The Virginity Pact - Cover

The Virginity Pact

Copyright© 2021 by Red Czar

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Story: Chapter 1 - Haley and Chloe both lost their virginity to the same boy. Their friends were all still virgins. Girl talk at a weekend sleepover led to the idea that they would all love to lose it to him too! And so, a pact was born. (Lots of sex, but the first couple sections are required setup)

Caution: This Coming of Age Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Heterosexual   Fiction  


“Awww mom, please?”

“Chloe, I already told you, you’re not having a party”

“It’s not a party! It’s just ... a sleepover. All we’re gonna do is watch movies and do make-up all night. I swear!”

“What about your sister?”

Ugh. Chloe looked over at her sister with pleading eyes. “Can’t she stay at her friend’s house for the night?”

Riley started to respond but didn’t get the chance.

“NO. You’re both staying here.”

“Can I invite one of my friends too?” Riley asked.


“But Mom, if...” Chloe started.

“Chloe, If I let you invite your friends, I have to let her invite her friends, and then you’ll all be going at each other all night and you’ll tear the house apart. You’re not having a party when your father and I aren’t here. Period”

“She can hang out with us then, she does half the time anyway, we’ll even be nice to her. I promise.”

Mom stopped and gave them the look. Tilting her head, pursing her lips into a tight, flat line across her face. It was her look that says, do you think I was born yesterday?

Riley perked up at the idea of hanging out with her sister and her friends. She was only a year behind them and already spent most of her time with them all at cheer practice. They were all going to be on the squad this year, so they’d be together constantly, this wouldn’t be any different than any other weekend.

“Yeah! I could hang out with them.” Riley liked that idea.

Mom turned to her. “You’re okay with that?”

“Sure!” Now she was getting excited, hanging out with the sophomores all weekend? That would be awesome.

Mom thought about it for a few moments.

“Who else do you want to invite?”

“Just Mia and Kyra,” she said. “ ... and Izzy.”

“Oh, just Mia and Kyra ... and Izzy ... and Haley.”

“You already said Haley could come.”

“I know what I said ... So that’s six of you, including your sister. Alone. For the whole weekend?” Mom looked skeptical.

“It’s not the whole weekend, it’s just Saturday. We’ll be fine I swear! And we’ll behave and not wreck the house or anything, I promise.”

Mom still looked skeptical. She knew all of Chloe’s friends. She knew they wouldn’t wreck the house. They could be a little rambunctious, like any teenage girls, but they were usually good kids. She was almost 16 now, surely, she could be left alone overnight with her friends. She knew she could trust them.

“No boys.” She said.

“Ew, no! definitely no boys! I promise.” And she meant it. That thought had never entered her mind. All she wanted was to spend the weekend with her girlfriends watching movies, trying their make-up techniques, and gossiping.

“ ... Let me talk to your father.”

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Chloe jumped up and gave her mom a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She knew that meant yes! As long as she promised no boys, her father wouldn’t care. That was his only concern, keeping the boys away from his girls.

Chloe went to her room and started texting all her friends, inviting them to spend the weekend at her house while her parents were away.


Although the actual sleepover was supposed to be Saturday night, the girls were all gathered on Friday. It was summer after all, and where had all of them been every single day so far? Together, of course. There may have been one or two of them missing at any given time, and they may have been at a different house every day, but they were a tight little unit. They were always together.

On this particular Friday, they were all excited at the prospect of almost the entire weekend with minimal to no parental supervision. Not that they ever did anything that would get them in trouble, but what teenage girl wants their parents hanging around all the time. They gathered in Chloe’s back yard in their skimpy little bikinis, stretched out on blankets on the lawn, and worked on their tans, while they were deciding what to do all weekend.

They were going to order pizza, twice! For lunch and dinner. Someone suggested that maybe they would get lucky and some hunky delivery boy would show up, then they could have some real fun, wink wink.

“Eww, no,” Chloe said. “That only happens in the movies, and it never turns out good. Besides, I told my mom no boys.”

“You’re watching the wrong movies,” Izzy said. “In the porn movies, it always turns out good.”

“You’d be the one to know, you’re the one watching all the porn,” Kyra said.

