They Stole My Puberty - Cover

They Stole My Puberty

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A girl growing up in a children's home is given Puberty Blockers being told that they were to help with her periods.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Public Sex  

I woke up and saw the light was still on and turned to look out of my window. I saw no one looking so I got, turned the light off and went to the bathroom. I made a note to add toiletries to my shopping list although not make-up, I’d never worn make-up and didn’t want to start.

Fifteen minutes later I was slipping my dress on and going down to the restaurant to get some breakfast. I only thought about my very short dress when I put it on, then forgot about it. The smell of the bacon was very enticing even from the reception and there was no man waiting to direct me to a table as I entered the restaurant. Instead there was another waitress who told me that it was self-service and that I could sit anywhere.

No sooner than I had sat at a table than another waitress walked up to me and asked me if I would like some coffee. I was more interested in looking around than looking to see where she was looking and when she walked away I decided to do the same as a man who looked to be going to get something to eat. A few minutes later I was walking back to my table with the biggest breakfast that I had ever had.

As I tucked in I remembered the single slice of toast that I’d had for my breakfast the previous day.

I left the restaurant feeling a bit bloated and swearing not to have such a big breakfast ever again.

Back in my room I packed my new clothes into just 2 bags, put my phone and purse into one of them and set off to walk to the seamstress.

It wasn’t the warmest of English summer mornings and I soon felt the cool breeze on my pussy. For a couple of seconds I reconsidered the length that I wanted the seamstress to shorten my skirts and dresses to but when my pussy started to enjoy the gentle breeze I soon went back to my original plan.

It only took about 10 minutes to get to the little shop and I was greeted by a woman who looked to be about 10 years older than me and she introduced herself,

“Hi, I’m Lucy, you must be Penelope.”

We shook hands then Lucy said,

“So Penelope, you have some clothes that you want some adjustment to.”

“Yes, I take it that Bob told you that I am 18 years old and that I want to dress like other 18 year old girls. As you can imagine by looking at me you will understand that it is very difficult to get young women’s clothes that fit me.”

“Bob did tell me a little bit about your problem, but don’t you worry, I can soon make you look just as fashionable and as beautiful as any of the top fashion models.”

“I doubt that but something like would be good.”

“Oh Penelope, don’t be so despondent, you’ll soon have all the young men chasing after you.”

“Lucy, if you can do half of what you say I will be very happy.”

“You will be Penelope.”

“Please, call me just Penny.”

“Well just Penny, before we go any further I need to take a lot of measurements, please take your clothes off, shoes as well, and I’ll get started.”

“What? Here?”

“Yes, don’t worry, no one will see you.”

“But I’m in the middle of your shop and there’s a big glass window.”

“Don’t worry about it, they only people who will look in are those who are my customers. How many times have you walked passed this shop and not even realised that it was here?”

“Dozens.” I replied as I lifted my dress up and off leaving me naked in the middle of the shop. As I kicked my shoes off I continued,

“I guess that if anyone did see me they’d just think that I was a little girl and not give me a second glance.”

“Now now Penny you have a body that thousands, probably millions of men would like to get their hands on. Do I take it that by your lack of underwear and that very short dress that you like men looking at your naked body?”

“Until yesterday I never even considered the possibility and only dressed in skirts and dresses that came down to my knees but yesterday when I was shopping I sort of accidentally ended up without knickers and wearing that dress and I sort of got to like it. It feels so naughty and nice walking about like that.”

“I can relate to that, you dress how you want and enjoy your youth Penny. Now, measurements.”

Lucy spent ages taking measurements from just about every part of my body, at one point I thought that she was measuring the length of my slit, and by the end I had stopped thinking about people being able to see me through the windows.

When she was measuring my chest she pinched one of my nipples and said,

“You have nice, big nipples Penny, are they always this hard?”

“I’m sure that they didn’t used to be, I never really noticed but yesterday they started tingling and I saw that they were like they are now. I don’t think that they’ve gone soft or stopped tingling since yesterday.”

