I Think My Boss Needs to Pee - Cover

I Think My Boss Needs to Pee

Copyright© 2023 by Knockonthedoor

Chapter 1

Mary-Ann laid still for a moment. Her morning alarm was blaring into her eardrums, but every muscle in her body wanted to stay in bed until she drifted back into sleep. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. Today was the biggest day of her young career, and she’d be damned if she would oversleep today. She gingerly sat up, and switched off her alarm.

Still in the dark, she stood. Guided by instinct, she shuffled towards the wall. Feeling around for the light switch made 4:30 feel like the darkest hour of the morning. She blinked rapidly in an attempt to adjust her eyes to the dark and took her long t-shirt off as she entered her bathroom. She tossed it in an opposite corner of the room and walked towards her toilet. Before she relived herself for the morning, she turned the shower on to let the water warm.

Opening the toilet lid and quickly dropping her pink panties to the floor, she sat on the toilet, still groggy. Yawning, Mary-Ann started to pee. The sound of her slow stream hitting the toilet water was drowned out by rushing shower water, and she begun to twirl her shoulder length blonde hair. Today was going to be her arrival. The finale of nearly three years of arduous work. She had gone from drifting between office jobs and secretarial roles, barista and bartender, but now she finally found her calling. She was a mortgage officer, and now was one of the top in the nation.

Soon, her steady flow of urine began to arc back towards her pussy, wetting her lips with the excess flow. In a moment, Mary-Ann was done. She sat and dripped as she thought about her tasks for the day. She had been aggressive in the real estate market, flipping houses and even buying her first rental property last year. However, the income earned from the small complex was hardly worth the constant calls. At first, the tenants would call her directly as the previous owner had neglected the apartments. The calls never stopped, at all hours of the day and night, rodents, water heaters, showers and more had been replaced, repelled and repaired. She had hired a property manager to take the calls off of her plate, but whenever an issue arose, her manager would call her before making a move, which delayed solutions and got in the way of her tenants’ lives.

Mary-Ann flushed and stepped into the shower. She’d clean the pee off of her privates with the showerhead. Once finished, she lathered her c-cup breasts and washed her body, mentally preparing for the biggest meeting of her life. A chance to own her own mortgage company lay ahead of her, it was the pearl of her life. The 10 and 12-hour days, the early months of being commission-only, when she made less than minimum wage; it was all about to pay off. This last meeting was all that was in the way.

Taking the time to fantasize about her life before her, it took a while before Mary-Ann stopped the water flow and stepped out of the shower. Drying her 5’ 10” frame was not an arduous task, but Mary-Ann was sure it took longer than most girls. She packed her gym clothes; a gray pair of spandex and a white top, and her office clothes. She quickly made her hair into a ponytail, walked her to the kitchen to fill her water bottle and left. ###################################### Karenna Bryant awoke, smacking her dry lips together. The sheets and the bed were cheap, but comfortable. What was strange to her, was the amount of light in the small apartment. It should have been darker than this. She looked over to the alarm clock. Seven. She was late. Very late. ‘Damn it! Not today! Shit, shit’ She contemplated skipping her shower that morning. But she hadn’t showered yesterday either. She’d have to clean herself even just a bit. Today was her bosses big day, and potentially a massive boost for her career as well. Today was not the day to be late. A quick shower still took her too long. With little time to do her makeup, she was forced to forgo her routine morning pee. As soon as she was dressed in her grey suit pants, black belt and white blouse, Karenna was nearly out the door. Before exiting her small apartment, she grabbed a plastic water bottle from the refrigerator. Needing to beat Mary-Ann to work, she darted out the door, her heels clicking on the cement walkway outside her apartment. As she made her way to her car, Karenna regretted her haste. Her bladder was already asking for relief. ################################# What took Mary-Ann a moment was the process of applying professional makeup in a gym bathroom. Normally, she would have applied it at the office or at home on her non-workout days, but because this meeting started right 9, she had to change here. She had changed her panties, which were now a deep purple, and she pulled her pantyhose over them. A beige pencil skirt that dropped to her knees and a white blouse hid under her short blazer. After putting on her black heels, she admired herself in the mirror and remade her blonde hair into a low-professional bun.

