They Stole My Puberty - Cover

They Stole My Puberty

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 8

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A girl growing up in a children's home is given Puberty Blockers being told that they were to help with her periods.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Public Sex  

Matt was on mornings so on his way to start work he came to see me. I’d asked for another card key for him and he let himself in and woke me with his mouth chewing my clit. I love it when he does that.

Jason again spent a lot of time opening and closing my legs on the side of the pool but he did tell me that I wouldn’t need many more lesson as I could now swim lengths just as good as the quests who use the pool to get their daily exercise. My response was to tell him that I was quite happy to continue with the lessons, especially the on the side of the pool and the supporting me in the water parts.

Jason smiled, him knowing exactly what I was referring to.

After my workout and a shower I put on my new, long dress ready for my last (hopefully) driving lesson. I wanted Dave’s approval of my attire as I didn’t want to be accused of flashing my goodies to bribe the examiner.

The driving lesson went well with Dave telling me that the only reason that he could see me failing was if I suddenly had a panic attack or something like that. He also told me that my clothing was more appropriate and I did notice that his head wasn’t turning my way as often.

The rest of my day went well with Matt visiting me for a session of benefits and then me doing my workout. Even I have noticed that my legs are getting stronger. When I mentioned it to Luke he told me that I’d be running marathons soon. No chance.

The next day was the medical seminar. I’d been told that they wanted me there at 11:00 a.m. so after my swimming lesson and workout I put a dress on and went for some breakfast. Then I went for a short walk out of the hotel and in the opposite direction to what I go to go into town. I didn’t go far before turning and heading back.

Back in my room I had another shower because if the did want to examine me I didn’t want to be all smelly. Just to be sure I dabbed a little perfume under my arms and on my pussy. I don’t know why I did that last bit, I just did it instinctively.

Then, totally naked, I left my room carrying and envelope containing the specialists report and my key card and nothing else.

I was a little early so I stopped off at the hotel’s reception desk and had a short chat with Emily before, slightly nervously, walking down the corridor to the York Suite.

As I walked I subconsciously tweaked my nipples and clit then wondered why I kept doing that.

Outside the door I saw a board with details of what was going on inside. It read: -

Medical Seminar Subject - Sexual Dysfunction

I smiled and thought that I probably came into that category. I knocked on the big door then opened it and saw about 25 people sat on chairs all facing a little stage. On it a man was stood at a lectern with some papers on it. He was talking about something, presumably medical, because I only understood a few words.

Everyone ignored me for a few minutes and I stood there totally naked and slightly embarrassed because I was being ignored.

Finally the man looked over to me and said,

“You must be Penelope McNally, please come and join me up here.”

As I was nervously walking over to the stage with everyone looking at me the man continued,

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Penelope McNally, the subject of our next topic, the Puberty Blocker drug called Puercil-G.”

I climbed onto the stage and the man put out his hand to shake mine and continued,

“Penelope, I am professor Tom Harding and I am very pleased to meet you. I invited you here to tell us the story of your experience using the drug, is that okay with you Penelope?”

“I guess so,” I replied, and please just call me Penny.”

“Certainly Penny, can I get you a glass of water or something before you start?”

“No thanks, I’m good.”

“Okay Penny, whenever you are ready will you please tell us in your own words how you think that taking this drug has affected you?”

“Well, when I started taking it I was not a happy girl, I believed that everyone had it in for me and they were doing their best to piss me off. My carers, sorry, I grew up in a children’s home, they told me that starting my periods was causing me to be so unhappy and aggressive towards everyone. They said that taking what I now know to be Puercil-G would help with my periods and that I would be a lot happier. And to be fair to my carers, they were right. I actually became a good pupil at school always getting top grades.

Over the next year or so I got a little concerned that my periods had stopped, my breasts weren’t growing, if anything they had shrunk, and my body wasn’t changing shape like was happening to the other girls in my class. Also, my pubic hair, what little I had, dropped off me, I haven’t had any hair below my neck since I started taking those damned pills. I talked to my carers about what wasn’t happening to me and they just told me that all girls develop at different ages and that my time would come.

My carers had got me to take one of those pills every day until I got to 18 when I had to leave the children home. They didn’t give me any of the pills that I had been taking every day saying that I no longer needed to take them. Over the next few weeks I started to wonder why I didn’t need to take those pills after I was 18 and I decided to google the name of them. It was then that I found out that Puercil-G was in fact a Puberty Blocker and things started to fall into place.

The result of taking those pills every day for all those years is what you can see right in front of you, look at the shape of my body, my height, or lack of it, my lack of breasts, my bony pubes and my lack of hair down there that I had when I started taking the pills. I haven’t had a period since I started taking the pills and the specialist that I had to go to see for the court case told me that I’d never be able to have babies. I’ve brought down the report that the specialist wrote after he examined me, I’m happy for you to copy it but I do need to keep the original.”

Tom Harding took the document off me and gave it to someone to go and copy. Then he said,

“Penny, how old are you now?”

“Eighteen years and eleven months.”

“So, just to clarify, you were taking Puercil-G for about 8 or 9 years but haven’t taken any for nearly a year.”

“That sounds about right.”

“Over the last 11 months have you noticed any changes in you, physically or mentally?”


“Would you care to elaborate please Penny?”

“Sorry, yes, physically both my clitoris and my nipples appear to have grown and they’re just about permanently hard. Mentally, well look at me, I seem to have turned into an exhibitionist, I want to be naked all the time and I think that I’m addicted to orgasms. I can’t get enough of them. I’m not sure but when that specialist made me cum for the first time after I stopped taking the pills I think that maybe him testing to see if I could achieve an orgasm had triggered something in me to make me the way I am now.”

“Well Penny, I’m not sure that the drug and your current mental and physical changes are connected because Puercil-G hasn’t been thoroughly tested or approved by the MHRA but who knows? What I do think is that in the interests of medical research we should all examine you to check for any indications that the medical profession can find that wouldn’t necessarily be visible to a none medical person such as yourself. Is that okay with you Penny?”

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