“That’s good Penny, I think that I’ll be able to make a feature of them on some of your tops.”

I didn’t know what Lucy meant so I didn’t say anything.

Also, when Lucy was measuring my legs and thighs I felt the measuring tape touch both my slit and my clit. When I gasped a little Lucy said,

“Does your clit stick out like this a lot Penny?”

“Same story as my nipples, I never really noticed it until yesterday and it’s been tingling something rotten ever since.”

“You are a lucky girl Penny, lots of girls would die for a clit and pussy like yours.”

“I guess that that’s nice to hear, again I never took much notice of it until yesterday, it was just somewhere that I peed from.”

“Penny, you’re probably thinking that no man would like you with the body that you have, but I assure you that you are wrong. With that body you can have lots of fun.”

I wasn’t sure whether or not to believe Lucy but at the same time I really had enjoyed the men looking up my short dress.

“Right Penny, I think that I’ve got all the measurements that I need, you’re actually enjoying standing there like that aren’t you?”

“I guess that I am, how can you tell?”

“For starters you’ve relaxed a lot since you got here and you’ve stopped turning your head to check that no one is looking in. Also you are leaking, a sure sign that you are aroused.”

I think that I blushed a bit as I replied,

“Sorry, yes I am.”

“You have no reason to be sorry Penny, quite the reverse, if just standing there turns you on then wait until you go out in the clothes that I’ll make for you.”

“Oh, I just thought that you would be shortening the dresses and skirts that I’ve brought in.”

“I will but I’ll also make a few changes that I’m sure you will like and help you to get the attention that you desire and deserve.”

“Wow Lucy, I’m starting to think that you know me better than I do.”

“I’ve known quite a few girls a bit like you that needed a bit of a personal character boost, and Penny my girl, when I’ve finished with those clothes you’ll feel like you can conquer the world.”

“That would be nice. I haven’t had much going for me up until now.”

“Yes you have, you just haven’t realised it Penny but no fear, Lucy is here. Now comes the tedious part for you, I need you to put on each item that you’ve bought so that I can get some ideas as to what will work for you.”

I started with one of the summer dresses and as soon as it was on Lucy said,

“So how short were you thinking of getting me to shorten it Penny?”

“As short as the dress I was wearing when I arrived.” As I said that I pulled the skirt part of the dress up so that it just covered my slit.

“Good, I’m glad you said that. Am I right in assuming that you want all the skirts and dresses that short? I don’t think that they should be any shorter, remember that as long as your slit is covered when you are standing up straight you won’t have any problems with the law.”

“Yes, I hadn’t thought about the police.”

“There’s no need for you to concern yourself with that, I’ll make sure that you won’t be breaking any laws.”

“Thank you Lucy.”

It was a bit tedious trying on all the different items, watching Lucy study me then make a few notes in a little book, but as we finally got to the last one I realised that I hadn’t once looked to see if anyone was looking at me and a small part of me was disappointed. What’s more when I looked down at my chest my nipples were still as erect as they were when I first stripped off, and my pussy was still tingling. I was starting to think that rock hard nipples and a protruding, hard and tingling clit were to be a permanent part of me.

“Well done Penny, a lot of girls would have stopped me half way through and I would have had to asked them to come back a second time. Now, it will take me a few days to do all of these, do you want me to call you when I’ve got some of them done. I warn you, I will need you to try each one on to make sure that we are both happy with my work.”

“That’s okay Lucy, I sort of enjoyed standing there like this.”

“So I see. You can get put your dress back on now Penny, or you could leave it here and got to wherever like you are.”

“Very funny,” I said as I put my original dress back on. “So how and when do I pay you Lucy?”

“When I’ve completed all of them and you are happy with my work.”

“Okay, thank you Lucy and I look forward to hearing from you.”

“Bye Penny, and remember what I said.”

As I walked down the street I did think about everything that she’d said to me and I thought that maybe being a millionaire wasn’t that bad after all.

My bank was the first place that I came to that I needed to go in. You should have seen the face of the snooty looking woman, wearing way too much makeup, when she saw the cheque.

