Training Orchid - Cover

Training Orchid

by Smirkin

Copyright© 2021 by Smirkin

Erotica Sex Story: A young woman is taken advantage of in a unique way of puppy play.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Group Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   2nd POV   .

Sammie flipped through the dating apps on her phone. Finding one that she sort of liked to use. She swiped left for the longest time coming up with a million excuses for why she couldn’t swipe on right. She eventually put the phone away entirely and went back to reading stories on the internet and watching videos.

Sammie was a bit of an introvert but she had a kinky side. When she wasn’t doing chores around the house and doing yardwork or working, she was on the internet. It’s where she felt safest ... she had friends there ... she was part of an online community on a couple different sites. The internet was part of Sammie’s life and she was pretty nifty with the use of it and finding information when she needed to. Being part of a kink site left her often to fantasize of things she would do and served as a place to learn more about the lifestyle that she planned to soon put into practice.

While she sat in an online chat room of her favorite kink site, she found herself browsing the app again, with excuses to swipe left until she fell onto this cute woman, brunette, with beautiful brown eyes and a great smile. Sammie scrolled through the woman’s profile and saw that she lived within a reasonable distance and was new to her area. Or so the profile said. Sammie gave it some thought and decided to swipe right.

Instantly it was a match! Her heart fluttered and she nervously stared at the screen as the application prompted her to say “Hello” to the woman. Sammie set the phone down in front of her and just stared it. The application said she had 24hours to say something before they would become unmatched. Sammie tilted her head and let the phone grow dark and went back to the chat room.

Moments had passed and all she could think about was how she had matched with somebody on the first ‘right’ swipe. Sammie took in several deep breaths and looked to her phone and punched in her pin code and unlocked it, still sitting on the application page ... she went to finally say something and randomly send a gif by accident. And of course, it has to be Michael from the ‘The Office’ doing a skit. Sammie shook her head in disbelief and quickly sent a message.

“OMG ... I’m sorry, I meant to say Hello lol.”

‘This woman probably thinks I’m lame now because I can’t even work a dating app properly.’ To her surprise Sammie actually saw that she was responding. Sammie waited eagerly to see what she was typing. It felt like years went by.

“Haha, I love that show. All is good.”

“Heh, yeah that was a good show ... So how are you?”

Unsure of how to progress she just waited patiently for a response, but didn’t want to seem overly interested. Or come off like a creep, she let the phone grow dark once again. Sammie soon grew bored of the chatroom she was in and started browsing the other site she goes to. Social networking site but for kink-minded people. She browsed through pictures, liking and looking.

Her phone pinged and looked to see the woman she matched; Zoe had messaged back. Sam stared at the response from her but drew a blank at what to say back. She was just that nervous.

“I’m great, how are you? What are you up to?”

She didn’t know how to respond because she didn’t want to say, “Hey I’m horny and browsing dirty sites.” So, she tried to think of something else to say. Anything else to say other than that. In the kink world that is kind of an okay statement to make online or in chat ... but here not so much.

“I’m good ... and not up to much how about yourself?”

As far as kink went Sammie mainly considered herself a submissive, there were a few times she would play top to another submissive but it wasn’t often. So, Sammie was a little shy about going forward because even though the app was vanilla, Sammie didn’t consider herself to be such.

“Wishing I was out, but have to work ya know.”

“Yeah, haha that’s a bummer ... What type of things do you like to do?”

Sammie was starting to feel a little braver messaging, she just had to think of it as an online thing ... except it’s through her phone.

Zoe and Sammie messaged back and forth for some time until they started talking about sexual things to which Zoe admitted she had never been with another woman before. Sammie didn’t see anything wrong with that.

“How do you like sex...?”

Sammie blinked at the message she just typed to Zoe and thought to herself “What an idiot!”

“I love it ROUGH!!!”