Her watch read seven-thirty, plenty of time to visit her favorite local coffee shop. It didn’t take her long to get there, and she finished her second water from her tin water bottle. Two had been downed since her workout. The first scent that hit her was one of her favorites- fresh roasted coffee, and a lot of it. The morning rush appeared to have dwindled. All that was left were the amateur writers and college students. Mary-Ann walked right up to the counter with no line. The barista recognized her immediately.

Hanna was always so sweet and friendly, her small stature made it appear as though Mary-Ann was much taller than she actually was. Her blue eyes met Mary-Ann’s green and their smiles were matched.

“Mary-Ann! Can I get you the usual? Cute top by the way”.

Hanna seemed much more energetic than usual, she swayed from one foot to the other and bent her knees ever so often. While certainly not unwelcome to see such energy and vigor so early in the day, it was a bit out of character for the usually reserved girl.

“Aw, thank you! Yeah, I’ll have the usual. Had your coffee today?” Mary-Ann smiled wider; she was always happy to see others so gleeful.

“Just been standing a while.”

Hanna turned towards the cappuccino machine to start Mary-Ann’s order and crossed her legs. They were clad in light jeans. She put both hands on the machine’s table and continued to bounce her knees. She looked a little sick and Mary-Ann couldn’t help but worry. As the cappuccino machine’s noise rang throughout the shop, Mary-Ann spoke up.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

Hanna turned back toward Mary-Ann; her light brown barista apron was bunched around her crotch. She smiled, forcibly, and tried to talk over the end of the machine’s cycle.

“Uh ... yeah. I’m doing ok” Hanna crossed her legs again, and grabbed Mary-Ann’s order. Mary-Ann took her wallet out of her purse and prepared to pay. As Hanna walked back up to the register she put Mary-Ann’s order down and read her the total. Hanna sheepishly looked behind Mary-Ann, and upon seeing there was no one behind she whispered.

“I’m really sorry but we’re a little understaffed right now; and I really ... really need to pee.” As she got to the second “really” she bent her knees down again.

As Mary-Ann heard the word pee, she felt a sympathetic twinge in her own bladder and felt terrible for the girl behind the counter.

“I can wait a moment if you need to run-”

“No! No, if that’s all your getting, I’ll ring you out” Hanna interrupted her a bit loudly.

Mary-Ann paid with her card and put a twenty in the tip jar. She felt sorry for the poor girl, but there wasn’t much she could do except give her a generous tip and leave the girl to hopefully find relief, with a lull in customers

“H-have a nice ... day” Hanna weakly called to her.

Mary-Ann briefly turned and waved to her before heading out the door, back to her car. ################### The ride to the office was short, but as Mary-Ann pulled into a parking spot opposite the office doors, she felt her bladder give her another dull warning, but this time, it didn’t leave; the two morning bottles of gym water had started to collect in her bladder and the cappuccino wasn’t helping. As Mary-Ann entered her office doors, she was greeted by her protégé Karenna.

“Hey boss, meeting room’s ready.” Karenna was an average built black woman, but she had accented her shoulder-length, straight black hair with dyed-red tips.

Unaware of Karenna’s own desperation, Mary-Ann secretly wished the 23-year-old had been a little late. Their typical morning briefs would lead right up to nine o-clock, and if the room and Karenna were already good to go, she wouldn’t be able to stop by their single person bathroom. Mary-Ann could only hope she would have time to relieve herself before her meeting. Karenna stood up from her desk and pressed down her grey suit pants. She gathered her notepad and filed in behind her boss into the small conference room. Before sitting down, she put down her things on the conference table and wiped a bit of fuzz off of her grey suit coat. Mary-Ann didn’t need to know that Karenna had gotten there just minutes before and she still hadn’t emptied her bladder, which she had now been nursing since she woke up. But the meeting in which she was mostly presenting didn’t faze her. She had been in this position for eight months now, and she wasn’t about to let her growing need interrupt such a tight schedule, especially today. She sat down at the conference table and Mary-Ann stepped up to the awaiting projector. A list of clients appeared on the screen as the projector adjusted itself.

“Where do we stand on these?” Mary-Ann started

“Jones and Richardson both are looking like they’ll get underwritten today. I think we’ll have issues with Wyatt though. They might have given us some bad info on the underwriting paperwork.”

