Kindred Spirits - Cover

Kindred Spirits

Copyright© 2021 by Vincent Berg

01: Feeling Each Other Out

There’s something about kindred spirits,
you meet them and for a moment [and] this world
no matter [how] ugly, makes sense.
They bring a sense of freedom and clarity to one conversation;
just enough to remind you of who you are.

Nikki Rowe

A photo of two women

If the date is a complete disaster, I’ll text you.
I’ll say ‘Blue Squirrel, this is Hot Fox.
Mission to be aborted with extreme prejudice.’
Then you call me and you tell me that there is a
terrible emergency that requires my expert warlock assistance.

Cassandra Clare

Logan Sykes entered his home, closing the door and marveling at the silence of the still house. His parents were visiting his grandparents and his regular practice was canceled because the tennis coach called in sick. He also knew his younger sister, Leslie, would never abide an empty house and would certainly be out with her girlfriends somewhere. She’s the proverbial social butterfly.

Hanging up his jacket, he considered heading out for a walk later with nothing planned as he basked in the silence, absorbing the stillness of the house. Grinning, he strolled up to the second floor. He was tempted to whistle but enjoyed the rare solitude too much to violate it unnecessarily.

At the top of the stairs, he turned right but froze, hearing moaning. Fearing the day’s seclusion was permanently interrupted, he listened attentively. His sister’s door was ajar—something she never did, as she jealously guarded her privacy—as Logan wouldn’t ever barge in.

Stepping closer, the moans continued. He assumed Leslie was watching porn, but they were so loud he feared someone was being hurt, his protectiveness driving him forward.

Silently opening the door, expecting some mysterious new boyfriend assaulting her, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping.


There lay his sister, completely naked, atop another equally nude girl. Leslie was easy to identify, though her face was buried in the other girl’s crotch. Her long blond hair and cute little butt were unmistakable. Lying in a sixty-nine position, he couldn’t determine who the other girl was, but was riveted by the scene, unable to fathom what was happening.

Hearing him, the girls rolled apart, clutching their breasts with one hand and their groins with the other in a seemingly choreographed movement. “Crap!” Leslie shouted, a glimpse of terror etched into her expression. “What the hell are you doing home?”

“Practice was canceled and...”

“Crap! Crap! Crap!” she moaned, closing her eyes and tilting her head back.”

“It isn’t that bad,” her best friend, Aiesha said. Though Logan had long known her, he’d never seen her like this. Her curly black hair was soft and bounced whenever she moved and her skin was clear, her cheeks as flushed as her breasts. “It’s messy, but it isn’t a disaster.”

“Still, it complicates...” Leslie’s eyes reopened, as if suddenly recalling her brother was gawking at them. She looked livid. “What the heck at you staring at? This isn’t some peep show.”

“Uh ... Sorry.” he spun around, facing the open door. “I didn’t mean to stare, but ... I was ... shocked.”

“Logan, we have to dress. Could you leave us alone? We ... need to talk.”

“Sure. I’m not thinking straight. Of course. Take as much time as you need.”

He stepped out and turned to close the door, once more observing the naked girls. Aiesha screamed “Get out!” and threw a stuffed animal, which bounced off the door, slamming it shut.

He turned, unsure how to respond. Clearly, he hadn’t handled it well, and they were both pissed. Standing alone in the hall, he considered what to do, then sighed. He heard the scramble of feet behind him, turning again as the door cracked open as Leslie peered out, only her face exposed.

“Look, we really need to discuss this. Don’t go anywhere. We’ll work this out, but Ai and I have to figure out how to handle this. We’ll discuss this once we’re done.”

Leslie’s tanned complexion contrasted with Logan’s pale appearance, and while their hair color was similar, the ends were damp and clung to her skin. Her face, still flushed, highlighted her subtle freckles, her eyes insistent and unrelenting.

“Uh, okay,” he said, as his sister hurriedly shut the door again, the lock clicking.

