Betrothed - Cover


by Amy Bare

Copyright© 2021 by Amy Bare

Incest Sex Story: A girl and her Domme are about to be Betrothed to one another. But, before the celebratory evening can begin, she will spend one last week with her family, in a utopian paradise on earth...where anything goes, and often does.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Sister   Father   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Big Breasts   Body Modification   Nudism   .


By amy monroe

For Master Erik

A story of our Family

Erik, Father, Master, Head of the Family, age 47
amy, Mother, submissive, breeder of the Family, age 38
Bree, oldest daughter, age 22
Sasha, middle daughter, natural submissive, age 17 yrs, 364 days
Isabelle, youngest daughter, age 15
Ms Persephone, Lesbian Domme, age 32

and Others

The Colony: a large, secluded private island in the southern Caribbean, far from the rest of the modern world. It is a carefully guarded secret society, with full openness only granted to its residents; becoming a citizen is very difficult and exclusive. While it still conducts business with major international powerhouses, it remains an independent nation and it’s residents often live their full lives never needing leave the comforts of the island. For it’s citizens, The Colony is a paradise beyond their wildest imagination.


Sasha has been under Ms Persephone’s spell since the girl was 14 years old.

Initially, it had startled Master Erik that His daughter had become fascinated by the older, Dominant woman. Ms Persephone’s beauty was never in doubt, and the Family was very open towards lesbian love, but Sasha had seemed such an independent child when she was younger, never attaching herself to much of anything, or anyone, for very long.

All of that had changed the first time she met the 28-year old former New York socialite at a Colony picnic. From that point on, Ms Persephone’s name was always on the tip of their middle daughter’s tongue.

They had found a natural attraction to each other, and with Master Erik and amy’s blessing, their courtship had flourished. Ms Persephone guided Sasha towards her instinctual submissive side and acted as her Domme, instructing her with firmness, passion and love.

After nearly two years of courtship, Ms Persephone had invited Master Erik and amy to her estate at the Colony to discuss Sasha’s future. The Lady stated her desire to become Betrothed to their child. As per Colony tradition, the Domme could accept the girl as her Betrothed wife as early as Sasha’s 18th birthday. With Sasha being under the age of 16 at the time, Colony Law stated that Master Erik must give permission for the Mutual Exclusivity Contract to be instigated.

Betrothal in a Dominant/submissive relationship meant that the submissive would be subject to every single rule set forth by the Dominant. Limits and rules would be installed into the submissive’s life, and sometimes the rules instigated could be extremely harsh. It was typically all up to the Dominant, providing it would not break any Colony social or ethical rules, such as murder or theft of property, naturally. The submissive would adhere to those limits as determined. For example: if the Dominant said that a submissive could not have sex with anyone else, no one in the Colony was even allowed to approach the submissive for sex. If the Dominant said that everyone was allowed to enjoy a submissive anally, any Colony member was allowed to partake. Thus, Betrothal did not just affect the two people in the relationship, but the Colony as a whole. Either party could break Betrothal if desired, but those instances were rare and due to the serious nature of which the Colony enacted such a status, it would also mean banishment from the Colony.

The parents were surprised by Ms Persephone’s proposal. It was true that Sasha had fallen completely in love with her Domme and wished nothing but to serve as her submissive. But, Sasha was also still quite young, with several years of exploration and experimentation ahead of her. Would she really wish to become committed to someone at this stage in her young life?

After some private discussion, Master Erik and amy decided that it was Sasha’s decision to make: they would give their permission for Ms Persephone to propose to their daughter.


Ms Persephone had taken Sasha to her old stomping grounds, New York City, on her 16th birthday. Sasha had never been off-Colony before, and was swept up in the glitz and glamour that a city like New York can provide: dining, dancing, shows, clubs- it was all there for Sasha to enjoy with her hostess. Even the girl’s age was never questioned; it never is for those who are a part of high society.

It was at on the balcony of a friend’s borrowed penthouse overlooking the glittering lights of the City That Never Sleeps that Ms Persephone had proposed to Sasha and presented her with an beautifully feminine, sleek, steel collar with several rings for the purpose of bondage.

