Keeping a Family Tradition - Cover

Keeping a Family Tradition

Copyright© 2021 by Larry78723

Chapter 3: Tammy’s Initiation

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Tammy’s Initiation - Our family has a tradition of initiating children to sex at the age of sixteen. The responsibility for this falls to the parent of the opposite sex. This is the story of the initiation of our three children.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction  

Tammy’s sixteenth birthday was just a week away. Now, Tammy is a tomboy, unlike her sister, Sue. She’s more into rock climbing, camping, fishing, and hunting than fashion, hairstyles, getting her nails done, etc.

Ginger and Tammy were sitting at the kitchen table, chatting, when Ginger asked Tammy, “What would you like to do on your birthday.”

Tammy replied, “I’d like you to take me shopping. I’m tired of wearing jeans all the time and I’d like a skirt or two and some blouses. To tell you the truth, Mom, sometimes I get jealous of all the attention that Sue gets from the guys. Could I also get my hair done? I’d like to get rid of this mess and have it cut to a cute bob.”

Ginger sat there shocked for a moment before she replied, “Of course we can do that!”

“What is happening to our tomboy?” she thought. “Could she really want to become a girly girl?”

She immediately called the hair salon that she used and made an appointment for Tammy.

When I got home that evening, Ginger bowled me over with the news.

“She really asked to go shopping for skirts and blouses?” I asked, full of doubt. “And she wants to get her hair styled, too?”

Ginger sat there nodding at each question.

“Honey, “I said, “buy her all the ‘girly’ stuff she wants. While you’re at it, get her some frilly, front closure bra and panty sets; her initiation is coming up.”

“Good thinking about the bra and panty sets,” Ginger replied, “I’ll also get her a pair of black shoes, with maybe a 2 inch heel on them. Those boots and tennis shoes won’t go with her new look.”

“While she’s getting her hair done, why don’t you suggest she get a manicure and pedicure?” I suggested. “You two could make a day of it.”

The following week, on Tammy’s birthday, the two of them had a ‘Girls Day Out.’ Ginger took Tammy to her favorite store, and they shopped for clothes that took most of the morning. They had a leisurely lunch, then on they went to the salon to get Tammy’s hair done. Ginger suggested that Tammy get a manicure and pedicure while they were there, which she accepted.

I was already home from work when they returned, each carrying a couple of large shopping bags.

I was stunned! The raggedy jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, and long hair were gone. Our tomboy had become a beautiful, graceful, young woman who wore a ‘bob’ cut as a crown!

I looked at Tammy and asked, “Did you enjoy your special day?”

She replied, “Very much, Daddy, thank you. For the first time in my life, I feel pretty.”

“Tammy, you’ve always been pretty but now you look amazing. I’ll bet that if you wore skirts and blouses to school instead of jeans and T’s, all the guys would be trying to talk to you,” I exclaimed.

Tammy stood there and blushed, then ran up to me, threw her arms around my neck, and said, “Thank you, Daddy, you’ve made me so happy.”

“Now Tammy,” I said, “please sit down. Mom and I have something very important that we have to talk to you about.”

She says, “Okay Daddy.” and takes a seat on the couch, looking at us expectantly.

I start, “Tammy, today is your sixteenth birthday and you are the last in your generation to learn what we are about to tell you. Before we can tell you these things, we need a promise from you. Will you promise that nothing that is said here tonight or anything that happens next weekend will be talked about with anybody outside this family, not your best friends, not your teachers, absolutely nobody can know. If you make this promise and break it, Mom, or I, or both of us, could go to prison. Will you promise?” Looking concerned, Tammy says, “I love you both. I promise that nobody will ever know.”

“Okay. The first thing we need to tell you is that Ryan and Sue both know what you’ll learn tonight. There’s a reason you weren’t told earlier as you’ll soon find out,” said Ginger.

I continued, “Mom and I are related, we’re brother and sister. Our situation isn’t uncommon where we come from.”

“That’s kinky,” she said

“It get’s even more ‘kinky’ than that, Sweetie. Our whole family is like that,” I reply.

“You mean ALL the brothers and sister are like you and Mom?”

Ginger answers with, “No Sweetie, sometimes cousins stay together like they are married.”