“Would you just excuse me for a minute.” the woman said as she got to he feet and walked away.

Two minutes later she was back along with a man in a suit who asked me to join him in a little office.

“Here we go again.” I thought as I sat at the other side of the computer to him.

He handed me a piece of paper and asked me to sign it which I did. Then he held it up and was obviously comparing it to an image on the screen.

“Well Ms McNally this is a lot of money, have you won the lottery or something?”

“Or something.” I replied not really wanting to tell him how I got the money.

“I see that there are some transaction for a large hotel in town, could you tell me the name of that hotel?”

I did and guessed that he was trying to verify that I was who I said I was.

“Okay, Ms McNally when anyone comes in here wanting to deposit such a large sum of money we have to offer the services of one of our financial advisers, would you like me to get one to come and see you right now?”

“Thank you but no, I already have a financial advisor.”

“Oh well, I had to ask, I hope that he is a good one and can make your money grow.”

“So do I, can I just deposit that cheque please, I’ve got a lot to do today.”

The man tapped away on the computer then handed me a receipt. I put it in my bag then got up to leave.

“Well Ms McNally, if there’s anything that I can help you with please let me know.”

He handed me a business card and I left, dumping his card in the first trash can that I saw.

A Post Office was my next port of call to get the application forms to apply for a passport and a driving licence. I also knew that I’d need some passport photographs so I got some from a machine whilst I was there. Getting all that I needed was easy and I also got a copy of the ‘Highway Code’ book because I knew that I would need to know everything in it and as I walked to Bob Hammond’s office I looked at the cars driving down the street trying to decide which one I wanted to buy.

Bob’s office was just down the road from my lawyers office and it didn’t take that long to walk there. The day had started to warm up and I missed the cool breeze tickling my pussy.

After greetings Bob said,

“Wow Penelope, I can see changes in you already, are you happy with how things are going so far?”

“Yes thanks but I’m starting to realised that being a millionaire is a lot of hard work.”

“Yes it is, did you go and see Lucy?”

“I did, and Lucy is a remarkable woman.”

“Yes she is, that dress that you are wearing is that one of hers?”

“No, no, this ‘thing’ is just something that I had to get after I threw out all my old clothes. I had to go to a kid’s store to get this, I bet that you can tell that it’s a little girl’s dress can’t you.”

“No not really.”

“That was a ‘safe’ answer Bob, seriously, I’d like your opinion on everything that I do and wear.”

“Okay, I think that that dress is, err, shall we say a little too young for you Penny. It’s a length that is typical for girls your age but it’s not exactly fashionable.”

“I totally agree with you Bob, as I said I sort of had to buy it and wearing it without any knickers has been an eye opener for me.”

“I can imagine. Now, before the conversation gets too personal I have a few forms for you to sign, bank accounts, credit cards and the likes. Shall we get started?”

“May as well. I’ve also got a couple of application forms that I need to complete, driving licence and passport, I got some of those photos that I need from the Post Office whilst I was there.”

“Good, we can do those forms together after we’ve done the ones that I’ve got for you, Oh, by the way, did you go to the Yorkshire Hotel?”

“Yes, it’s nice there.”

“Yes it is, this form is for a new bank account for you.”

We went through all the forms that Bob had for me and I was happy with his non legal way of explaining them to me. Then we started on the 2 forms that I had brought. Bob took them from me and he entered everything that he could, asking me questions as we went. I just hoped that ‘Unknown’ would be acceptable in some of the boxes like ‘father’s and mother’s names’.

Bob assured me that everything would go through okay and all I had to do was take them to my lawyer’s office and get him to sign in a couple of places.

When it was all finished Bob said,

“So Penny, how are you adjusting to your new life style? Are you coping okay, do you have any question or want to talk over anything?”

“Well Bob, things are certainly different.”

I went on to tell him most of what I had done and bought. Then I asked,

“Bob is it normal for a girl’s libido to increase quite dramatically in a situation like mine? I’ve never been so horny and I’ve discovered that I like exposing myself to men.”

