over her shoulders. A last check in the mirror showed her a woman that looked professional and hot, both at the same time.

Charlene paused for a few moments in front of Mr. Wiseman’s office door. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she stood there. A mixture of excitement and fear coursed through her. What if he didn’t like her? What if he did? A thousand scenarios flashed through her mind as she hesitated. Suddenly the door to his office opened, and she stood before Anthony Wiseman for the first time.

Oh my god! He’s even hotter, than I had expected! she thought to herself.

He was about forty years old, tall, with broad shoulders, strong muscular arms, and a large chest. He was well built and obviously took care of himself. His face was handsomely rugged with a firm chin and warm welcoming smile below piercing blue eyes and collar-length blonde hair.

He had a faint musky smell of cologne – not powerful, but just enough that it made her want to breathe it in deeper. It made her heart beat even faster, when she inhaled his scent. He took her small manicured hand in his large, strong hand and held it tenderly, making her instantly feel welcome.

“Ms. Duncan, I presume,” he smiled, showing her his warm smile and perfect teeth.

“Y-y-yes,” she faltered. Then, getting her wits together, she added, “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Wiseman.”

“Please come in and let’s talk,” he said. He led her into his office, with her following him on wobbly legs.

Charlene took a seat in the chair directly across Mr. Wiseman’s large desk from him. She handed him the forms from the packet he gave her. As he looked over what she had put down, he would glance over the papers at her.

She couldn’t help but notice his furtive glances at her legs. Instinctively, she spread them a little more to give him a better view. She was happy when she saw him smile, and even more so when his eyes move up higher, coming to rest now on her wonderful tits.

Charlene usually didn’t like to be ogled, but she got a pleasant feeling when she saw this man’s appreciative stare. When Mr. Wiseman had to step out of the office for a moment to photocopy something, she took the opportunity to remove her jacket and move her chair a little closer to the desk so she could display herself more effectively.

The mischievous grin he showed her when he came back in the room again told her that she’d done the right thing.

“Very nice,” he said, as he sat back down behind his large ornate desk. “Ms. Duncan, or may I call you Charlene?” He could call her anything he wanted at this point.

“That would be fine, Mr. Wiseman,” she said, smiling.

“Okay, I will call you Charlene if you call me Tony then. Deal?” he said, flashing her that winning smile again.

“Deal,” she said.

“You know I love this antique desk. It is large enough I can spread out my work and get a good look at my work. But it becomes a real hindrance when it comes to discussing business, because I feel like I have to practically shout to be heard. Would you mind sitting here on my desk so we can talk easier?” he asked, patting the top of his desk in front of him.

Charlene would have sat on his lap, had he asked her to at this point. She was attracted to this man somehow, and she knew already that she really wanted this job. She’d love to work for this wonderful man. So she got up and sat down at the indicated spot.

How devilishly clever of him – the way she was sitting now facing him, her crotch was eye-level with his eyes. Because of the tightness of her dress, she was forced to hike it up embarrassingly high in order to sit on the desktop. But she did as he asked without hesitation, there was something about this man that made her want to please him. She sat down on the desk right in front of him and placed her feet on the arms of his chair, spreading her legs a bit wider so he could see the matching panties she wore with her bra.

“There, that’s much better, now isn’t it?” he asked.

“Mmmm, yes,” she sighed softly. It didn’t feel just better. It felt WONDERFUL to perform for him. She very much hoped he would have her perform for him more. She wanted him to order her to do other things for him. She would do whatever he asked of her, too.

“I see by your info here, that you aren’t involved with anyone at the moment, no husband, fiance’, or boyfriend? Is that correct?” he asked.

“No, Sir. I am unattached,” she confirmed. She felt a tingle in her pussy, it felt kind of naughty calling him ‘Sir’ when she was having these thought running through her mind! She began to imagine all sorts of sexy, erotic scenes where she was made to do things for him.

“So, you would be available anytime? Whenever I needed you?” he asked.

She smiled at him. “Yes, Sir. I don’t have much of a social life, so I’d be available 24 hours a day, so to say.”

“That’s good to hear. I expect my employees to be at my beck and call. I never know when I may need you,” he said.

Charlene smiled, I’d love to be at his beck and call anytime! she thought to herself.