I take over the conversation with, “Sweetie, there’s a tradition in our family that on the weekend after a child has their sixteenth birthday, a family reunion is held and the child is initiated into the tradition.”

“What is the initiation about, Daddy?” she asks.

“The initiation is about the child becoming an adult, in your case, becoming a woman. The tradition specifies that the parent of the opposite sex will teach the child how to please their sexual partner,” I explain.

Tammy looks at us and says, “Ryan and Sue have already been through this. I guess that means that Ryan had sex with Mom and Sue had sex with you, Daddy. Correct?”

“That’s correct, Sweetie. Once the initiation is completed, you will be a woman and allowed to have sex with anyone you choose. You’ll also be allowed to wear makeup and date, if you wish, “ I affirmed, then continued, “There are only two stipulations and they have nothing to do with the tradition. The first is that you are not allowed to bring guys to this house for sex, that’s too dangerous to the secret of the tradition. The other is that you must remain on birth control until you’re eighteen, after that it’s your decision.”

“Oh Daddy, I can’t wait for my initiation,” she gushed happily.

“I’ll take Friday and Monday off so we have a long weekend; Ginger, make sure the school knows in advance that the kids won’t be there.”

“Are all five of us going?” asked Ginger.

I replied, “Of course. There’s no reason why Ryan and Sue should stay home. Tammy will be the last of that generation to be initiated, and we won’t have to keep secrets in our house until we have grandkids.

“Thanks for that reminder, Honey. We’ve kept the tradition’s secret for almost twenty years; it will take some time to adjust to the new reality.

Friday morning

Last night, we all packed three changes of clothes for the trip. I advised Tammy that she may want to throw in an extra change of clothes in case one of her skirts got soiled.

This morning, Ginger did a fantastic job of applying some very light makeup to Tammy’s face; she glowed. Sue had applied her own.

Because there are five of us, plus baggage, I rented a large SUV for the trip so we wouldn’t get cramped.

At 9 am, sharp, I announced, “Everyone grab your bags and take them out to the SUV.”

Ryan and I loaded the bags while everyone else got in. Once we did that, we joined the rest of the family. At 9:15, we were on the road. We made good time and made it to my usual gas stop at 11 am. I made my usual “Gas and bathroom break” announcement and pulled into the gas station. By the time I finished filling the tank, everyone was ready to go.

An hour later, we were at the folk’s farm. There were campers and trailers all over the place. We all got out as my father walked to the SUV.

He looks at me and says, “Ahhh, your entire family is finally here, together.”

Then he turns to Tammy and exclaims, “You, dear, will be the last person of your generation to be initiated. This will be a historic event; every member of our extended family is here. That hasn’t happened since the last member of your parent’s generation was initiated over twenty years ago.”

“Okay, enough speech making,” he said, “grab your bags and let’s get you settled in. Son, you and Ginger have your old room. Ryan and Sue, if you have no objections, you can share Aunt Sherry’s old room. Of course, Tammy will have your old room, Ginger.”

On hearing the sleeping arrangements, Ryan and Sue looked at each other and smiled. They had been secretly sleeping with each other whenever they could. They were very discrete about it, but Ginger and I knew.

We each got our bag out of the SUV and followed Dad to the house. As we entered, Mom hugged each of us. She didn’t say a word about Tammy’s makeup, which surprised me after the scene she had made about Sue wearing makeup before her initiation. I led the way up to the bedrooms and directed the kids to the rooms they’d use during our stay. I first showed Tammy to Ginger’s old room, then Ryan and Sue to Sherry’s old room.

As they entered, I quietly said, “No sex until after the initiation.”

They looked at me, surprised, and Ryan said, “I thought we were being discrete.”

I chuckled and said, “Mom and I thought so too when we lived in this house. Your grandparents knew exactly what was going on.”

Fifteen minutes later, I gathered everyone and led the way to the kitchen. “Mom, do you have anything we can have for lunch?” I asked.

“Of course I do.” she replied, “There’s a pot of stew on the stove. You know where the dishes are.” “I’m not a waitress, you know,” she laughed.

I set the table and served everyone a hot bowl of stew. We talked as we ate lunch, then went out to re-acquaint ourselves with family members we haven’t seen in a while.

Later, the extended family got together outside the old bunkhouse, where they roasted a pig for supper.