The collar was bejeweled with 5 diamonds: one weighing nearly 3 carats, representing their love. It was flanked by two 1 carat diamonds, representing Sasha’s parents, the people who had raised her in a warm, loving, disciplined environment and helped form the girl she had become. Finally 2 small diamonds were on the outer flanks, representing the girl’s sisters and the bonds of sisterhood that should never be broken.

Amy accepted Ms Persephone’s proposal with absolute affection and glee. She could hardly contain herself on the flight back, anxious to share the joyous news with her parents.

The special collar was carefully stowed at Ms Persephone’s, to be accepted on the night of Sasha’s Betrothal, a scant two years away...


On the eve of Sasha’s 18th birthday, there was to be the Betrothal Ceremony and a Grand Party. Ms Persephone had spared no expense. Everyone in the Colony had received invitations to the ceremony, and no one would dare miss it. The Betrothal Party was to be one of the biggest social events of the season, but beyond that, Ms Persephone and Sasha had become a very well liked and favored couple in the Colony.

There was no official structure to a Betrothal Ceremony. The parties involved could make it as intimate or as festive an event as they wished. Certain ceremonial vows would be exchanged before witnesses. Outside of that, it was really up to the participants to decide what would progress.

Although they were very much a Domme and submissive couple, Ms Persephone had encouraged Sasha’s active participation throughout the process. Everything from decorations to catering to alcohol choices had been selected by the two, along with amy, Bree and even Isabelle’s input as well, who had suggested chocolate cake ... and lots of it!

As for the Ceremony, the woman and girl had agreed on how it should proceed as well:

Sasha expressed the desire for her Father to officiate the Betrothal Ceremony, which he gladly acceded to.

Sasha would take a new spelling of her name, sasha (with a lowercase “s”), at the Ceremony, and come to share Ms Persephone’s last name.

Sasha would be sealed into the collar given by Ms Persephone. It would be welded shut by Ms Persephone herself as a sign of completing the girl’s life. It would be worn by Sasha without end for the rest of her days.

And finally, in full view of the Colony’s Elders, friends and family, Sasha would submit to being sexually modified into a Perfect Sexual Being for Ms Persephone’s complete physical enjoyment. The new wife would be pierced and receive golden rings in her nipples and inner labia. Her tongue would be double pierced and fitted with two large gold balls. A nose ring would be installed through her septum, for both beauty and control. And most importantly, sasha would have her clitoral hood completely removed, symbolizing her acceptance of being Ms Persephone’s sexual plaything. Although she would remain naked about their home and in many Colony functions, whenever Sasha was clothed, she would experience sexual excitement on a constant basis, as her clitoris would be exposed to any fabrics or bindings she would wear.


It was Ms Persephone’s suggestion that Sasha spend the final week before her 18th birthday exclusively at her parent’s home in the Colony compound, with no duties expected for the Domme. She would have plenty of time to pack her belongings and spend a bit more time with her family before moving away from her paternal home. She would never be far, and of course, could see her family often. But she would never again live under her Father and mother’s roof, or sleep in the same rooms with her siblings...

Amy and Sasha were packing up Sasha’s closet:”We want to have children,” Sasha said as she folded up another pair of panties.

Amy’s head snapped around. “Are you serious?”

A laugh. “Yes, Mom! Ms Persephone has already spoken to a few males we know, and all of them have agreed to donate their sperm. And we’ve looked into it; there’s an all-female Colony off the coast of San Francisco, California that has made incredible strides in lesbian insemination. Ms Persephone can even wear a strap-on that will actually hold the semen specimen and ejaculate via an app on her smartwatch once her heartbeat and other biorhythms reach a certain peak, most notably her orgasm.” The girl shook her head. “It’s amazing what modern science and technology can do...”

Amy walked over to her daughter, and put an arm around her. She gave the girl a hug.


Well, she was developing into a woman now.

And this woman was going to carry a child. Her heart leapt for joy. She knew that Sasha would never regret having children, and the family the women started would enhance everyone’s lives.

“You know, your Father and I have something special planned for you tonight. Bree is with her boyfriend, and Isabelle was requested by Mr and Mrs MacMahon, so we’re going to have the entire home to ourselves tonight.” Amy’s fingers lowered, cupping her daughter’s buttocks and squeezing. “I think we need to show your Father one more night of ecstasy before His little girl goes away forever.”

