American Teen - Cover

American Teen

Copyright© 2021 by Aaron Stone

Chapter 35

It was a happy time in the backroom of Little Italy’s that night. By this point, Coach had gotten the other scores from his dad, who scouted other teams for us. At just past the halfway point in the regular season, the Lions were 6-0 and were two games up on every team in the league. The standings were:

East Chilton Babe Ruth Baseball League
East Division
#. Team Name W/L Games Back

The Lions’ Club Lions 6-0 ---
The Rotary Club Flyers 4-2 2.0
McNeeley’s Funeral Home Wolves 3-3 3.0
Dawson Lumber Beavers 1-5 5.0
Chilton Division
#. Team Name W/L Games Behind

The Myers Chevrolet Cheetahs 4-2 ---
The Dalton Ford Eagles 4-2 ---
The Danvers Plumbing Pirates 1-5 3.0
The Elk Lodge Elks 1-5 3.0

We had managed to destroy a number of our opponents, but had found ways to win some close games too. We had played every team in the league at least once except the three and three McNeely’s Funeral Home Wolves. The Wolves were a really inconsistent team, having beaten the 4-2 Rotary Club Flyers (previously, Lionel’s team had only lost to us week one), but had given the team we had beaten tonight their only win of the season. Due to a quirk in the schedule, we would not be playing the Wolves for another two games, but our second match up with them would also be the last game of the regular season. Of our four remaining games, all four were divisional contests. Our next game would be a rematch with the last place team in our division, The Dawson Lumber Beavers on Saturday.

Our family tables were pretty full because it contained my three girls along with all of my grandparents and Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, the Bridges family (with Emily Parker), with occasional visits from Phyllis Manning and her daughter, Susie. Phyllis was excited by her promotion and big raise.

The plan to increase Monique and Phyllis’ rate of pay had been approved. Phyllis’ rate of pay would double as she was being promoted from “Inventory Clerk” to the position of “Computer and ‘Automation Specialist’. While Monique’s pay rate would increase four fold, she would only work no fewer than twelve, but no greater than twenty hours a week. Her title would be changed from ‘Inventory Clerk’ to ‘Computer and Automation Consultant.’ This cut in hours would allow her to return to school in the fall and still make plenty of money to cover her bills. For now, both ladies would continue to work at the Commercial Parts Store, but would eventually work directly for PASCO, reporting to me (via Dad).

On the surface, these promotions might have seemed like a large financial burden for the company to absorb, but not really. According to my dad, the salary and compensation schedules for the two top salesmen (Head of Sales, Paul Whitaker and Roger Thornbush), were far too high. We were able to promote two of the part time salesmen to full-time (with a far more reasonable compensation structure), and give an interim promotion to Calvin Dane, as head of sales. Mr. Dane had not impressed me with his reluctance to embrace automation. I was concerned he might not last.

The other huge savings to the company was that Edgar Blanton had been paying himself a hundred-twenty-five thousand dollars a year to act as general manager. He was doing the same thing at Blanton Auto Body getting seventy-five thousand a year from there. Even after promoting Aunt Sylvia, from “Office Manger” to ‘General Manager’ and eventually promoting Rita Sanders from ‘Inventory Manager’, to ‘Office Manager’, There would still be a huge savings to the company that would eventually allow us to also replace Monique and Phyllis at the part store, when we were ready to start the automation process. I would need to get into the office tomorrow to discuss new hires with Aunt Sylvia.

I wasn’t really thinking about any of that at that moment. I was trying to eat my pizza and had J Squared and Monique draped all over me. A number of my other teammates were having a great time with their families and friends.

As we were about to head home, Lars pulled me aside.

“Jimmy and I auditioned his buddy Sean, today. He was okay at both playing and singing. Jimmy would like to add him, but I’m not so sure.”

“Why?” I asked.

“The kid acts like he’s the second coming of Hendrix mixed with Robert Plant, but I just don’t see it.”

“So his ego is bigger than his talent?”

