Forget Harper Valley PTA: The Way Forward - Cover

Forget Harper Valley PTA: The Way Forward

by Peter Pan

Copyright© 2021 by Peter Pan

Erotica Sex Story: If I had the least notion that the events at those previous parties were an "educational one-off," I certainly had another think coming. You can't tame what's naturally wild! Besides, "In your own lounge-room, no-one can hear you scream!"

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   School   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Orgy   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Nudism   .

Doubtless I had condemned my immortal soul to hell with my flagrant transgression of parental etiquette of late but be that as it may, one has to take the opportunities offered them in this life. I must admit I was for the next twenty four hours, watching Kylie and Jenna closely for even the slightest sign of remorse, self-recrimination or the least inward discordancy. All I divined as occurring however was a newly developed camaraderie between the two of them – most of which seemed to be taking place beneath Jenna’s quilt-cover before school. Ensuing breakfasts were marked by a good deal of giggling and joi-de-vive.

Even if I had wanted the entire incident erased from my higher memory, it was never to be. Not three days later, Kylie called me into the lounge-room just after dinner. “ ‘Phone for you dad,” she called out – “It’s Jerry,” she whispered to me, a smirk building up beneath those pretty little cheeks of hers. I snatched the phone off her.

“Which one was that?” he asked, “Jenna?”

“That was the housekeeper Jerry,” I answered, “She’s ugly as all hell, has chronic bad breath and shaves her forearms. I’ve sent the girls to a Convent to learn the words to “Climb Every Mountain” ... what can I do for you?”

“A Convent huh?” he mused, “Well, from what I saw last weekend, they’re gonna be pretty popular with the older Sisters.” He had a point there. All sorts of murderously hot images immediately flashed through my head (amongst other anatomical hot-spots). Kylie sitting on one of the elder Sisters’ laps, her little skirt pushed up around her hips while another of the Flying Nuns slipped her panties down and fingered her. Jenna across the laps of two others, being spanked hard while they stripped her...

I had to quickly re-orientate myself ... Jerry was still mumbling.

“Yeah, so the reason I called – Warwick is hosting the party next week, the three of you coming ... all four maybe?”

“In your dreams Jer,” I growled dismissively, “Natalie doesn’t even know about all this ... well, least as far as I know!”

“Bummer,” he replied, “Still, the rest of you will be there right?”

I wondered if Kylie was listening-in on the extension upstairs ... I certainly would have been in her position. Coughing nervously I just told him I needed a day or so to think on that one, but not to hold his breath. The slightest of clicks gave the game away for the girls ... they’d been eavesdropping - no risk!

Jerry sounded faintly disappointed but agreed to wait my call. I took the stairs two at a time. The girls were sitting at Kylie’s computer chatting on-line.

They looked up expectantly as I entered.

“NO WE’RE NOT!” I thundered, “And it’s rude to listen-in on people’s calls.” I added, trying my best to sound authoritarian.

“Oh we weren’t listening dad,” Jenna giggled... “Kylie just forgot to hang up earlier.”

“Yeah right,” I replied. “Gotcha there cutie-pie ... If the ‘phone had been off the hook, Jerry wouldn’t have been able to get-through would he?”

“Oh ... was it Jerry?” she looked at me all wide-eyed and innocent, completely ignoring my smart detective-work.

“As if you didn’t know?” I muttered, desperate to win a point somewhere. “Yes, of course it was Jerry and no, we are not going to the next party. You both had more than enough last week. You’re school kids not sex-toys. Let’s get real here girls.”

“Well, you took us dad.” Kylie interrupted, “Besides, you didn’t seem to mind too much that night as I recall.” That really set Jenna off giggling fitfully.

I almost blushed, recalling the white-hot images of the two of them naked on the bed after Kylie had called down to me to come up. What else can a man do when he finds his two young daughters posed lewdly on a bed and panting for it?” I did what I had to.

“Yeah well okay Kyles, you caught me at a weak moment,” I answered. “I’ve thought about it since and we need to be a little more circumspect about things. Your reputations for one!”

Kylie looked at me in that cheeky way she does when she knows she’s on top of the situation.

“Dad, we could make you do it right now if we wanted to!” So saying, she sat back in the chair and spread her legs apart just enough to let me see her hot little white panties.”

