Andy and Joni - Cover

Andy and Joni

by BigJW

Copyright© 2023 by BigJW

Incest Sex Story: A teenager hot for his mother. Will his persistence be rewarded?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Cream Pie   First   Big Breasts   Size   .

The first time he did it was a surprise to both of them. It was a surprise to Andy because he really didn’t mean to, it was an unrestrained impulse. Before he knew it, his hand was on her breast. It was a surprise to Joni because he was her son, and his hand was on her breast!

She smacked his hand and scolded him, and he acted appropriately regretful, but a few days later he did it again. The second time wasn’t an impulse. They were in the kitchen together and when she turned away from him, he reached around her from behind and got a good, full handful of her. Once again, she smacked his hand, saying “What are you doing?! Andy! Stop that!”

“Okay, Mom. Sorry.” He walked away from her and as she watched him go she shook her head in amazement. What the hell?

Andy’s dad had been gone for over a year. He had always been an inattentive dad anyway, so his absence wasn’t missed by Andy. But for Joni, being left for a younger woman was very painful. She was still stunningly beautiful, and there is no question that she could have replaced her loser husband easily. But she instead focused on her career and suffered her loneliness.

After the second time that her son fondled her, it seemed that he wouldn’t be stopped. At least once a day he brazenly had his way with her. After a while she seemed to accept it, and his quick feels became 5-10 second caresses. Eventually, she found that she was actually enjoying the intimacy of it, and each time he touched her she had to snap herself out of the moment and silently scold herself.

One afternoon after school as they were getting ready for dinner, Andy once again reached from behind her and grabbed her breast. This time, though, he followed it up by reaching the other hand around her and took her other breast. He pulled her against him, and she could feel the beginning of an erection rubbing against her lower back. He was already taller than her at only 15 years old. For a moment her head fell back onto his shoulder and she bit her lip to stifle a moan. “Honey, honey, honey. Stop. Don’t do that. You can’t do that. I’m your mother.”

“I’m sorry, mom. I just can’t help it. You’re so pretty, and I love you so much. I just want to touch you.”

“Well, thank you for the compliment, and I love you too, but you need to stop this. It isn’t right. You’re my son. I’m your mother. It isn’t acceptable. You need to stop.”

Of course, he didn’t stop. The caresses became more intimate each day. Soon he was kissing her shoulders and neck. Occasionally he would try to actually kiss her, and for weeks she resisted. That would be taking it way too far, she thought.

After a month or so of his advances Joni became incredibly conflicted. She was really starting to enjoy their daily intimate moments together. One late night as she lay in bed she found herself touching herself with his image in her head. The fantasy wouldn’t stop, but she knew that it must. She decided that she needed to talk to him about it, so she made her way to his bedroom door.

She knocked gently and he called her in. He was sitting up in bed when she entered. She sat down next to him and put her hands on her lap. She looked into his eyes. “Honey, we need to talk.”

“What is it, Mom?”

“We need to talk about the way you’ve been fondling me every time you feel like it.”

Andy started to get a bit scared that his mom was confronting him like this. He sat up straighter. “Mom, I’m really...”

“Shhh. Let me say something. You’re not in trouble.”

“Okay, Mom.”

She wasn’t really sure what she wanted to say, or how to start. “Listen, I want you to know that I understand what you’re going through. Young men your age have hormones raging through their bodies that are totally out of control. What you’re feeling is normal. I want you to know that I understand that.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“You know, I was a teenager once myself. I remember the urges. I remember the frustration. Boys and girls are not really so different, that way, you know. And the truth is, I still have urges and desires now. I guess what I’m trying to say is that when you touch me, I enjoy it. We all like, and need, to be touched. Even your old mom.”

“You’re not old, Mom. You’re a lot younger than my friend’s moms.”

“Well, that’s because you were a surprise to your dad and me. I was a freshman in college when I got pregnant with you.”

“And another thing, Mom. You’re a lot prettier than the other moms.”

“Thanks, honey. Honey, listen. I guess it’s alright if you touch me like you’ve been doing. But you must promise that you’ll never tell anyone what you’re doing. Not even your very best friend. No one! Do you understand?”

