2 Streakers - the Story of Yvonne and Christina - Cover

2 Streakers - the Story of Yvonne and Christina

Copyright© 2021 by Edward EC

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - High school senior class rivals Yvonne Jackson and Christina Melendez find excitement, self-discovery, and love through late-night streaking and nude dares.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   School   Spanking   Interracial   Black Female   Hispanic Female   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Cat-Fighting   Nudism  

Patient Narrative - Christina Melendez - entry two: forced streaking and a “sleep-over”

We were shocked. They actually pushed us out the front door and made us leave the school, wearing nothing except our shoes. I couldn’t believe it! First that awful paddling, then forced hand-holding and hugs with the girl I most hated in the world, and now having to run home naked, and with her! I was speechless and had no idea what to do.

Yvonne was not nearly as freaked out. She didn’t even seem too bothered by our situation. She looked around and then touched my shoulder. It was different than anything she had ever done to me before. It was a friendly and reassuring touch, that came naturally. And with that, I realized we were no longer enemies. Mr. Skaggs was right. To get home we’d have to work together.

“So, where do you live?”

“My house is on 95th and Maple. I think it’s about four miles from here.”

“Yeah. Then we’re goin’ to your place. I live in Eastwood Apartments. It might be closer, but we’d have to cross the freeway to get there.”


“It won’t be four miles. More like two. I know a shortcut into your neighborhood. It’s kinda weird, but it’ll get us there faster.”

“What shortcut?”

“We run along the cars and between those buildings. There’s a drainage tunnel behind the second building that goes under the Boulevard. That’ll take us to the park.”

“Sutter’s Park?”

“Yeah, that one.”

“A tunnel? I don’t know ... sounds kinda risky.”

“It’s hard to explain, but I know the route. It’ll be all right. You’re just gonna have to trust me. Please?”

“OK, I’ll trust you.”

“Let’s go.”

When we got to the tunnel, it appeared like a huge black round gaping hole, like an evil void from a horror movie that would swallow us. The darkness looked really dangerous. I pulled back in fear.

“I ... I don’t wanna do this ... I’m scared...”

“Just give me your hand. I’ll get you to the other end. I know this is kinda scary and you can’t see anything, but you gotta trust me. I know where we’re going.”

The tunnel and the pitch blackness seemed to go on forever. There was nothing, just an empty void and the echoes of our footsteps. The only thing I could feel was Yvonne’s hand holding mine, leading me forward. I was so relieved when we finally got to the other end and saw some light. And she was right. We came out at Sutter’s park. We were only a mile from my house.

There were some guys smoking pot in the park and they started cheering like crazy when they saw two naked girls running between the trees.

“Let’s just run. No use in trying to hide. We just gotta get out of here.”

She stayed in front until we got to the edge of the park. But then, since we were going to my house, I had to lead the way. I was running so hard I got a painful cramp in my stomach. Yvonne kept up with no problem.

It was dark, and the sidewalks were shaded with trees. The only hard part was the intersections. We had to run out into brightly lit streets and there were people driving around. I was terrified, but Yvonne knew what to do. She knew the drivers were going to see us running in the nude and there was nothing we could do about it. We just had to cross fast and keep going.

“They can see us just fine, but they can’t do anything. They’re moving and don’t have the time to stop, park, get out of their cars and hold up their phones. We’ll be two blocks away by the time any of them have their phones out.”

Move - move - move. We kept going, trying to ignore all the honks and whistles. We ran past an old guy walking two big dogs. The dogs lunged at us, but he was able to hold onto them, just barely. That meant he couldn’t say anything to the two streakers that had just run past him: he was too busy with the dogs.

Finally we got to my house. Fortunately none of my next door neighbors saw us. We ducked behind our bushes while I got out the key. We got through the front door and that was it. Our first streaking adventure was done.

Sweat was pouring down my body and I was gasping for breath. My knees were shaking so badly I had a hard time staying on my feet. I had blown all of the adrenaline in my body and had no strength left at all.

