The Artist - Cover

The Artist

Copyright© 2021 by QM

Chapter 32

Life returned somewhat to normal, or rather what had been normal before Amanda began her Royal visits. I returned to my hobby of sketching various areas of Vreekoos, sometimes on a whim, other times as instructed by Aunt Vilgra. Often times I was accompanied by Amanda and Trusha, as well as my usual shadow of Liono. Galh and Girol had successfully made up and were fast friends again, she taking the time to ensure that Ganla was informed of any activities that might interfere with her ongoing ‘off the books’ training she was receiving towards becoming a palace Retainer. Girol himself was now a rather wealthy individual as he’d sold the intellectual rights to a water blaster child’s toy he’d come up with a year ago and received a small royalty payment for each one sold. Whilst individually it was ‘peanuts’, as one of my dad’s weird sayings goes, when you’re talking ongoing sales in the billions across the Empire, you eventually realise it was serious money. Whilst my artwork did bring in serious money itself, I’d rather gathered that when it came to accrued riches, Girol had me beaten hands down.

This day, however, Liono and I were accompanying mum as she went looking for a mother of the bride outfit for Kiria’s wedding. Normally, I, as any sane person would, would have avoided such an activity like the plague. However, mum had chosen only a few outfits in advance and wanted a sketch of her in it and had pleaded with me to sketch her in them so she could take them home and show dad (aka letting him actually choose).

Mum was notorious amongst those who knew her for being unable to instantly make up her mind when it came to individual outfits. We kids had cottoned on to this very early on in our lives and soon found reasons never ever to go with her as it was frustrating, boring as hell and she usually ended up going with the first one she chose after trying on everything else in the store.

“Are you sure this is wise?” Liono asked me, having been informed by various others of mum’s ‘dilemma’.

“A promise is a promise,” I sighed. “Plus, she did say only a few choices.”

“She might have a different rational as to the meaning of ‘a few’.”

“She very well may, but a promise is a promise.”


Finally mum was ready and we took a lift to Polchinon’s, an upper level ladies outfitter in the Regal Mall of Imperial Tower. The Mall itself was unique, in that it catered not just to the upper-level customer, but also the higher median banding as well. Normally the two groups, as well as the various sub-sets within them, did not mix socially at all, but somehow the Mall managed the balance well and it was favoured by both groups for both bargains as well as its entertainment facilities which were state of the art and affordable to all.

“I’m so glad you can help, Dayyev,” mum almost gushed when we finally arrived at Polchinol’s which was set in the centre of the Mall and very popular amongst the ladies, if the crowds were anything to go by.

“It’s OK. I did promise and Amanda’s doing some sort of protocol training with Vicki this working period,” I replied.

“Well, I know how you all usually get about me and clothing, but I promise it’s only a few outfits.”

“How many is a few?” Liono asked pointedly.

“Oh, only ten or so.”

“Define ‘or so’, Kirim.”

“Well ... OK it’s sixteen. Happy now?”

“Sixteen?” I asked, feeling my heart sink.

“It won’t take long. It’s a first fitting and all you need do is sketch me in each one so I can show dad.”

“It had better be, mum,” I warned.

“Honestly, it’s as if you think I’m taking my time deliberately.”

“No, it’s because you can’t make a decision over clothing to save your life and get huffed when the sane amongst us won’t join in on your dilemma.”

“Dayyev! That’s not nice!”

“True though, so let’s get on with this before I bail.”

“Oh really,” mum huffed, then returned to her normal sunny self as she’d managed to get her own way for once.

Well, it was not as bad as I expected, but it was still bordering on tedious. Mum did avoid the temptation to mix and match and after the first outfit did not ask for our opinions as all she got back off Liono was it’s a ‘nice dress, but you couldn’t conceal many weapons in it’ and that was all. My opinions apparently didn’t matter and I was simply there to sketch.

“So why not simply have had the AI scan you and ask dad his opinions then?” I asked as she finally finished.

“I’ve told you many times, you bring out what the eye really sees, something a tri-dee image usually doesn’t,” mum replied cheerfully.

“OK ... so long as you don’t make a habit of it,” I chuckled as we summoned a lift.

“This is for Kiria. I know everyone expects me to go into meltdown over dress choices, but not this time for me,” she smiled happily after the fittings and sketches.

“Well, you certainly got in early,” I chuckled, knowing the wedding was still binary cycles off.

“I know, just want to watch the fun as they all expect me to panic,” she laughed.

“You still have sixteen to panic with.”

“Oh, your dad will tell me which one this time. It won’t matter, I liked them all.”

“You did look good in them.”

“Thank you,” she replied as the lift arrived to take us back home.