“Like you are right now Penny?”

I looked down at my lap and saw that my dress was bunched up round my waist and with my uncrossed legs Bob was looking at my slit and clit.

“Oops, sorry.” I said and put my hand on my lap.”

“Don’t be sorry Penny, never be ashamed of your body, even with your circumstances. The human body is a work of art that needs to be appreciated by everyone.”

As he was saying that I wonder if he was telling me that I should be naked all the time, or at least flash my pussy to everyone. I smiled a little and realised that I’d been doing that quite a lot these last 24 hours. Bob continued,

“With your disposition Penny you’ll find that by pretending to be the girl you look like you will be able to get away with almost anything.”

“Bloody hell,” I thought, “he IS telling me to flash my body to everyone.”

I moved my hand from my lap, opened my knees a little and saw Bob’s eyes go down to my slit and that tingling started again.

“Bloody hell, he’s liking what he can see.” I thought.

“So you’re saying that it’s normal for me to expose myself?”

“Yes, Penny, but just be careful where you do it.”

“So it’s okay for me to wear skirts and dresses this short?” I asked.

“Stand up Penny.”

I did and the material stayed bunched up round my waist.

“Straighten your skirt Penny.” Bob said after he’d stared at my slit for a few second which caused the tingling to get stronger.

I did then Bob said,

“That’s quite decent Penny, no one could be offended by you wearing that dress.”

“Good,” I replied, “because I’ve asked Lucy to shorten all my new clothes to this length.”

“Well I’m sure that you’ll have lots of fun wearing them.”

“Thank you Bob, I’m, also thinking of going to the leisure centre at the hotel and getting some exercise.”

“That’s a good ideas Penny, exercise is good for you and it keeps you body looking good.”

“Are you saying that I look good Bob?”

“Yes I am and I will never lie to you.”

“Well thank you Bob, you’re good at boosting a girl’s self confidence.”

“That’s part of my job.”

“Well I thank you for that but I’m guessing that that will be reflected in your bill.”

“Penny, you don’t need to worry about money, unless you try to buy some mansion somewhere, I’ll make sure that you are never short of money, in fact you are probably worth more today than you were yesterday.”

“You’ll have to explain that to me sometime, but not right now, I have things to do.”

“The first thing of which is go and see Ken Marshall to get his signature.”


I turned and left, smiling at Bob as I left.

Five minutes later I was in my lawyers office and he was signing my application forms.

“Leave them with me along with the photographs and I’ll get them in the post tonight Penelope.” Mr. Marshall said.

I did, and set off for the shopping centre. My first challenge was to get a laptop, since I had the money I wanted a good one so I went to 2 shops and asked them both which was the best top-end laptop to buy. They asked me a few questions then made their recommendations. I was surprised that they both recommended the same one so I bought one in the second shop, the sales guy giving the questioning looks until the sales transaction went through.

“Another dick head who thinks that I’m a kid.” I thought.

Next on my list was some knickers and a bikini. I was very sceptical about being able to find any nice ones that I liked that were small enough. I browsed through 2 shops offerings and was getting more and more depressed and rapidly coming to the conclusion that I should never wear knickers again when I came across some side-tie thongs that I thought could be mistaken for a bikini thong. They were very small and very narrow but hey, all I had to cover was a coin slot slit with a bump at one end, a band-aid would cover it.

I just knew that it would fit me even if there were long strings hanging down the sides. Happy that I’d I’d found something that would work I took 3 of them to the sales counter and bought them.

As I walked out of that store I was a lot happier, what’s more there were only 2 items left on my shopping list. I decided to have a break and went to the food hall. It was on the next level and as I went up the escalator I was followed by some young men. As I stood there I heard them talking, about me.

“Look guys, you can see that girls butt and pussy.”

“She’s only a kid, stop looking.”

“Hell no, a pussy is a pussy and that girl’s is wet, she’s horny.”

“I didn’t know that girls her age could get horny.”

“Of course they can, rub that little clit that we can see and I bet that she’ll cum.”

“I’d love to prove that mate.”