Sasha leaned in and kissed her mother directly on the mouth, their tongues intertwining. Amy’s nipples stood erect, thrusting proudly out against her daughter’s leather body harness. The straps that criss-crossed Sasha’s torso framed her beautiful breasts, allowing the girl’s own nipples to grow as well. In a moment, the women were both on the Sasha’s childhood bed, giving each other oral pleasures and touches that dripped with love and sentiment.

Amy cradled her daughter’s head to her breast, and Sasha began to suckle. Head back, eyes closed, amy enjoyed the feeling of her daughter’s lips on her breast; and she let out a sigh as her milk began to flow. She was so glad Master Erik had demanded she continue to produce and loved being a nursemaid to one of the new couples in the Colony. But nothing beat the feeling of nursing your own child. Despite Sasha’s age, amy took to the task with glee.

Sasha’s fingers dipped low, and while she nursed, she slid her index and middle finger astride her mother’s clitoral hood, massaging her in a way that she knew her mother would enjoy. Amy cooed as her daughter quickly brought her to a rousing climax, juices spilling onto the sheets.

“We’d better clean that up ... and get cleaned up for Daddy!” Sasha said, pulling away as she finished the last of her mother’s milk for the day.

“I’ll get the towels, babydoll, you run the bath water.” Amy replied.


When Master Erik arrived home, He found His daughter and wife awaiting Him in the study; dressed in matching white corsets with attached garters. The garters held sheer white stockings, their feet in white platform heels. Their hair was up in French twists, with small white flowers decorating the tresses of brunette hair both women possessed. Their makeup was modest, but noticeable, and their scent an airy breeze of femininity and honeysuckle. An ample amount of cleavage bulbed up from both girls’ bosoms, especially amy’s; whose breasts were all the fuller from years of prolonged lactation.

Were they not Mother and daughter, the could almost pass as sisters.

As Master Erik looked slowly down the girls, His eyes hung on their pubis ... their Venus Mounds bare. He could see that His daughter’s slit was parted by her oversized clitoral mound and that her inner labia were now hanging even further down than his wife’s.

Obviously, Ms Persephone had been training His daughter’s inner lips with very heavy weights, stretching them out so that they would show prominently through any bikini or panty, and would part wide like beautiful petals when her legs spread, showing off his daughter’s perfect pinkness within. Such a beautiful look...

The Master dropped His briefcase to the floor and stepped forward. The girls lowered their eyes and stepped forward as well.

“It would appear I’ve come to the right place,” He joked.

He reached his large, burly arms out to his sides, and the girls took his coat off of Him, placing it gently on the coat rack, proceeding to undress Him further, right there in the study.

A bulging penis greeted them as they pulled down His pants. Swelling towards erection, it gleamed with tanned power. His Prince Albert piercing was already lightly covered in precum that continued to leak as He stepped out of His pants; shortly after, His shoes and socks were also quickly removed.

The Master sat down in His favorite easy chair, His legs spread slightly as the women lowered themselves to sit at His feet. It was large and covered in soft brown leather. Despite the Master’s own physical size, there was room in the chair to each side of him to accommodate a girl sitting on each knee, if he chose, or something more, like a misbehaving daughter bent over his lap for a spanking.

They both took hold of His legs and leaned in, proceeding to give a perfect tag-team blow job. Their tongues danced around the cock before them and with each other, their lips kissing and sucking the penis as it rose from strength to full erection. They could taste the remnants of Jasmine, the Master’s 14-year old office intern, and knew He had enjoyed a lunch break in His office instead of out at the commissary.

Amy thought well of Jasmine, but only really knew her from what her Husband had said, having only briefly met the girl at Master Erik’s office shortly after she had been hired. What had begun as an after-school job for Jasmine had turned into more. Amy knew that the young girl’s sexual stimulations that day had only been prelude to the main course her Husband and Master would enjoy tonight!

