The Maiden And The Minotaur - Cover

The Maiden And The Minotaur

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young girl has been selected to be sacrificed to the Minotaur. What will become of her? Will she survive? Will she meet some brutal, horrific fate? Read on and see...

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Romantic   Fairy Tale   Bestiality   Oral Sex  

Ariadne felt the odd sensation of being whisked through the air. In her dazed semi-conscious state, she heard a thunderous beating. She could hear it through the soft fur under her ear. Pounding ... rhythmic ... strangely soothing.

As she began to return to consciousness, she slowly opened her eyes. She was being cradled in the strong, powerful human arms of the Minotaur. Carried across the room towards the bed she first noticed in the room. She could smell its musky animal scent strongly now – it filled her head. Her hand rested on the large, powerful chest and she could feel the muscles rippling underneath as the beast carried her. She looked up at her host, but its strange face made reading any expression impossible. Yet the creature carried her with a gentle tenderness that belied all the rumors and hearsay she had been told about the terrible Minotaur

Ariadne was laid carefully down on the bed and patted gently. Then the creature pulled one of the furs up over her, smoothing it over her protectively as a parent would their child. The Minotaur then went back to the table and selected some fruit and some bread and brought it back to her.

She smiled as she slowly raised herself up on one elbow. “T-thank you,” she said. The Minotaur made a sound she took as “You’re welcome,” and watched as she took a bite of one of the fruits. Then Ariadne noticed the creature’s eyes had moved down and was now staring intently at her breasts. She looked down and realized that the fur blanket she had been covered with had slipped down to her waist and the gossamer, nearly transparent gown she had been given to wear was not hiding much of her womanly figure!

The Minotaur saw her notice and quickly turned away, but not before she glimpsed what the beasts barely there loincloth was attempting to hide.

Ariadne gasped a little at the sight and continued to eat, but her eyes were now transfixed on the Minotaur’s growing excitement. The Minotaur, suddenly bashful, pretended to busy himself with stoking the fire and other tasks across the room from her, glancing back over his shoulder to check on her.

His shy, bashful response brought the out the mischievous side of her just as it did with some of the boys in the village. However, in the village, all she could do was tease. Here, with the Minotaur, she wouldn’t have to be so virtuous. She had often wondered what it would be like, what it would feel like to finally be a real woman. And she was about to find out! She finished the fruit and the bread and then rearranged herself on the bed, letting the fur blanket fall even more and uncovering more than just her breasts...

After a while the Minotaur turned and, with his eyes averted to the floor, he brought her a mug of wine. He walked curiously because of his legs and hoofed feet, but that also allowed him to run faster than any man. As he got to her side, he handed her the mug and she took it with a smile.

“Thank you,” she said softly, “you have been most kind. Do you have a name?”

He looked up with smiling eyes, then went to get a book on the table. He flipped the cover open and on the inside, it read: “To my dearest son, Erinyes”

“Erinyes ... is that your name?” she asked. The Minotaur nodded yes in response.

“Well Erinyes, it’s very nice to meet you. Thank you for the hospitality,” Ariadne said, softly touching his hand.

If an accursed, hairy, man/beast from the pits of Hades itself could blush, then that is what Erinyes did at that moment. But Ariadne’s touch and soft words brought about another, more unexpected response from him as well. His loincloth pushed aside and from beneath it rose an erection so enormous and so huge, it cause her to drop her cup, the metal cup clanking loudly against the stone floor of the room. The gigantic member was black as coal with veins like thick ropes. Its large bulbous head throbbed and twitched as it seemed to stare right at her.

“Oh my,” she swallowed nervously, “you have a very large...” She sat up, unable to take her eyes from it, she was also strangely aroused. Her nipples stiffened to diamond-hard points and her pussy tingled, becoming very wet.

Erinyes picked up the dropped cup and took it and the book back to set them on the table, then he turned. Seeing the state that Ariadne was in now, he whuffed, a snort of interest, a sign of his own arousal.

