Communion - Cover


by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2021 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Sex Story: The pastor offers Tasha a "special" communion. Illustrated.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex   Clergy   Illustrated   .

One day after church Pastor Malcomb asked Tasha if she might stay for a bit. “Don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble that I know of. And I’ll give you a ride home.”

Once the church was empty, Pastor Malcomb took Tasha by the hand and led her to the altar. “This is entirely up to you,” he said, “but I was wondering if you might like to try a special communion.”

“How is it special?” Tasha asked.

“You know the part about ‘take of my body’?”

Tasha nodded.

“I thought we might try something a little more substantial. Does that sound good to you?”

Tasha nodded again.

“Excellent,” said Pastor Malcomb. “This would work best if you kneel.”

Tasha knelt.

“Very good, my child. Now close your eyes a moment.”

Tasha closed her eyes.

“Okay, now you can open them.”

Tasha opened her eyes.

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Jutting before her was Pastor Malcomb’s penis. It was fully erect. Tasha didn’t hesitate. She took of Pastor Malcomb’s body.

The cock was neither too big nor too small, but just right. Tasha sucked avidly, and in less than a minute Pastor Malcomb’s orgasm began. Jolt after jolt of fluid, warm and comforting, filled Tasha’s mouth. Keeping the cock in her mouth, she managed to swallow most of the elixir.

“Oh, honey lamb,” Pastor Malcomb exclaimed, and his cock surged again, and then again, and at last he was empty.

Lips glistening with cum, Tasha smiled up at Pastor Malcomb. “Now about that ride home,” she whispered, and she lay back at the base of the altar.

Good to his word, Pastor Malcomb rode Tasha home.

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