The Shortest Skirt in School - Cover

The Shortest Skirt in School

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Puberty arrives late for Simone and it affects her in an unusual way.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism  

It was an unusual full family breakfast with no one saying anything about my outfit, the skirt being the next shortest that I have.

That skirt is a bit flared and light so the chilly breeze had it dancing about as Mike and I walked to the bus stop, a fact that another boy who has to walk passed our house to get to the bus stop. He often walks faster than Mike and I but that day we stayed behind us all the way. As you would expect, I made no attempts to keep the skirt in place.

Mike and I waved at mum and dad as they drove passed us on their way for their long weekend away. They hadn’t told me where they were going and I didn’t ask.

“Bloody hell Simone,” Lizzy said when she saw me after I got off the bus, “your skirts get shorter every day.”

“And this one isn’t my shortest.” I replied.

“Well you be careful girl, I don’t want you getting expelled. You were lucky that the PE teacher didn’t come into the gym when you were very exposed yesterday, don’t push your luck too much Si.”

“Apart from in the gym it’s always an accident if someone sees my pussy.”

“What about in English, you were definitely flashing you pussy to Mr. English, I saw you with your knees wide apart when he was in front of you.”

“Well apart from the gym and Mr. Wilson.”

“What about the boys at lunchtime on those steps, don’t think I don’t know why you steer me to those steps every day Simone.”

“Well apart from the gym, Mr. Wilson and the boys at lunchtime.”

“And I bet that you’re going to flash Mr. Harvey in Science this afternoon, I mean in that skirt and on those high stools you can’t not flash him. Half the girls in skirts accidentally flash their knickers to him.”

“Well apart from the gym, Mr. Wilson, the boys at lunchtime and Mr. Harvey. I just can’t stop myself Lizzy.”

“You definitely need to go and see a shrink Simone.”

“Are you sure that you can’t come for a sleepover this weekend Lizzy. I can guarantee that you’ll have fun.?”

“I know that flashing everyone at school is different to just your brother and his mates but I can’t this weekend, mum has got me helping her at the church tomorrow.”

“So you’re happy to come and get naked with me some other time, just not this weekend?”

“I guess so, it could be fun.”

“Oh it is Lizzy, it certainly is, you’ll be wet all weekend. Half term is the week after next and I’m sure that Mike and I will be at home on our own most of the time. Hey, we could have a party, a clothes free party and invite some of the other girls and boys in our class.”

“Whoa there Simone. It’s bad enough that you’re going to get me naked in front of your brother but not the whole class, that just ain’t going to happen.”

“Well I could be the only one naked there. No, that isn’t fair on you, and yeah, you’re right, someone wouldn’t keep their trap shut and the shit would start hitting the fan, but you’re okay about getting naked for Mike?”

“No, but for you.”

“Love you Lizzy, I’ll show you what Mike’s been doing to me with his tongue then he can show you himself.”

The day started pretty much as it had for the last few days, me getting odd comment about the length of my skirt or my pokies, some good, some bad, and me checking out what the other girls were wearing to see if I was in the shortest skirt.

I again saw 3 or 4 girls in short shorts that looked so tight that they would be trying to cut them in half; and I saw 2 girls wearing skirts that looked the same length as mine. I wondered if they ever deliberately bent at the waist in front of a teacher or some boys.

As usual, I didn’t know if I had genuinely accidentally flashed anyone and I didn’t even look to see if anyone was looking up my skirt as I went up the stairs to the classrooms on the upper floor, But at lunchtime it was Lizzy that steered me to the steps and she too sat like I did. I looked around and saw Mike and a bunch of his mates at the bottom and wondered if Lizzy was flashing her knickers.

Sneakily looking down I saw a boy hand Mike some money and I wondered how Mike was going to let him get a closer look at my pussy. The boy was one that goes to school on the same school bus as Mike and I and I wondered if he lived somewhere near where we did.

Anyway, Lizzy and I continued talking with me not checking to see if any other boys were looking up my short skirt.

When the bell rang and I got up to go to my next class I looked down to where I had been sat and saw a wet patch of concrete. I smiled as we walked away.