The Minotaur approached her slowly, putting each hoof on the floor solidly before moving the next. It wasn’t that he had trouble walking, but he had done this approach so many times before. Sometimes the girl would bolt and try to make a run to get away – a fruitless endeavor every time because once she got into the darkness of the halls she couldn’t move fast. And he knew every inch and every turn. Sometimes the girl would try to fight – another useless tactic. The Minotaur was many times stronger than any man and even more powerful than a hapless half-naked girl. Whatever tactic the victim used, it never ended well for them.

However, this time it was different. This was the first time that he didn’t have to drag his victim, screaming and struggling, to his lair – she came to him. In fact, she didn’t act like a “victim” at all. She sat there on his bed, waiting for him and even excited that he was approaching her. He could smell her excitement, her arousal. He could hear her heart beating faster and her breathing quicken. And he could see her trembling – not from fear, but from eager anticipation. This girl was not afraid of him ... she wanted him! The idea that this beautiful young woman was actually waiting and wanting him excited him beyond belief. His huge black cock was getting harder and bigger with every step he took. He was larger than a normal bull, even the biggest bull in the village. And Erinyes held it tightly in his huge human fist, stroking himself as he neared her.

Her eyes widened as he got closer, she could feel his hot breath on her skin, blowing her hair gently, his musky scent filling her nostrils. It was not an unpleasant odor, she had worked the fields and animal pens back in the village many times. She kind of liked the earthy, animal smell. She watched the way he held his gigantic cock, its swollen head pointed at her as he slowly stroked the shaft up and down, getting himself ready.

When he got close enough he reached out to her with his other hand. Ariadne expected a rough, callous touch in keeping with his appearance. Instead, he was surprisingly tender and gentle, first touching her soft brown hair as if he had never seen anything like it before. His meaty hand then moved to her cheek and stroked it tenderly as a father would his own daughter’s. Ariadne mewled softly and laid her head in his hand, enjoying this gentle moment.

Then the Minotaur’s eyes moved down her feminine and hardly covered form, stopping at her full breasts with their hard, pointed nipples. He looked back up at her as if he was asking if he could touch her. She didn’t say anything but she made no move to stop him, so he reached down to gently caress her breast, cupping it and feeling its weight, then rubbing a finger across the nipple toying and teasing it and eliciting a soft moan from her painted lips. Encouraged by her sounds, he lightly pinched the bud and tugged on it. Ariadne held perfectly still although her breathing had markedly increased.

As Erinyes played with her breast, Ariadne began to feel more at ease and more aroused as well and she gently placed a hand over his, letting him know she was enjoying his touch. He looked up at her, his soft brown eyes surprised but pleased that he was making her feel good. He made a low rumbling sound in his throat and continued toying with her aching nipple.

Then it was Ariadne’s turn to surprise him with her touch. As he toyed with her breast, she reached down gently taking his hand from his hard rigid cock and put it up on her other breast. She then began stroking his cock herself, mimicking the movement he was just doing.

With the Minotaur getting more and more excited and Ariadne’s pussy leaking, her own scent created a distracting aroma in the Minotaur’s nose. It didn’t take long for him to make the next move, either. After smelling her perfume, hearing her moans, and feeling her pillowy softness, he had only to taste her.

The Minotaur slowly lowered his bull head. His long, thick, bovine tongue came out to give her breasts a cautious lick at first. The heat of his mouth combined with the feel of the thick tongue made her moan despite herself.

“Mmmmm” she moaned, arching her back upwards unwittingly.

Her obvious enjoyment at what he was doing encouraged him and he repeated his licking again with an even more ardent response. Erinyes raised his massive bull head and reached for the buttons on the front of her gossamer ceremonial robe. Even though he had human hands, they were far too large and clumsy for such delicate work, so after trying unsuccessfully several times to unbutton her robe, she reached up and took his hands, smiling and him and gently moved them aside.

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