They Stole My Puberty - Cover

They Stole My Puberty

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 7

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A girl growing up in a children's home is given Puberty Blockers being told that they were to help with her periods.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Public Sex  

After my sessions in the leisure centre the Saturday morning I put some clothes on, had some breakfast in the restaurant then I walked to Lucy’s shop.

“Get naked Penny and stand in the shop window. I’ll be with you in a couple of minutes” were Lucy’s first words.

I wasn’t expecting to be totally exposed that quickly but I stripped and went to the window where I saw that Lucy had made a space for me. I looked left and right then climbed up and stood in the same pose as the last time that I was there. My eyes were going from left to right constantly to see if anyone was staring at me whilst my nipples and clit were tingling like mad.

I’m sure that Lucy was keeping me waiting on purpose and couple of times I seriously considered getting out of the window and going to look for her but eventually I saw her in my peripheral vision and she was carrying lots of clothes.

“Don’t move anything by yourself, let me do all the work Penny.”

She then started putting the clothes on me one item at a time then she’d study me for a few seconds before taking it off me and moving to the next item.

This went on for about an hour with her talking to me but me unable to answer just in case someone on the street was watching me and saw my lips move. I was also trying to look out and see if anyone was looking at me.

I saw 3 people do a double take as they walked by but it was only 1 youth who looked then stopped and came right up to the window to have a good look for a few seconds before shaking his head and walking away.

Just as Lucy was getting towards the last 2 or 3 garments a woman who was probably only a few years older than me came into the shop.

“Back in a few minutes Penny.” Lucy whispered to me.

I was only wearing a top at that time and Lucy had pulled my feet slightly more than shoulder width apart so my slit and clit were well on display.

I could hear Lucy and the woman talking but it was difficult to make out the actual words so I didn’t know what they were talking about or able to see what they were doing. That is until after what seemed like hours, they both came up behind me and I felt a hand on my butt.

“This isn’t a mannequin is it Lucy. Have you got a little girl to stand half naked in your window?”

“Sort of Janet, she’s real but she’s old enough.”

“Old enough to be showing herself in a shop window? I would have thought that that was against the law, public indecency and all that.”

“Only if someone complains and you didn’t even think that she was real until now.”

“True, so does this girl get off standing there like that?”

“Check her inner thighs, that will give you the answer to that one.”

I felt a hand slide up the inside of my right thigh, right up to my slit and I gasped as the fingers went inside my slit and flicked my clit.

“Wow Lucy, I thought that you were an exhibitionist but I’ve never known you get this wet when we went on the WNBR.”

“Quite a little hottie this one aren’t you Penny?”

I couldn’t answer Lucy because I could see a man, who was walking by with woman, looking at me.

“Well I’ll leave you to your games with Penny here Lucy, don’t leave her there for too long she might get cramp. See you.”

“Bye Janet.” Lucy replied. “Well Penny, I’d better get on with you, not many to go now.”

Then Lucy lifted my arms straight up in the air and the top was pulled off me.

A few minutes later Lucy said,

“There Penny, that’s the lot, you can get down now.”

My eyes moved from left to right and seeing no one looking at me I quickly jumped down and moved to the middle of the shop.

“Enjoy that did you Penny?” Lucy asked.

“I think that Janet found the answer to that question Lucy. I take it that Janet is a friend of yours? What’s the WNBR?”

“World Naked Bike Ride. It’s bike rides round a lot of the big cities in the world with all the riders being naked. I’ve been on a couple of them with Janet.”

“I’ve not heard of that before. Do they do one in this city?”

“No, the council are too prudish, we had to go to London.”

“When is the next one?”

“Not ‘till next summer you just missed one, do you want to come with us on the next one?”

“Hell yes, naked on the streets with all those people watching, most definitely.”

“I’ll hold you to that Penny.”

“Please do. Now, can I try on that boring dress again, the one that I need for taking my driving test?”

“It’s nice and thin so you won’t feel restricted in it.”

I put it on and it fit well, the only slight doubt was that my nipples were making pokies in the material.

