Lust In Space - Cover

Lust In Space

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 6

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - On a routine re-supply space mission, Adam encounters a solar flare that throws his ship off-course and sends it crashing into an alien planet, where he is found by a civilization of gorgeous women...

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

It was a couple days later when the time for my big announcement came. This would also be the time the Queen would formally announce me as the king of Kupolinis and introduce me to the people, the women, of the city. It would be a big day for me as well as for the city.

Two of the palace attendant girls came in to prepare me. One of them I recognized as Saiyani the girl who had brought me food the other day while I was with the Queen.

“Hello, Saiyani,” I said when she came in.

“Hello, my king, we are here to prepare you to meet the people,” she said, smiling warmly knowing that I remembered her name.

“And who might you be, lovely girl?” I asked the other woman who I’d not met yet.

“My name is Tanaii, my king,” she said shyly. Tanaii had shoulder-length black wavy hair and green eyes and a very nice figure. There wasn’t a woman I had seen so far that wouldn’t turn heads anywhere they went on Earth! It was as if I was the judge in my very own Miss Kupolinis pageant!

“It is nice to meet you, Tanaii,” I said, smiling.

She blushed and looked down, “Thank you, my king, it’s nice to meet you as well,” she said softly.

The two girls took me by the hands and led me to a very large bathroom with a huge tub. The tub looked more like a small hot tub than it did a bathtub but they had already begun filling it with water which was nice and hot. They added some special oils and fragrances (one of which smelled like the flowers I had first noticed when I crashed on this planet) and then they helped me get undressed from my house robe and I got in the tub. Then they did something that surprised me at first – they got in the tub with me! Now I knew why the tub was so large!

Saiyani climbed in and got behind me in the tub with Tanaii in front. They began washing me and I had a very hard time keeping it “professional”! I talked with the girls as they worked, both to learn more about them but more to keep my mind off the wonderful feelings they were causing me. The first part of the plan worked ... the second not so much!

“So girls, how do you like working here in the palace, and be honest with me. I want to make this place nicer for everyone if I can,” I said.

“Sir, we all love working here, especially now that we have a king to please and pleasure!” Tanaii said, smiling at me.

“You make this place nicer simply by being here Sir,” Saiyani added.

“Well, I have to say, with the company here, I couldn’t think of a nicer place to be stranded. And being the king in a land full of beautiful women is going to be ... interesting, to say the least!” I said. The two girls giggled at my remark.

“Well, we are just happy to have our king after all these many years without one. We are all so happy that you are here, my king,” Saiyani said. I turned and pulled her forward to kiss her then turned back around and kissed Tanaii as well.

Once my bath was finished, the two girls helped me to get dressed, then asking permission to leave, they curtsied and left me alone to finish getting ready.

Finally, it was time for my debut as king. Queen Aurquan came into the bedroom. “Are you ready, my king, to meet your people, our people, of Kupolinis?” she asked.

I took a deep breath. “Yes, I guess so,” I said. I don’t know who I was trying to convince more, her or me.

“Relax my love, you will do fine. You are a great man and you will be a great king,” she said smiling, those blue eyes sparkling like a couple diamonds. She kissed me and then turned and led me out of the place, followed by all ten of the palace attendants. The attendant girls took seats at the back of the small raised dais while the queen and I sat closer to the front. In front of us, was a small podium for giving speeches and such.

I looked out at the faces of the women of my kingdom. Could I really do this? Could I really be king? Tara was sure of my abilities, I was not. I was just a deliveryman, a space trucker if you will. Could I take such responsibility and actually lead these people?

Tara looked over at me and smiled. She knew what I was thinking. She knew my doubts and she knew I could do this even if I wasn’t so sure. She rose, and with all the grace and poise she always carried, she moved to the podium and began.

“Ladies of Kupolinis, today is a great day for our land. After many, many years of doing without, we have been blessed to finally have our king.

“For those of you who do not know the story yet, four days ago a spaceship crashed on the Plains of Honnika. I sent a party out to find out about it and when they arrived, they found there was a passenger, a man, alive and unhurt save for a few bumps and scratches in the vessel. They brought the stranger here – some of you saw him when he arrived.