Our next lesson was Science with Mr. Harvey and we had to go upstairs again. I heard a couple of boys behind me talking about what they could and couldn’t see (pubic hair), but I ignored them.

For our Science lessons we have to wear white lab coats and goggles but it was only the nerds who fastened their lab coats, the rest of us never bothered, even when one girl complained that she’d spilled something on her skirt and it had eaten the material. Mr. Harvey saying that it was her fault for not following the rules.

Anyway, everyone worked in pairs that were allocated by Mr. Harvey, me getting lumbered with Tommy, a not so bright pig who spends most of his school hours perving at all the girls. When I discovered that I was with him I smiled and guessed that he’d have a hard-on for all of the lesson.

All the pupils sit on high stools in front of high tables with all sorts of lab equipment on them. The stools have a circular wooden seat that spins around and bars half way up the legs for you to put your feet on.

Tommy was already at our allocated table and when I walked over to him his eyes were well below my face. Considering that Tommy is a nerd that I hardly ever noticed, I felt my nipples and clit tingle as I walked over to him.

I stood between him and my stool and put the heel of one foot on one of the foot rest bars of the stool and pushed myself up onto the stool. As my butt sat on the stool I noticed 2 things, firstly the wooden stool seat was cold on my bare butt, and secondly, my skirt was over the back of the stool and up round my waist at the front.

Tommy’s eyes were glued to my slit and bald pubes.

I looked down at my crotch and was pleased to see my clit resting against the wood of the stool. Another burst of tingling hit my clit and I swear that I saw it swell a little.

Ignoring my exposure I waited for a few seconds then spun round so that I was facing the table and said,

“So Tommy, do you know what we’re supposed to be doing?”

I never got an answer and I turned my head to face Tommy and saw that he was blushing. Wanting to continue the rouse of ‘accidental’ exposure I didn’t say anything about what was on display.

Mr. Harvey started handing out papers for the lesson’s work, going down the other side of the room first. I knew that he’d approach my table from behind so I spun round on the stool and put out my hand ready to take the paper off him. When he saw me, or should I say my slit, clit and bare pubes, he just stopped in his tracks and stared for a couple of seconds then got his composure back and handed me the sheet.

“Thank you sir.” I said then spun back round just like I usually did.

Tommy usually got high marks in science but that day he just couldn’t concentrate. He was constantly glancing down to my lap and we were so close together that I was sure that he could see my clit.

I didn’t understand some of the things that Tommy didn’t so I put my hand up a few times to ask Mr. Harvey. Each time he’d come over to us and I’d swivel my seat to face him totally ignoring my exposure and him looking at my pussy.

By the time the lesson ended I’d learned nothing other than that I was as horny as hell.

I needed my last lesson (History with Ms. Jones) to get back to thinking rationally.

On the bus home I was telling Mike about my day whilst sat on one of his hands. His fingers were on my pussy and one finger was playing with my clit. I orgasmed just before it was time to get off.

As we walked that last bit to home Mike asked me if I intended to be naked all of the weekend. I hadn’t thought of doing that and after a quick think I asked him if he would mind.

“Not at all, in fact I’m hoping that you will be. I’m going to order takeaways each day and Luke and Duncan will be here tomorrow. I know that you want as many people to see you as is possible. I can invite some more of my friends if you want me to.”

“You’re such a caring brother Mike, you can invite as many as you like but can you teach them all to use their tongues like you do.”

“Sure, It’s half term soon and we can have pool parties every day if the weather is good. You can be the only one naked or you can invite some of your girl friends you join if you don’t mind the boys’ eyes drifting to the other girls some of the time.”

“I’ve already invited Lizzy and she’s just about said that she’ll get naked, but I don’t want too much competition, I want to be the centre of their attention.”

“If you like we could go somewhere during the half term week, find some places where you can have a few wardrobe malfunctions.”

“Hmm, I need a new bikini, I’ve ordered a couple online but they might be a bit too revealing for the rents and their friend of if we go to some public places, We could go to shops that sell bikinis and I could try a lot on. There might be some other girls there for you to perv on as well.”

“Sounds like a plan to me, I just hope that the weather will be kind to us.”

“So do I.”