“Cut that right out cheeky-face,” I managed to splutter, “Natalie’s just up in her room, I don’t think we need to advertise our combined sins right now.”

Kylie pouted, but closed-up the brief window of opportunity.

“What is it with you two?” I asked. “Did you really enjoy having all those guys after you?”

“It was kinda fun dad – really,” Jenna muttered. “Hot too!” Her sister joined her in a fit of the giggles.

“Yeah, well it might not be so hot if you had gotten pregnant would it?” I suggested, falling back on the “wise and responsible parent” entity.

“Specially if you were the father dad,” Kylie put in. “Would be a problem I suppose, having a baby that was my half-brother too. Not to mention you being both father and grandfather.”

Right that second, call me a twisted, perverted head-case, but just the thought of getting Kylie pregnant, brought on waves of paternal longing as opposed to waves of parental intelligence. God I love them so much!

“Ok kids well let’s just leave this for a while,” I suggested. “We’ll talk about it a bit later – when you’re both asleep I think might be opportune, then I won’t get any cheek from either of you!”

The topic of the next party was somewhat side-tracked courtesy of some unexpected guests the following night. By sheer good fortune, Natalie was out with her boyfriend and my eldest son with his girlfriend. In hindsight, might have been better if the three of us had been out too!

We had just eaten and cleared away – one of the rare nights I actually got them to wash-up for me, when there came a knock at the door.

“See who that is Jenna please,” I called out.

The last thing I was expecting to see subsequently, was Jerry and his daughter Michelle being ushered into the lounge.

“Just passing your street on the way home,” he said, “and Michelle mentioned that Kylie and Jenna live at number twenty six, so I figured we’d drop-by and say hi!”

I was thinking to myself, “Yeah, right Jerry, you scheming little bastard,” but quite frankly, so tight was the hot tartan skirt Michelle had on, it was taking the edge off my deductive processes.”

“Can I offer you guys a drink?” I muttered, logged-in to auto-polite mode and immediately regretting it, upon realization that this might prolong the visit. Naturally Jerry opted for a beer. All three girls headed off to the kitchen. I decided I may as well join him ... I don’t even like beer! Jenna brought out a couple of twist-tops and the girls grabbed themselves a diet Pepsi each before pitching themselves down on the far lounge in strikingly appealing poses. At the angle both Jerry and I were, you didn’t need much imagination let’s say. Well, assuming you were thinking along similarly degenerate lines.

“So,” piped-up Jerry, swigging a couple of inches of the frosty brew a tad theatrically, “You guys gonna make it Saturday?”

“Er, we’ve already covered that one Jer,” I responded, the epitome of cool fatherhood. “Said we’re gonna think about it ... remember?”

Just at that second, Michelle said something to Kylie and Jenna and all three of them began laughing hysterically. I glared at them.

“You said a couple of days actually ... that was over forty eight hours ago now,” he added wistfully.

“Hey Jer,” I replied, my body-language set to “confrontation imminent,” “Am I on some kinda sliding time-scale here? – “Vot is zis? You no sprechen ze Deutch? Ve haf ways of getting ze information ve need, yes?”

Jerry looked stunned.

“I ... I was just asking.” He hastily swigged another inch or two.

Sensing a need to calm my disposition I guess, yet totally unprovoked, Michelle walked over and sat on my lap. God ... was she well-trained or what? It worked though, I was fully consoled ... and fully boned-up pretty much. I told you how tight that skirt was!

My two girls were eyeing the situation carefully. I was eyeing other things.

“Look Jerry,” I told him, “I will call you the next day or so, OK? Just want to talk stuff through with the girls.”

“Sure,” he said quietly, obviously at ease with his daughter’s relocation. “That’s cool. Just let me know.”

Michelle was wearing some really persuasive perfume that was radically impacting on my defense mechanisms. Was pretty much infiltrating my entire sensory and auditory systems concurrently. She had only to lean across and kiss me and I would be a lost cause ... and dammit, she did just that.

“Do you remember how far we got at the party Mr Baker?” she whispered.

“Well, I certainly remember how far you got sweetie,” I replied. “I was there, remember?” Another kiss. What the hell was this? Jerry’s pre-programmed “lets get the parent on-side” technique? If so, it was most definitely a winner!

Thinking little of any possible consequences here, I kissed her back – on the lips this time. Was she compliant? Yummy! I heard Kylie (who else?) call out something along the lines of “Go dad!” I couldn’t be sure of the exact wording.

