Luvin Lake-livin Lori - Cover

Luvin Lake-livin Lori

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2021 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A boy in the Ozarks has to deal with two cultures. The first is the one he was born into and the other surrounding him is more sophisticated and polished. He finds help from a schoolgirl who lives not far away in their very mixed rural lakeside area.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Romantic   Sharing   Group Sex   Water Sports   .

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies, if you are old enough to know who they were, and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please.

YEAR ONE Seventh grade

Mah name be George who were Prezeedent when Ah be birthed. Or mebby after the first Prezeedent. Doan matter cause everyone calls me Gee anyways. Ah lives in Bentin County Arkansas but it doan matter since Ah ain’t ne’er bin anywheres but here. Me and mah widder Maw lives in a trailer on a dirt road out in them hills they calls Ozarks. We gits some money ev’ry month from where Paw gots kilt.

Ah rides the school bus a long way tew town with a bunch of rich kids who don’t want nuthin tew dew with me. Ah’m fifteen but all them other kids in mah class be twelve cause they dew better in skool. Maw kaint help me cause she never finished skool.

Mah trayler be the last stop fer the bus but a nahce gurl named Lori gits off about a mile befur it. She live in a big house on a big lake. She be the only bus rahder who talk with me. We be friends now. Ah likes it sew much Ah sometimes gits off with her and we goes out on her dock and visits fer a whal befur Ah walks home. It be nahce.

When she asks about mah skoolin and learns the trubble Ah be havin she gits some books and do sumthin called “tutorin” since she be fifteen and bin threw mah grade, now in tenth. She makes it make sense.

Her dad hars me to help in the yard since Ah knows thet stuff. Lori brings me cold tea and takes me swimming when Ah’m dun and all sweaty. Ah doan have a swim suit so she teases and says Ah doan need one but Ah’m scared to git nekkid with her and Ah doan wear undies so Ah just leave mah shorts on cuz they’ll drah when Ah walks home.

She be wearin a tiny thing lahk Ah seen in pichers. She be lookin good and ma tallywhacker dun swelled up lahk when ma sisters gits naked and wants to fuk. That be almost ev’ry dahy. They say Ah be gittin pretty good.

Wun day we gits off the bus tew dew tutorin and she said her parents be gone till late. We duz are skul stuff and goes swimming. She say ther be no boats on lake tewday and they be back in a part boats hardly ever comes tew sew she takes off her swim top and Ah sees her small but purdy tits after we gits in the water. She cum up to me and grabs mah filled-up tohl. She say it be big and She want me tew take of mah shorts sew Ah does. She play with me and ducks under water tew look at it an gives it a kiss. Her suit bottom cums off next and we swim and plays tuchy-feely.

When she gits out Ah gits a gud look at her ass and it be a lot smaller then mah sisters’. We walks nekkid back tew the house cuz they ain’t got no naybors. Ah laks tew see her ass move cuz Ah only sees mah sisters in mah bed. She take me tew her bed and flops down and asks if’n Ah ever fucked. Ahm starin at her cunny and it ain’t got no hair lahk my sisters’ duz.

Sha ask agin sew Ah tells her Ah dun lots.

“Oh good. I want someone who knows what to do. I have had one so I’m no virgin but he wasn’t very good and didn’t get any more. Do me right. Can you eat me first?” was whut Ah were asked.

“The wider lady Ah helped with her yard work made me a mahn on mah fourteenth birthday and shewd me ahl the fun stuff til she got another mahn tew fuk her.” Sew Ah knew whut to dew and Lori were soon squeelin with the fun of gittin ready.

“OK, fuck me now but be careful with that big thing. It’s lots bigger than the one I’ve had.”

Ah eased in most of the way in as she moaned and stared at it goin in. A let it soak in thet that place fer it tew git used tew it then started to slow lahk movin in and out. She were luvin it and wanted to kiss me, sumthin no other one had done. It were just great and Ah shot mah stuff which made her shake and screech. She fell asleep with me still in. Ah waited and she woke up and said, “It’s still big! I didn’t know it could do that. Move in me more. I love it!”

Ah moved some more and she layd quiet lahk until Ah shot sum more babymakers in her. Wen Ah’ got softer and pulled out she went down to lick and kiss it and said, “I love this thing and you too. We have to do this a lot.” Ah tole her Ah’d lahk it tew.

Then Ah said, “Kin yew have babies?”

She smiled and said she had birth control so it was OK. Ah kissed her and she ast if Ah coud stay fer dinner. Ah said cud Ah call Maw tew let her no. Ah did and we stayed nekkid while Ah helped with the cookin and we ate nekkid out on their porch. We fukked out there raht after we et and it were fun tew do it outdoors, new tew me too. Then we got dressed sew Ah coud go home.