Master Erik’s watery, salty precum continued to leak, and both Sasha and amy in turn swallowed their fill, delighting in the prospect of the Master’s swimmers making their way into their tummies. Amy paid special attention to the ring that protruded from her Husband’s cock. He had put on the “Undeniable” ring tonight, which featured a “Pressure” stud: an oversized ball that sealed the ring of silver going through the tip of his cock and coming out the bottom edge. It’s effect was twofold: to help hold back his cum until it shot like a missile, giving him exquisite pleasure and putting a piece of steel inside of the woman’s vagina, making sure she felt His every thrust inside her body. It was called the “Undeniable”, because for the right sized man, it could push its way into the cervix and hold the impossibly tight hole open, insuring complete semen flooding of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

The Master spoke, “Sasha, join with Me, my love.”

Sasha smiled as she got to her feet and climbed atop her Father’s lap, straddling Him. Amy held His cock erect and easily glided the tip to her daughter’s waiting opening. Sasha was still tight to Master Erik, the product of the girl not often being with a real man with any regularity. Ms Persephone had reportedly enjoyed the odd adventure with some of the men in the Colony, and Sasha had joined in, but outside of those rare occasions, the girl’s knowledge had been limited to her Father and some of the boys she had dated when she was younger.

He thrust upwards, strongly pushing His way into His daughter’s pussy. A cry of ecstasy and pain escaped the girl’s lips as she was impaled on His massive cock, the ball and metal ring of His piercing working its way harshly up the back of her innermost area. She felt the steel ball force its way through her cervix, already starting the job of loosening her for His eventual climax.

Sasha could not help but clutch her father’s shoulders at such an invasion. She had not felt this piercing before, nor knew what it did, but could feel its effect inside her body. Her first orgasm shuddered through her within moments as she wondered at what had happened. Her juices streamed out of her, onto the Master’s lap and the leather of the chair.

Amy began to lightly scratch her daughter’s butt cheeks as the girl sat affixed to her Father. She felt the girl’s goose bumps rise at the touch of Mommy’s nails. Amy blew a small wind between her husband’s legs, letting Him feel a delightful little tickle on his balls, knowing that He always enjoyed this “alternative blow job”, a joke of theirs from the days when they only communicated online.

That seemed like a lifetime ago. And truly, it had been.

Sasha began to grind her father, holding his shoulders for support. His hands went to her thighs, steadying the girl on His massive meat stick. This might be the last time He ever got to make love to His daughter and he fully intended to enjoy it.

Amy wetted a finger between her own legs and began to circle Sasha’s anal ring with one hand, then did the same for her husband. Soon, she was dutifully massaging both of their holes, stimulating them, as a good wife always does for her family.

Sasha was lost in the passion she was sharing with her father. She thought of the magical night that she and her Mother had gone into her parent’s bedroom, so that Daddy could make love to her for the first time. Tears of love and passion streamed down the girl’s face as wave after wave of emotion and orgasm swept through her.

The Master felt the buildup of cum in His penis. Several months prior, He and amy had begun the practice of “sounding”, whereby a lubricated metal rod was carefully inserted up the urethra of the penis, primarily during masturbation sessions. It had increased His capacity to channel semen and highly amplified the sensitivity inside of his penis as the pressure built up. The feeling was such that words did it no justice, so He simply insisted that He “sound” amy as well, so she might know such a feeling every time she urinated. He “sounded” her urethra weekly, and she had reported the act of relieving herself propelled her to a higher sexual awareness and an uncontrollable urge to masturbate upon finishing.

“Baby, are you ready for Daddy’s cum?”

“YES, DADDY!” was Sasha’s immediate reply.

Her Father’s pace increased, the steel ring and stud pressuring his daughter’s vaginal back wall, the stud pushing into her cervix, loosening it, preparing her for the coming flow.

Sasha clenched her kegles, using techniques she had learned from her Mistress.

With a stiffening and a smile, he orgasmed fully inside of his daughter, feeling the tip of his penis penetrate the girl’s super-tight cervix and nudging the birth control device within.

Erik could not help but grin as the girl expertly milked his cock into her body.

She felt him shoot inside of her, a totally new experience, that flooded her vagina and up into her fallopian tubes. Her eyes went wild at the new sensation, and her lips parted, but no sound came out, until a few seconds later a smile, a laugh and a giggle formed on the girl, who then collapsed against her Father.