“Of course, Mom. I know that. I would never tell. It’s our secret.”

“Okay, honey. That’s all I wanted to say. Just, that I understand.”

She started to get up but he took her arm and pulled her back to the bed. “Mom, would it be okay if I touched you now?”

“Oh, honey. I don’t know.” Suddenly, a thought came to her mind. A question, really. Was this why she was here in his bedroom? Did she want him to touch her tonight? It seemed like she did. She was wearing a very scanty pair of pajamas. She had come to him this time, not the other way around. She had come to him freshly bathed, scented, and oh, so sexy. “Do you really want to?”

“Yes.” He reached for her. His hand touched her arm and slid softly up and down.

“Honey, really. You can’t tell anyone.”

“I know, Mom.” His hand caressed her arm gently, tenderly. His fingertips moved to the skin on the top of her breast, then he reversed his hand and let his fingernails slide down her torso to her tummy. In a moment, his hand had slid inside the lacy top of her pajamas. He moved his body closer to hers on the bed.

For ten minutes or so he fondled her breast, this time on her bare skin. He was delirious with a passion he had never felt before. He tweaked her hard nipple between his finger and thumb. He heard his mom groan. “Mom, is it okay if I kiss you?”

“Oh, Honey, we can’t do that. Really, we shouldn’t.”

“Please, Mom. I’ve been wanting to kiss you so much. Whenever I kiss your neck or shoulders, it makes me crazy. Come on, let’s kiss.”

Before she could construct a defense he lifted her chin and kissed her. She wanted to resist. She wanted to stop him. Really, she did. Didn’t she? But, she couldn’t seem to actually do it. The kiss lingered. She softened. Her lips complied with his. How could he be such a good kisser?!

He brought his other hand to caress her face. She wondered how he could be so skillful. His fingers felt like fire on her skin. Without even realizing that she had done it, her lips parted and she slipped the tip of her tongue into his mouth. God, it felt so good to be touched again! Before she could stop him, he had lowered her down onto the bed. She lifted her feet off the floor and she pulled her body to his. This was going too far!

Andy continued to kiss his mother as his hands squeezed her magnificent breasts. They were spectacular! He recognized immediately how sensitive they were. Every touch, every caress, every squeeze brought forth new moans from deep inside her. When he lifted her pajama top over her head, she didn’t resist. All she had remaining was a flimsy pair of panties cut large for sleeping.

Joni’s head was reeling. What was she doing?! She was in bed with her son! Willingly! She knew she should get up and leave immediately but she couldn’t find the courage to do so. It felt too good. When she felt his lips on her nipple she cried out. “Oh, honey! Oh my god! Don’t, baby. Please, don’t.” She knew that she had gone over the edge, and would likely not be able to resist anything he wanted from her. “Please, Andy. You need to stop. Please, stop, baby.”

“I can’t stop, Mom. I love you.” He whispered in her ear, “I’ve been dreaming about this for so long.”

“Honey, this is wrong,” she gasped when he took her nipple back into his mouth. “We need to stop.”

Andy lifted himself off her and knelt beside her body. He looked down at her amazing beauty. She was spectacular. Her breasts were like perfect, round grapefruits. They were so incredibly firm, and yet, amazingly soft at the same time. He leaned forward to suck her nipples again.

Joni thought back to the time when she breastfed her son. Now, he was feeding on her again, and she was loving it. The sinful intensity of it shot through her body, directly to her pussy. Her breasts and her pussy seemed to be hardwired directly together.

As he continued breastfeeding on his mother’s magnificent breasts he shifted on the bed so that one of his knees was between hers. He continued kissing her breasts, occasionally stopping to kiss her delicious mouth again. His lips trailed down to her neck and then to the soft spot under her ear.

Joni could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. She thought to herself again and again that she had to get up, to get out of his bedroom, but she couldn’t make herself do it. She felt him move his knee higher between her legs until it was against her panties. His hands squeezed her tits gently. Before she could prevent herself from saying it, she formed the words, “Baby, let me see it.” As she watched, he first tossed his t-shirt aside and then pushed his pajama bottom down, then kicked them onto the floor. “Oh, Andy! Your penis is so big!”

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