“Don’t worry about those Penny, you’ll be all nervous so they probably won’t be hard and if they are the dark material will hide them. Did you notice me putting a shredded skirt on you Penny?”

“What is a shredded skirt Lucy?”

“It looks like you dipped the skirt into a paper shredder or a Hawaiian grass skirt.”

“Hmm, that could be fun, I’m look forward to going out in that one. Any other surprises in there for me? Obviously I couldn’t see much of what you put on me but they all felt okay.”

“Trust me Penny, you will like them all, I might not have known you for long but I do know how your brain works and you’ll like them, but if you don’t just bring them back and I’ll give you your money back Talking of which.”

“Yes, where did you put my bag?”

Lucy got my little bag and I gave her my debit card. I didn’t even look to see how much she was charging me, I just knew that they would be worth every penny.

Lucy had to remind me to put some clothes on before I left.

With 2 bags of clothes I left Lucy’s shop and then had a brainwave and flagged down a taxi. When one screeched to a halt in front of me I spoke to the driver and asked him if he could deliver the 2 bags to the Yorkshire Hotel. When he said that he could I put the bags in the back, paid him and told him to give them to the receptionist and say that they belong to Penny.

“Just Penny?” The taxi driver asked.

“Yes, just Penny, they all know me.”

Off the taxi went leaving me with just my little bag to carry around town. I intended to do some window shopping, ride up the escalators a few times, visit the food hall and the go car choosing.

And that’s what I did for the next few hours. I know that I must have looked quite slutty in my ultra short skirt and pokies showing top and I’m sure that some older women would be looking at me and thinking,

“What woman would allow her young daughter to go out looking like that.”

But I didn’t care, I was enjoying people looking up my skirt when I sat down or bent over.

The first car showroom that I went into was one that I’d been into before and one of the salesmen came up to me and said,

“Hello there, you’ve been here before, are your parents letting you choose a car for them?”

I felt like telling him where to go but the thing was, I liked one of the cars that I’d seen in there before so I got out my driving licence, stuck it in front of his nose and replied,

“No, it’s for me.”

That shut him up and I smiled as I saw his face go all red. I let him suffer for a minute or so then said,

“Will you show me and tell me all about the Micra, the top of the range one?”

“Certainly madam. Would follow me please?”

At the nice shiny Micra he started telling me all sorts of things that I didn’t understand and showing me what he thought were the selling points of the car. Of course I had to try out all the seats and I got him to show me how to adjust the driver’s seat so that I could reach the pedals, and in doing all that I know that I was showing my butt and pussy to him and I know that he was looking at them. I also know that my pussy was enjoying him seeing it.

When he’d run out of things to show me he asked me if I’d like to go for a test drive.

“I don’t take my driving test until next Friday.” I said.

“Could you just give me a moment please madam?”

Then he went scurrying away and came back holding 2 magnetic ‘L’ plates.

“Right, it won’t be that particular one that we will use for the test drive but it will be exactly the same model and specification, is that okay madam?”


I replied and out we went to one that was on display outside. After getting it ready he invited me to get in the driver’s seat. As I did I felt my skirt ride up. I didn’t look but I just knew that my bare pubes and slit were on display.

Then he went round to the passenger side of the car and got in.

“Could you help me adjust the seat please?” I asked.

“Certainly madam.”

I knew how to do it but I wanted him to have to lean over me to operate the levers and buttons. With me being so short there was very little space between me and the steering wheel and he struggled not to touch me with his head and arm, his head being just about in my lap looking down.

He appeared to be taking his time so I did a couple of Kegel exercises just to wake him up and his head nearly jumped back as he straightened up. I smiled when I saw his red face.

I made some final adjustments to the seat and started the car.

The test drive was only about 15 minutes and I think that I drove well, and I enjoyed it. I also think that the salesman did as well because I kept seeing his head go from looking in front of us to looking down at my bald pubes and the front of my slit.

When we got back to the showroom and I had parked the car he said,

“So what do you think madam, shall we start the paperwork?”

“No. I like the car but I have 2 others that I like as well. I’ll go and test drive those then make up my mind.”