I’d just stripped naked in my bedroom and was walking down the stairs when I got quite a shock. The cleaning woman came out of the dining room and looked up and saw me. We both froze for a couple of seconds then we both started apologizing to the other, both of us saying that we didn’t expect the other to be there.

After a quick laugh from both of us the woman said that she was just finishing and would be gone in minutes. I watched the woman look me up and down but she said nothing about me being naked, not even when Mike appeared and stood next to me. I went into the kitchen and got a drink and was stood next to Mike when the woman said that she was done and left.

As soon as the door shut both Mike and I burst out laughing.

“I hope that she doesn’t tell mum or dad.” Mike said.

“Blame it all on me.” I said, “I always get the blame and it was me that is naked.”

“I doubt that she’ll say anything, but if she does we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Mike replied.

“I was thinking about seeing if the pool has warmed up, I’ve never been skinny dipping before.”

“I was hoping that we’d have a 69 before we did anything else.”

“Only if we can do it outside.” I replied.

“Front or back?”

“Back this time then the middle of the front lawn the next time. If it’s during the day.”

“Wow Sis, you really have become an exhibitionist. I’m so glad that puberty changed you this way.”

“Well I’m certainly enjoying it.”

Two minutes later we were in the middle of the back lawn, I was pushing my pussy down on Mike’s face whilst taking his cock as far into my mouth as I could.

After post 69 euphoria I got up and dove into the pool. Surfacing I said that it could do with being little warmer but I started swimming around. It didn’t take long for me to realize that nude swimming is a very pleasant experience, especially if your pussy is still hyper sensitive after been eaten to an orgasm.

The water rushing passed my pussy and nipples was amazing.

Because of the temperature of the water I didn’t stay in the pool for long and when I got out Mike told me to look at my nipples and clit. All 3 were hard and as big as I’d ever seen them.

Then Mike told me that he’d checked the water heater and turned up the thermostat whilst I was swimming.

I ran inside and up to my room where I dried myself then went back downstairs to see what we were doing about some tea.

“Do you fancy opening the door to a delivery driver Simone?” Mike asked.

“Oh, I don’t know, I’m not going to put any clothes on.”

“I don’t expect you to and I’m hoping that you get as big a kick out of the experience as you are hoping for.”

“You’re the best bro.”

I did throw the front door wide open when the delivery guy arrived, then I invited him in to put them on the kitchen table letting him follow me to show him the way. My pussy was gushing all the time and Mike later told me that he could have hung his coat on my nipples. After he’d gone I got Mike to make me cum again with his tongue before we ate cold chicken, fries and drank warm cola.

“Do you think that I should see a shrink about what puberty has done to me Mike?” I later asked when we were relaxing on the sofa.

“It’s probably just a phase that you’re going through Simone. I suggest that you give it some time before talking to anyone about it, maybe 10 or 15 years.”

“I’ll be old and wrinkly by then.”

“You’ll be in the prime of your life and just as horny as you are right now Simone.”

“Do you fancy some desert after your chicken Mike?

“We haven’t got any, oh, I see, spread those legs girl.”

Mike licked and tongued my pussy to another orgasm and I gave him another blowjob before we decided that it was time for bed.

The next morning I woke up with my right hand on my pussy and it didn’t leave there until I’d given myself an orgasm as I thought about being naked in front of Mike’s friends. I’d left my bedroom door open and as I frigged myself I saw Mike standing in the doorway watching me. I just kept going.

When I went downstairs for some breakfast I was surprised to see Duncan and Luke already there. The 3 boys sat there drinking coffee. I was naked but for some reason I wasn’t at all embarrassed and I just stood there with my arms by my sides.

“Morning Simone,” Duncan said, “was that a good cum we heard?”

“You heard me?”

“Half the street heard you Simone.” Luke added.

“Oh, okay, yes it was actually.”

“Can you rub another one out for us?”

“I’m going to have some breakfast and a shower before I do anything else.”

All 3 boys watched me as I prepared my breakfast then sat and ate it.

“So Simone,” Duncan said, “you’ve decided that you like showing your naked body to people?”

“Yes, since I had my first period it’s all that I can think of.”

“Well you’re doing a good job at school, we saw you sat on the steps and we’ve heard about your gym performance.” Duncan said.