Amy climbed up as well, and hugged her daughter close to her Husband and Dom. She kissed Master Erik on the mouth and thanked him for giving their daughter such a wonderful treasure.

Erik smiled, his night not done yet.

“Amy, prepare the Playroom.”

Amy’s head cocked to the side for only a moment, but she dipped down and went off dutifully to turn on the instruments and lights in the family’s secret, fully equipped dungeon.

“Sasha, I want to give you one more gift, and Ms Persephone has given me her approval. Not that I needed her approval, as you are still my daughter for one more night, but I felt it the right thing to do, regardless. Would you like to receive it?”

“Yes, Father, I would.”

A smile. “Then we’d best not keep your mother waiting long.”

As was customary, she first climbed off her Father’s lap, got to her knees between His legs and cleaned His cock of every drip of their mixed juices.He smiled down at her. “I am going to miss you, little girl.”

“Well, you know I will miss you too, Daddy, but I’m hopeful that Ms Persephone will allow me to continue to be sexually active with my family.”

“I would like that very much, dear Sasha...”

When Sasha had finished cleaning her Father’s cock, He stood and they walked hand-in-hand to the large steel door that guarded the Dungeon.

The two stepped in to find everything in readiness. Amy had the red lights of the Dungeon on, creating an eerie effect. Around the room were various implements and toys, restraints, a spanking bench, and more. The Saint Andrews cross was in the middle of the room, some soft purple and white lights shining on it. Cuffs hung from all four corners of the cross.

Master Erik motioned over to the cross.

“Take your place, Sasha.”

Sasha walked to the cross, putting her back against it.

“Oh, no, dear, on your belly, please.”

Sasha turned around, placing her belly on the center of the cross, a small pad there for comfort. She held her arms aloft, and amy came over to affix the cuffs to each wrist. Then she bent low and bound her daughter’s feet to the bottom of the cross as well with the cuffs provided. Sasha found her mobility completely impaired; no slack in the cuffs tonight. Her mother appeared before her, on the other side of the cross, and she heard the unlatching of the wooden bra area. Small blocks of wood were removed from the cross, allowing Sasha’s breasts to fit through. Clamps were then tightly fixed to her nipples.

“The 8 ounce weights, please,” spoke Master Erik.

Amy added 8 ounces of weight to each of Sasha’s nipple clamps. The girl felt the clamps dig harder into her tender, sensitive nipples, then pull down sharply as the weights were set loose to dangle. Small tears formed at the corner of her eyes at the pain.

Amy then went and retrieved the positioning mirror. It was a large mirror, four feet each way, that could be positioned high or low. Amy raised it to about 7 feet off the ground and positioned it on the backside of the cross, so Sasha could see behind her.

The girl’s Father had taken up position behind her, and was caressing her delightful backside.

“You’ve become such a lovely woman, Sasha. I’m so very proud of you. Your experiences both with the Family and in your own personal life have made you into a strong, secure, sincere woman. Your mother and I could not be more proud of you.

“But before you go to your new life, which will hold uncertain possibilities, I want to give you one last thing. Amy: suck.”

Amy came around before her husband and dropped to her knees. She sucked Master Erik back to erection, coating His cock with her warm saliva and spit.

She tugged at His balls playfully until He was fully erect and dripping with lubrication.

After He nodded approval, she got back up and went around to face her daughter from the backside of the cross. She leaned in and planted a long, loving kiss on Sasha’s lips, as her hands reached around each side of the St Andrew’s Cross and cupped her buttocks, squeezing them firmly, then pulled them apart.

Master Erik stepped behind His daughter, and put the head of His cock against her anus.

“Honey, I’ll try not to make this hurt too much...”

And with that, He slowly began to insert His cock into the girl’s ass.

Sasha was tight; an anal virgin. No man had ever entered her there; a slender plug being the thickest thing she’d ever experienced there at Ms Persephone’s hands. How fitting that her Father be her first, and perhaps only, man to take her most intimate of areas.

