The Artist - Cover

The Artist

Copyright© 2021 by QM

Chapter 27

I handed over the sketch to Untiriol as she and her people clustered round to look at it and looked a little astonished at the details.

“Impressive,” the young male observed, getting nods of agreement from the others.

“I can do you all individually, if you’d like?” I offered as, other than Untiriol’s people, I was mostly being dismissively ignored by the Melanoqi females.

“If you could, Ser Dayyev,” Untiriol gave her assent.

“It’s just Dayyev.” I smiled.

“Oh? The AIs told us that was your title.”

“Only when officially attending an event.”

“I see. Thank you, Dayyev. I suspect the AIs put it there to give you a little cover from some of our more ... formal women.”

“Possibly, though they appear to be ignoring me anyway,” I chuckled.

“That will change when they see the sketches you made.”


“It’s a unique skill these days. All of a sudden your gender won’t matter if it means getting one,” she explained with a wry smile. “I take it your sister is doing well?”

“Yes, she will be facing a promotion review tribunal soon and her wedding is planned for the next Imperial year,” I replied, having been informed of this in a family tri-dee call whilst en-route.

“Good for her! She’s still held in awe by many of our legionnaires.”

“She still considers herself to be a Healer first and foremost, though Ground Force and ImpSec use her secondary talents a lot more.”

“Yes, they no doubt would. As would we if she worked for us.”

“So, what’s your mother going to do in retirement?” I asked.

“Stay out of politics, if she’s smart,” Untiriol chuckled. “I doubt Tynalla would like to think she’s got someone looking over her shoulder at any time.”

“That’s understandable,” I chuckled myself.

“I think she plans to make a trip to the Empire to meet Amantil, particularly as they got on so well after the incident involving me and your dad.”

“No doubt she’d be welcomed.”

“No doubt, but she won’t just turn up,” Untiriol chuckled. “I suspect she’ll also be carrying some official documents from Tynalla by way of introduction.”

“Same with Jessin of Gershon and Nild of Tarsil?”

“Yes, though naturally I don’t have all the details yet.”

“Understandable, as a lot could depend on Tynalla and where she wants to guide the Autarchy,” I nodded.

“She’ll discover ... assuming she doesn’t already know, that changing the direction of a vast state is not easy. Particularly if it means abandoning fast friends and allies,” Untiriol explained thoughtfully, getting nods from her people.

“I’ll bow to your wisdom,” I chuckled, handing over the sketches.

Untiriol then led her people off to talk to the station Commander whilst I was approached by Amanda who had a young female in tow.

“Dayyev, could you sketch young Hinnia here?” she asked, though she, like I, knew I would not refuse.

“Of course, my love,” I replied with a cheery smile, making the young girl blush slightly in pleasure.

“Hinnia is the daughter of Senator Yllanna and did not know how to approach you,” Amanda explained.

“Mother kept warning me to be careful of the wild Imperial males,” Hinnia confessed.

“I don’t think any Imperial male who would travel out here would be particularly wild,” I commented.

“My thoughts too, though I asked Her ... er ... uh Amanda here to introduce us, just to keep mother happy.”

“Smart move. I doubt she’d like to cross Amanda here in stopping you.”

“Very much so,” Hinnia giggled, relaxing somewhat.

“So, tell me about yourself, Hinnia?” I asked as I began the sketch.

“Just finished my education. I’ll be a junior administrator in the office of the Dynasta,” she replied, indicating why Amanda was interested.

“Wow! Even as a junior, that’s got to be a good place to work,” I replied, impressed.

“The family arranged it. We’ve always worked in the administration of the Autarchy and often serve on various Landspeaks,” she answered, indicating her family were landowners and took part in what could be considered a minor debating chamber below the level of the senate appointments of the Autarchy who actually ran the place.

“Not senators?”

“Never been selected to train for one yet. That sort of runs in families too.”

“Maybe one day the family will get that honour?”

“Maybe, but we aren’t holding our breaths over it,” she giggled.

“Best way,” I chuckled. “Any idea what the new Dynasta will be like?”