Lars laughed. “Yeah, I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

“How would you put it?” I grinned.

“He’s a no-talent dick.”

I laughed. “That’s pretty harsh, Cuz.”

“Well, I’ll make sure that Jimmy understands that if he’s in, he’s mostly playing rhythm and singing back up vocals. You and Janie are simply better as a lead guitarist and lead vocalist.”

“Do you think Jimmy will give you any trouble?” I asked.

“No, I think once he heard you play Hendrix, he admitted that you were better. Janie has a great voice and an amazing range. She could be a pro. I also think Jimmy wants to score with her.”

I frowned. “That might not be good for his health.”

“Well, shit, Cuz. You have three girls.”

“All who don’t want anything to do with Jimmy Davis.”

Lars laughed. “Well, knowing my pal, I don’t necessarily blame them.”

After we got home, I hit the hay pretty quickly after saying goodnight to my family and a quick shower. Tomorrow would be a busy day.

Despite no school, I still had to wake up early Wednesday morning. Aside from the chores, My Philly family was heading home. It was rather sad, because I had really enjoyed my extended time with them.

Willie and I got everything done pretty quickly and then we had a big breakfast with all ten of us. Then we helped pack up Granddad’s Lincoln.

Rachel gave me a big hug. I could tell that she really enjoyed her time in the country. She had even gone riding on my dad’s old mare Goldie a few times (she rode regularly at her prep school). I had been pretty busy, but promised that the next time she was up, I would go out on Bingo, the gelding, while she would ride Goldie. I knew we would be getting some more mares next year once the horse facilities had been built. Thunder would get his own little harem, just like me, my father had teased me.

“Thank you for showing me your world, Tommy. I love your dad, but you’re much more like my brother, so I’m glad we could spend some time together.”

“I feel the same way, Rachel. I can’t wait to visit with you in Philly this summer, so I can see your world.”

She just beamed, gave me another hug and a kiss on my cheek.

“I’m looking forward to it, little brother,” she whispered.

I felt a tear run down my cheek and saw that she had started to cry a little, too.

After she was situated in the car, I brushed away any residual moisture from my eyes.

“Tommy. We had a wonderful time!” smiled Gran.

“Yes we did, Grandson,” said Aggie. As I was squashed in a killer hug between my two Philly grandmothers.

“Me too! I can’t wait to spend some time with you in Philly this summer.”

“Same here,” said Aggie.

Gran laughed. “We’re already planning your itinerary.”

Both ladies were just as emotional as I was as they got in the car.

Before he got into the driver’s seat, Granddad gave me a hug. “I like your plan for automation. Your young lady Monique really impressed me. Most of my larger businesses rely on computers, but it is remarkable how small businesses are still lagging pretty far behind. At any rate, please keep me aware of how things are going. If you, your dad, or Steve need any assistance, please let me know.”

“I will, Granddad. Thank you for all of your help.”

I saw a tear in Granddad’s eye and he pulled me hard to him into a fierce hug. He was only a few inches taller than me, but I could feel his strength.

“I am SO proud of you, Tommy! Your parents have raised an exceptional young man in you.”

“I love you, Granddad,” I said, as I tighten my grip on him.

“As I love you, Grandson.”

Soon we were waving goodbye as drove down the long driveway. We had no concrete plan to see them for several months, but there was talk of them coming back for Independence Day weekend. Of course, I would be going to see them in Philly, in early August.

While it was sad to see them go, I had a busy day. I was going into town with my dad to check out the Laundromat. We had closed it down for a week and had Aurora’s auditors do a thorough check of the books. Then we reported a number of discrepancies to both law enforcement and the IRS. We had agreed to pay penalties out of the company account which were sizable. Granddad helped to expedite the process, so that when we sold the business, we could sell it unencumbered. We hoped we could have it off PASCO’s books by June. Dad was convinced that law enforcement would be very interested in talking to Edgar Blanton.