Zoe responded so fast that Sammie hadn’t even had time to put her phone down. The continued talking down that path and things were adding up to Zoe being a kinky little so and so. Which then drew more questions from Sammie, and the more intrigued she became the hungrier for knowledge she became as well. Sammie asked her if she had a page on the social networking site she uses, kink life. Soon enough Zoe replied that she did and they swapped names and added each other.

Now Sammie could see more of Zoe and she was gorgeous. Especially in this Black V-Cut bathing suit that showed off her figure. Sammie quickly loved the photo and went through the rest. As she went back to the home page, she could see the men from her own friends list were flocking to Zoe’s account as well which was only irritating Sammie. She felt like she couldn’t have this one thing without a man getting in the middle.

She saw that Zoe was about ten years younger but there was nothing wrong with that, she thought to herself. The more they talked the more Sammie was growing fond of the woman. The more possessive and dominant she felt. It’s not a feeling Sammie is used to and only experienced something similar years ago.

The night drew on and they finally said their goodnights to one another for the evening and went their ways. But that was only the beginning for Sammie. She went back to Kink Life and pulled up Zoe’s profile and started image searching all of her photos until she found a match to a social page that displayed the more intimate parts of Zoe’s life.

She saw graduation photos, college pictures, beach pictures, you name it. There were statuses to read and could see where she had a lot of boy trouble. Sammie could fix that though she thought. Even if she would be the first female. She continued looking through the girl’s profile and noted that she recognized that neighborhood of which Zoe lived in.

Going back to Kink Life she could see what Zoe’s preferences and likes and dislikes were. Obviously, she was a submissive through their conversations and is stated on the profile. Although it says similar for Sammie. Sammie brushed that aside. Zoe liked puppy play ... Sammie found that to be adorable as she enjoyed a bit of kitten play and had done so at a little party she went to the year before.

Sammie left that to be the end of the first day and thought she had enough information to make more conversation the next day. Even if what she had done was a bit of invasion of privacy. Sammie shut things down for the night and went to bed with her phone close by.

The next morning came and she had hoped to see a “Good morning” message but alas there wasn’t one. That didn’t stop Sam from sending it herself to Zoe.

“Good morning, hope you slept well.”

“Morning! I did thanks ... what are up too?”

“Not much, I see all the men on my KL are friending you ... tempting to message them telling them to back off all mine.”

“Ha, you can if you want, I mean claim me.”

That was almost too perfect for Sammie to read. Zoe wanting to be claimed by her ... maybe she needed to be careful for what she wished for.

“I’ll even get you a collar ... maybe a name.”

“Oooooh a collar, I would so love that. Name as well.”

They continued back and forth for some time until they started to discuss meet each other. Zoe seemed excited enough to do so but Sammie was starting to get a little nervous about it but tried to hide that. By taking a dominant role in their conversation and steering it to how she wanted it to go. They agreed to meet and would be at Zoe’s house initially. Then they would follow each other to a public place. Sounded silly to Sammie but that is how Zoe wanted to do things.

The conversation started to grow colder up to the date of meet and all Sammie could think of were the men that were friending Zoe. “One of them must have caught her attention and taken her away from me,” she thought to herself. Feeling a bit toyed with Sammie asked Zoe if she minded meeting on a different day and Zoe was willing to reschedule. The communication fell quiet again not completely silent though, just the odd message here and there.

Sammie spent the day looking at the internet and visiting her sites ... thinking about how badly she wanted to see Zoe and felt silly for rescheduling but thought that it was best for now. She thought it would allow her to reignite the flame between them messaging. She wanted her puppy.

Several days had passed and the feelings of coldness continued to be there. Sammie came up with a plan and was unsure of how it would pan out but they still had the date planned. She stopped by a flower shop on the way and saw that the shop had several orchids of different arrangements. Sammie picked a white one thinking how pure it looked. Thought of how gorgeous it would look pinned behind Zoe’s ear. Sammie paid for the flower and got back in her vehicle and headed towards Zoe’s home.

Getting closer Sammie felt like turning around several times due to the fear of rejection but surely Zoe would have communicated by now if she didn’t want this to continue.

