Mother, Daugther, Father - Cover

Mother, Daugther, Father

by Christine

Copyright© 2021 by Christine

Incest Sex Story: In the later days of the pandemic everyone was trying to stay confined. in doing so daughters had no means of relieving sexual tension. What is a mother to do?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   .

The beginning, mother father daughter She Was Watching

These past years of government imposed, and everyone self-imposed, isolation due to the Virus has been rough. This virus thing had taken a control on just about everyone. No one thought it would last as long as it did. It seemed that as soon as the scientists developed a vaccine for it that it would mutate into something new and they would start over. The list of essential personnel was expanded to also include food producers and handlers. Those that lost their jobs in the city were pressed into service working on farms and distribution. Manufacturing was ramped back up by new and improved masks that everyone was required to wear. We almost had become a police state, like many of the other countries, and after 3 years of this, it looked as though we could survive, as the last vaccine saw no new mutations.

We lived outside of town a couple of miles, on about 12 acres of woodland and an acre of cleared land, behind the house. You could barely see the house from the road so the back yard and cleared area were blocked from view by the small hill in front of the house.

It is a sparse neighborhood and besides 3 other retired neighbors, we were the only ones with a child that would still be in school. But since this pandemic the schools were all virtual and none of the children saw anyone else unless they happen to live near someone else. Practically all social interaction in person had been stopped. I really did not know how much of this affected my daughter, but it just all of a sudden became an issue.

We got together with some of the older neighbors and co-opted a garden. It helped us and the other three couples near us get through this. One of those neighbors had a few cows, that dropped a steer or two each year, so we butchered one every year and divided it among each family. All, but one, had a spring fed stream, so we were good there.

There are so many changes that it would take too much space, and time, to describe all the changes, so I won’t try any further.

It is amazing how, when you have to make changes to survive, you can. As I said, it was hardest on our daughter as there were no kids her age nearby and the schools had, of course, been closed for a long time. We tried to keep things interesting but it was hard. At the beginning, we even pitched a tent out back and the three of us would “rough it”. However, after a while that also became too much trouble.

My daughter and I were lucky that my husband also worked for the government and could do so at home. The three of us would work the garden every morning, with the other close neighbors, then we would home school our daughter, taking turns and dividing the subjects between us. Both of us tried taking turns when it came to the health subjects. Her father was reluctant to get involved in the sex subjects at all so we sort of muddled through it and hoped that she understood it all.

She was developing late in life and I had wondered if our way of life had affected that. I went through all the basics because, at the time, I felt that’s all she needed to know. I concentrated on her body and the change that it would soon have but I guess, maybe in hindsight, I should have prepared her for the feelings that she would start to receive as well. I was very open with her and we even discussed masturbation and how it was done for boys and girls. She had no follow-up questions so I wasn’t sure if she had started exploring her own body yet or not.

I had noticed her demeanor on several occasions seemed, I guess, a little aggressive towards me but I blew it off. After all, we had no one else to vent our feelings. I guess it was inevitable we would have some disagreements.

The three of us were sitting around the dinner table, which had become very quiet for lack of anything to talk about, and then our daughter started by asking her dad, “Dad, the weather will be nice the next couple of nights, so do you think we could put the tent back up?”

“I don’t know, honey, we haven’t done it in so long that I don’t know if we could find everything.”

“I already checked, I know where everything is, because you put it away in boxes and labeled them in the garage. Mom, here is where you are supposed to kind of jump in and help out with my request.” “She kind of got us there, Greg, I don’t see any problem with it.”

Greg relented with some stipulations, “Okay, I guess we can do it, but it won’t happen until tomorrow night because it’s too late to get everything set up tonight.”

“Tomorrow is a good time to start. That will give Cheryl and I time to work on the food while you’re finishing up your business with the state.”

Our tent was big enough for the three of us, but not much more than that. Inside we kept our clothing, a couple of flashlights, a single sleeping bag, plus a double sleeping bag. We never tried it, but both sleeping bags were capable of being zipped together as one large one.