“I also like my employees to be very obedient. Can you be obedient, Charlene?” he asked, with a mischievous little smirk.

“I can be very obedient, Sir,” she said in a soft hushed voice. She lowered her eyes and blushed as she spoke.

“Well, we shall see about that. Now I have a rather personal question for you ... do you shave?” he asked.

“Sir?” she asked, a bit taken aback at the forwardness of the inquiry.

“Do you shave?” he repeated.

“I ... I ... shave my underarms and legs, Sir,” she said.

“And what about your pussy? How do you keep your pussy hair?” he asked.

Charlene blushed a deep red at this new question. “I keep it trimmed down there, but not shaved,” she said looking down at her fidgeting hands.

“I see. Would you mind showing me what you mean by trimmed?” he asked. Blushing again, she pulled the crotch of her panties aside, displaying her damp pussy with the closely cropped patch of chestnut hair.

“Very pretty. Now, if you got the job, how would you feel about shaving ‘down there’? I prefer a nice smooth woman ... I think it is extremely sexy and I find that a woman who feels sexy makes a better employee,” he said.

“I can shave completely, if you like Sir,” she said.

“Good. While we are speaking about your appearance, would you mind getting undressed and let’s have a look at what exactly I am hiring here. I’m not in the habit of buying things sight unseen, you know? Nor do I commonly hire without a thorough interview of the prospective applicant,” he said.

“Of course not, Sir,” she replied, giggling softly. Not only was Anthony Wiseman strikingly handsome, he also had a strong, powerful presence, the kind that made a woman weak in the knees!

As fast as she could, she complied with his request, shedding her clothes and laying them on the leather couch that sat against the wall of his office. Charlene liked doing what he told her, following his orders, and it felt so naughty and so sexy exposing herself for his viewing pleasure!

Her heart started to beat faster as she began to get aroused performing for him, naked save her heels and stockings, showing her body off to this man who she had only met minutes ago. Then he slowly got up from his chair and approached her.

Once again Charlene drank in the sight of his well-proportioned gorgeous body. Her head spun as he got closer and she once again inhaled his musky scent. This man had completely captivated her!

He raised his big hands, moving them towards her breasts. “Do you mind?” he said.

As if he had to ask! “Please, Sir, feel free to test me anyway you like,” she said quickly. A shudder ran through her body, as his he cupped her bountiful breasts and dug his strong fingers into the milky flesh. His hands felt incredible on her soft breasts, and she couldn’t hold back a moan. Charlene was clearly aroused at his pawing and attention and she wasn’t afraid to let him know it either.

Letting go of her breasts after a minute or so, he took one step back to admire them. Charlene pulled her shoulders back as far as she could, jutting her breasts out further and hoping he would find them acceptable.

“You’ve got some very impressive tits,” he commented, “That is good, I like a woman who has a nice curvy figure.”

She breathed a sigh of relief that he liked them. “Thank you, Sir. I am glad that you like them,” she said, blushing a little.

He stood there in front of her thinking for a moment. “Although ... I do think your nipples could be somewhat harder. It seems a shame that being blessed with such nice tits as you have that your nipples aren’t standing more proudly and adding to their magnificence.

“If you really want to be as obedient as you tell me, you should look for your nipples to always be nice and erect for me,” he stated firmly. His remark hit her like a slap in the face and her heart sank. Charlene dropped her head shamefully.

She hated her damn nipples for being so disobedient, so she quickly began pinching and pulling on them, urging them to swell and grow until they looked like they were supposed to. Like he wanted them to. His beautiful smile returned to his face as he watched her trying to please him. “Now that’s better. That’s exactly how I like your tits to look, if I decide to hire you.”

“Sir, I promise you, that my nipples will always be hard for you,” she said, hoping she hadn’t displeased him too much and blown her opportunity.

“Now that’s the attitude I like to see,” he said.

“Mr. Wiseman, I do want very much to work for you. What else can I do to show you I can be an obedient employee and convince you of my qualities?” she asked him anxiously. Charlene really wanted this job. She needed to find work, and she wanted to work for him more than anything now.

He stepped back and sat down in his chair again. Loosening his tie, he paused for a moment. “Show me more. Pose some more for me.” he said.