Still unsure what he was supposed to do, the vision of Leslie and Aiesha forever burned into his memory and his penis throbbed, demanding release. He headed to the bathroom, about to close the door when he hesitated.

The girls’ voices were raised, arguing, though he couldn’t make out the words. Though it was dangerous, he wanted some warning before they came looking and discovered him beating off in the lavatory. At least this way, he hoped he’d hear them in enough time to make himself somewhat presentable. Meanwhile, he sat on the closed toilet seat, releasing his straining chicken in his pants and violently wringing its neck!

Logan found his release long before the girls exited. Uncertain what to do, he wandered into his room, leaving the door open. But he couldn’t purge the image of the two, so it didn’t take until his hand returned to his pocket. Still, they continued arguing, though their intensity tapered off. However they planned on retaliating, they were clearly planning something complicated, and he wasn’t looking forward to it.

In the end, it was nearly ten minutes until they did anything, and then they cracked their door. “Logan, we’re ready,” was all Leslie said, retreating again though she left her door ajar once more.

Swallowing, he removed his hand from his jeans for the twelfth time, bit his lip and made his way to her room. A condemned man heading for the gallows, uncertain what to expect but anticipating yelling and jeering, either way.

Entering his sister’s room though, they appeared calm. “Sit,” Leslie instructed, indicating a chair set out by her desk, as they sat facing him cross-legged on the bed. He considered them hesitantly. “Again, I’m sorry,” he fumbled for an explanation. “It’s like if I entered the living room and everyone’s twerking. No matter how unbelievable it is, you just can’t look away.”

“Don’t worry,” Leslie soothed, her eyes belying her words. “Your reaction was normal, but ... I guess explanations are in order. Before I begin, can you answer a question?” Unsure where this was heading, he nodded. “Have you been purposefully avoiding Ai, did you just never notice her constant flirting, or are you just uninterested.”

Logan glanced at Aiesha, who though her head was lowered, carefully observed his responses, her eyes moist and glistening in the light.

“Uh, no,” he began, a church mouse arguing with the rectory cat as it flexes its claws. I ... I didn’t ... no, I couldn’t. You know me, frankly I was terrified of even acknowledging it, not knowing how you’d respond. But more importantly, as attracted as I was towards her, it’s just not who I am. I wasn’t about to hit on your best friend, so ... I kept my distance, less I made a fool of myself or did something I could never live down.

I ... knew she enjoyed teasing me, but it felt like walking through a minefield. One wrong move and either I’d wreck our relationship, or yours.”

“Fair enough,” Leslie said, “even if your thinking is a little convoluted.” She stared at him. “Trust me, neither of us was teasing you. But let me explain.

“Ai and I never planned this. She’s always had a thing for you, but one day our eyes met, and we were all over each other.”

“Please, you don’t need to tell me,” he pleaded, but she persisted.

“No, I do, because there are other issues involved. Unlike myself, who’s always known I’m a lesbian, Ai is basically straight.”

“I prefer the term ambisexual,” Aiesha corrected her. “While I can go either way, I primarily lean towards guys.”

“Hold on a second,” he said, holding his hand up to pause the conversation. “How can you be gay? You never seemed any different.”

Leslie rolled her eyes, smirking. “How do you think lesbians behave? Do you think we all gather in the moonlight, dancing around an open fire while howling at the moon?”

“No, but...”

“Seriously,” Aiesha countered, ticking off her fingers one by one. “You sister has never worn a dress in her life. She doesn’t wear anything other than sneakers or boots, and I don’t think she’s ever used makeup—though I keep encouraging her to.” She stood, crossing to Leslie’s closet before stooping and grabbing a pair of shoes, holding them aloft. “Do these look even faintly feminine?”

“No, but that’s just Leslie. She’s always been that way.”

“Exactly,” they both said, smiling knowingly, though Logan wasn’t convinced.

“She wears those because she always plays sports.”