“Initially a continuation of existing policies. They don’t often make major policy changes without consultation, or that’s the way they train them.”

“They train a Dynasta?” I asked, though I already knew they did from what we’d learned.

“Yes. A number of potential candidates are selected each year and trained extensively in politics, administration and observing overall patterns of development within the Autarchy.”

“Oh, a bit like Amanda has been, for the Empire.”

“Yes. Mostly they all just end up as planetary Senators, but occasionally we need a new Dynasta and the best of the group is chosen to replace the retiring one.”

“I can see that being a competitive struggle,” I chuckled.

“Probably,” she agreed. “Though we’ll never hear of it.”

“Yes, we were wondering how it worked as there’s very little information about it and I was curious,” I nodded.

“So am I, but there are some things they just don’t talk about.”

“Yep, Amanda’s the same with some of the stuff she’s trained for,” I agreed. “Here’s your sketch, Hinnia. Nice talking to you.”

“Thank you, Dayyev. Oh wow! That’s good!” She bade me farewell then headed off to show it to her mother and friends.

That seemed to open the floodgates. I was then approached by several of the women, all of whom wanted a sketch, but had been reluctant to approach a wild Imperial male ... as they saw me. I, naturally, kept the various conversations going and soon had them all pretty much relaxed and enjoying being spoken to as an equal by a male, a unique situation for them. There were naturally some who scowled at me in the distance, though a quick sketch of them had the group of those waiting in fits of giggles over it.

“Almost a caricature,” a mature lady commented with a wide smile.

“I couldn’t help it,” I confessed. “I’m just a male,” I finished with a wink, making her gasp and then burst out laughing with the others.

“You’re a very naughty man, but I’m glad I broke the ice to speak to you. Are all Imperial men like you?”

“No, we have our miserable shleckers too,” I grinned, making the laughter continue.

“Your Princess is a very lucky woman.”

“Not so sure about that. I think it’s the other way round,” I smiled.

“May be so,” she nodded. “Perhaps it’s mutual, though I do wish my partner would be less guarded with me in public.”

“Old habits die hard,” I commiserated.

“True, so very true.”

“Do you see the greater freedoms for males as being a good thing?”

“Yes, though my older sister hates it and treats her male servants as things, rather than people. We have little to do with each other now.”

“That’s sad. The few males I have spoken to are lovely and quite intelligent people.”

“Yes, my younger sister serves alongside a male in the Fleet and insists he’s probably brighter than she is.”

“That may well be the case, though maybe not,” I smiled.

“Oh, forgive me, I did not introduce myself. I’m Supreme Administrator Servillia. I run the services on the station.”

“I’m Dayyev, an artist,” I chuckled, handing over the sketch.

“I suspect several of my friends are going to be jealous,” she almost giggled.

“Do you want to try something really scandalous?”

“Say on, Dayyev,” she replied looking intrigued.

“Call your male partner over and have me sketch you side by side.”

“Oh...! Now that truly would set the predator amongst the prey,” she said thoughtfully, then smiled. “AI, could you ask Revartos to attend me?”

A mature male approached, looking a little unsure of himself, giving a slight bow to Servillia.

“Relax, Revartos. I simply wish to have young Dayyev here sketch us together as a couple,” Servillia informed him.

“My Lady! This could cause issues for you!” he gasped.

“Issues I’m prepared to put up with, my love. Now, please say yes.”

“Servillia!” he gasped out at so directly and openly being declared ‘her love’. “Of course, my love,” he finally replied at her amused look.

The sketch I did showed them as a loving couple, equal in love, though showing Servillia’s rank within the Autarchy. and It produced several gasps from the onlookers when it was finally shown to them.

“Thank you, Dayyev. I and Revartos will treasure this for the rest of our lives,” Servillia thanked me as several other ladies who had retreated returned with their own partners for me to sketch.

“So, find anything,” Amanda asked afterwards.

“The ones I spoke to are as curious about the new Dynasta as we are, but most think she’ll be wary of trying to move too radically on policy,” I replied thoughtfully.

“Yes, that was the more guarded impression I got from the senior staff. You appear to have got a few to drop their guard.”

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