Around 7 pm, everyone was mingling in the great room of the house. Tammy was the center of attention. She was wearing a form-fitting, blue, button-down blouse and a floral print skirt that came to mid-thigh. Many teen boys, each vying for a chance to have sex with her after the initiation, surrounded her.

At 8 pm, Ginger made her way to where Tammy was standing and whispered in her ear, “It’s time.”

Tammy excused herself and went to her room. As she opened the door, she gasped when she saw her grandfather.

“Grandpa, what are you doing here? Dad is supposed to initiate me.”

He replied, “Tammy, your father has honored me by stepping aside to allow me to initiate you. As I told you at the SUV, you’re the last of your generation to be initiated. I’m getting old and may not be around for the next initiation, so your Dad gave me the honor of doing this.

“Grandpa, as patriarch of the family, you do me a great honor. I will do my best to please you.”

“Your first lesson and test, child, is to undress, making it arousing for me.”

Tammy slowly unbuttons her blouse, from top to bottom, and shrugs it off her shoulders, letting it float to the floor. She then turned her back, unclasped her front-closure bra spreading it wide, and slowly turned back to face him.

“That was well done, Tammy. Please continue.”

She then released the closure on her skirt and, while wiggling her hips, slowly lowered the skirt to the floor. She turned her back to him, placed a finger from each hand in the waistband of her nearly transparent panties, and removed them the same way as her skirt. Turning back to him, she stood there, cupping her tits, wearing nothing.

“Tammy, that was absolutely sexy. Was it rehearsed?”

“No, Grandpa. I just did what felt right.”

“You have good instincts. Your next lesson and test is to undress me in a sexy way.” Tammy walked across the room, swinging her hips, and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When she finished, she pushed it off his shoulders and caressed his upper arms, shoulders, and chest before she kneeled and released his belt buckle. She next unzipped his fly, reached into his boxers, and caressed his manhood. Her other hand unbuttoned his pants; they fell to the floor. She removed her hand from his cock and slowly slid his boxers down his legs. She pushed him back, forcing him to sit on the bed, then removed his shoes, pants, and boxers.

From her position on the floor, she asked, “How was that Grandpa?” as she stared at his rock-hard cock.

“That was sexy, indeed,” he said as he noticed her stare. “Is there something you’d like to do?”

“Grandpa, your manhood is so stiff. Can I touch it?” she asked.

“Of course, child. It’s called a cock or dick by most people. Your next lesson is making it feel good.”

“How do I do that?”

“Wrap your hand around it, applying moderate tightness, and gently move your hand up and down.”

As she follows his instructions, she says, “It feels so hard, yet it’s also soft.”

“You do that very nicely, Tammy. The next step is to lick up and down the shaft. When you’ve completed that, take the head in your mouth and swirl your tongue around it while sucking.”

She licks the shaft of his cock then stops, saying, “Grandpa, my vagina is getting real wet. Is that natural?”

“Yes child, it’s your body preparing you to become a woman. Now, take the head of my cock in your mouth and swirl your tongue around it while sucking.”

Tammy complies, and Grandpa says, “Yes, child, you do that well. Now, bob your mouth up and down, taking as much of me as you can in your mouth.

Tammy starts bobbing her head, taking more of his cock each time.

Shortly, she is taking it all, and he says, “I’m going to cum soon. When I do, stuff will shoot out of my cock into your mouth. When it does, I want you to pull back, leaving only the head in your mouth and keep swallowing until it stops.”

Tammy keeps bobbing her head until Grandpa yells, “Here it comes, child!”

She immediately backs off, leaving just the head in her mouth, and starts swallowing as he cums. She continues sucking and swallowing until the flow stops.

“Wow, Grandpa, you sure cum a lot. Do all men cum that much?”

“No child, every man cums a different amount and has a different taste,” he replies.

“Your’s was kind of salty, but I liked it.” “Okay, time for the next lesson,” he said, “Sit on the bed sideways, with your back against the wall and your legs hanging off.”

Tammy gets into the position he described. He kneels on the floor and spreads her knees.

“I’m going to return the favor of the blow job you just gave me by eating your pussy,” says Grandpa.

He immediately notices that her clit is erect and engorged, so he uses his tongue to swirl over and around it.

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