“Me too.”

Just then the escalator reached the top and I stepped off thinking that maybe there was a chance that I could get a boyfriend and have a normal sex life.

I got a salad and a drink thinking that I had to make up for having such a big English breakfast then went to a table where I could people watch. I sat like I had in the hotel restaurant, even letting my knees drift apart a bit and watched while I ate.

I watched the couples, the singles, the men, the women and the teenagers. I’ll admit that was a little jealous of the young couples who were acting all lovey-dovey. I saw an older couple who looked to be arguing and hoped that if I ever got a boyfriend that we’d never end up like that. I watched the cute young men and wondered what they’d look like naked, and I watched the single girls all constantly checking their clothes and their hair.

I watched one girl, who looked to be round my age, she was wearing a short skirt and was sat like I was, with her knees open wider than mine were. Then I looked in front of her and saw a table with 2 young men at it and they were staring at her.

“Bloody hell,” I thought, “she’s flashing her pussy to those guys, I wonder if she’s wearing any knickers.”

I wasn’t about to go and ask her, or have a look so I moved on to look at someone else but I kept going back to that girl. At first glance she appeared to be engrossed in her phone but as I kept looking I saw her eyes keep lifting and looking towards the 2 guys.

“She’s loving doing that.” I thought then I remembered what I’d done to Bob and the fact that I loved that as well. Then I thought,

“Well I guess that she’s not the only girl who loves flashing Bob was right.”

I looked down at my lap and saw that my knees had drifted well apart. Then I looked in front of me and was disappointed that I couldn’t see anyone looking at me.

“Next time I’ll pick a better table to sit at.” I thought then thought,

“I guess that I am an exhibitionist. Not that I’m going to have a lot of luck at that with a body like mine. But hey, those guys on the escalator liked what they saw.”

I perked up a bit and got on with finishing my salad.

My next shop was one selling handbags and I easily found a little clutch bag and a bigger bag that I likes so I bought them.

My next stop was the shoe shop next door. The shoes in the window looked okay but the price tags didn’t.

“What the hell.” I thought and went in only to be met by a young man asking how he could help me.

“I’m looking for some shoes, heels and trainers.”

“Would madam like to follow me please?”

“At least he was treating me like an adult.” I thought.

I pointed to a few pairs that I liked and then he led me over to the feet measuring device where I kicked my tatty old flats off and stood on the feet marks.

It was when he knelt down in front of me that I realised that from where he was he was probably going to see something that might just make him a happy young man, and my pussy started tingling again.

He adjusted the whatever then looked up at me. As his eyes looked up me they paused when he saw my uncovered slit and clit. I felt the tingling get stronger and my pussy feel wet.

“If madam would care to take a seat I will go and get the shoes that you selected in your size.”

I got the urge to let that guy have a good look at my pussy and went to a seat facing a wall. As I sat down with my knees apart I realised that I’d left my old shoes by the measuring machine. I didn’t go to get them.

When the young man came back he was carrying at least 6 boxes of shoes.

“Oh my gawd, this could take ages.” I thought as he knelt in front of me.

I saw him look up my skirt, well he would have if my skirt hadn’t been bunched up by my waist, and I felt another wet rush.

“Which pair would madam care to try on first?” he asked.

“The ones in the top box.” I replied.

“And would madam like any help trying them on?”

“Err yes please, that’s a good idea.”

The young man got the shoes out of the box then lifted my right foot. He was a bit close and I had to move my knee outwards a bit more to allow him to put the shoe on then fasten it. As my knee went out I felt my lips open a bit, the young man’s was looking at my spread pussy.

My heart was pounding and the tingling was really strong as he fastened the shoe whilst looking at my pussy. He must have been on autopilot or something because he put on and fastened both shoes without taking his eyes from my pussy.

There was at least 5 seconds of silence after both shoes were fastened before he finally said,

“Would madam care to take a short walk to see how they feel?”

“Err yes please” I replied getting to my feet meaning that my pussy was right in front of his face before I finally straightened my dress and stepped sideways.