“And those skirts are the talk of the school as well.” Luke added.

“I’ve got 2 shorter ones that I’ll be wearing next week.”

“Jeez Simone, you like putting it out on display.” Luke said, “half the school must have seen you pussy and clit by now.”

“I don’t care, I like people seeing me.”

“That’s obvious.” Duncan said, “I’m just surprised that none of the teachers have said anything.”

“So am I, but when I’m just stood there you can’t see anything unless you get down on the floor in front of me and I can’t see any teacher doing that, can you? And anything else is just an accident, I don’t go out there intending to flash anyone.”

Mike nearly choked on his coffee.

“Well apart from Mr. Wilson and Mr. Harvey.”

“And on the steps at lunchtime.” Mike added.

“It’s not my fault that the school doesn’t provide proper seats in the playground for people to sit on.”

“And in PE lessons, we’ve all heard about you in PE.” Duncan added.

“It’s not my fault that we had to do cartwheels and handstands. Is the PE teacher supposed to tell us that any girls wearing a skirt and no knickers are exempt from any activity that might flash their pussies? That would be some sort of discrimination.”

“You’ve got it all worked out haven’t you Simone?” Duncan asked.

“No, but I’m trying.”

“Well we’ll help you as much as we can,” Luke said, “we like seeing knickerless girls.”

“Do you like seeing topless girls as well?” I asked as I pushed my arms back so that my tiny tits were pushed forwards.

“When they’ve got big nipples like yours Simone.” Duncan added.

“They’re too small.” I replied.

“You’re nipples aren’t, they’re huge compared with most girls, and your tits are probably still growing, a month ago you had a flat chest and now I bet they could fill my hands.”

“They’re still small.”

“Hey girl, most men like small tits just as much as big tits. Hell, a lot of guys don’t like big tits, anything over a handful is a waste.” Luke said.

“Thanks Luke. I’m going for a shower now.”

“Can we come and watch?” Duncan asked.

“I guess so, but I’m going to have a pee and a shit as well.”

“That’s okay.” Duncan replied. “We can watch you doing those as well.”

As I cleared up then went upstairs I realised that all through the conversation Mike was smiling, I hoped that he was proud of his little sister.

The 3 guys did follow me into the bathroom. It was a good job that the room was big enough for 4 people.

As I sat on the toilet I guess that I was a little embarrassed, not that I was having a pee and a shit, but because they watched me wiping my butt.

I washed my hands and cleaned my teeth then climbed into the shower and left the curtain open.

“So are you going to rub one out for us Simone?” Duncan asked.

I looked at them then spread my legs as far as I could in the limited space then started rubbing my pussy.

“That’s one hell of a clit that you’ve got there Simone?” Duncan said. “Is all of it sensitive or just the tip?”

“When I’m feeling horny all of it is.” I replied.

“You should get one of those magic wand things that vibrate the hell out of you.” Luke said, “My sister has one and she says that they are totally awesome.”

“You’ve watched her use it?” Duncan asked.

“No, she won’t let me watch but she says that it’s the best thing that she’s ever bought.”

I made a mental note to google ‘magic wand’, then I got down to some serious masturbation for the guys.

One orgasm, from a girl who wasn’t at all embarrassed by the situation, later, I re-soaped my pussy then rinsed off. Mike passed me a towel and I dried myself whilst the 3 guys watched.

As I put the towel in the hamper I asked the guys what they were going to do all day. Luke replied,

“Well we had intended to play some computer games but once Mike told us that you were going to be naked all day we scrapped those plans.”

“So are you just planning on staring me all day?”

“Would that bother you Simone?” Luke asked.

“No, but you might get a bit bored, if the sun stays out and it gets warm I’m going to swim and sunbathe.”

“We were hoping that you might give us a blowjob,” Duncan said, “and let us eat your pussy.”

“If you’re nice to me I might, but you’re not going to fuck me. I’m saving that for a special br, err person.”

“The lucky bastard, I bet that your pussy is real tight.” Duncan added.

“Probably, it hasn’t had anything as big as a cock inside it yet.”

“Well relax Simone, none of us is going to rape you.” Luke said.