Visiting the Laundromat was relatively boring (I mean, how could a laundromat be anything but boring?). It was a fairly basic operation with twelve washers and twelve dryers. There were eight new washers and eight new dryers that were being held in a storage unit just outside of town. These units were claimed to be in-service and producing, when they were purposely not being used. It was clearly money being funneled into the business from the illegal partnership with the strip club and the pimp. Dad provided all of the financial evidence of money laundering to the police, but did not go into detail on the other things. When I asked him, he told me why he did this.

“Tommy, I have no direct proof of this scheme and Edgar did not admit any wrongdoing. We bluffed him based upon the likely conclusions of what Aurora found and from talking to Pelly. The only thing we know for sure is that the new machines in storage were not in use and the books seemed out of whack. We’ve done our due diligence and provided law enforcement with the information for the previous owner of the laundromat. With what we’ve given them, they can more accurately pursue this matter. Why muddy the waters with supposition that we can’t prove that might put unnecessary, additional scrutiny on us? We’ve also paid the penalties owed the IRS, so when the laundromat reopens, it will be completely unencumbered for us to sell.”

It still did not quite sit right with me. Then Dad’s comment about ‘additional scrutiny’ hit home.

What if Edgar Blanton claimed that we were involved in the scheme? I thought.

If we started feeding theories to the police, they might believe that we were somehow involved in the illegal activity. As an officer of the court, Dad had discovered actual wrongdoing in terms of suspected money laundering, based upon financial irregularities and reported it to the proper authorities. He had done what was required of him. The rest was sheer supposition, because it was based upon hearsay, without any other provable facts available to him. My father had just given me a lesson in the way the world works. Things weren’t always cut and dried in the real world.

After the Laundromat, dad dropped me off at the Commercial Auto Parts Store for my meeting with Aunt Sylvia. He had to head into the office because he would be in court this afternoon. We looked at the sign.

Blanton’s Commercial Auto Parts

“We really need to change that name,” I frowned.

“How about ‘Matthews Commercial Auto Parts?’” asked Dad.

“I like the sound of that,” I replied.

“You might as well do the same with the Body shop too,” added Dad.

I nodded with a grin. I hugged and then waved bye to my father, as he headed back to his car and then he was off for Pittsburgh.

When I walked in, I was greeted by Cheryl, the blond receptionist. I still remembered when Uncle Steve and I first arrived and how blasé she was about us having to wait for more than a half-an-hour for the then Sales Manager, Paul Whitaker, to meet with us. Now she was practically falling over herself fawning all over me.

I knocked on Aunt Sylvia’s door. “How’s my favorite General Manager,” I smiled.

“How’s my favorite boss?” she grinned as she got up and we hugged.

“Just wanted to follow up on any thoughts about replacing Monique and Phyllis.”

“Well, there is a part-timer who is about to graduate from high school. Her name is Susan Lassiter and she doesn’t have the money to go to college, so she wants to find a full-time job and go to Community College at night.”

“Is she a good worker?” I asked.

“She’s worked here for a year and a half and has been very reliable. I’d hate to lose her, but she needs to find full-time work.”

“Well, let’s meet with her and see if she would like to work here full-time. We might even be able to help her with college.”


“Yeah. If she has good grades and is a good worker, we could help cover any business classes she might be interested in taking. Who knows? She might have your job one day,” I teased and Aunt Sylvia laughed.

“Well, I’m not getting any younger, you know,” she grinned.

Susan was actually working because we had the week off from school (so she had picked up some extra hours). She was kind of amused that I was her boss, considering that she was more than four years older than me.

“I like to employ older women,” I grinned and she laughed.

After about a half-an-hour later, I determined that Susan was both interested and would be a good fit for the Inventory Clerk position. She had been retrieving parts from the warehouse for more than two years, so she had a solid understanding of the inventory process. Also, like Phyllis, she had some experience typing, so we could teach her about data entry when the work became automated. I decided to hold off on mentioning my idea of a scholarship until I talked to my dad. I think that Susan was just happy that she had a full-time job lined up and was even happier that it was at a familiar place doing something that she understood.

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