Sew ev’ry day now except when Lori be on the rag Ah fuks her. Her Ma but not her Paw knows and says she maht want tew trah me out even. She have really nahs tits sew Ah’d lahk it Ah’m shur.

When we turned sixteen with our birthdays only a week apart her folks put on a party and mah fambly were invited. A few of Lorie’s girlfriends were there too and we all went to the beach. Lori got them girls to get nekkid and me too. Them girls were cumin up tew me all the time and feeling mah big one frum seein all of them nekkid. Lori said these ones new she were gittin my tallywhacker and were kyureus. Ah wondered if’n any of them wanted it in their cunny but nuthin were said or dun.

A couple of days later one gurl named Kitty were on the bus goin to visit Lori. Ah got off tew to dew tutorin and they took me tew Lori’s room and closed the door. Lori said to lie down and her friend copied whut Lori shewed her, even after Lori rode me lahk she lahks tew do but didn’t make me shoot. Kitty climbed on and gave a little pain sound as Ah broke thru sumthin on the way in. Ah could see some blud on my tool but she kept goin and Ah let go in her. She didn’t shake and such like Lori does fer her jollies so Lori told her to try agin and played with Kitty’s tit nips. That made her squeel and move hard on my pecker until she got whut she wanted. Ah couldn’t go agin but were hard still so Lori wiped me off and got on agin and Ah shot in her. We all took a shower. Lori said her friend were a virgun till now and were on thet birth control stuff. Ah never had a virgun befur.

Now sometime Ah had two cunnies to make happy. Nahce! Mah sisters still needed sum frum tahm tew tahm but that were usually in the mornin befur skool. Then Lori’s paw were away on werk fer a long time. He were gone a week when Lori’s Maw were nekkid in Lori’s bed when Ah got there fer tutoring and Lori’s cunnie. It be Lori’s period tho and she would suck mah cream then.

Lori be surprised but Maw said she be too horny tew wait till Paw gits back. Lori had tew watch as Ah give them titties she got milk from, and the cunnie she came out of, the very best Ah new how tew dew. Her Maw squeeled and moaned and made lots of noise till she squeezed me real hard with her arms and legs as she shaked all over and got real kwiet. Ah hadn’t even shot mah stuff yet since she weren’t as taht as Lori. Maw woke up and rolled over on top and Ah really worked on her nahce hangin boobs as she worked tew git me shootin. When Ah did she kissed me hard and said pretty loud, “That was one of the best fucks I’ve had in years. Lori and I are going to have to share until my husband gets back and maybe even sometimes after that.” Lori had her eyes wide, not even thinkin her Maw ever fukked. She shore did!

We got out fer the summer and besides keepin mah balls drained more then both mah sisters together, she and her horny Maw worked on my soshul skills and mah accent. Their Paw found work for me to do so Ah spent a lot of tahm there and even lernt how to water ski and run a boat. Best summer Ah ev’r had.

YEAR TWO Eighth, ninth and tenth grade

Ah skipped eighth grade cause of the help Ah got all summer long from mah favrit women. Mah Maw said Ah sounded more like the rich people than country folk so Ah guess mah women’s work was workin. The other kids at school were more friendly and especially some of the girls who’d heard about me. Some were real purty with big tits but Ah wasn’t going to mess around with them unless Lori wanted me to. Her body and her Maw’s kept me from getting very horny so Ah could give mah ‘tention to school.

Kitty asked Lori about me and said she’d kicked her boyfriend out of her crotch when he turned into a shithead. Could she have another sampling of me to remind her what a real man was like. Lori invited her over on a Saturday and Ah didn’t get any of her Dad’s work done so had to come over on Sunday and when Ah got done and was all sweaty her Maw took me into their big shower cause their Paw was out golfing all afternoon and Ah got real drained even though he had fukked her the night before and she was still slippery with his stuff. Felt good to me.

Every now and then Lori would have a gal over and want me to screw her too. Ah told her Ah did it ‘cause she wanted me too but mah feelings were really only for her and not just ‘cause of how good she had been to me. We went out on real dates too and could borrow her Maw’s car ‘cause Ah didn’t have one and my Paw’s old truck didn’t look very good.

She said Ah were special but she hadn’t explored sex much yet. Her tits was growin cause of all the good fuckin Ah figured and other guys were askin her for dates. Ah couldn’t afford much so she wanted to know if it was ok with me if she went on them. What could Ah say. We weren’t betrothed or anything special like that. When she asked how Ah felt about her fucking them if she wanted too what could Ah say again after the gals she’d brought me to fuck. Ah didn’t like it but Ah had to be fair. Ah only asked that she tell me like she knew about the other cunnies Ah got into. She made me feel better by sayin, “You might not be the only one in my pussy but you will be the only one in my heart.”