I could see the disappointment on his face as he rushed round to the drivers door to open it for me. I stepped out one leg at a time knowing that he’d get a great view of all of my pussy, then I thanked him and walked away.

I did the same at the other dealership where I’d seen a car that I liked the look of. The salesman there was a bit older but that didn’t stop him from looking, nor me showing him.

By the time I got out or the Yaris I think that I had made up my mind but I wasn’t going to say anything. I wanted to talk to Bob Hammond when I was going to see him the next Tuesday and ask him what he thought.

I left the showroom and headed back to the hotel where I collected my bags and went up to my room. After trying on a few of my new clothes it was 30 minute workout time. As I was going down in the lift a boy and a girl about my age and wearing bathrobes got in. The boy was staring at me whilst they were talking. I gathered that their parents had left them in the hotel while they went to the theatre and the couple were also going to the leisure centre. They followed me along the corridor and I heard them talking about me.

I said hello to Karen then went to the workout room leaving Karen telling the young couple a few of the rules that they had to follow.

My workout was good with only one man watching me apart from when I was on the exercise cycle so I don’t think that he saw me cum. He certainly saw my spread pussy a few times.

When I went to the jacuzzi I saw the young couple messing about in the pool. They looked like they were playing tag but with a lot of groping. The boy was wearing speedos that looked quite tight on him and the girl was wearing a skimpy bikini except that it wasn’t a bikini it was a bra and knickers.

They stopped their game when they saw me and their eyes followed me to the jacuzzi and watched me climb in. I was alone and enjoying floating with my eyes closed when I heard a sound and opened my eyes. It was the couple climbing in opposite me. It was then that I saw that the girl’s underwear was see-through and I could tell that she was as hair free as I was and she had tits that were probably an ‘A’ cup with small, dark areolae and hard, brown nipples.

After a minute or so they started talking and I was more convinced that they were brother and sister but they were talking about sex things, what they were going to do to each other when they got back to their room.

I saw the girl staring at my face, which was all that was above the bubbles then she said,

“So it’s okay for me to take my bikini off in here then?”

“Well I’m naked.” I replied.

“We saw you in the lift, naked as well, do you always walk around without any clothes on, don’t your parents tell you to put some on?”

“Yes and no.” I replied.

“Yes and no what?” the boy asked.

“Yes I walk all around the hotel naked and no my parents don’t tell me to put any clothes on.”

“And the hotel staff don’t tell you to put any clothes on?”


“I think that I’ll try that.” the girl said as she stood up and took her underwear off.”

The poor boy didn’t know what to do or say, he just sat there and watched the girl who hadn’t sat fully down in the bubbles leaving her tits just above the surface.

By then I was getting hot so I pulled myself up onto the side of the jacuzzi, dangling my legs in the bubbles and leaning back on my hands. My knees were anything but closed and the boy was staring at my slightly spread pussy.

“Not started growing any tits or hair down there then?” the boy asked.

“Don’t be stupid Liam, we’d see it if she had.”

“But her clit is sticking out so she can’t be that young.”

“Why don’t you ask her, she’s sat in front of you and I know that she can speak, we heard her a few minutes ago.”

“How old are you little girl?”

“How old do you think I am?”

Strangely, they both guessed at 12.”

“Near enough.” I lied.

“Your clit didn’t stick out like that when you were 12 Mary.”

“No but I had hair down there and it sticks out now.”

“You’re 18 so it should stick out.”

“Not necessarily Liam, all girls grow differently just like boys cocks aren’t the same. Have you seen a boy’s cock? What is your name?”

“Penny and yes I’ve seen a boy’s cock.”

“Was it like Liam’s”

“I don’t know, I haven’t see Liam’s.”

“Stand up Liam and pull your cosy down.”

Liam looked around then did what Mary had told him. He looked a little embarrassed possibly because his cock was on display or possibly because it was hard.

“So was the one that you’ve saw like that Penny?”

“No, it was bigger.”

Now Liam was embarrassed and he sat back down pulling his speedos back up.

“Aww Liam, don’t get embarrassed, your cock is big enough to fill me.”

“Did it taste yummy Penny?” Mary asked.


“So what else have you done with boys Penny, have they fucked you yet?”

