I Think My Boss Needs to Pee - Cover

I Think My Boss Needs to Pee

Copyright© 2023 by Knockonthedoor

Chapter 2

Mary-Ann wanted to cry. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. She wanted to address Karenna but she couldn’t find the words. She lifted her head to face her protégé and could only muster a weak tone of voice

“I ... I ... I’m sorry...” That was all she could utter

Karenna’s mouth was agape, attempting to stay modest, she covered it with her hand. The palatable tension and shock didn’t help Mary-Ann as she felt her eyes start to well up with tears. She tried to cool her burning cheeks with a quick fan of her left hand. In a defeated voice, she tried to gain some control of the situation.

“I was dying this morning and ... the meeting was so long...” her voice trailed off again. Rather than taking the conversation back into her court, it only served to deepen her embarrassment. It was Karenna’s turn to speak.

“Oh ... my ... gosh...”

That was all it took to push Mary-Ann over the edge. She tried to stifle it, but Karenna could hear a distinct, high pitched whine as her boss choked on her tears. Mary-Ann was red in the face, tears streaming down her cheeks. She put her head in her hands, her blonde hair doing nothing to cover her now bright red face.

“Aww ... Mary-Ann. It, it’s ok” Karenna reached out for a hug, and received a tight embrace from her boss.

Mary-Ann let herself fall into her emotions. She started to bawl her eyes out, the embarrassment and shame of defeat was more than she was prepared to handle. On what should have been a day of celebration, it was instead only going to remembered by inability to hold her pee.

Selfishly, Karenna was enjoying her boss’s embrace. It wasn’t something she had been expecting today, much less everything else that had just happened. She could nearly feel Mary-Ann’s large breasts resting above her head. The two kept their embrace while Mary-Ann audibly whined. Her large piss stain on the rug below accented the hug between boss and protege. Mary-Ann eventually started to calm, and Karenna spoke softly again

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Mary-Ann sniffled and wiped away a tear before nodding in affirmation. In the corner of her office sat a small couch. It was used more for decoration than anything else, and the cushions were cheap. It didn’t matter to Mary-Ann as she felt her damp and clammy panties press against her genitals, nor did it matter that a small damp spot was going to be left on the couch. The two said nothing for a little bit, then Mary-Ann spoke

“I ... I can’t believe I did that.”

Karenna rubbed her back. More of an instinct than anything else, she just wanted Mary-Ann to feel better. She let her talk

“It. It just hurt so bad, and it was coming out, and you were there ... I just couldn’t stop.” Mary-Ann paused, hanging her head in shame. “You must think I’m disgusting.”

“No ... I, uh ... that, that wouldn’t be fair. To you.” Karenna laughed nervously. “It’s not like you did it on purpose.”

“No.” Mary-Ann also gave a nervous laugh back “No I did not. It was just like ... Ok, maybe this is too much information but like this morning, when I came in? I ... I like really had to go. Already.”

“You mean in our meeting?”

Mary-Ann nodded. Karenna had her suspicions from that morning confirmed. Her mind put her back just a few hours ago, remembering just how bad that had been. Sheepishly, she looked Mary-Ann in the eyes and admitted

“Me too.”

Mary-Ann raised her eyebrows “You mean you-”

Karenna smiled and nodded

“So we were both?”

Karenna’s smile grew wider.

“Yeah, there was a reason I was in the meeting like this-”

Karenna reenacted her pose from that morning, holding her hand over her crotch.

The two shared a now more relaxed laugh, the shame of what had happened was starting to wash from Mary-Ann’s face. Their laughter died down and Mary-Ann spoke, half-jokingly

“I’m starting to think we should push our morning meetings forward by like five minutes from now on.”


Mary-Ann’s eyes shifted to the large stain on her rug, she looked down again, bothered by her failure. She nodded her head towards the stain, acknowledging it as best as she could

“Because clearly we both need to have a pee break after our meetings.”

Karenna chuckled at the little joke, her eyes also on her bosses stained rug

“What was book called? ‘Leaders pee last’?”