As she responded to my kissing her, Michelle splayed her legs, which in that skirt was no mean accomplishment. The sight of her hot little black knickers took me over the line and stupidly, I slipped a hand up between her legs. I was lost! Even as I saw Jerry pat the arms of his chair, I knew of course his motivation. Jenna and Kylie lost no time in taking up a position either side of him and dammit, their skirts were no less provocative than Michelle’s. I realised now I had been staring at them both intently while they had washed-up for me. I hadn’t been thinking about the war in Iraq either!

I wanted to call out “No, get back on the lounge girls,” but the words refused to form. All I could concentrate on was what my fingers were doing to the front of Michelle’s panties. The more industrious they became, the more reactionary my lap-dweller.

Wriggling on my knee, Michelle raised her hips such that she was able, and with the hottest little expression on her face, one that ranked midway between “pleading” and “intriguing,” she whispered “pull them down if you want.” Like I was thinking, “Oh well, if I must!”

Slipping the skimpy little things off, I was treated to the most arousing of views directly up between her legs. Trimmed but not shaven, Michelle had the prettiest little blonde downy patch of pubic hair atop her pussy. I could see it glistening in places from the natural wetness that had been evident even through her knickers. Caressing her soft labia in a vertical motion, I kissed her rather lovingly as her respiratory rate increased on a par with her escalating urgency.

Built very much like my two girls, Michelle has rather beautiful firm little breasts – totally girlish and there they were just inches from my gaze, undulating gently beneath a tight little top which failed delightfully, to conceal the ultra-thin black shoulder-straps of her bra. My hand closed gently around her right breast and I squeezed the soft mound beneath. She covered my hand with her own and looked up at me – words quite unnecessary.

Angling a glance towards Jerry’s chair, I immediately regretted choosing one with such wide arms. Both girls were delicately seated alongside my house-guest, their skirts obscenely high up their thighs while leaning inwards and taking their turns kissing Jerry. His restraint was remarkable as I could see nothing in the way of bodily contact with either. “What a fucking idiot,” I recall thinking, while at the same time giving thanks to the Gods of stupidity.

Emotionally, Michelle had moved up a cog. It was time to join her on the new plateau. I couldn’t help thinking that however stylish and provocative that cute little top was, it would look so much better on the floor. Consigning it then to its new home, her frilly little push-up bra quite came into its own. I often amuse myself debating mentally whether in fact a young girl exerts a greater appeal in a bra than out of one. Undeniably, both concepts have their selling points. For me though I find nothing more arousing than the sight (and feel) of young partially covered breasts with a hint of cleavage – specially when their owner has but one intention – to let you see more!

Slipping her straps down her arms, the lightest intake of breath betrayed Michelle’s arousal. As her perfectly sculptured contours and perkiest of light brown nipples emerged, I told her she was just so beautiful and kissed her lips, which hopefully conveyed to her the honesty of that statement. At the point a girl’s eyes go dreamy, you know you must have said something right!

Quite without thought at that particular moment as to the sexual predicament of my own two charges, I simply needed to unhook that front-clasp. I felt her hand pull my head gently to her as my lips took in both the extremity of her nipple and the milky smell of her young breasts. I sucked her like a baby and with a baby’s need for satisfaction and comfort.

With her free hand, Michelle unzipped the back of her skirt and we shuffled it off her. I caught a glimpse of Kylie and Jenna’s expression as Michelle was finally rendered naked on my lap. Jerry also was no longer inactive on the home front. Whether at his urgings or nature was just taking its own course, the two girls now began to kiss each other, leaning across Jerry’s chest. With the imminent proximity of both their breasts but inches from his face, I could hardly be surprised at his beginning to grope them both. I had enough to worry about myself!

Pulling Michelle around to a semi-squatting position on my lap she was beginning to moan as my fingers delved well up inside her pussy. What all this looked like to Jerry – God only knows. She had her arms up around my neck and was beginning to coordinate her hip movements to my digital thrusts. Let’s face it though, there is a finite limit to what one’s fingers, even with back-up can achieve, and ultimately the weapon of choice must be brought into play. Such decision is made even quicker when one’s ears are assailed, however softly, by simple but inspirational little phrases such as “Fuck me Mr Baker.”

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