While Greg was working in the office, Shirley and I put together menus for two days and two nights and prepped as much of the food as we could ahead of time. She insisted that we were going to have a fire and cook everything outdoors, because it tasted so much different. Being the one that did most of the cooking and washing I did not care much for the idea, but as Greg had relented to her desires, I let her have her way as well.

Greg started the fire, with Cheryl helping, as I brought the food out from the kitchen. Once outside it was always sort of a given that Greg would take care of the cooking and he did not disappoint us at this point. We did sort of cheat by taking the dirty dishes back in the kitchen and quickly wash them. Once we got back outside it was still an hour or so before dark so we walked through the garden looking for vegetables and the odd berry that may still be hanging on the vine someplace. We sort of made a game to see who could find them fastest and even before anybody else had a chance to eat them.

At some point, we couldn’t see anything any longer, so we went back to the fire and sat around on some old logs that Greg had brought up. There wasn’t much conversation since the three of us lived together for the last three years, twenty-four hours a day, so we knew everything about each other or so I thought. We stayed up as long as we could until boredom finally forced us inside the tent.

Once everything was laid out with the sleeping bags turned back, I turned out the light and everyone began to get undressed. There was a little bit of light coming in from the outside yard light but since we had not yet gotten used to the dark it was little use to us, so we had to get undressed by feel alone. It didn’t take long for us sliding into sleeping bags and trying to get settled. It must have been fifteen or twenty minutes before I could finally start to see outlines inside the tent.

On one side of me was Greg and he was leaning up on his side holding his head up with his arm. On the other side of me was Cheryl, who was laying on her side facing us but it looked as though she was asleep already. I quietly called out her name and she didn’t answer. I looked back at Greg and we both smiled at each other as we each reached for the other at the same time and as usual found each other totally naked.

I was too tired to do much, but I figured I would have to take care of him before we got any sleep. I slid the sleeping bag off of us, after taking another look at Cheryl to make sure she was asleep, and taking his cock in my hand. I leaned over and took him in my mouth while throwing myself over his legs straddling them. I started slowly, then increased my speed and soon he was face fucking me. It wasn’t a violent thing but I didn’t have to do anything but hold my head still.

Before long, his hands grabbed my head and I knew he was close to cumming. His pace quickened and he moaned a little too loud that I was afraid Cheryl would wake. Within moments of that he tried to whisper, telling me he was going to cum. Shit, like I didn’t know. Then he thrust his cock in my mouth deeply, holding me there as I felt his cum at the back of my throat, causing me to gag and cough. But being the trooper, I was I let him finish. I kept his shriveling cock in my mouth until I could get no more of his cum out of him.

Whispering, while wiping my face off, I said, “Damn, Greg, you didn’t have to drown me and did you forget you have a daughter in here with us? Or was that the idea? Did you get a streak of exhibitionism in you?”

“What do you mean?” He answered.

“Let’s finish this in the morning so we can go to sleep.”

As I rolled off of him, I looked over at Cheryl and sometime during all this she had rolled over facing the other way. I had hoped she did it in her sleep as I really wasn’t ready for a mom/daughter talk right now. I was worried but fell asleep anyway.

Sometime in the early morning I woke to the feeling of Greg’s cock between my legs sliding back and forth over my bald lips. At some point he had rolled over and was spooning me. Feeling his cock slide over those lips and my clit was something I could never refuse him, nor I. I wiggled around until I got just the right angle and then pushed back against him as he was pushing towards me.

His cock slid in about half way and the next thrust buried him deep in me. He had started fucking me slowly but soon he was fucking me in earnest. I leaned my head back and whispered to him, “Did you forget your daughter is right here?” That seemed to only urge him on even more. I closed my eyes and let the warm feelings spread though my loins and up to my chest. I was able to keep my mouth closed, but the moans, from deep in me, could not be mistaken for anything other than my orgasm, brought on by feeling him deep in me as he began to pulse.

As soon as I caught my breath, I opened my eyes and there staring at me, no more than two feet away, was Cheryl. As soon as our eyes locked, she got up and ran to the house. FUCK! This is not going to be good.

I slid out from under the sleeping bag and quickly threw on a robe, and nothing more, with Greg asking what was going on.

“Well, I hope you’re happy, your daughter just witnessed the whole thing, not more than a couple feet from me.”

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