Tears formed in her eyes as the pain of being stretched rectally seared up her ass and her spine to her brain. Amy flinched momentarily, not knowing that her Husband was going to do this to their daughter, but she quickly regained her own composure and began coaxing Sasha, relaxing the girl.

The Master found His cock stretching His daughter tightly around His member. The coating of saliva allowed Him access, and He began to move rhythmically in and out of the girl’s tightness.

Sasha could not help but fight a little. It was an instinct. The bonds held though, and the girl would suffer the punishment and feeling of her first anal sex. She loved her Father, but this experience was not pleasurable.

It was not meant to be.

It was to remind her of where she came from and who she was and would always be within their family: a loved member, a daughter, but still submissive to the Father, the Ultimate Master of the House.

The Master felt His daughter’s clinched buttocks, wrapped tightly around His cock as His thrusts grew faster and more impactful. He felt the girl’s body going limp from the exertion, her head hanging low against her mother’s buxom through the top gap of the binding cross. He looked with lust into His slave wife’s eyes and knew the look of hers: inspiration, admiration, dedication. After fifteen minutes of uninterrupted, savage thrusting, a smile crept over His lips as He felt His seed build oncemore.

“Sasha, pay attention. This is the full measure of a Master’s love for His slave.”

And with that, He came.

Deep, long streams of white hot cum filled His daughter’s virginal rectum. Sasha felt every drop fill her most private place, burning her insides. Her mother smiled at her as the girl accepted her Father’s gift. She felt cum go up into her intestines, so tight was the seal of her ring around her Father’s penis; no room for it to go but upwards into her body.

Sasha felt exhausted and trembled, her arms shaking from being held above during the torturous ordeal, her legs wasted from being pushed up and down so much, her calves strained from keeping up on her tip toes hoping to relieve the pain of her Father’s invasion.

Still, her head felt light and airy and as the tears on her cheeks dried, she felt a renewal of submissiveness that only comes with true submission and the knowing of pleasing One who is above you.

Master Erik pulled out only after amy had handed him a thick, black rubber plug, which he promptly inserted into the girl’s ass. “Daddy wants you to keep his seed as a memento ... all night long. You may release in the morning.”

“Let her down, amy,” came the Master’s order.

Amy let loose her middle daughter’s ankles and the girl fought to keep her balance. Then she undid the bonds that held her wrists tightly aloft. Sasha felt the rush of blood back to her hands, the tingle that comes with bondage. Amy wrapped an arm around the teen and whispered quietly to her how proud she was. When the nipple weights came off, another shock of pain came to the girl as blood rushed back into the previously pinched areola.

Master Erik headed for the showers; amy took Sasha up to their bedroom to let the girl take a nap before dinner, then went down to the kitchen to help their housegirl finish off preparations for tonight’s meal.


Dinner was an elegant affair: roast duck, fresh vegetables from amy’s garden, cranberry sauce, and an Australian pinot noir.

Sasha’s favorite dinner.

Despite any pains she had taken the hour and a half previous, the smile on the girl’s face quickly erased any concerns as to her well-being. Master Erik had worried that after such an event, Sasha would be too tired to dine, but the girl was chipper, and even joked that she wouldn’t have a problem using the bathroom for the next couple of weeks.

She was wearing a delicate white lace shelf bra that supported her beautiful tanned breasts and showed her perky nipples pointing straight out at her family around the dinner table. A tasteful pair of white lace boyshorts showed a little bit of cheek, while keeping her Father’s butt plug securely in place.

Amy was in a jade silk camisole, with her hair up, and a large lily behind her ear.

Master Erik had on His smoking jacket, barely closed, His belt tied loose, His cock swinging low and visible.

Dinner conversation covered a variety of topics, from the ceremony to the new couple’s “honeymoon” plans to the eventual grand-parenting that Erik and amy would be doing. Amy was elated when Sasha asked if her mother would be her wetnurse when grandchildren came along.

After dinner, the family decided to take a long walk along the beach. They saw several other families out and about on the Colony’s North West beach, as the sun went down, taking a romantic stroll. There were wishes of good luck and hugs of joy. Colony members expressed their excitement about the following night’s festivities. Men and women looked Sasha up and down approvingly, some even commenting how well her inner labia had stretched under Ms Persephone’s tutelage.

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