“My boyfriend fucked me to wake me up this morning.”

“Bloody hell,” Mary said, “and I thought that we were pushing it a bit, what do your parents say about your boyfriend sleeping with you?”


By then I was starting to get a bit bored so I started doing my Kegel exercises. Liam was the first to notice and he said,

“Fucking hell, how do you do that? Mary, look at her pussy.”

“I think that I can do that as well Liam, watch me and see if it looks the same.”

Mary got out of the bubbles and sat in a triangle of us, spread her knees and leant back like I was.

“Is this the same Liam?”

Both Liam and I looked at Mary’s pussy and she did look like she was doing it right. What I also saw was that Mary had some large inner labia that protruded a lot more than her clit did. I thought that it looked ugly and much preferred mine, but I didn’t say anything.

Liam looked a bit gob-struck, his eyes going from one pussy to the other and back.

Then Mary did something that I was thinking of doing, she moved her right hand to her pussy and started rubbing.

“You like watching me do that don’t you Liam?” Mary asked.

“Yes, but you don’t usually do it in a place like this or with someone watching. Do you know what she’s doing Penny?”

I didn’t answer him, I just started doing it myself and staring into Liam’s eyes.

After a minute or so Liam said,

“Your pussy doesn’t wobble around as much as Mary’s does Penny.”

“That’s because she hasn’t grown all that fatty stuff that all adult women have yet.” Mary replied.

I just ignored them, I needed to cum as soon as possible and it wasn’t long before I was shuddering, shaking and jerking.

“Wow, that didn’t take long,” Liam said, “Mary can take hours.”

Again I said nothing, just let Liam and Mary see my pulsing pussy.

Mary did eventually orgasm but she didn’t look like it was an intense one. After she started breathing normally I got up and climbed out of the jacuzzi.

“Where are you going?” Liam asked.

“The sauna.” I said as I kept walking.

As I walked along the side of the pool I saw a man in his thirties swimming up and down the pool and looking at me as I passed him.

In the sauna I spread out on the bottom row of benches which was easy because there was no one else there. One of my feet was on the floor and the other resting on the higher bench. I thought about rubbing another one out but decided against it. Instead I just relaxed until I got too hot. Then I went and lay on one of the loungers by the pool to cool down.

I was still there when Liam and Mary go out of the jacuzzi and walked out, Mary still as naked as I was. I wondered how far she’d get like that before someone said anything.

Suitably cool and relaxed I decided it was time to go back to my room but first it was a chat with Karen, the first thing that she said was,

“Did you see that girl, the one who came in wearing a bathrobe?”

“Yes, in the jacuzzi, why?”

“She’s just walked out of here as naked as you are and her boyfriend was carrying her robe.”

“I thought that the hotel didn’t mind girls walking about the hotel naked, no one has said anything to me.”

“That’s because you look like a little kid, that girl had tits. Sorry penny I didn’t mean to...”

“That’s okay Karen, I know that you didn’t mean to upset me and you haven’t. Do you think that that girl will get asked to leave the hotel?”

“Doubtful, maybe none of the management will see her and I doubt that us plebs will complain about her.”

“Hey, I got some more clothes today and a special dress to wear when I take my driving test on Friday.”

“What’s so special about the dress?”

“It’s knee length.”

“Hmm, that would be special for you. I hope that its length doesn’t put you off your driving.”

“No, Dave, my instructor told me that it would be a good idea to wear a longer skirt so I got one but he will give me an hours lesson before my test, that should give me time to get used to it. And I’ve decided which car I’m going to buy, I teased the salesman something rotten this afternoon, he had his face right in front of my pussy at one point.”

“Poor man, he’ll be wanking tonight to the visions he got of you.”

“Good, he was a bit of a moron, he kept telling me the same things over and over, I guess that he thought that I was just another stupid woman.”

“You should have asked him for a discount.”

“I haven’t told him that I’ll buy one yet, I’m waiting until I pass my test.”

“That’s probably a good idea. I’m sure that you’ll pass but sometimes things go all tits-up. Oops, sorry Penny.”

“Stop apologising Karen, you know that I don’t get upset by remarks like that.”

