2 Streakers - the Story of Yvonne and Christina - Cover

2 Streakers - the Story of Yvonne and Christina

Copyright© 2021 by Edward EC

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - High school senior class rivals Yvonne Jackson and Christina Melendez find excitement, self-discovery, and love through late-night streaking and nude dares.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   School   Spanking   Interracial   Black Female   Hispanic Female   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Cat-Fighting   Nudism  

Patient Narrative - Christina Melendez - entry eight: Gi-Gi’s Healing Touch

Yvonne fell asleep holding me, right after we moved from the sofa to my bed. That night I wasn’t able to sleep, even though I was dead tired from the stressful streaking run and spanking her. That sucked, because in just a couple of hours I’d have to get up to make breakfast and get ready for school. After her breathing changed, I gently disengaged myself so I could make sure the house was locked and that everything in the kitchen was turned off. Then I remembered her clothes in the laundry room. I figured I’d better move them to the dryer, or else she wouldn’t have anything dry to wear to school the next day.

When I pulled her clothes out of the washer, I realized why she always kept her sweatshirt zipped when she was going to or getting off work. Along with her school clothes and five pairs of short-shorts, there were several light green and light pink t-shirts marked with the logo:

Gi-Gi’s Healing Touch

Well, that certainly answered a lot of my questions: why she was so good at giving massages, her strange schedule, and why she smelled the way she did when she got off work. It turned out my girlfriend worked at a massage parlor.

I thought about putting her clothes back into the washer, pretend I had not seen the t-shirts, and let her deal with them when she woke up. But I decided that no, there was no point in letting her continue hiding her job from me, nor was there any point in me pretending I didn’t know. Anyhow, if I didn’t move the clothes, they’d still be wet in the morning and she’d have to borrow something from me to wear to school. I’d simply let the truth come out.

However, I did want to make sure she didn’t think I was deliberately snooping in her laundry, so I filled the washing machine with a bunch of towels and turned it on. That way I could legitimately say I needed to move her clothes to the dryer to make room for the towel load, and that I was not snooping in her stuff.

The fact Yvonne worked at a massage parlor didn’t bother me at all. People have to earn money however they can. When I was little, my mom was a barista and my dad worked for an immigration lawyer who later got busted for scamming some of his customers. While working for the lawyer, my dad ran scams of his own on the side, and that was how he got the money he invested in crypto-currencies. So who would I have been to judge? At least giving massages was honest work, something that I considered perfectly legitimate.

I was more curious about the conditions at Gi-Gi’s than anything else: what her job was like, what she thought about her customers and co-workers, how she managed to hide what she was doing from dad and step-mother, and how she even got her job in the first place.

I got back in bed and had just gotten to sleep when I felt the mattress move. Yvonne had suddenly woken up and rushed to the laundry room. She returned to the room with tears in her eyes.

“Why’d you have to touch my fucking clothes? Why?”

“Because your stuff isn’t the only thing I gotta wash. I got my own stuff too. So, yes, I did need to move your stuff. What? So, you’re telling me you didn’t want it dry?”

She sat on the bed. She put her head in her hands. I continued:

“You seriously think I give a fuck about your job? Why would I care? It’d only bother me if I thought you might get hurt or something.”

She looked up, her eyes still full her tears.

“You’re seriously not creeped-out?”

“No! I’m not creeped out! Not unless you think I should be.”

We were quiet for a moment, before I continued:

“What I am pissed about is that you wanted to hide this from me. You seriously didn’t think you could trust me?”

“I dunno. It’s ... complicated. Complicated, ‘cause of the people at school, you know, what they’d think. And, ‘cause of my old man. He’d break my neck if ever he found out.”

“I’m not your group at school. And I’m not your old man. And I’m not creeped-out. Honest.”

She hugged me. I could tell she was still crying. Then I thought about something. Just a few hours earlier she had been desperate for me to spank her. Because of that desire, she got insanely reckless and we came within seconds of being arrested. So, was it possible that in reality, it was being stressed about her job that was the real reason she wanted to be spanked? That for some reason she was bothered by what she did for a living? I decided to try something.

“Yvonne, you had this whole weird thing with spanking last night. I think you definitely owe me another spanking over this shit with your job. There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing, but I’m kinda hurt you didn’t trust me. I’m gonna take it out on your ass. What do you think?”

She nodded. “Yeah. For sure.”

She hugged me tighter. So, it turned out I was right. There was a submissive side to her that made her want to be spanked. There was still a lot that I’d have to figure out about what she really wanted and needed, but it looked like spankings were definitely on her list.

“We’re gonna wait a couple of days. Let you heal up from last night. But then, you’re getting another spanking. It looks like something you need. It’s not gonna be for a while, but it is coming, and I want you to think about it.”

I looked at the window and noticed it was already light outside. If we left my house immediately, we’d barely make it to school on time. We had to rush getting dressed and skip breakfast. Going to school with no sleep and no breakfast. Yeah, it was gonna be a great day ... Not!

It was cold and rainy over the next week, which cooled Yvonne’s desire to go streaking. Instead, we spent time in the pool and the hot tub. We spent our afternoons practicing yoga and massages: I taught her the basics of yoga and she began teaching me how to do massages. I learned that there were all kinds of techniques for giving massages, along with different reasons why people get massages in the first place. The night before she had to go back to work, she got more talkative than usual and shared a bit of information about her job:

“Our customers are all over the map with what they want. They all want to relax, but there’s a lot of ways to get them there. To be honest, a lot of our clients don’t want anything sexual. They just want to relax.”

“But you do have customers who do want ... you know ... sex stuff?”

“Sure we do. And we do offer ‘special services’, but Gi-Gi’s has real strict rules about what we can and can’t do. The two big ones are that the customers can’t touch us, and we can’t take off any part of our uniform. They’ve got cameras set up in all the rooms to make sure we follow those two rules. If a customer tries touching one of us, we warn him once. If he tries touching again, we hit a buzzer and he get’s kicked out. If any of us takes off anything during a massage, she gets fired. The uniform policy is really strict and we make sure the customers know that before we start.”

She added something I thought was interesting:

“To be honest, if I could, I’d prefer to be naked when I give massages. Like I am with you. But I know that’d get misinterpreted and they’d expect to have sex with me. Being nude always gets misinterpreted. So Gi-Gi is right about the uniforms. It keeps our customers focused on themselves and just trying to relax instead of anything else.”

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