“I’m pleased to hear that, because if you did...”

“Relax Sis,” Mike said, “Your virginity will still be intact when these morons go home.”

“Okay guys, who’s for a morning swim?”

With that I walked out of the house and to the pool with the 3 guys following me but some distance behind me. I dove in feeling that nice rush of water on my pussy, A pussy that seems to be swollen and very sensitive all the time these days.

I surfaced and looked around for the 3 guys. All 3 were stood on the side of the pool just staring at me.

“Come on guys, the water’s great. There’s a prize for the first one of you who gets naked and dives in.”

“What’s the prize?” Duncan asked.

“The first one can stick his fingers in my pussy.”

Mike was the first to break the surface of the water and when he surfaced next to me his right hand was cupping my pussy.

“Are you sure that you want me to do this Sis. It’ll break your hymen and you won’t be a virgin any more.”

“I’ll still be a cock virgin, and besides, I’m pretty sure that my hymen got broken when I pushed the first tampon in. I certainly felt a sharp pain.”

I gasped as Mike’s finger penetrated my vagina.

I let Mike finger fuck me for a few seconds then told him to stop. When his finger withdrew I pushed myself away from him, my face looking at Luke and Duncan.

“Can I do that to you?” Duncan asked.

“You should have stripped and got in the pool first Duncan, but you do have a nice cock, is it that hard all the time?”

“Only when I’m around you Simone.”

“Ooow, a smooth talker as well. By the way Luke, you have a nice cock as well. Can one of you go and get a plastic football them we can play a game.”

“Of what?” Luke asked whilst Mike was getting out of the pool.

I watched Mike’s butt as he walked in then said,

“Tag or pig-in-the-middle, or whatever you like.”

“How about tweak the nipple or tweak the clit.” Duncan said, “they both sound like good games and your clit is certainly big enough.”

“You hurt my clit and I’ll squeeze your balls so hard that they’ll burst.”

“Steady on girl, none of us would deliberately hurt you, we’re just not like that.”


Mike returned with a ball and soon it was getting passed around and whoever caught it had to pass it on before someone tagged them. All 3 of them seemed to be passing it to me a lot and my tits and pussy were soon getting grabbed. I was sure that all 3 of them had had a finger inside me at least once. Once one of them had fingered me grabbing the finger’s owner’s cock was fair game to me and I started grabbing the cocks, all 3 of them being hard.

Eventually everyone tired of the games, well the guys did, I was enjoying the attention, and we got out of the pool. I was disappointed that after getting dried, all 3 boys put their shorts on. I had been looking forward to seeing 3 cocks and 3 pairs of balls swinging around.

It was turning in to being a lovely, sunny day so I decided that I wanted to start a suntan. When I told the guys Mike said that he’d go and get the sunblock for me. Whilst he was away both Duncan and Luke offered to rub some on me. My pussy started tingling at the thought of their hands being on all parts of my body.

“You can both do it.” I said as I lay on a lounger, face down, and waited.

Mike must have had trouble finding the sunblock because it seemed like ages before he returned, Duncan saying that I had said that him and Luke could put some on me.

“Okay then guys, go for it and make sure that you cover all of her, and I mean ALL of her, capish?”

“I certainly do mate, are your ready for this Simone?” Duncan replied.

Listening to Mike I realised what he had just told his mates to do and my pussy had started getting wet in anticipation. I gasped a little as a big blob of the lotion hit my back. It was immediately followed by 2 hands spreading it about.

Knowing that the hands belonged to 2 boys that I didn’t know well, the fact that I was naked and that after doing my back they would be doing all of my front, roused me to the extent that my pussy and nipples were tingling something rotten. I really wanted to turn over right then and tell them to do my pussy first but I didn’t, I lay there with my eyes closed and managed to keep my moans to silent ones as I anticipated what was to come.

When the hands rubbed the lotion on my butt they spread my cheeks and my legs spread without me even thinking about it. The boys either didn’t realize that they were teasing me or they did, because I felt a hand slide down my butt crack and over my butt hole. I moaned out loud then both hands slid up the back and inner thighs and lightly touched my labia.

I moaned even louder.

The hands slid down the back of my legs then left me.

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