“I’ll be more than happy to, Sir,” she answered. Charlene’s body was on aflame with desire as she began to move and sway, turning this way and that as she tried displaying herself to him to best advantage.

Obeying him made her feel so incredible. She could feel her pussy tingle and her breath started coming in short pants as she stood there, naked, my arms raised, while my hands gripped the highest shelf on his huge wall bookcase, sensuously stretching her curvy body for him. Looking down at her tits, Charlene was relieved to find her nipples still nice and hard for him.

She turned around to show him her tight heart-shaped ass. Stepping backwards a bit, she arched her back so it really stuck out. Looking back over her shoulder, she was happy to see him rubbing his crotch. She smiled, seeing that his hand was wrapped around a very respectable bulge in his trousers.

Charlene’s mouth went dry when she saw him grabbing his cock and licked her lips unconsciously. Feeling bold, she decided to go for broke. She walked over to the desk next to his chair and sat down on top of it.

Swinging one leg high into the air, she slowly moved so she was directly in front of him and straddling his chair. She laid back on the desk with her naked pussy open in front of him, legs wide spread and her high heels planted on the arms of his chair. She scooted forward until her ass was on the edge of the desktop.

He was rubbing his crotch harder now, while she pulled her pussy lips apart to show him her pink hole. Charlene was sure he could see how wet she was. And she was very wet. She could tell because as she moved she heard the soft squishing sound of her pussy rubbing against itself. She could feel her moisture as it dampened her thighs and she knew the roaring fire inside her. When she heard him groan, she began to rub her pussy and clit.

“Your cunt looks pretty hot from here,” he commented, “What would you say? Is it a tight fit?”

To show him, she put three fingers into her dripping cunt and clenched her muscles as hard as I could around them, before she pulled them slowly out with an audible plop. “This cunt hasn’t been used for several years, Sir,” she said in a low lusty tone, “Yes, it is very tight and very hot.”

“It’s a naughty little snatch, all slippery and wet, isn’t it?” he asked, while he rubbed his crotch feverishly.

“Only for you, Sir. You are making me soo wet and slippery...” she said slipping her fingers back inside again.

He grinned. “Good answer.”

Then Mr. Wiseman reached for the intercom on his desk and pushed a button on the device. “Amy, be a dear and bring that sweet little ass in here.”

“Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir,” came the answer out of the speakers.

“I wish you to meet...” He stopped in mid-sentence, his otherwise kind and handsome face now had an alarming scowl on it. His eyes which were once soft and gentle, now took on an angry glow. “Why are you covering yourself, Charlene? If I had wanted you to cover up, I would have told you. Now put those arms back down and stop all this foolishness.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.” Instinctively, she had crossed one arm over her tits when she had heard that someone was about to come in. Now Charlene mentally kicked herself for doing so. She hoped she hadn’t ruined her chances with her prudish modesty. She quickly resumed rubbing her cunt. When the door opened, her jaw dropped. In walked a woman that could be best described as a blonde dream of sex on legs.

She was wearing a strapless, front-zipper red minidress that ended just below her crotch, combined with a pair of red thigh-top sheer stockings and at least six inch red high heel pumps.

The dress had cutouts on both sides that were large enough it would show if she were wearing a bra or panties (and she was not wearing either!) and the front zipper ran top to bottom, making the dress very easy to get out of.

Her face wore heavy night club type make-up, with heavy eye shadow and deep red lipstick to accentuate her pouty lips and sparkling blue eyes. Her hair was platinum blonde and put into a loose, mid-back length ponytail. “Amy, my little slut,” Mr. Wiseman spoke to her, “I want you to meet your new colleague, Charlene.”

Did he just say ... new colleague? Did that mean I had the job? the thought flashed through her mind. Before she was able to react though, Amy had come over, stretching out her hand.

“Hello Charlene, I’m Amy,” she said, smiling warmly. “Nice to meet you and welcome aboard!” Then she turned to Mr. Wiseman. “You were right, Sir, she is a hot little slut!”

Charlene was so completely dumbfounded that she had even stopped fingering her cunt. But Amy didn’t miss a beat, taking her hand and raising it to her mouth, to lick Charlene’s pussy juices from her fingers.

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