“Think about that,” Aiesha suggested. “Why do you think that is? Can you think of any reason she might want to spend all her time around other women in sweaty locker rooms and taking communal showers?” He paused, various images flashing across his mind as he blushed profusely. “Trust me, your sister is a committed lesbian.”

“Though Ai isn’t,” Leslie continued, “and it’s always worried me. Though we have a great relationship and truly love each other, I worry one day she’s going to see some guy and ... decide to see how the other half lives.”

“When we first made out, it surprised us both,” Aiesha explained. “Neither of us expected it.”

“You’ve never met them, but Ai has two mothers. Thus, she’s more understanding of gender fluidity.”


“I know, unlike me, she typically wears dresses. Though I love seeing her dressing up for me,” Leslie’s eyes glazed over momentarily, “it highlights how far apart our expectations are.”

“Why are you telling me all these personal details?” Logan asked nervously.

“Because it sets the stage for what follows,” Leslie insisted. “As she’s essentially straight, she’s always been more attracted to you.”

“It’s true.” Aiesha’s cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of pink enhancing her mocha features and dark curly hair, highlighting her earlier naked excitement. “But that’s also why I was initially drawn to your sister. You have the same physique, move in similar ways, and though you’re decidedly different physically, you share the same unisex appeal.”

“Pardon me, I don’t think any guy wants to hear about his ‘unisex’ appeal.”

“You know what I mean. You have the same boyish hips, thin body and broad shoulders. No offense, but you’ve got a nice walk, more refined than most guys, which attracts the eyes. It’s more sleek sophistication and debonair than sheer muscular swagger, which has always turned me off.”

“Anyway, I’ve always worried about her meeting some cute guy and drifting away,” Leslie admitted. “I assumed it would happen eventually, as it’s her natural inclination. But...”

She paused, glancing at her girlfriend before continuing. “Given that, our solution covers everyone’s bases. While I’m comfortable being gay, a lot of my friends are nervous because ... well, I’m fairly butch. And Dad’s pretty conservative. His catholic roots keep showing, and although he knows better, he still considers homosexuality a sin. So, I’m in no hurry to publicly declare my sexual inclinations.

“What we’re suggesting is if you date Ai, it’ll cover our relationship, while our continuing to spend time together will seem perfectly natural.”

“Especially if you intimate we’re gossiping about you.”

“Look, I don’t want to get between you two, and I certainly don’t want to steal your girlfriend,” he protested.

“But you won’t,” Leslie enthused. “She’s always been drawn to you, so it’ll be a perfect match. It will alleviate my worries about her chasing after some random guy or your never dating and explain why I’m always hanging around. Everybody wins.”

“This seems overly complicated. Not to mention a little forced.”

“Only because you kept ignoring my flirtations,” Aiesha parried. “You practically ran whenever you saw me coming.”

Logan blushed. “Only because I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to resist you and never wanted to hurt either of you.”

Her eyes narrowed, burrowing into his. “And you never thought avoiding me wasn’t painful?” she pressed.

His head dropped. “No, although I’m slow about picking up a lot of things, I was aware of it. But thought—”

“Never mind what you thought,” Leslie said. “Now that we’ve cleared the air, it’s time you step up to the plate. Face it, the girl is crazy about you. It’s about time you found someone besides me who can pull you out of your shell. Trust me, Mom and Dad worry enough about you, it’ll ease their minds about your ability to fit in socially.”

“I always openly flirted with you. If you’d ever responded, Leslie and I would likely never have connected. But the fact you didn’t meant I was primed for her, since you’re so similar.”

She paused, glancing between them. “When I transferred to your school last fall, I was immediately drawn to Leslie—as we were in the same social circles. I noticed you, but you were so distant, I never knew how to approach you. Part of my getting chummy with Leslie was just to get close enough to talk to you. Once we did, I felt like I’d won the lottery. So, there’s nothing forced about this. I’ve been chomping at the bit for some time.”

“I explained you’re somewhat slow picking up emotional cues,” Leslie interjected.

“I,” Logan conceded, a light flush crawling across his cheeks, “was aware you were flirting but I’m not overly confident nor the type who’d seduce my sister’s closest friend.”