Izzy had a bit of a reputation as, well, kind of a slut. They all knew that despite all her talk, she was still a virgin like the rest of them, but she had been known to send nudes to a boy or two, and perhaps had performed a blowjob or two. Maybe a few more than that.

They all laughed at her as she started pantomiming a little fun with the imaginary pizza boy.

“Ooh pizza boy, pizza boy, give me your huge-”

Chloe quickly clamped her hand over Izzy’s mouth to shut her up.

“Not so loud! You want my mom to hear? She’ll cancel the whole thing and send you all home!”

Izzy stopped. They all laughed. Then they continued making plans. All Chloe’s mom could hear from the kitchen was typical giggling and shrieking as the girls planned movies and makeup and dancing and God only knew what else.

By mid-afternoon, Chloe had somehow convinced her mom to let the sleepover begin that night, instead of waiting until the next day. Mom didn’t mind so much, at least this night would be supervised.

As evening came, they all claimed their space in the family room. This was base camp for the weekend. They had the sofas, which both pulled out into beds. They quickly re-arranged those to make room for all of them, video games, the internet, the big screen TV, lots of floor space for them to spread out. There was no way the five of them would ever have fit in Chloe’s room.

Riley could sleep in her own room when she got home. She had gone off with her friends for the day. She’d had no way of knowing things would kick off a day early.

The night started with movies. After arguing for an hour, they settled on some mushy chick flick which they would rewind every ten minutes so they could make fun of some scene, or swoon over the handsome leading man. Every movie for the whole weekend would probably go like this.

Of course, they also had to compare every handsome leading man to every boy from school that any of them had any interest in.

There was Paul, and Jack, and Derek. Then there was Austin, who all the girls thought was particularly cute. He was a football player, so naturally, he had the muscles and the tight butt. And then there was Josh. They all stopped and closed their eyes for a moment at the mention of Josh. If he showed up delivering pizza he’d never make it out of that house alive, at least to hear them talk.

Izzy, of course, was the first to comment. “I wish he would deliver something to my house,” she said.

All of the girls laughed and rolled their eyes at her.

“Oh, like you’d do anything.” One said.

“What would you do? Jump him in the doorway?” Another added.

“As if he’d go for you,”

“Isn’t he dating Samantha?”

“Wait, Mia, didn’t he ask you out once already?” Someone asked.

Mia hemmed and hawed for a moment, and then admitted that yes, Josh had indeed asked her out earlier in the year. A lot of guys asked Mia out during the year. There was always a swarm of boys circling her.

Mia was slim and pretty. Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, sparkling smile, and a very nicely developing little body. She was a gymnast since she was five. This meant that her body was tight, and toned, and strong, and now that she was developing curves in all the right places, just about every boy in the school wanted to fuck her.

All that attention since she started high school, had made her a little leery of the boys who constantly approached. They would talk to her all afternoon but their eyes would never make it any higher than her tits. Which she didn’t understand since her tits were not that big. Not like their other friend Ruby.

There were a few she liked, but not in that way. And there were a few that she did like that way, really liked in that way, she tended to like the older boys and although they were always staring at her body, not too many of them had asked her out yet. At least not the ones she was hoping would ask her out. It was frustrating.

But that wasn’t why she had turned Josh down. He was cute and she definitely would have gone out with him, but it was the middle of gymnastics season for her when he asked, and she was away at competitions almost every weekend. After the second “sorry, I can’t this weekend,” Josh seemed to give up and started dating Kelly Hill.

Izzy again spoke up.

“Poor beautiful Mia, fifteen and still a virgin.”

They all sympathized with poor Mia and her lack of action.

And thus, the subject of virginity had been breached. Although they wouldn’t admit it, every one of them was obsessed with it. For a while they had all been obsessed with boobs and when they would start growing, and who first, and how big. Now they had all started developing nicely. The new obsession was sex. Any kind of sex would do. But most specifically, the V-card.

Once it had been established that poor Mia hadn’t progressed beyond kissing and a couple of blow-jobs with an unnamed boy earlier in the summer, the topic quickly made its way around the circle.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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