As Karenna went into detail about each of the active clients, Mary-Ann discreetly crossed her legs and put her back to the wall. This action went unnoticed by Karenna, who had her own thighs pressed against each other.

The two women continued to review the second page of active clients, and as they discussed a peculiar case in which the client had provided their proof of income from a job they left two weeks prior, Karenna felt her first serious wave of desperate pressure press against the walls of her shaved pussy. The additional effort that it took for her to hold her filled bladder caused her to hesitate mid-sentence

“I can make that ... mmhf ... call today”

Despite her growing desperation, Karenna was determined not to ask for a break. If this meeting dragged on too long, she could delay Mary-Ann, she wasn’t about to do that. The only thing she was hoping for is that Mary-Ann didn’t notice her situation. As she crossed her legs and subtly placed a hand against her crotch, Karenna finally admitted to herself, ‘I need to pee’

Mary-Ann was also growing acutely aware of her own situation, and had begun to sway her hips in an attempt to ease some of the pressure that was developing in her bladder. While she was paying attention to what Karenna was saying, she was unaware of the equally desperate situation her protégé was in.

The two continued to move the meeting forward, discussing where they were in terms of their goals for the year. Karenna at this point was pressing her backside down into the cushy office chair, the corner of the chair pressed into her crotch. Her calves were locked in place, as her heels and feet were supporting most of her forward weight, they were pointing towards each other to keep her thighs in place. When Karenna looked back up from her papers and finished her sentence, she noticed that Mary-Ann was crossing her legs and seemed to be more focused on the projected graph instead of what Karenna was saying. Mary-Ann’s right arm was clutched against her left forearm, and as she swayed back and forth. ‘Do we seriously both need to piss right now?’ The thought crossed Karenna’s mind as her boss hadn’t responded to Karenna’s statement yet. She seemed to be more so watching the clock than giving her undivided attention. Karenna spoke up

“Your thoughts?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah, its fine. Good job today, Karenna. Is that all?”

Karenna wasn’t satisfied with the non-answer, but it was getting close to nine, and if she could get out a moment sooner to pee, she would take it.

“I think that’s it for now, I’ll email you if any of this changes- I gotta step out for a second, your office should be set up.”

“I -uh, alright” Mary-Ann started a sentence, but Karenna had already stood and done a 180 towards the door.

She walked back to her desk as fast and as discreetly as her heels would let her, her sensitive genitals as tight and contracted as she could get them. Throwing her meeting notes over her desk and craning her neck to briefly check Mary-Ann’s office, which was in a windowed room behind her desk, Karenna made sure her boss had everything she needed. Karenna might have to piss like a racehorse, but she still had a job to do. She exhaled as the strain to stand on her tip toes caused her bladder to contact and a shiver involuntarily sent a hand to her crotch. Mary-Ann’s office looked in order. Now slightly hunched over, Karenna hustled passed the front door, which was glass, and anyone in the parking lot could see her squirm in front of her desk. Starting to doubt that she was going to make it, Karenna walked quickly to the corner of the office space that housed the only bathroom. Karenna nearly ran into the white tiled room. With just a single toilet and a sink, she started to undo her black belt and turned her well-toned ass towards the toilet bowl, anticipating her long overdue release. In her haste, she pulled the belt too quickly and it stuck into place. She felt a wet drop touch her panties. Not wanting to wet her pants, Karenna used what was left of her strength to pull her belt forward and slowly undo it. As her fingers worked the tight belt, her legs shook. The strain of holding an entire morning’s worth of pee was now solely on her tight and tiring bladder muscles. She could feel the first few drops slowly dribbling into her underwear. Finally her belt let go, she jammed her fingers into the waist band of her grey suit pants and flung them down to her knees, along with her panties.

Before her butt had even touched the porcelain of the toilet seat, a thick, fat stream of piss shot out of her, splattering the back of the raised top before Karenna sat down in a huff, exhausted from the effort it took to avoid pissing her pants. A loud hiss filled the room as a clear-ish stream of hot urine drilled the water in the toilet bowl. Her pussy lips now dripping pee as well, having left her blue panties with a small dark patch.

Her breathing slowed back to normal, but her stream stayed strong, and the aspiring black business women sat with her forearms on her thighs, trying to process her desperation and now incredible relief and get her head back to her work.