At first she told me about her dates feeling up her titties and then her cunnie and then sucking their tallywhackers but, as Ah knew would happen, she let a tallywhacker get between her legs. She did say they were a disappointment compared to me and it might be a while before anyone got there again. It wasn’t till an older one took her out and fucked her good. She’d go out with him again she told me as Ah was getting a usual good fuck from her.

Her Paw was spending more and more time away from home so me and Maw were fucking up a storm. Ah had to save up some pecker energy for Lori and told her Ah couldn’t do any more of her girlfriends. One thing that did and didn’t help sex was me getting an afterschool job but Ah could afford a small used motorcycle so didn’t have to ride the schoolbus and could take her on some dates too. We would pack some meals on Saturdays and go out to places in the country Ah knew well and have picnics and skinny-dip, things her other dates didn’t do and she loved. Sometimes though Ah would have to have her home for another date to take her out and fuck her but it made me feel better that they was dippin in my stuff. Ah would often be fuckin her Maw while she was doin them. Sometimes Ah would be waiting in her bed and fuck her again in their stuff. She liked that a lot.

At midyear Ah got skipped ahead another grade to tenth since Ah was so much smarter with her help. On my seventeenth birthday her Paw was gone again so she and her Maw treated me to dinner naked and spent all night in bed together fucking me every way they could. Ah loved it!

Her birthday was special too. It was on a Saturday so she arranged for me to stay over Friday night and fuck her in the morning. One boyfriend took her out in the afternoon and filled her cunnie and the other one took her to dinner and bed and when she came home Ah was waiting in her bed for a last good one. She was exhausted and slept cuddled to me.

Then some shit hit the fan. Her Paw came home and told them he was leaving for someone else. It wasn’t even a woman but a guy he worked with. Maw felt like a failure as a woman and Ah had to really work on her to show her otherwise. It wasn’t enough and she called up a guy who had been hitting on her and she fucked him on a first date and then pulled me out of bed with Lori for seconds, asking if she still felt as good. She was drunk and passed out after Ah got her off without even dumping my load. Lori was upset and Ah had to reassure her.

In the morning after coffee and aspirin we all talked. Maw said he was a lousy fuck and she couldn’t get him to last more than five minutes and not a second time like Ah could do. She was sure glad to have me.

She got feeling better and didn’t date while the divorce went through. Then she dated carefully and found out that regular guys liked her and her body just fine. She wasn’t home or wasn’t alone in bed more nights so Ah didn’t get to fuck her as much. That was OK because Lori was getting tired of these other guys who she didn’t love like me. That was good to hear because my feelings kept getting stronger and Ah wanted her more.

Ah took her to her Junior Prom after she taught me how to dance and Ah danced with some of the girls Ah had fucked when we were younger. They all told me what good memories Ah had given them and would be interested in making more if Ah was. Lori was proud to have me as “her man”. She told me it would be OK just for fun since she’d had hers. Ah picked out a couple of my favorites and took them on my motorcycle out to the pond and they had a thrill like before and wanted to see me again. Ah said, “maybe”.

Ah worked a lot in the summer and Lori got some work too but we had a lot of fun and Ah bought me an older truck with a cap on the bed and we kept an old mattress and some old bedclothes and would fuck almost anywhere since you couldn’t see in the windows very good. Ah didn’t have no brothers but a favorite boy cousin came to visit and Ah asked Lori if she’d like to do some team fucking. He and Ah hadn’t done it since an older girl cousin showed us how at a family reunion. That got Lori excited because Ah’d be in on it.

We took my truck out to the pond and skinny dipped and he was old enough to buy beer so we had plenty along with the food Lori brought. She played with him in the water, even diving under to suck his pecker which was at least as big as mine. She squatted and we saw her piss shoot out on the grass and she held our dicks and made our yellow streams arch up. We were still only partly hard after the cold water.

When we warmed up we got hard an she took turns sucking and teasing us to pussy-filling condition. She mounted my cousin first and Ah fed her mine standing over him. He was lovin her tits and Ah could tell she liked it. Ah moved around to see how her very familiar cunnie looked stretched out with man meat in it and it was very arousing. Ah reached around and cupped her tits as he played with the nips and mah rod was up against her back. She told me later she wished Ah could have put it up her ass while her pussy was full, something Ah’d never tried but sure would sometime.

Anyways when Ah saw his balls twitch and heard him let out a cumming sound Ah knew what he was feeling. She pulled up and his pecker flopped out all covered in cum and Ah just slid in real easy like. She let out a soft squeal and Ah got to pumping. She shook with a climax as Ah worked and it was so hot Ah shot my stuff in sooner than usual. She rolled off and wanted to hug and kiss me. Ah knew she liked it a lot. We fucked for a couple of hours all different ways and went for another swim to clean up before leaving.

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