The Artist - Cover

The Artist

Copyright© 2021 by QM

Chapter 50

I was greeted by Aunt Cass when Amanda and I travelled to Lassos for me to have my internal defences improved. Alongside her, to my surprise, was Torric, who greeted us cordially.

“So, finally becoming a couple?” I asked cheekily,” making her blush and him chuckle.

“We feel good around each other,” he answered. “So yes, I believe we’ve started on that journey.”

“You shouldn’t ask stuff like that, Dayyev,” Cass chided me, though mildly.

“Well, someone has to be bold enough to make you put thoughts into words,” I laughed, making them both smile.

“The AIs will have briefed you on what’s going to happen to you,” Cass returned to the reason for her presence. “I’m just ensuring you understand what’s to happen while you’re out.”

“My genome will be adapted to enable the growth of certain glands and nerve tissue that will intervene if I come into contact with neurotoxins, or poisons in general,” I replied. “My muscles, tendons and bones will also be adapted to be stronger or faster should I need to physically exert myself.”

“We also grow another layer of skin below your present one to protect against the likes of knives etc. It won’t stop pellets though,” Cass informed me.

“But I’ll still be me at heart?”

“Well, Amanda is Amanda,” Cass chuckled.

“True, and very much the love of my life,” I nodded, making Amanda blush slightly.

“You can say such melodramatic things, yet sound so sincere,” she chided me with a smile.

“Difference is, I mean them.”

“I know.”

“Say your goodbyes now,” Cass informed us. “Once done, follow me, Dayyev, via the AI instructions, to the treatment room.”

“Yes, Aunty.”

We kissed and hugged and said our goodbyes before we parted, Amanda to do various studies on Emirate laws and mores, I to be upgraded to the ‘tough to kill’ category of Imperial science. I was, as ever, escorted by a bodyguard, but not Liono, she was already travelling on a shuttle for a starflight to Marblos and an extensive refresher.

“Lie on the examination bed, Dayyev,” Cass ordered me when I arrived. “Your duty is complete, Niron,” she said to the silent bodyguard, who left without a word.

“Glad Liono is more talkative than he was,” I chuckled.

“He’s new. Just being rotated through to gain experience in guarding royalty,” Cass chuckled.

“I hope he doesn’t get bored.”

“They don’t have time to. Whilst watching the likes of you, they are also constantly assessing future possible threats from your next movements,” she explained. “I’ve come to like them a lot, despite their reluctance to openly show human characteristics to outsiders.”

“Yes,” Torric chuckled. “We would occasionally tease Liono on her relationship with Larre. Not too far though, she plainly didn’t enjoy it.”

“True, but she did blush prettily,” I smiled.

“They live ordinary lives ... in a manner of speaking, but only where their weaknesses can’t be seen,” Cass explained. “Ah, scan complete.”

“No issues?” I asked.

“No. Your DNA structure is standard, unlike your dad’s.”

“Well, he’s a Cure. I’m not,” I chuckled.

“Yes, nor are we any closer to duplicating it. We couldn’t even clone him. It just reverts to normal when away from him, as the Zelnotians found out when they kidnapped him.”

“He’s unique alright.”

“Right, putting you out in 3... 2... 1...”

I awoke in the same room, though Cass was wearing a different coverall and there was no Torric.

“Success?” I asked, as I felt fine.

“Yes,” Cass confirmed. “The next assassin to come at you will find you to be a lot tougher target.”

“They may have decided it’s not worth it, but yes, thanks,” I smiled.

“Who knows how these people think ... except possibly Kilios,” Cass shrugged. “Armour fitting next, the artificer is waiting for you.”

The fitting was a chore. The armour wasn’t standard Ground Force, however, but something deliberately designed for the Royal family. Hence you didn’t need an under-suit, just strip and get in. I was taken through the full regimen of manoeuvres by Jalak, the Royal Guard Artificer, and told to practice at least once a binary cycle, if possible, to keep my hand in.

“Just a regular gym exercise, only in the armour training one, not the regular gym,” he informed me.

“You got it,” I replied.

“The Empress and the family are waiting for you, best not to keep them waiting,” he told me at the end of the session.

“On my way,” I replied, realising I could now fully connect to the palace AI network and actually knew where Amantil and the others were.

“Dayyev!” Amanda greeted me, throwing herself into my arms. “I missed you so much,” she finished, then kissed me.

“Welcome back, Dayyev,” Amantil greeted me warmly.

“Thank you, Serenissima,” I replied formally as there was someone in the room I did not recognise and whom the AI refused to identify as well.

“No need for formality, Dayyev,” she informed me. “This is Commander Shizzo of the Emirate Paladin Intelligence,” she introduced the man. “As you’ll have noticed, the AIs won’t identify him as he’s not supposed to be here.”