“Oh, Penny, I’ve got a memory stick for you from Luke, those photos that that guy took of you.”

“Thanks Karen, have you looked at them?”

“Of course. I liked the video of you on the exercise bike, it really looked like a good one.”

“It was. I’m sure that the guy who invented bikes was thinking how he could design them to give us women the most pleasure.”

“I doubt that but it did turn out great didn’t it?”

“It sure did. Okay, I’m off now, order some room service and get serviced at the same time.”

“Don’t get Matt into trouble Penny, and get a good night’s sleep.”

As I walked back to the lift I wondered why Karen was suddenly interested in me getting a good night’s sleep.

That little mystery was kindled again after Matt delivered my meal and fucked me whilst he was there. When I said that I’d see him at midnight after his shift had finished he told me that he couldn’t make it that night and that I should get a good night’s sleep.

For a few seconds I was puzzled but I ignored it and ate my meal. After I’d finished it I did have an early night after I couldn’t see anyone in the hotel opposite looking my way.

It was the usual 7:00 a.m. swimming lesson and workout in a leisure centre void of guests then as I was leaving the leisure centre I bumped into a whole group of the staff.

“Hi guys, going anywhere nice?” I asked.

“Yes Penny, and you’re coming with us.” Karen said.

They ‘encouraged’ me to walk with them to the car park and as we walked I jokingly said,

“Are you kidnapping me? I’ll pay you whatever ransom you want.”

“Yes we are kidnapping you Penny but there’s no ransom, we just want your company for the day.”

“So where are we going?”

“You’ll find out when we get there.”

After the trip to the countryside I wasn’t too worried about going out for the day totally naked with that group.

“Where’s Matt?” I asked.

“Afternoon shift.” Luke replied.

It would have been nice having Matt along as we might have been able to sneak off somewhere and have quick fuck but if he was on afternoons I could order a room service evening meal and get serviced at the same time.

I was ‘offered’ a seat in the back of Luke’s car again, but this time between another room service guy Tony, who I’d met, and Mick, a chef. Karen was again in the front passenger seat. Neither Tony nor Mick had been on the picnic and they got me to tell them all about it. There was every chance that they’d seen the photos and the videos but I wanted to tell them all about me being spread open for the cameras and how I’d enjoyed it.

After a minutes silence Mick said,

“Did any of you see that naked girl walking around the hotel yesterday?”

“You mean me.”

“No, no, this one had tits and she had a bloke following her carrying her clothes.”

“Thanks Mick.” I said.

“I didn’t see her.” Karen lied.

“Nope,” Luke said.

I said nothing more.

After another pause Mick said,

“So you’d be quite happy to ‘moon’ other motorists as we pass them Penny?”

“What’s mooning?” I asked.

After Mick explained what mooning was I replied,

“Yeah, I’d do that, just so long as Luke is driving carefully.”

“I’m sure that he will and Tony and me will hold you make sure that you are safe.”

“Hang on, the windows in the back are tinted, no one will see me.”

“They will if we lower the window.” Mick replied.

“Okay then.”

“Let’s have a practise run so that you can get into position quickly when Luke tells us.” Mick suggested.

And we did, I unfastened my seta belt and managed to twist myself round then lifted my butt to the window. Karen phoned someone in the 2 other cars in our little convoy and the driver’s shuffled positions in the convoy so that Luke was at the back. Then when it was safe he shouted for me to get ready and he passed the 2 other cars with my bare but just sticking out of the open window.

All went well from my point of view but Mick and Tony had had my knees and hands, supporting my weight, on their thighs and on a couple of occasion, their balls (both were wearing shorts and T-shirts).

Mick and Tony were happy that it had worked okay so they asked Luke to tell them when we were about to pass another vehicle.

Like was driving sensibly but he managed to pass 2 lorries, 2 vans and 1 car, all with my butt sticking out of the window. The guys told me that all but 1 of the van drives looked and saw my butt and probably my pussy as well. What’s more, those windy moments helped both dry my pussy and get it wet again.

We quickly discovered that it was a fun way to make a long journey seem shorter.