“I kept advising her to simply give you time and you’d eventually see the writing on the wall,” Leslie expanded. “But you’re too damn idealistic to act in everyone’s best interest. But now’s your chance.

“If you ask her out, it will solve all of our problems. You’ve been on your own for too long. More than anything else, this will free me to pursue my own interests, rather than constantly fretting over you.”

He glanced at them timorously. “You don’t think it’ll trigger disagreements? It’s like doing somersaults through a minefield wearing a feather boa? It’s not only dangerous, but so out of character everyone will notice.”

“Your dating anyone is uncharacteristic,” Leslie countered, rolling her eyes. “They’ll think you’re finally maturing and behaving like a typical guy. As I said, Mom and Dad will worry less if you begin interacting with someone besides me.

“I can’t honestly say whether there won’t be some jealousy,” she continued, “as it depends on how we handle it. But you know I’m always there for you, Logan, and will do anything for you. This is ideal. Instead of fighting over her, we can take turns and cover for each other, so our ‘rents won’t suspect a thing.

“They’re well aware you’re uncomfortable with people, and they’re worried you’ll live with them forever. Courting Ai will demonstrate you’re ready to join humanity, rather than spending every waking moment in your room contemplating things they can’t comprehend. Face it, it’s not easy raising someone like you.

“They’re terrified you’ll never fit in. If you start dating, hopefully they’ll relax, and things won’t be nearly as tense. Ai will be overjoyed, won’t have to give up either of us, and will help you be more social. Which your doctor says is essential to your well-being. As much as you like it, you can’t remain a hermit for the rest of your life. We all worry about you and want you to be happy, bro.”

“So, how would this work?” he pressed, still skeptical. “You just continue as you have, and I occasionally take her out socially? Do we date her as a team, tag-teaming her and slapping each other’s hand when it’s time to switch? This isn’t sounding very natural.”

“We’ll have to ease into it,” Leslie admitted. “See what works and what doesn’t, but I’m committed to making this succeed, as I’m interested in both of your happinesses. If it doesn’t work for one, it won’t for the others. Whatever happens, we’ll solve this, but trust me, this is vital for each of us.”

“I think it’s worth the risk,” Aiesha suggested. “If we don’t try, Leslie is right, this will eventually leak out, whether intentionally or not. I’ve been spending way too much time over here for people to not start asking questions. But ... if everyone realizes you and I are dating, even if it does, no one’s likely to believe it.”

“If you’re worried about misinterpreting things, Ai knows about your issues.”

“No, that’s not my concern, though it’s handy she’s aware of it so we can head them off in the future, but this is sure to get complicated.”

“Simplicity’s for simpletons,” Ai said. “Personally, I like complexity, as it reveals everyone’s true character. If we can handle a few complications, we’ll all be richer and know each other even better. If not, we’ll learn as we go. It’s not so much peeing in our playpen as mixing business and pleasure. Millions of people get involved with someone at work, and while some screw up, others manage it well.”

“So, what do you say, bro? Are you willing to take a chance on love? If not for yourself, then at least for us?”

“Damn, it’s hard arguing with that. I still have reservations, but it sounds intriguing. While I never acted on my feeling for Aiesha, I’ve always wanted to. I hate admitting it, but I’m in.”

“Great!” Leslie declared. “We’ll finalize the details and head somewhere to explore our feelings tomorrow. I can’t believe it; I’m finally setting my dorky brother up on a real date with my own girlfriend! You can count this as my birthday present this year, as I’m just as afraid of you never meeting anyone as everyone else!”

“What is this place?” Aiesha asked, observing the large industrial buildings, especially the towering brewery they were approaching.

“Hey, I couldn’t let you two to pick the restaurant,” Logan said. “I don’t have any problem with either of your tastes, but you already have a numerical edge. You certainly don’t need a home-field advantage too. But it has a decent selection, a comfortable atmosphere, and best of all, we can afford it.”

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