To my surprise, Amanda, Vicki and Plenna were waiting for us ... or rather me. They’d planned an outing to the Imperial Tower entertainment section and had been assured by mum that we’d be back at a certain time.

“Just us?” I asked, including the three bodyguards.

“Yes,” Amanda replied. “We’ll split when we get there and meet up later for a meal.”

“You still being trailed?” I asked Plenna.

“No. They got a little tired of losing me every time I took a lift,” he chuckled.

“Good,” I nodded as another lift arrived and Trusha led the way.

As ever during the relaxation periods the section was crowded, though not full to overflowing. Amanda and I immediately headed off to her favourite virtual reality gaming station to see if she could beat her survival record in the ‘menace maze’ game, something she loved, but still was not too good at, yet.

“Not fancy a go?” I asked Liono.

“Looks a bit tame,” she observed.

“I guess compared to Kilios training it would do,” I chuckled.

“Plus I don’t want to make her look bad,” she admitted once Amanda was out of earshot.

“Yeah, Trusha did it once and got to the end of the maze and out, something thought to be near impossible,” I grinned. “To say Amanda was a little gobsmacked would be an understatement.”

“Heh,” was all she said on the subject. “You not having a go?”

“After Amanda, so we can grade each other,” I replied as a tri-dee cube lit up to show how Amanda saw the virtual world she now inhabited as well as the stylised, if unreal, armour she wore.

“Seriously, that would chafe like mad if it were real,” Liono commented, taking an interest for the first time.

“Yeah, Trusha said the same,” I nodded as Amanda immediately went on the attack as several huge creatures went after her.

It was all stylised violence with a cartoony feel to it, but it did test your reflexes as well as getting progressively tougher the further you went. As these things went, it was pretty simplistic, if popular, catering for people with all levels of skill. Amanda, I knew, loved it and I did enjoy her antics in there, enhanced by the skimpy chainmail armour set she always chose. Still, as ever the monsters got her, though she had progressed further than she normally did.

“Your turn, Dayyev,” she said as she emerged from the chamber, “Try to beat me if you can.”

“Heh, you know you’re better than I am,” I chuckled at her usual cheerful banter.

Once inside the chamber I pulled on the oversuit and viewers which immediately form-fitted me before I was quickly given a full holographic scan. Then the AI formed the maze arena around me, looking, as ever, more real than real life. It also formed my chosen barbarian warrior, along with what really felt and looked like a sword in my hand. As ever I was immediately jumped on by two of the weaker creatures to ‘warm me up’ before heading out into what was the maze itself. Several commands via my com channel switched off all distractions like a score representation and tracker overlay as I, like Amanda, opted to make the game look and feel as real as possible. After that it was basically a strategic slugfest as the monsters became more frequent as well as increasingly more powerful until eventually I was taken out before reaching my current goal of the fourth level.

“Definitely getting better, Dayyev,” Amanda cheerfully greeted me as I emerged.

“Still not quite made the fourth, whereas you’re getting towards the fifth,” I chuckled.

“You’ll get there. You nearly had the boss on the ropes. You just need to clear the area a bit more as its minions got you from behind, again.”

“Could have sworn I flushed them all,” I sighed, then smiled at her enthusiasm.

“There’s a pack of them down the corridor to the right, just before the final chamber.”

“Didn’t see a corridor,” I frowned.

“It’s there, just concealed well.”

“OK. Next time,” I chuckled as we hugged.

“You can do it, I know,” she grinned then kissed me.

“Behave in public,” Liono warned. “You never know who might be watching.”

“It’s just a kiss!”

“And Dayyev isn’t wearing a holo.”

“Oops,” she giggled.

“Catch up time,” I warned.

“True,” Trusha nodded, ghosting in from near a small group looking over the options for play.

“No newsies?”

“No, unless they are being far more skilled than usual,” Trusha admitted. “Doesn’t mean a bystander might not have recognised Dayyev and will blab, despite how careful the AIs can be.”

“I know, I know.”

“As it is, wear your holo and kiss as much as you like, otherwise don’t.”

“We could even rent a room,” I suggested with a fake leer.

“Ooh, there’s an idea,” Amanda cheered me on as the two bodyguards just gave us a resigned look.

“As if we’re going to allow that,” Liono sighed.

“Spoilsport. At least you and Larre can regularly get it on together.”

“Whoever told you that?” Trusha asked as Liono blushed slightly.

“You keep an eye on us, the Retainers keep an eye on you, as much as they are able.”

“Oh right. Don’t get ideas.”

“We won’t, duty first ... etc.”

We met up with Vicki and Plenna at one of our favourite cafés and rapidly snagged a booth to ourselves, despite it being busier than usual.

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