Time moved quickly and it was too late. Sammie was parked at the curb out-front of Zoe’s home. She had white knuckled the steering wheel she was so nervous but this had to be done. Sammie couldn’t go on with out getting this done. She had built herself up for it. Grabbing the Orchid, she opened her car door and slowly stepped out of the vehicle and onto the sidewalk and looked around ... the neighborhood is just as her social media showed it.

Sammie carefully walked up to the door and knock on the wooden door. it was a cute little house, nothing to major and the neighbors were decently spaced. She knocked again and then could hear movement on the other side of the door and soon it had opened to a surprised face belonging to Zoe. Obviously, she wasn’t expecting Sammie to show up after they had gone to minimal talking or even confirming it.

“Hi, Zoe! I got you this orchid, it made me think of you because of how strong it is and pure ... and though a trim or two would look nice in your hair.”

“Um, hello ... Thank you ... Come in.”

She didn’t seem thrilled that Sammie was there but Sammie wasn’t going to let that stop her. She had built herself up this far and wanted what she thought belonged to her, what she knew belong to her. Zoe took the orchid and set it down nearby on a coffee table while Sammie looked around taking everything in.

“So, what are you doing here, Sammie?”

“We scheduled this, remember? You even gave me the address.”

She walked closer to Zoe and stroked her hair, smelling it as she brought it to her nose. Zoe appeared uncomfortable with the situation but was trying to make do with it.

“Do you not want me here? Is it because of one of those men? Is that why things have been going quiet? You said you wanted to be my pup ... I even got the collar we discussed getting, the exact one you pointed out.”

“I ... what men are you talking about? And I do want to be your pup ... I’m just a little cautious because I’m a bit intimidated...”

“There is no reason to be intimidated ... you’re my good girl.”

At that moment Sammie didn’t wait any longer or play along with anymore games that Zoe had to off. She took a handful of Zoe’s hair and planted a forceful kiss on her lips and shoved her hand into Zoe’s convenient yoga pants. Beginning to finger fuck the young woman as she screamed into Sammie’s mouth for help. Somewhere along the way one of them had tripped landing them both on the floor. Except Zoe had hit her head on the coffee table while going down make her unconscious.

Sammie rolled her eyes and thought “Just great ... or actually it is.” This gave her the opportunity to run out to her car and grab the collar and leash. She returned inside to see that Zoe was still out like a light. She applied the collar and played with the charm for a moment before she started to walk around the house playing with the lead.

Opening doors and peeking into them, not looking for anything in particular but did make an excellent find. One door she opened led to stairs going to a basement, which had an old kennel in the back of it. probably from a previous owner since the basement doesn’t look used. Sammie pulled the kennel out and dusted it off, placing the leash across the top of it for now.

Going back up the stairs she went over to Zoe, who is still out. Sam checked for a pulse just to be safe and there was a strong one. Getting behind Zoe, she lifted under her arms and dragged her towards the basement steps and slowly and carefully dragged her down the steps leaving the woman’s legs to bounce off the stairs until they both reached the landing. Dragging her to the cage and getting her inside would be the difficult part but she managed shove her in easier than she thought she would once Zoe’s pants hit the metallic surface of the cages bottom.

Closing the cage and latching it back up she had to think of a way to keep it locked but nothing came to mind and didn’t know how much longer she would be out for. So, Sammie started rooting around boxes in the basement, most of them were empty or degrading. She came across one box that had some tools in it, some sinister looking but nothing that Sammie would know how to use or even threaten to use. She continued looking until she found a lock. Just a simple lock that still had the key in it. how perfect.

Sammie checked that the key worked and the lock latched and unlatched and one she was pleased with it she attached it to the cage securing Zoe inside. Sammie had gone back up the stairs and retrieved the white orchid arrangement and brought it downstairs into the basement. She appreciated the orchid so much she decided that is what she would call Zoe when it came time to give her a name. To Sammie, the young woman was pure as could be in the meaning of not being with another woman.

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