Meanwhile, Yvonne recovered after just a few breaths. She started stretching while she waited for me to get my wind back. Finally I was able to speak:

“We made it! We actually made it! So glad that’s over...”

She smiled mischievously,

“I dunno. I think it was fun. I ... I kinda liked it.”

“Maybe you’re right. It was. It was, sort of exciting.” Then I shocked myself with my own words: “At least I’m glad I did it with you.”

Yvonne smiled again.

“Mmmmmm ... and I’m really glad I did it with you.”

Things between us were changing very fast. We were safely in my house, which we had completely to ourselves. We could do whatever we wanted for the next 14 hours or so.

I could have lent Yvonne some clothes and called an Uber for her, and that would have quickly ended the night. But then she’d have to go home all sweaty and I didn’t want to do that to her. Nor did I really want our adventure to end on such an abrupt note. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I wasn’t ready to see her go.

Yvonne continued to stretch. She had no inhibitions showing off her thin muscular figure, and I started to wonder if she was doing it on purpose, to see what reaction she’d get out of me. And, I did find her attractive.

I remembered about my family’s hot-tub and realized that would be a way we could do something that keep us from forcing to have an awkward “good night, see you tomorrow” moment.

“Hey, I’ve got something before you get dressed. We got a hot tub, if you wanna clean up before you go home.”

“A hot tub? Let’s see it.”

I led her to the hot-tub room, which had a glassed view of our back yard, plenty of towels, and some workout equipment. The gym equipment was something my mom had gotten when she had an idea of getting into better shape, but never really used. My parents and I did use the hot-tub, so it had water in it and would be ready to get into a couple of minutes after I turned it on. I flipped the switch and the water started churning.

Yvonne’s face lit up.

“So, what do you think?”

“Wow. It’s as big as the one in we got at the pool in Eastwood! And without all the fat dudes jacking off in there! Awesome!

“Wanna jump in?”

“Yeah, I do.” Yvonne kicked off her shoes and looked back at me. “But, only if you join me. He-he-he, looks kinda big for just one person.”

“Yeah, I, I guess it is kinda big...”

“So, you’re coming in?”


I kicked off my shoes and we both got in. At first we sat on opposites sides, just enjoying the hot water and jets cleaning off our bodies and relaxing our muscles. After a while we were curious to see how much our butts were still bruised from our school paddling. My butt still had marks on it, but Yvonne told me she figured they’d be gone by tomorrow morning. When I looked at her bottom, there were barely any marks on it at all. She put her hands on the side of the tub and let me have a good look. I knew that she was proud of her bottom and had every right to be. She had a really nice ass and I enjoyed looking at her.

She finally settled back into the water. She seemed disappointed. I started to wonder if maybe she was hoping I’d touch her. I kinda ... did want to touch her. That would have been nice, and I missed my opportunity.

We stayed in the water for a long time. We were totally relaxed, but after a while we started to feel awkward again. We knew that at some point we’d have to get out. We’d dry off, and then what? She’d have to go home, finally, and I’d end up by myself, as always, in that stupid house ‘cause my stupid parents were on their stupid cruise. Or, maybe not. It was weird. I realized I didn’t want Yvonne to leave.

We dried off, and she offered to dry my back. I accepted. We each wrapped a towel around ourselves and went into the kitchen. When I offered her a glass of juice, she drank it immediately. When I refilled her glass, she took off her towel, laid it on a stool and sat down. She was completely naked, sitting in my kitchen with her elbows on our table, just sort of staring across the room, as though she didn’t know what to say. We had another awkward moment of silence. Finally I thought of something.

“I got a question.”

“What’s that?”

“You don’t seem in any hurry to go home.”

“I’m not. I don’t like being there.”

“Then how about a sleep-over?”

“He-he. That’s a funny way to put it. I haven’t done a ‘sleep-over’ since I was eight.”

“Well, I think we’d get at least a little sleep.”

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