“He is unable to return to his own planet, as his ship has effectively been destroyed in the crash. After discussing matters with him and helping him to understand us a little, he has agreed to become our king,” she said.

A murmur went through the crowd at her words and people began whispering and pointing at me. I fidgeted in my chair slightly. I didn’t want to seem uncomfortable but I was ... very uncomfortable at the moment.

“And so,” Queen Aurquan continued “it is with the greatest pleasure that I want to introduce our new king, King Adam, to you, my people. I know that you will give him the same warmth and respect that you give me. And now ... King Adam!” she said, turning to me and clapping. A loud, thunderous applause came up to me from the crowd.

I took a deep breath and stood, moving up to the podium and standing with Queen Aurquan on my left. I waited a couple moments for the applause to die down before speaking...

“Ladies of Kupolinis, I want to thank you, first off, for this warm and wonderful welcome. I have never felt more at home, even in my own world, as you have made me feel here. Your Queen has been most gracious to me, and the staff here at the palace have treated me as if I already was king!

“Yes, I am, in fact, an alien to your planet, as your Queen has told you. However, Queen Aurquan explained to me that we all come from the same home planet far back in our history. And yes, our two world’s have taken different paths and had different histories, but we are all still descendants of the same planet Mygrostia that you learned about in your own schools.

“As I look out at all the beautiful faces in this crowd today, I still can’t believe how fortunate I am to have landed here, of all the planets I could have crashed on. And learning that this is a planet of beautiful, sexy, stunning women can only be called incredible.

“I look out amongst you all and I can honestly tell you that each and every one of you would have your pick of men back on my planet. So being the king of Kupolinis is more than just an honor, although it truly is that. But it is going to be an utmost pleasure as well. This is every man’s fantasy planet and I get to rule over it!

“But this planet, as wonderful as it is, is not without its problems. For one, I see a lot of very beautiful women who have never known the joy and the warmth of a man’s love. Queen Aurquan has told me about the Drakoonians and what they did to your men and it is terrible.

“The Drakoonian menace is no more, however, it has left all of you here to try to carry on. And you have very successfully. I applaud your efforts and your resilience. You have created quite a world for yourselves here.

“It saddens me though that so much beauty goes unappreciated and untapped. However, I have an idea to help with this problem. I have given it much consideration and discussed it with the Queen and I think it will help bring us all closer. Let me explain...

“Back home, there is a story that there was a kingdom threatened by a terrible monster and that monster could only be appeased if a virgin was sacrificed to him once a year. So the ruler of that kingdom created a lottery where one name would be drawn and that poor girl would be sacrificed. Now I don’t plan on sacrificing anyone, but the lottery thing gave me an idea.

“Because I am surrounded by a sea of beautiful, exciting women and all of you have never known a man, my first order of business as your new king is to create a lottery – we’ll call it the Kings Lottery. And for this lottery, I am going to allow each of you that wishes to participate to put your name on a card like this and then put the card in this box.

“Each day, I will draw a name from the box and that girl will get to be my partner for the night. She will come to the castle and spend the night with me, pleasuring me and being pleasured by me. I will do this every night until each one of you has known a man at least once. I do not want anyone here to never know the pleasures that a man can give you and know what you can do for him in return,” I said.

I could hear the collective gasp and whispers as the women talked amongst themselves about this unusual royal command.

I broke up the whisperings a moment later. “Is L’natria here? If L’natria is here, please come forward,” I said. I waited for a moment and then saw her working her way to the front of the crowd. I took a step down and offered her my hand, helping her to the dais to stand next to me on my right side.

When she was in place, I continued, “I am appointing L’natria to be in charge of administering the Kings Lottery – I shall call her the Head of the Lottery. A name will be drawn from the box at noon each day and a messenger will be sent to the winner’s house to notify them that they have won.

“They will then have the rest of the day to prepare themselves for our date. At 7:30 that night, my royal carriage will arrive at their door to pick them up and bring them here to my castle. They will spend the night and at 8:00 am, the carriage will return them home again.

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