I found out where we were going when I saw a road sign with the word ‘Beach’ on it and I told everyone that I’d never been to the seaside before.

“Well you’ll like this one Penny, it’s a little ‘clothing optional’ beach so no one will be surprised to see you running around like that.” Karen said.

That actually disappointed me a bit as it’s the surprised look on people’s faces when they see me naked that turns me on, but hey, going to the seaside for the first time was definitely going to be fun.

The car park didn’t even have any tarmac on it and we parked alongside the other dozen or so cars that were already there. When I got out of the car I discovered that the stones spread over the car park were painful on my feet. When I said that it would take me a while to cross the car park one of the taller guys, Seth, said,

“No it won’t.” and he came and stood in front of me, squat down and picked me up over his shoulders, him holding my right arm and right leg, my left arms and leg hanging down his back. Anyone standing slightly behind and to the right of Seth would be able to see my spread pussy and the thing was, as he walked, Seth was talking to people and as he did so he turned his body to face them, displaying my butt and pussy to more people, not that I was complaining.

Seth carried me across the car park and right into the dunes before he let me get off him. As I bounced on his shoulders I looked at the dunes and thought that they would be a great place to sneak off to for a fuck if only Matt had been with us.

The group soon found a place to spread out the blankets and before long Karen was rubbing sunblock on my back. Mick was stood close by and when Karen told me to turn round so that she could do my front she stopped and said,

“Mick, would you like to do Penny’s front?”

Mick grinned and replied,

“I’ll do Penny’s front if you let me do your front as well.”

By that time Karen had taken her shorts and tank top off revealing a different string, thong bikini.

Karen smiled and handed Mick the sunblock.

Mick had gently, but firm hands and it felt nice as his hands went over my hard nipples, but when he went lower I saw him look at Karen and Karen nod to him. Seconds later I discovered that Karen had given Mick permission to rub the sunblock between my legs, and Mick wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to rub my clit and make me cum.

Mick was rubbing the sunblock down the front of my legs as I recovered from my orgasm.

Then Mick turned to Karen and smiled.

Karen looked a bit apprehensive but I jumped in and took the sunblock off Mick and said,

“I’ll do her back first Mick.”

As I was doing that I saw that both Mick and Karen were just stood there staring at each other. As I was rubbing the sunblock on Karen’s shoulders I gently pulled on the strings of her top and when she noticed I said,

“You won’t be needing this on here Karen.” She didn’t object and soon her top was on the blanket.

I moved my hands lower and when I started rubbing the sunblock on her butt I gently pulled on the strings of her bottoms. Karen said nothing as her bottoms fell to the blanket on top of her top.

I continued putting the sunblock on the back of her her legs then handed the sunblock to Mick saying,

“Don’t forget her 3 sensitive parts Mick.”

Again neither of them said anything as Mick got started.

As Mick started on Karen’s chest I heard her moan a little but I wasn’t looking at them. Instead I was looking around to see what the others were doing. Most of the guys were already kicking a ball around but the other 3 girls were putting sunblock on and I was and wasn’t pleased to see that all 3 had lost their bikini tops and 2 of them had lost their bikini bottoms as well.

I was slightly disappointed that I wasn’t going to be the only naked girl there and that the other girls would probably attract more attention because they had tits and I didn’t. But it was only slight disappointment, I was very grateful that they had thought to invite me to their staff day at the beach.

My eyes went back to Karen and I saw that she’d parted her legs and was enjoying Mick rubbing the sunblock on her pussy.

Then I looked around at the rest of the beach, the sand was nice and fine and the waves were gently lapping onto the sand. There was something like 50 or 60 people on the beach and all of them looked to be adults, no screaming kids.

“This should be a nice relaxing day.” I thought as I heard Karen cumming, “well in a few minutes.”

I lay on the blanket and closed my eyes. The sun felt nice on the whole of my bare front.

I’d only been laying there for about 5 minutes when I heard Karen say,

“Come on Penny, us girls are going to show the boys how to play football.”

I got to my feet and saw that the 3 naked girls and I topless girl were all waiting for me. Teams had been sorted and T-shirts placed for goal posts.

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