Mary-Ann’s face broke into a wide grin, a laughing fit ensuing “So you do read the stuff I send you! Might be a different title.”

“I know, you’re supposed to eat last.”

“Clearly I got confused.”

The two continued to laugh, both genuinely enjoying the joke. Mary-Ann couldn’t tell if she felt relieved that her protégé and only employee was laughing with her instead of at her, or if she simply enjoyed Karenna’s company. Whichever it was, it really didn’t matter. The two stopped laughing, but Mary-Ann’s warm smile stayed. She turned back to Karenna

“Thanks Karenna. I. I really mean it.”

Karenna was lost in her boss’s green eyes. They were soft, calm. Tempting. Karenna tried to speak. She couldn’t find the words. Not a sound escaped her lips. Her mouth felt dry. She swallowed and choked out

“Y-you’re welcome.”

Mary-Ann patted Karenna’s thigh, just above her kneecap.

“It meant a lot to me.”

Karenna couldn’t speak the thoughts running through her mind. She was instantly wet, though in another way than her boss had just been. She had a stupid smile on her face, or at least, she thought it was stupid. She wanted to live in the moment. Karenna took the time to sear it into her memory. It felt like they held their gaze for an hour, though it couldn’t have been longer than a few seconds. Quickly another thought came to Karenna

Give her a hug.

It wasn’t much of a risk. Reaching out an arm, Karenna hugged her boss and secret crush around the waist. Mary-Ann opted to reciprocate, reaching around and giving Karenna a tight squeeze around her arms. Pulling Karenna closer, she unknowingly put Karenna’s face right near her breasts.

This was the moment that Karenna wished she could hold onto. But it too didn’t last. Mary-Ann broke the embrace and stood, making sure her skirt was straightened out.

“How bad is it?” Karenna asked out of curiosity more than anything

“Pretty bad.” Mary-Ann replied sheepishly

“Let me see.” Karenna spoke with more confidence than she actually had. It was as if another voice was speaking for her. It knew her desires more than she did.

Either out of submission or her own curiosity, Mary-Ann complied. Looking next to her, towards the door, she made sure no one was coming in. She walked a step towards Karenna. Gingerly she slowly lifted her pencil skirt. As she did, she revealed more and more darkened streaks along her ruined pantyhose. Karenna had her eyes trained on her boss’s crotch, anticipating the moment when her panties would be revealed. She let out a quick breath, excitement taking over as Mary-Ann’s peed panties began to show. The hottest experience of her young life unfolding before her.

Karenna could see the outline of her boss’s outer lips. The fabric of her panties hid only her most sensitive parts, the still damp material clinging to her privates like a bandage over a wound. Karenna felt as though she was being puppeted by another force. Something otherworldly. Her heart beat faster. She could feel it pounding against her chest. Pulling out a pen she had in her pocket, Karenna used the back end to lightly touch one of the damp streaks of Mary-Ann’s pantyhose. Mesmerized. She softly traced her way back to the source of her boss’s wet pantyhose. Karenna spoke in a low tone, sensuality taking over.

“You really had to go, didn’t you boss?”


Mary-Ann felt butterflies in her stomach. A new sensation. One that seemed so familiar, yet so different. She wanted to recount her tale again. This time differently.

“I was so desperate...” Mary-Ann matched Karenna’s tone

“Mmmm ... I’ll bet you were.” Karenna felt around her own mouth with her tongue. Aware of every passing second. “You know, this could have been me...”

As Karenna’s pen nearly reached Mary-Ann’s panties, the reality of what they were doing hit her. Shoving Karenna’s hand away, Mary-Ann regained her composure. Swiftly, she shimmed her skirt back down over her ruined pantyhose.

“Um, yes, well, I’m glad it wasn’t ... I uh ... I have to go change.”

“Of course.” Karenna backed off, coming back to reality. “Do you have anything to change into?”