“I had noticed,” I chuckled. “I’m assuming it’s to do with the visit?”

“Correct. I’ll be your liaison,” Shizzo confirmed. “Emir Grigo does not want any incidents causing a diplomatic ‘situation’.”

“And we, being ignorant of mores and cultures, could just stumble into one, I take it?” I enquired.

“I’m afraid so, particularly you, with your penchant for sketching in various places we wouldn’t expect a member of a Royal Party to be.”

“Not just me,” I smiled and gave Amanda a wink.

“Indeed. We were informed the Princess Royal likes to accompany you as well,” he replied.

“Are you here to advise us not to, or to stop us?” I enquired.

“Neither. Just please let me know if you intend to. Our laws are straight forward but harsh and you may be caught out by them.”

“So, you’ll try to prevent us from putting our foot in it?”

“Exactly. The Emir was most insistent on this. He does not want any incidents because he cannot, by law and custom, interfere with the law, save in the case of direct family ... which means Amanda only.”

“I’ll let you know,” I promised.

“The other thing is a potential clash with Amir Ashel, the Emir’s oldest son and a bit of an opinionated hothead.”

“Opinionated? In what way?” Amanda asked.

“He doesn’t like the Empire at all. He came under the influence of Vizier Hakam and the clan of the former Admiralius Zheng. Both of whom care little about the Empire or your way of going about things,” Shizzo explained.

“I’m sure that Grigo will correct this at some stage,” Amantil commented with a frown.

“He will attempt to do so. But if Ashel continues along that line, the succession will fall to Grian, who is a lot more moderate in temperament as well as being a lot more studious in nature.”

“Sounds like Ashel would be of more use in a military role,” Amantil replied thoughtfully.

“I’m told the Emir thinks similarly. However, Ashel still wishes to be Emir and mould the Emirate to his will, something which has not endeared him to the other clans.”

“I do hope Grigo can correct this. For all I do not know him, Ashel is my son and I do not wish for him to have an unfortunate ‘accident’.”

“That will be a decision for the future. He is still a young man with the potential to grow,” Shizzo replied candidly.

“So, be careful what I say and do and be prepared for Amir Ashel to go looking to pick a fight?” I sighed.

“Short but succinct,” Shizzo replied with a smile. “Being cautious of Amir Ashel is also something you need to be aware of too, Princess Amanda.”

“I will. Thank you for the candid warnings,” Amanda replied.

“The Emir specifically asked me to be open. He knows allusions could be misunderstood in the Empire.”

“They could,” Amantil replied. “We’d just assume you were warning us to be cautious, not to expect a direct threat.”

“It is almost certain that Ashel will try to provoke a confrontation,” Shizzo warned. “The Emir hopes you will either avoid it or give Ashel a sound lesson in why the Empire is to be respected.”

“I’d prefer to avoid a confrontation, but I will not abide a direct insult to my family or Realm,” Amanda stated firmly.

“Good. Your father looks forward to seeing you, his eldest daughter,” Shizzo replied with a satisfied smile, realising that the warning he had been sent to give had been taken seriously.

Later we all sat and enjoyed a meal along with my family and Vicki, who’d arrived late from college.

“What actions are we allowed to take if challenged?” I asked, having missed out on most of the Emirate briefings due to my treatment.

“Duelling is allowed, usually with a blade until first blood is drawn. To the death if the insult is grave enough,” Amantil replied. “I’d avoid killing anyone however, as their clan will not take kindly to it, favour of the Emir or not.”

“So, they’d be going all out to kill us ... potentially, whilst we have to avoid killing them?” I sighed.

“I suspect they’d prefer not to bring both Imperial and Emirate disfavour down on their clan, but yes, it is a possibility.”

“Then there’s Grigo’s son ... and yours too, of course, Aunt Manny.”

“Ashel may be my son, but we’ve never spoken, though Grigo has kept me informed of both his and Grian’s progress through life.”

“You don’t suppose Grigo is manoeuvring us into giving Ashel a lesson in respecting a rival?” Amanda asked.

“It’s possible,” dad replied. “Lauralla, the High Priestess of Lamolli, whom you’ll be meeting, will probably brief you as to what’s likely to happen.”

“Yes, you’ll be staying with her as honoured guests,” Amantil informed me, mostly.

“Let’s hope someone talks some sense into him before he attempts to embarrass me or his father,” Amanda sighed.

“He’s spent most of his life apart from his father. He re-joined the Court, or Assembly as they call it, only recently,” Amantil informed us.

“So someone educating him filled his head with Emirate superiority notions?” mum asked.

“Appears that way, though whether he can hold it in check remains to be seen,” Amantil shrugged.

“Ah yes, age and wisdom may mellow his views,” dad nodded.

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