The shoes felt okay and as I walked back to him I could see that his eyes were not looking at my face, nor my feet. I smiled and decided that shoe shopping was good fun.

We went through the same procedure with 6 more pairs of shoes and by the end I’m sure that there was a little puddle in front of that chair. I was so close to cumming that I just knew that it would take just one more little thing to send me over the edge.

“I’ll take them all.” I said as I stood up after the last pair, putting my pussy right in front of his face for the last time.

Again I waited a few seconds before straightening my dress and he waited a few more seconds before he stood up. I looked at the front of his trousers and saw a big bulge and a little wet spot.

I followed him to the sales counted and handed over my bank card.

Transaction completed he started putting each box into a separate plastic bag.

“I’m not going to be able to carry all those am I.” I stated.

“Oh, I guess not.”

“Empty each box into one big bag please, but I’d like to wear one pair to go please.”

He did and I selected the 3 inch heels to wear. I’d never worn heels before and it had been a slight challenge wearing them when I’d first put them on.

I left the store with 6 pairs of shoes and a pair of trainers in a big bag, one pair on my feet and my old shoes still where I had taken them off.

It took me a few metres to get used to the heels and I wondered if it was true what I’d heard people say, that a girl’s legs looked better when she was wearing heels

I finally made it back to the hotel with my arms aching because of all the bags that I’d been carrying. It was only when I was approaching the entrance and I saw a taxi pull up that I realised that I should have got a taxi back.

“Never mind,” I thought, “the exercise will do me good.”

Back in my room I took the dress off and hung it up. Then I started unpacking my bags and laptop. After I’d put the clothes away I opened the laptop box and got started. Thankfully, it being a top end spec it was fast and I soon had it setup and connected to the hotel’s Wi-Fi. I knew that that was only the start but it was good one, I could browse the internet with a decent sized screen.

Then I lay back on the bed and took care of the problem that had become urgent in the shoe shop,

Orgasm over I just lay there recovering and wondering what had happened to me. Two days ago I was wearing dowdy, old clothes and sex was the last thing on my mind, and now, I’d lost count of the orgasms that I’d had and I’d flashed my pussy to goodness knows how many men. Bob had said that it was normal but it didn’t seem that way to me, apart from that one girl in the food hall I had never even seen a girl flashing before yet here I was doing it all the time.

There was one good thing, and that was those guys on the escalator, they seemed to like what they saw even though it wasn’t like a normal young woman’s pussy. Well, as one of the guys said, a pussy is a pussy. Maybe there was hope for me.

The more I thought about my new position in life the more I liked it, even the exposing my pussy.

I got to my feet and looked out of the window. As I scanned the windows in the next hotel I found myself hoping that someone, preferably a man, was looking at me. My left hand went to my flat right tit and squeezed and pulled my nipple whilst my right hand went to my pussy and squeezed and pulled my clit. They both felt nice but I couldn’t see anyone watching me.

I turned and sorted some things out then put the TV on. I soon got bored with that, powered up my laptop and started to search for girls who liked to show their pussies to everyone. It didn’t take long to be looking at videos of girls letting the world see their pussies. That in itself didn’t really interest me it was more the context and the location that interested me. Most of the videos looked to be just a setup for the probable purpose of selling videos but I did get a few ideas like sitting on high stools in bars, sitting on the steps up to public buildings.

Then I came across webcam sites and watched a couple of girls stripping and playing with themselves for their webcams. I almost instantly decided that I was going to sign-up for one of those site and have some of the fun that those girls obviously were.

I was also very curious about some of the pink things that were sticking out of some of the girl’s pussies. I decided to do some research into those.

On some of them, I suppose, porn sites I searched for ‘tiny tits’, ‘no tits’ and ‘tiny pussies’ and was pleased to discover that I wasn’t the only girl in the world with tits as non-existent as mine and pussies that looked like mine. That made me feel quite a bit better. Bob was right again.

Having done enough browsing for a while I decided to go and see if Karen was in the leisure centre. I put my dress on and headed down there.

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