“Yeah. My gym clothes, I can wear them from this morning. Mary-Ann paused “I was about to go get them”

Karenna nodded, attempting to return to a normal conversation. Anything to try and reassure herself that she didn’t just reveal too much of her desires. Before she could even try, Mary-Ann quickly stood and reached for her office door. Karenna watched Mary-Ann leave, unable to keep her wandering eyes from checking out her boss’s figure. Starting with her blonde hair, Karenna’s gaze slowly worked its way down as Mary-Ann opened the door. Her eyes fell on her boss’s ass. Karenna couldn’t help it. No matter what Mary-Ann wore, it always accented her outfit perfectly. Only now the darkened stain of drying piss adorned the pencil skirt she was wearing. Karenna bit her lip. She couldn’t take her eyes from it. Mary-Ann exited the room and closed the door behind her.

Karenna crossed her legs and took a deep breath, closing her eyes, she took a moment to compose herself. Feeling the sensations of arousal taking hold, Karenna did her best to combat them. The events replayed in her mind. Her boss’s expression, the tapping, then rushing sound of her piss spraying from her. Mary-Ann’s hug. Her cries. Karenna balled her hands into fists and took another breath. She needed to stop herself. Quickly fearing that the only thing that could satisfy her thoughts would be to masturbate there and then, Karenna gripped her thighs with her hands, holding them hard enough to pinch her skin underneath. The pain kept her distracted. Distracted enough to begin to calm. She took another deep breath. Her heart rate slowed. Karenna was starting to win the battle against herself. She sighed, finally admitting

That was hot.

What struck Karenna was the fact that she didn’t know exactly what was so hot about it. Her boss’s affection? The allure of something starting between them? Maybe it was Mary-Ann desperately needing the bathroom, and ultimately not making it. Was it the embarrassment? The shame her boss must have felt? Karenna didn’t have the answer, but she might have the will to find it.

Closing the door to her office behind her, Mary-Ann could smell the faint odor of piss emanating from her soaked panties and damp legs. None of it felt real. It shouldn’t be real. Her normally studious mind was buzzing, her emotions ran amok. In a trance she walked towards the front door. Mary-Ann’s brain was doing everything it could to take in the events of the prior forty minutes. Her overwhelming desperation. Karenna’s comfort. Her career advancement. The intense relief when she ... had an accident. That was what made it so surreal. So difficult to accept. There had been times before, especially in her current role in which she had needed to pee, and badly. But never that bad. Never to the point of ... the faint smell of piss wafted past her nostrils again ... peeing myself.

That was it. That single act dominated her mind, her thoughts, and the slight tingle she felt in her most sensitive area. Her panties were now cold, having cooled quickly after the warm, consistent stream of piss ran through them. They clung to her snatch. A sensation unlike anything she was used to, she could feel the damp fabric matted to her shaved pussy. Overwhelming her other senses, she was unable to consciously feel her equally soaked pantyhose. But she knew they were there. She was numb, yet aware.

Lost in thought, she stopped as she reached Karenna’s desk. All of her other feelings were quickly washed away as an immense sense of dread took her. Mary-Ann’s heart now felt as though it was gripped in the same cold cloth that her privates were. She stopped walking. Someone was at the door.

A man. He was handsome. Her first observation gave way to a slew of panicked thoughts. My legs are soaked. I smell like pee. Please don’t notice, please don’t see me

“H-hi” She spoke weakly “C-can I help you?” Subtly Mary-Ann maneuvered behind Karenna’s desk, trying to hide the piss stains that ran down her pantyhose

The man smiled as he noticed her. Standing just a few inches taller than Mary-Ann, his eyes met hers. His smile was warm and welcoming, he clearly hadn’t noticed anything.

“My name’s Tyler, I’m a new realtor in town.” He extended his hand, and Mary-Ann shook it awkwardly, her movements stiff as she tried her best to hide her condition.

“I wasn’t sure if my boss called already.”

“Who would that be?” Mary-Ann asked, regaining her voice

“Valerie McCormick.”

Mary-Ann nodded, unsure what Valerie could have wanted or why she would send someone else over to talk.

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