The Experiment - Cover

The Experiment

Copyright© 2021 by Krosis of the Collective

Chapter 3: Lindy climbs in bed with her big brother

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: Lindy climbs in bed with her big brother - In the future, a biotech conglomerate tests its products on an unsuspecting populace.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Big Breasts  

Lindy woke up, her voluptuous 16-year-old body covered in sweat. She was horny and scared. She usually used her body pillow to get off, but it hadn’t worked, and she didn’t know when the lockdown would be lifted. Her whole world was topsy-turvy!

She considered her sister Dot’s drawer of sex toys. Could she perhaps borrow one of those for a while, she wondered? But no, she realized, looking at the time, her sister would be in her own room, sleeping.

Fear won out, and she put on her tight t-shirt over her panties and headed for Will’s room. When she got scared, she’d slept with him, though they were much younger then. These were extenuating circumstances, though, she felt.

She knocked but there was no answer. “Will?” she called out as she pushed open his door. Only soft breathing answered her from the dark room. “I’m scared ... is it okay if I sleep with you?”

“Mm hm,” Will answered softly.

Smiling, she climbed onto his bed next to him. It was way too hot for the covers, and since it was so dark, she didn’t notice his state of undress. “Thank you, big brother,” she said as she lay next to him.

“Mm hm.”

Lindy woke up feeling even hotter. Will had rolled over, making her the little spoon, with one of his arms draped over hers. “Oh, Will...” She tried to shrug him off, but his arm held her firmly. She tried to push him back with her butt and quickly realized that her big brother wasn’t wearing any clothes when his hard cock slipped between her thighs. “Oh!”

On one hand, she was disturbed by the feel of her brother’s erect penis where it shouldn’t be. On the other, his shaft had slid along the gusset of her perpetually wet panties, and it had felt good! Her nipples perked up as her body reflexively prepared itself for sex. “Um, Will?”

“Mm hm,” he murmured.

He’s asleep, she realized; he’s not trying to molest me! Not her big brother, her protector.

His stiff cock was still between her thighs, though. That slight contact through the fabric of her underwear had felt good, after all the sweaty, unsuccessful attempts to cum with her body pillow. She was no longer scared, and so horniness won out. She rolled her hips a little, causing the shaft of his penis to slide along her panty-covered pussy lips again, and moaned. Then she repeated the motion, and again.

She huffed, frustrated. It still wasn’t enough! She reached down and gingerly angled his cock so that the head was pressing into the fabric covering the opening to her vagina. At that angle, if her underwear hadn’t been there, her movements would have caused his member to slide right up inside her. Then she pushed herself downward, feeling the head of his fabric-covered dick press slightly into her. “Mmm...!” she moaned, and did it again.

It still wasn’t enough! She lay there, contemplating her next step. She was desperate to cum! She reached down, pulled aside her panties, and felt the head of Will’s cock nestle itself between her vaginal lips. She was torn ... she was taking advantage of her brother, but she needed release! With him asleep, it was like using a dildo, right? she reasoned with herself as she moved her body down and felt the head of his cock slip into her well lubricated pussy. “Ohh yes...” she moaned. That little bit of her brother’s cock penetrating her felt better than all of her recent attempts with the body pillow.

“Mmm...” Will moaned in his sleep as he gripped her tighter and pulled her downward, causing half of his cock to rush inside her.

“Mmn!” Lindy cried out into her fist. That felt so good! She rolled her hips, causing the head of her brother’s hard cock to swirl around inside her. “Ohh...” Yes, this was what she needed, she realized as she continued to move, the danger of what she was doing far from her mind.

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