Her stream seemed to slow for a moment, but Karenna contracted her bladder muscles again and the stream that was exiting her pee hole resumed with the same force that it had started with, and the hissing sound that was erupting from her thighs filled the room again. As her stream began to subside for a second time, she examined her panties. She ran her fingers though the fabric, and while it was slightly damp to the touch, they were more than serviceable. She was surprised at what a close call she just had and she sat back in relief.

Her stream was just a slight trickle, but her muscles were still contracting, sending shivers from her pussy through the rest of her body. It felt good, in a way. Karenna’s thoughts drifted back to work ‘I really hope Mary-Ann was just checking the time... ‘

Karenna cut that train of thought short. She tried to convince herself that Mary-Ann was indeed just checking the time and making sure she wasn’t late. This move was important for both of their careers, obviously that would weigh on her mind. I’ve seen her take back-to-back meetings for an entire day’s work. She’s sat through 3-hour licensing classes with a ton of coffee ... there’s no way.

Karenna looked down at her own, now dripping pussy. Her pink wet skin contrasting with her dark outer lips. ‘It’s not like I didn’t just think that I’d be fine.’ She wiped, flushed and pulled her pants back up. Reapplying her belt and checking her makeup in the mirror, she noticed that the back of her grey sport coat had gotten wet from her initial explosion. It fared the worst out of all her clothes, but it would dry before the days end, she was sure of it. Her thoughts drifted back to her boss for a moment. ‘There’s no way she needs to pee ... right?’

Mary-Ann Adimari needed to pee. As she watched her young colleague rush out of the room, she pressed her hands against her skin, just above her burning genitals. It was tender, and her tight pencil skirt did little to assist her. Though it was a long skirt, which reached her kneecaps, it was becoming harder and harder to stand still. Her movements had nearly become involuntary, all made worse by the fact that she was in heels. She walked out of the conference room and entered her personal office.

A slightly private area, its windows were against just one wall. They allowed her to be aware of what was happening outside her semi-private walls. Her bookcase, which served more as a prop for virtual meetings than actually useful books, was against the back wall, and the opposite wall partially served as a wet bar for closings. She had just refilled the alcohol shelf yesterday, and the different color liquids only served to mock her at this point. The deep red rug that spanned much of the floor gave the room a sophisticated atmosphere and played well with the walnut-colored bookshelves and mahogany desk.

Mary-Ann wasn’t paying attention to any of these details as she shoved her meeting notes onto her desk and trudged towards the bathroom in the main office space. She had maybe 30 seconds, but she was also starting to feel her now desperation to pee. She assumed Karenna was done as she approached the door, but the light wood was hardly sound proof. She was instead greeted by a such a loud sigh and a hissing sound that her mind instantly attempted to release her bladder muscles. The sound and sudden force of pressure baring down on her tight snatch caused Mary-Ann to shove her hands deep into her crotch and squeeze every muscle she possibly could. Her thighs and genital walls were all directed to halt the force liquid from soiling her clothes. Karenna clearly wasn’t done, and Mary-Ann would be unfashionably late. She winced, attempted to straighten up, and walked back towards her office. As she sat down, some of the other financial partners and representatives from her current company were starting to join the meeting. Sitting in her black office chair, Mary-Ann turned her camera on, forced a smile, and hoped that she could pay attention for just an hour and a half. ############################ Karenna had been answering emails and making few morning calls from her desk while occasionally grabbing a drink from the water cooler outside conference room. Despite her close call this morning, she still needed to refresh ever so often and the short walk from her desk to the water cooler was enough to give her mind a quick rest. What helped the day go by the fastest however was the occasional inbound call. For a better connection, they still used landlines, so she could also fiddle with the cord while she talked. It was like her grandmother’s old phone when she was growing up, and a little burst of nostalgia was all she needed sometimes. This time, when it rang, it was a local realtor, looking to connect with Mary-Ann. After the two set a time and a day, Karenna hung up and looked back through the glass at her boss. From where she was sitting, Mary-Ann appeared to be focused on her meeting, and Karenna immediately felt better about her own relief this morning. She hadn’t forced her boss into an uncomfortable position and she felt her dash for the restroom was justified.

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